Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Mars enters Sagittarius, Moon in Cancer: Movement, Action, and Peace within

As this article is going to press, the current planetary, solar, and lunar alignments include the following:

Sun 23/43 Virgo
Moon  0/32 Cancer (third quarter square Mon.; dark of the moon later in the week)
Mercury  19/30 Libra
Venus 13/35 Virgo
Mars 1/51 Sagittarius
Jupiter 13/18 Leo
Saturn 19/12 Scorpio
Uranus 15/20 Aries, retro.
Neptune 5/41 Pisces, retro.
Pluto 11/0 Capricorn, retro.
North Node, 19/31 Libra, retro.
Chiron, 14/9 Pisces, retro. 

On Monday, we experienced the Last Quarter Square of the Moon in Gemini to the Sun in Virgo, a time when we are sorting out what is still blocking or challenging us as we seek greater fulfillment, harmony, and freedom. At the time of the Full Moon our awareness was heightened, and our experiences made clear what dreams still await fulfillment, and what ideas are growing to manifestation. When the New Moon coincides with the Autumn Equinox later this month, we want to be ready to set our sails in new directions. The third quarter or last quarter square occurs at 23/8 degrees of Gemini/Virgo, affecting all of us in those areas of our lives/charts. It does, however, affect those of us with planets and aspects in Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) between 21-25 degrees. Those with key aspects in these areas may be feeling even more anxious, motivated, edgy, and raring to make major changes at this time. The pressure is on to eliminate or at the very least, deal with whatever seems to be standing in the way of movement, deeper connections, and fulfillment of personal/professional desires. 

The Sun in Virgo in the last decan (between 20-30 degrees), focuses us on putting the finishing touches on plans, projects, and decisions that we hope to enact soon. On September 13, Mars made a grand entrance into Sagittarius, opening the curtain on a whole new act. Over this past weekend, you may have experienced some amazing and surprising events, meetings, encounters, or changes. If you didn’t meet someone interesting, you may have had some surprising and colorful dreams, become aware of some shockingly different ideas and conceptions about yourself or the world in which you have been living, or you may have just become ever so much more aware of that which is no longer alive and the longing to let go of anything that stands in the way of appreciating, experiencing, and enjoying life. Mars in Sagittarius awakens the energy within us that hates routine, and which feels restless and edgy when feeling trapped in experiences from the past or roles that no longer fit. Mars, the planet of action, adventure, and movement, stirs us up. In fact, the energy of Mar in Sagittarius after its sojourn through the depths of Scorpio, longs to act with immediacy, plunging us into new projects, decisions, or activities without taking into account what will be needed for the entire length of the project. If you are starting a new project, you want to build in ways to monitor your all your resources so as to not overextend yourself, or get overwhelmed with too much. Take the good ideas that are bubbling up and calling for movement, and spend some time making some practical, realistic plans and  task goals.

Just as I began writing this article this morning, the Moon entered her three-day transit through Cancer. We feel a greater sense of peace and calm, and now are able to focus on making ourselves feel at home where we are. Our needs for the next few days focus on creating a safe, secure, and homey environment for ourselves and those we love. If we are in need of rest and retreat, this is the perfect time to seek this out. Making the first pot of chicken vegetable soup of the summer, and feeling more like getting ready to settle into the approaching Autumnal season. When we use this time to relax, refresh ourselves, and recover our strength, health, energy, and sense of presence and calm, we do a great deal to take care of ourselves as we move into the Dark of the Moon before next week’s New Moon in Libra. Now is the time to settle back into a more meditative state of mind. Rather than rushing about to act on ideas, desires, or decisions, sit with whatever is going on and simply allow things to unfold around you. After having invested a great deal of energy, or exerting ourselves in major projects and movement, it is now time to simply with with what is. What you need, you will see, now comes to you effortlessly. What you have sent out, now returns with blessings, and there is really no need for you to exert yourself much more at this time. If you are returning to a busy schedule, take your time with anything you want to do now. With normal routines, pace yourself, and build in ways to rest and recuperate, and back off on accepting more responsibilities. You probably have more than enough to do already. 

Again, over the weekend, after Mars entered Sagittarius on Saturday, our feelings may have become more impassioned and deep. When we woke up on Sunday morning, the Venus trine to Pluto seemed to tap right into our heart strings, reminding us of what it is that we need in order to feel whole, loved, and fulfilled. On all levels, body, mind, heart, and soul, we were reminded of what it is that transforms our lives and enables us to experience deeper fulfillment in all areas. We may also feel that prayers have been answered, or a spiritual depth has been opened that calls for us to live more authentically and fully. Whatever it is that we need to transform as human and spiritual beings, is being highlighted for us now, and we cannot fail to see and then act on that as we move forward in our lives. Once the door has been opened, we cannot feign ignorance or settle for the safe, familiar habitual trap we might be in.

On Monday and Tuesday, the big focus will be on the Moon in Cancer’s focus on security, safety, and on our need to make our homes havens and places where we can nurture and be nurtured.  Now is a time for removing ourselves from the hubbub (as workers outside are banging, pounding, and bantering back and forth) going on around us.  Late Tuesday night on the West Coast (around 12:48 on  Wednesday morning the East Coast of the US), Mercury forms a seisquiqudrate with Neptune in Pisces. We may feel tired, confused, or simply unable to mentally process the emotional and intellectual turmoil that is brewing at this time. Not a great time for clarity or agreement, so avoid picking fights with yourself or anyone else. Recognize that when you are in Neptune’s domain, mentally or emotionally, the best way to handle illusion, confusion, or emotional turmoil and spiritual angst is to do what you can to lift your spirits. Avoid using substances to ‘treat’ this experience. Avoid all addictive and drug-related experiences particularly when Mercury is in aspect with Neptune. Use your spiritual practices. Listen to uplifting music. Write some poetry, or dance around the house. Go for a nice walk outside,and let the cool night air relax you. Find ways to connect to your own inner peace. Take a relaxing bath. Drink a warm cup of cocoa or herbal tea. Be grateful for what is good in your life, and practice breathing. 

Later that same night, Venus comes into opposition to Chiron in Pisces. This reminds us of where our disappointments in relationships are centered. While most of us will be asleep (so perhaps our dreams will reflect this), we are still in tune with this energy, and we process this on some level even when asleep. Our minds do not sleep, and dreams and intuition are fed by this energy. Notice what is in your dreams and what is on your mind when you wake up. Notice whether or not you may have discovered some hidden gift in the heart of your own woundedness around love and relationships. What have you learned from heartache that now serves you and reminds you of who you are and what you need? What one small step or action can you take to move in a direction of finding and creating deeper fulfillment in love? How can your relationships grow, heal, mend, or change? Notice how your insecurities “talk” to you about your need for love and your own feelings.  What are you doing to sabotage your own happiness? What are you settling for, and what needs to change in order for you to be living the authentic life you long for? What is stopping you? Whether anything changes in your life, is up to you. You have no control over how others act, respond, or think, but you do have control over your own feelings, actions, and choices. What is the prime motivation for you in seeking and maintaining relationships? What needs to change, if anything, and what can you do to act to live a more healthy, happy life?

These questions may be paramount on your mind and heart most of the day, and by evening when Venus forms a quincunx to Uranus in Aries, you may be ready to take a step in a new direction. Questions of intimacy vs freedom arise. The unhealed way of dealing with this is to go on a bender- spending time, energy, money, and your affections trying to avoid facing the truth of what needs to change. Those of us who move the furniture in the middle of the night are familiar with this method of avoiding changing on the inside. When change is imminent, we may make a lot of cosmetic changes as we change into a new person inside. What will give you greater clarity? What is freeing and pleasurable for you? Notice what the questions that arise now tell you about who you are, what you need, and what you need to do to open the doors for greater love and fulfillment in relationships?

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