Sunday, July 12, 2015

New Moon in Cancer

This weekend, we have experienced the lunar phase called the Dark of the Moon, and this evening we experience the square between the Sun in Cancer and Uranus in Aries, a potent aspect affecting us in sudden, shocking, and surprising ways. The Moon is in the last few days of Gemini, the same sign of this month’s earlier lunar cycle. The square brings us anything but a predictable life. Expect the unexpected, and be prepared to be shaken to our foundations.  However we are used to coping with upsets, may not work at this time. It is essential that we remain adaptable and flexible. Whatever changes to our routines or disruptions of our way of life occur at this time, we will feel that we are grasping for ways to act on our own behalf, to improve our quality of life.

Since both the Sun and Uranus have been moving into this alignment for a few days now, the peak may serve to bring us down to earth or shake us up just enough to remind us that we cannot predict everything nor can we control for all possibilities. When we are faced with upsets, challenges, or unwelcome surprises or changes, we need to above all else, remain calm. It is best to take your time in discerning how to handle changes, and to think carefully before acting. Sudden and  thoughtless acts are to be avoided at all costs now. Slow down. Take time off or take time to rest. Avoid overdoing or pushing pass your personal limits.  Health, safety, and long-term well being are at risk if caution isn’t taken to take care of your health.

In the early morning on January 13 (5:09 A.M. PDT) Mercury  at 14/11 Cancer forms a semi-square to Jupiter at 24/29 Leo. This stimulating aspect may find some of us waking up with a monkey mind, full of ideas, fears, plans, or lists of things that feel urgent and/or neglected. Avoid starting off the day by letting this energy knock you off center. Instead, make a careful list of what need to be done, spend some time in meditation and prayer, and get out and take an early morning walk to help calm yourself down and to gain some perspective for the day and week ahead. Restlessness is one manifestation of Mercury’s semi-square to Jupiter. Wishful thinking or elaborate pipe dreams carry this energy off on a lot of mental and physical tangents. Give yourself some space and time to let some of this energy out.

Around noon on Monday, Mercury in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces. This leads to a lot of time spent day-dreaming, fantasizing, and imagniative thinking. This can be a useful time for brainstorming or creative and artistic work.   Sometime in the evening the Sun in Cancer trines Chiron in Pisces, opening our hearts, minds, and spirits to healing that takes place when we come to understand some of what our wounds and and challenges have brought to us as gifts for growth and fulfillment.

Late Monday night on the West Coast and later in the evening further East, Venus  in the anaretic degree  (29th) of Leo forms a square to Saturn in 28 degrees retrograde of Scorpio. This brings something from the past to a head, to its final stages, or to its completion or end. Wherever this aspect occurs in your chart, look to see what is making its last dying breath in some way. What is over, not only in a superficial or surface way, but also in a very real and final emotional and spiritual way. Observe the dreams that occur this night as you may receive some definitive or enlightening answers to questions you have been trying to resolve lately.  Notice where emotional distance, lack of affection or caring, or cold, calculating attitudes are wreaking havoc on your emotional and personal happiness. Treat yourself with tenderness, and avoid difficult, demanding, or one-sided relationships that drain or harm you.

Also on Wednesday, Mars in Gemini forms a seisquiquadrant to Saturn in Scorpio. When Mars, the planet of action comes up against Saturn, the plodding Great Teacher, we are called on to handle whatever needs handling and to do so in a way that is well thought out and solid. What might seem like resistance is a reminder that whatever long-term changes and transitions are taking place in our lives, demand that change be grounded in solid, steady, and constant intention and sound thinking. It may feel like you are podding through a lot of muck and mire to get even simple things done at this time.

On Wednesday Venus forms a semi-square to Mars in the morning.  Some touchiness and emotional edginess may arise with this aspect. The desire to live peacefully and with a sense of beauty and fairness rubs up against the need and desire to get things done. Tension in or about relationships is likely. This happens at about the same time that Mars in Gemini is coming into opposition with Pluto, in Capricorn—another combination that is fraught with impatience and a sense of urgency while being stalled or hampered in efforts to move forward. This opposition is sure to find you in power struggles and battles for position, authority, or respect.  Notice how this energy fits your own patterns, and see if you can use the energy to discern how you need to develop and grow in some way.

The New Lunar cycle in Cancer is a time when we awaken to our security needs and to that which makes us feel at home, safe, comfortable, and fulfilled with our lives.  At this New Moon, it is a good time to honor that which grounds us and lifts us at the same time. How does our lifestyle, our beliefs and practices, and our perspectives and values reflect our highest good? How do we serve and love those in our care and community? In what ways are we drawing to us that which allows us to love and be loved in return? What brings us peace and the sense of being at home with ourselves? On this New Moon in Cancer, set your intentions on that which nourishes, feeds, honors, and provides you with a true sense of home.

Wednesday, July 15 at 6:24 P.M./PDT marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle when the Moon enters Cancer. The New Moon occurs at 23/14 of the water sign, Cancer, one of the four cardinal points on the Zodiac. Anyone with planets, the Sun, the Moon, or aspects between 20-26 degrees of the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, will feel the influence of this moon strongly.

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