Sunday, October 26, 2014

Mars enters Capricorn, Mercury direct-time to get down to business

This Thursday, on October 30 we oberve the  First Quarter Square of the Moon at 7/36 Aquarius to the Sun. At the same degree in Scorpio, this square challenges and shakes us a bit. Notice early in the week, the signs, snags, or issues that might need to be addressed. Forewarned is forearmed.  Our emotional responses to how we are relating to others, makes us feel like we need to make some changes. The week begins with a release of pent up energy with the movement forward already of Mercury (still in Libra), and the entry of Mars into grounded Capricorn. After a period of a great deal of ideas, activities, and movement, we settle down to take care of the work at hand. 

In the middle of the night on Sunday, October 26, the Moon shifts from its transit through Scorpio to Sagittarius. We may wake up feeling ready to go after feeling the need for deep reflection and rest while the Scorpio Moon and Sun sent us deep within over the last few days. 

Mars enters Capricorn. Adding to the energy and excitement is Mars’ entry into Capricorn early Sunday morning. Mars, grounded in Capricorn, is rooting us in solid, sound, deliberate, and consistent energy as we consider how we use and apply ourselves in areas that are important to us. Use this time to consider how best to use resources, time, energy, and talents. Consider ways to surmount obstacles, garner support and seek ways to honor and respect reliable allies. Use the world around you as a source for signs and symbols to show you the way forward. Avoid being too rigid or closed minded. Another  shadow aspect of Mars in Capricorn is the tendency to allow anger to turn cold.   Mars  will move into aspect with Pluto in Capricorn between October 26 and December 4, and this will lend powerful energy to actions you have been wanting to take or projects you have been hoping to complete. Despite needing to watch the shadow aspects of Mars in Capricorn, this transit releases a great deal of pent up energy. We feel freer to move forward, to take steps, and to get moving in areas undergoing transformation in our lives. Look to see where Capricorn is in your chart, and notice how this transit affects you.
Mars can be a good teacher. When we learn to pick up on Mars’ energy in our lives, and to the different moods it takes in its transits, we learn a great deal about how our own energy patterns work. We learn how to tune into the different temperaments, tones, and trends that energize us and the world around us. Pay attention to how your energy shifts and changes over the next two months, and see what you notice.

Venus conjunct the Sun in Scorpio for the remainder of the weekend. We are singularly connected to our deepest passions at this time. In touch with what require for fulfillment and purpose, we feel driven on a soul level. If feeling thwarted in any way, our passion transform into jealousy, possessiveness, or compulsive behavior. On Friday, October 2, Mercury turned direct, as the Sun formed this  conjunction with Venus in Scorpio. Much is going on behind the scenes and under the surface. For the most part, we feel a rosy sense of warmth and compassion toward one another. We feel this for ourselves as well, and are better at taking care of ourselves and tending to our personal needs at this time. Feeling affectionate? Feeling the need to reach out and connect to loved ones? Now more than usual, we feel this urge.

Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces on Monday, October 27. Our fantasy life and our imagination are highly activated. Creativity, artistry, and intuitive visions activate us. Getting caught up in illusive and imaginary play can also flow out into artwork and creativity, through movement, dance, and song, or in the rhythm of poetry, prose.  It is important to have an outlet for this energy. Directing, discerning, and shaping energy now flows into a myriad of different channels. Tuesday is another good day for getting together with others to share this romantic and creative energy. Our longing is to be with those we share a soul connection and similar vibratory level. This is a good time to be open and receptive to healing energy. Good time for energy work, meditation, Reiki, prayer, massage, body-mind-spirit kinds of therapies and health-enhancing activities. Be surrounded by beauty―by the river or sea, in the mountains or garden, at the museum or art gallery, at the potter’s wheel or easel―wherever we can find and create beauty. 
Not only do we long to be surrounded and engaged in beauty, we see the beauty in ourselves and others more readily.  A good time for feeling good, doing good, and acknowledging the good in others. Letting go of pressure and stress, we take greater delight in those who bless our lives. 

Early Tuesday, October 18, the Sun in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces. We feel tuned into life and love right now. Trusting intuition, dreams, and hunches pays off for us. Entering into the flow of love, compassion, service, and joy, we give and receive without hesitation. Tending our gardens, taking care of our personal needs, and honoring our commitments are all part and parcel of being in the flow of this intuitive, emotional, insightful, and creative energy. Rather than trying to change everything and everyone, it is a time to find great beauty in differences, compassion and understanding in challenges, and direction and meaning in the routines and obstacles on our paths. 

On Wednesday, the Moon in Capricorn forms a conjunction with Pluto. Insight, information, clarification, and problem solving lead to a more grounded emotional climate, personally and collectively. The waxing light of the Moon illuminates the areas within us that need to be grounded, rooted. We find a place of peace and serenity within the everyday, habitual tasks and thoughts that form our reality.

Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces on Thursday, October 30. Mars activates  imagination, dreams, ideals, and thoughts and memories. We bring thought into action. We begin moving forward, and with greater awareness of how what we do affects and touches others. Time for trusting our senses and intuitive understanding of how compassion, tolerance, understanding, and affirmation create greater outcomes. 

On Thursday, October 30, with the squaring of the Moon and the Sun, our emotional needs are focused in one area, while the rest of us is in another. We find it hard to find a place of emotional balance or peace.  

On Halloween, Friday, October 31, Venus in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn as the first quarter square activates movement and strong connections with family, tribe, or whatever group we identify with soulfully. Time to release residual energy connected to past events, thoughts, feelings, or changes. It is time to go beneath the surface issues that distract and plague our lives, to reconnect with what feeds, nourishes, protects, and honors our being.  Mercury forms an edgy sesiquiquadrate to Neptune on Halloween, clouding our thinking and generally making communications prone to glitches and lapses in memory. 

On All Saints Day, November 1, Saturday, Mercury forms a sextile to Jupiter. Not only does Daylight Savings Time end in the U.S.―giving us an extra hour of sleep―but also we wake feeling ready to enjoy life and count our blessings. Time for short trips, time together with friends, and participating in classes, workshops, retreats, or other learning and uplifting experiences. It just may one of those Autumn days when you know, without a doubt, why you are here, where you are headed, and what blessings your life is. In the evening, Venus sextiles Pluto, bringing some reward or financial opportunity. We are infused with joy, confidence, and purpose. Shortly afterward, Mars sextiles Neptune, giving us what we need to use our newfound energy, confidence, and support to put our creative ideas and dreams into action. A meaningful, purposeful, and enlightening week which also includes movement, affirmation, and a sense of completion or fulfillment. 

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