Saturday, January 16, 2016

Going Deeper: Capricorn Sun, Pluto, and Mercury

January is the month of reflection this year as both Mercury and Jupiter have entered their retrograde phases. Still under the influence of the New Moon in Capricorn, the   Sun  is at 25-26 degrees of Capricorn , and both Mercury and Pluto are also in this fixed, earthy sign. Time to reflect, grow deeper, and allow ourselves time to recover, rest, and reconfigure some of our plans and ways of perceiving and behaving. We look now to see what we’ve learned over the past year or so, and how that informs the way we are making plans and envisioning the future. 

Capricorn’s ruler, Saturn, the Great Teacher, helps us learn the value of patience. With Mercury transiting Capricorn, we are in the process of reviewing and reflecting on how our communication affects all areas of our lives, but particularly those areas ruled by and directly in alignment with those parts of our life/chart ruled by Capricorn. Part of this reflective process has to do with determining the our own power, resources,  and strength. We may also find out how resilient we are, and notice where in our lives we are being challenged to notice aspects of our development that need greater attention. 

On Saturday, January 16 the   Moon is in 20-21 degrees of Aries . The Moon in Aries forms the first quarter square, finding us noticing where we are meeting with obstacles, or where we are required to make adjustments to that which we initiated on the New Moon. Often New Moons signal a burst of energy and new movement in our lives. The Capricorn New Moon of January 9 however, reminded us to dig deeper, take better care of ourselves, and notice how we have changed. Our needs and desires need to be in alignment with the growth and learning that has taken place most recently. 

We need to discern how we are being called or challenged to incorporate this awareness into what we are creating, in how we are meeting challenges, and in what we are finally releasing in terms of old identity patterns and habits. Do you feel caught in limbo? Does it feel like you are spinning your wheels? Are you caught up in unfulfilled expectations or vague and unclear ideas about how to fulfill your dreams? Have you not been paying attention to all the signs pointing towards areas that must be addressed? This is the time to notice and to do that clearing our or cleaning up that might not have happened earlier. 

One practice that may help you understand better about how planetary transits, aspects and shifts affect you is by following the movement of the Moon. Notice what happens around the times when the Moon aspects your natal planets. For example, if you have a planet in the 12th house, and each month when the Moon opposes that planet, you might notice some patterns related to how you respond or react emotionally. This is a relatively simple transit to follow, and it’s one that seems to have such a powerful effect on us. Our emotional responses are so immediate and almost visceral, that we can use our observation of the moon cycles to signal some recurring patterns in our behavior and life cycles. 

Today, Saturday for instance, the Moon is in the late degrees of Aries. Soon the Moon will shift into Taurus, an earth sign. Notice how you feel over the next couple of days, and keep track of any changes, fluctuations, or differences. It might even help to keep a moon journal for a month, simply noting how each moon transit affects you. And be sure to also notice what happens when the Moon opposes or trines one of your planets or luminaries. 

With   Mercury  at 2 degrees of Capricorn in retrograde motion , the emphasis is on going back over what we started to bring into form a month or so ago. You may receive reminders of what was left undone, or of what the consequences for past choices and relationships are having on you now. It’s time to look within to determine what role you have played in the story you’re telling yourself about what has or has not worked out.  It’s crucial that you listen to the voice of your inner truth. This is not the time to spend justifying or rationalizing your feelings. If you do it with no one else, be scrupulously honest with yourself about what is true for you about the important relationships and choices in your life. 

Those who fail to learn from the past, are doomed to repeat it…So what do you still need to understand about how the life you are living is revealing the truth about what you have set up for yourself? If you have been consciously attempting to grow and learn, this should be in some ways, a surprising and rewarding time. If you have been blaming others or looking for excuses for why you have taken no steps on your own behalf, that will come home to roost for you now. Thoughts and words are energy. Pay attention to what you are sending out with those thoughts, especially the ones that you try to hide or ignore. Time to listen.  

And when you listen, make an effort to learn so you don’t keep making the same mistakes or wrong choices. It’s a time to allow yourself to mature spiritually. If you are still trying to deny the need or power of Spirit to guide and guard you through the choices you are making, this time should reveal where you need to spend less time trying to control things, and more time surrendering to that which is coming to help you grow in love, wisdom, and true connection. Listen for that which comes to show you direction toward living a purposeful life. Where are you needed? Where are you being called to  share your talents and gifts? How are you being urged to grow and deepen your skills, knowledge, and amply equip yourself for something beyond your own self interests. 

One piece of wisdom for maintaining optimum health and well being is “do your best and enjoy the rest”.  And by rest I mean taking time to slow down, recuperate, heal, and recharge. With   Venus  at 21 degrees of Sagittarius , you may have been pushing hard and feeling the powerful rush to get out and get going. You may have been  working overtime to create and actively bring into manifestation everything you want to do, now. This ramped up energy of Sagittarius needs to be harnessed and balanced out with an equal amount of time and energy focused on taking good care of yourself. Which habits are woking for you, which ones are draining your, causing you injury, or working against your optimum health? Make adjustments, and be willing to admit the areas where you have problems. Ignoring issues won’t make them go away. Overdoing is a key culprit of a misuse of energy during this transit.

As   Mars  is plunging deeper into  Scorpio  , now at 7 degrees, your passion for action is now moving underground, beneath the surface. In the depths of Scorpio where it is headed, Mars is seeking deeper meaning and purpose for any actions or strong push toward meeting goals. Deal with any issues related to health, finances, or any other area where suffering or lack is present. Reexamine attitudes and the strength of what it is you value. Take care of the basics that underpin your ability to function in a healthy and productive way. Again, rest is indicated. A slowing down is required in order to pay attention to the underlying sources of what motivates, fuels, and feeds you. 

Earlier this month,   Jupiter began its retrograde cycle, and is now at 23 degrees of Virgo  . This puts plans and opportunities on hold for a while, giving us time to consider what the gifts of new choices might be as well as what the costs might be. We use this time to weigh not only outcomes but also what will be required of our time, energy, resources. We also want to be well-prepared. We cannot have some things unless we are doing what it takes to prepare ourselves. Notice areas of resistance you may have now to getting more involved, or becoming better educated or trained? What have you got to lose, and why do you resist doing what is needed for you to follow a passionate desire? If you want to heal and serve others, what are you doing to equip yourself with all the tools you can get? Why are you selling yourself short, or remaining in a self-imposed holding pattern, waiting for something to happen? Jobs don’t drop from the sky, but opportunities come when you are putting energy in the direction fueled by desire. If you are out of touch with that passion or desire, spend some of this time feeding your soul, taking care of your health, enriching your mind, and building up the reserves you need to find a deeper, stronger place to live out your dreams.

The Great Teacher,   Saturn  is also in Sagittarius    at 12-13 degrees. The wisdom is now coming from within and all around. Pay attention to the wise ones who show up in your life now. Notice how the goats, the ones who use the available strength and resources to fuel their productivity, make the most of whatever is available to provide what is needed. Think of the tenacity and stick-to-it-iveness of those who work relentlessly and produce some of the healthiest and tastiest products. Goats are the archetypal, hardworking, tough, symbols of being adaptable and resilient. Pay attention to what fills you with the energy and spirit to move forward with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. Take some time and then take some chances. Step out into a new life after you have given yourself some time to reawaken and reignite the light within you.

The long-term   Uranus transit goes on with the planet at 16 -17 degrees of Aries . Notice what house your Natal Uranus is, and notice areas of your life that have been affected most by the surprises and shocking revelations and learnings that Uranus brings. With Uranus in the lightening and naive sign of Aries, the unrestrained and unfocused energy that comes through may be disconcerting and upsetting, but is also providing a test of patience, resilience, and adaptability.  In trine with Saturn in Sagittarius, something that we now learn or are challenged to face or cope with, may come as a gift from Uranus. Expecting the unexpected when there’s a trine or sextile, may mean receiving an unexpected gift or opportunity. In any area of life/chart that Uranus squares or opposes,, there may be a changes that are more apt to catch you off guard or challenge you to learn new ways of protecting yourself or responding to unsteady and unpredictable influences. 

The planet  Neptune  continues its long cycle through Pisces , now at 708 degrees. Neptune in Pisces is the  archetypal energy that heightens imagination, deepens subconscious, and unconscious responses,  clouds judgment,  and creates  both illusions and intuitive flashes. Notice when Neptune opposes the planets in Virgo or squares other aspects, as these are times when we meet with challenging and confusing. Neptune can also unlock deeper understanding, providing we don’t distort that understanding through the abuse of substances or patterns of thought that prevent us from dealing with the discomfort that sometimes comes along with greater awareness, growth, and development. Neptune’s growing edge is  greater awareness and a growing reliance on healthy and creative outlets for subconscious turmoil and rumblings. Neptune can be a muse, if we don’t use its gifts to undermine or discount our talents and resources, and our personal strength. Failing to see where we are out of line or downright wrong, is not a gift; it’s a hindrance to growth. Be willing to see how you are blocking your own good.

The Great Transformer  Pluto  is at 15-16 degrees of Capricorn  , halfway through another long cycle by this outer planet. Pluto is bulldozing its way through the area life it now transits, and by now we are aware of how that is affecting us. We are also aware of how we are either fighting against the tides of transformation, or moving with the uneven and sometimes disruptive flow of change. Change is at the heart of life, and with Capricorn’s transit in your life, you surely know that the change takes place at the most basic level of your identity and being. While the Sun and Mercury have been making aspects to P
luto, we have seen both our emotional lives and our full expression of self in the world evolving and bringing out that which is at the very heart of who we are. Some see us, recognize, and know us as we are; others see us, and are threatened or put off by some element of our basic nature. What matters most though, is that it is a time for us to recognize and remember who we are.

The gateway to the future, the   North Node is at  23 -24 degrees of   now. This is point in your life that reveals where change is most likely taking place. And in Virgo, it is at the point where you are working hardest to make change visible, and to bring ideas into the full expression of their depth and meaning. Where are you preparing to make major changes or turn into a new direction? What have you moved beyond, and what are you moving towards? How are you preparing and maintaining your optimum health and inner directedness? Where you you still carry baggage from the past, and how is is serving or slowing you down?  What are you learning to assist you with your new path? It’s a pretty exciting time, for often what we have dreamed of for years, is now coming into fruition or manifesting. It’s a bit of a magical time because we are quite literally seeing the fruits of our efforts, and are being called to a renew an older interest or gift, and to begin anew with the gifts from our recent changes and transformations. 

The Wounded Healer,   Chiron is at 18 degrees of Pisces  . As it has formed a series of oppositions to Capricorn this month, we have been reminded of how we are called to healing through our own intention to heal from old wounds. What has happened in the past, is the material for bringing about growth, reconciliation, new connections, and improved ways of perceiving and doing what we do to serve others. 

January is indeed a month of reconciliation, renewal, and rebirth. It is also a time when we can rest awhile longer, in preparation for a more dynamic year than we might have had in quite some time. Don’t get caught up feeling you’re not doing enough or don’t have enough or are getting enough done. Use the time to regroup, nourish yourself, and discern what the signs and messages of your dreams and interactions are pointing you towards. Happy New Year, and find some time to be at peace within. Determine now how you want to use your time, energy, resources, and talents, and avoid overextending or creating distractions to what you need to focus on if you are going to move forward with the goals you’ve set for yourself. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sending me this! Funny coincidence? I am working on a painting of white tulips...
