Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Venus entering Virgo, Mercury Turning Direct: Moving On

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As of Wednesday, the 7th of October, the planets are in the following aspects:

 As of 18:32 UT/GMT

   The  Sun   us at  14/10'12"    of Libra

   The Moon   is in  17/21'13"   of Leo

    Mercury is at     1/12'24"retrograde, on the last day of its retrograde phase.
  Venus   is at the anaretic degree of  29/13'21"  of Leo. The anaretic degree/last degree is a crucial    point in a transit. It signifies the closing of a door or the completion of something.
   Mars    is at 7/54' 6"   of Virgo.
   Jupiter   is at  12/12'40" of Virgo.
   Saturn     is at  1/36'31"  of Sagittarious.
    Uranus  is at   18/41' 0"retrograde   in Aries

    Neptune  is at   7/29' 0"retrograde  in Pisces.

    Pluto  is at   13/0'51"  of Capricorn

    North Node is at  0/59'23"   Libra.

    Chiron    is at  18/4'57"retrograde of Pisce

As of Wednesday, October 7 we sit on the precipice of some major changes. Venus is in the final degree of her transit through Leo, urging us or pushing us to let go and move on from whatever has become dead weight in our experiences. Hanging on for dear life only counts when you are actually hanging over a cliff and want to keep yourself from falling. When it comes to moving on in your own life and with the natural flow of your own growth and development, letting go is necessary in order to make the necessary transitions. We’ve all heard the metaphors of carrying around baggage from the past, and so if you must, take one last look at what you are releasing, shed some tears, and work through what grief you can, and then take a fresh breath, get a good night’s sleep, and prepare to start anew.

After such a difficult time when we have been going over past transgressions, mistakes, and poor choices, we may have been neglecting our self care.  Rather than continuing to get the attention you seek from others, Venus’s move into Virgo pushes you to renew your interest in taking care of yourself. Take care of the details of your life, particularly in the area of life where Venus dwells in your natal chart and where she is transiting beginning Oct. 8. Venus in Virgo brings us great satisfaction in doing what is good and right for us. After some of the self-flagellation that may have been going on just a bit too publicly, we now feel more at home in our own skin.  We appreciate a slower, less robust kind of activity, and now settle into more comfortable, healthy routines and patterns in the way we live, create, and connect to that which we find beautiful within ourselves and our environment.  From Oct. 8 until November 9, Venus makes her Virgo transit. 

On Wednesday, the day before Venus changes signs, she forms a semi-square to the Sun in Libra. This may manifest with an edginess or irritation with others (really a reflection of the irritation we feel within ourselves). Rely at this time on your spiritual practices and mindfulness to direct your energy into more constructive or less damaging channels.

While Venus has been completing her transit through Leo, Mercury has been in its retrograde phase. On the day after  Venus changes signs, Mercury turns direct. Since Mercury is an inner, fast-moving planet, this change can be felt almost immediately. Avoid expecting everything to suddenly be clear as a bell though.  Mercury’s retrograde cycles take us back over territory which we need to revisit. Take some time to note what you have learned by the most recent of the regular retrograde cycles of Mercury transiting. The shadow period of Mercury lasts until Oct. 24 so you may need this time to sort out anything left undone or unexamined. On Oct. 9 when Mercury goes direct, it does so in the 1st degree of Libra, the decan ruled by Leo. We’ve had a double dose of Leo energy, and things may still seem a little dramatic and full of flourishes and drama.  Begin stepping back from that kind of energy, use your health care regime to bring some order and grounding into your life, and avoid dwelling on the past and that that has dropped away from your life.

With Venus in Virgo we find that we can only do so much to find resolution or completion; at a certain point we need to move ahead and direct our attention in more reliable and constructive channels. We become more sensible and pragmatic when we deal with issues of relationships, love, and creativity. Instead of dwelling in fantasy or remote ideals or over-inflated expectations, we are more aware of how love is shown not spoken. Through simple, daily tasks, we learn to give and receive love in a way that genuinely meets our needs and the needs of those with whom we connect. We no longer seek to remold or remake ourselves into some image of what someone else desires or expects. We recognize who we are on a very basic level, and we begin to honor our own basic needs again.

Late Wednesday night Venus in the last degree of Leo forms its semi-square to the Sun in Libra. This may awaken the uneasiness and irritation you feel inside. Notice if you are projecting this out onto others or to situations which have no real connection to your life. Awaken to what is stirring within, and give yourself permission to say good-bye, cut the ties, change direction, or simply set a situation aside. Stop squandering energy, time, and resources on what is not receptive or appreciative of your attempts and efforts. Give yourself credit for being able to take care of yourself now.

During the night on Thursday morning Mars in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces creating some confusion, disjointedness and/or a sense of feeling lost and in a haze. This kind of energy calls us to take some time off from regular routines to get the proper rest, exercise, and care of ourselves. We may need time alone to sort things out. Avoid having to deal with anything that requires focus on organization or detail. The sense that we are spinning our wheels may give rise to an aggressive type of energy that can be directed outwardly at others or inwardly at oneself. Avoid either, and instead notice what the obsessions seem to be connected to. What is there to fear? What needs to be done? What is not moving fast enough? What is out of whack? Begin by naming what the emotions are, and then notice how you have already begun to deal with situations.

The Moon changes sign early on Thursday, from Leo to Virgo.  Emotionally this helps us feel the immediate relief of the Virgo transit of Venus as well. We feel settled even as the Moon and Venus make some rather harsh aspects with Saturn (lessons yet to be learned and challenges in achieving our goals) and Uranus in Aries ( unexpected actions, messages, or surprising comings and goings). This last aspect which occurs late Thursday night could be a relief in some way. And it could also indicate that something from the past comes up and reminds you of the reality of something you might have romanticized or idealized. Know you have done your best, and move on.

On Friday when Venus forms a square to Saturn in Sagittarius, and on Saturday when the Sun in Libra forms a  semi-square to Saturn, we become very aware of what we need, what we want, and what we do not have. We get in touch with a strong level of dissatisfaction in any area where we have not found what we are looking for. As Saturn, the Great Teacher aligns with Venus the Goddess of Love and Relationships, and the Sun, the bearer of the gifts related to harmony, balance, love, relationships and beauty, we can expect to do some deep soul searching.

At the very least, we will become of aware in a more visceral way of just where in our life we are missing connection. Rather than going down with the ship (emotional and mental despair) we need to see how this is speaking to what needs to be addressed now.  We not where certain patterns, relationships, habits we have gotten into especially in trying to take care of others, has drained us of our essential life force and health. Taking care of ourselves is essential to do the work that lies ahead.  Whatever challenges arise at this time, are simply meant to remind you of what you do not need. As long as we hold on, we keep ourselves trapped in the past.

As the week ends with shifts in direction of Mercury and a change of signs with Venus, we may be best served to take some time out to rethink our daily activities and routines. Build in some ways to get more exercise. Consider adding a new routine or changing the time of day you do an activity. Take advantage of the morning sun by fitting in a morning walk. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we need to increase our daily dose of Vitamin D by taking morning walks. Even a short, 20-minute walk can be beneficial and healthy. It can also be motivating. Time to change our habits. Get the office reconfigured to take advantage of the changes in light. Change things up a bit to get a sense of feeling invigorated regularly.  Clean out the fridge and add some fresh foods to your diet. Fix a big pot of vegetable stew, and bake a loaf of home-made, whole grain bread. Start taking care of yourself, and treat yourself as a guest in your life. Accept nothing in your life that isn’t life-affirming and life-giving.

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