Monday, September 9, 2013

Seeking Calm amid Shifting Energy: Mercury in Leo, Venus in Scorpio

Waxing Moon                                                                                                                                         Catherine Al-Meten
Rainer Maria Rilke, in Letters to a Young Poet, wrote, “Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your in the question.”   This week we may learn a great deal about how to live in the question as transits and movement of planets and the Moon connect us to the energy of feeling the need to ‘fix’ everything while learning to become more aware of our inner voice and living in the fullness of living in the moment, this moment. We are moving into a time when we are feeling the need to do, act, and move (Mars in Leo), and yet we are not ready. What we need is greater awareness, of ourselves first, and then how our actions, perceptions, and beliefs affect our relationships with others. We need to focus strongly to build and perpetuate inner peace and outer harmony in all our dealings.

With the week starting out with the Moon in Scorpio and the Sun in Virgo, it also begins with Mars squaring the Sun, and by noon (PDT)the Moon squares the Mars as well. On Thursday, the Moon makes its first quarter square to the Sun, always a time when we begin to see the fly in the ointment of our plans. We may feel this even more intensely this week as impatient Mars in Leo bursts into our lives.

Mars square the Sun represents areas of our lives where we may feel blocked, where our energy feel trapped or limited, or where our plans, focus, or desires may seem thwarted (and as I write that, a machine in the workshop beneath my office starts up and sends a loud noise and vibrations straight up into my workspace). We wake wanting to take constructive action today, and yet may find it hard to move forward.  Mars’ energy, when turned inward, becomes anger, frustration, and other forms of negativity. When this kind of energy rises up in your experience, it’s best to get active, find ways to express your feelings, and take some action, no matter how small.

The Sun represents how we express ourselves in the world as well as how others perceive us, and Mars represents action, movement, creative and not-so-creative energy and behavior. With a square aspect, it may seem harder to restrain ourselves. There is a tendency to act without thinking, so knowing this, take a deep breath, take a walk, and do what you can with what you have.
By noon (PDT), the Moon squares Mars and that brings us into an emotional confrontation. That could simply mean feeling what we feel more than usual and wanting to act upon our feelings, or it could put us at odds with someone or something resulting in an emotional outburst. Again, forewarned is forearmed. Do what you need to to avoid this by being more mindful, tolerant, and temperate.

Mars at 8/1 degrees of Leo seems to be kicking the week off with a bang. A quincunx of Mars in Leo to Pluto in Capricorn pits our need for attention, expression, and a dramatic display of our ego needs against Pluto’s ongoing transformative, steady-as-you-go energy. Mars in Leo has a tendency to force the issue and be more dramatic than is necessary.  With this aspect to Pluto, deep-seated needs are forcing their way to the surface, but it may not be wise to express them with the flair and fire of Mars. That can be more destructive in the long run, the what you may be trying to accomplish or express. In particular, political and military decisions are best put on hold under transits like this. We are not acting out of the best interests of all but out of ego needs and distortions.

Mercury just entered Libra this past weekend. Mercury  at 0 degrees Libra quincunx Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday, stirs up uncertainty, insecurity, and some confusion. The unconscious is being stirred up and Mercury, in its effort to see all sides of every issue, runs amok.  Better to use the Mercury energy in more creative forms when under this kind of stress aspect. It is a good time to allow yourself to daydream, ponder, contemplate, and brainstorm ideas; not necessarily a time to do any exacting or detailed work. When Mercury moves from detailed Virgo as it has, we may have some trouble shifting into the energy of Libra. Sorting through, fantasizing, and allowing whatever is arising in the unconscious to become more clear are ways of handling the shift of Mercury into Libra. 

On Wednesday in the wee small hours of the morning, Venus enters Scorpio.  What may be very interesting over the next two days is how Venus, in the anaretic (29th degree, last degree of a sign) will be calling you to finalize, end, or release concerns and questions that you have been debating or feeling conflict over. In Scorpio, Venus travels into the depths of the unconscious to awaken felt needs and raise awareness to the surface to be expressed. Venus in Scorpio awakens deep-seated need which can be expressed through jealousy, obsessive or controlling behavior, that is, unless we recognize that whatever needs, feelings, and wounds we have repressed, will eventually be felt, and come to the surface to be expressed in some way. We do not have control about what we feel, but we certainly do about how we express and deal with our feelings. Take this opportunity to learn ways to be more congruent with your emotions, feelings, thoughts, behavior, and physical energy. Express through art, writing, physical exercise, meditation and prayer, and daily activities (doing the dishes, making the bed, doing the laundry...whatever gives you something to do besides obsessing over whatever Venus in Scorpio releases in your experience). 

Venus will be forming trines with Neptune and Chiron during this transit through Scorpio so this is a period when the unconscious is going to be playing a more active role in our lives than usual. Couple that with Venus’ transit and conjunction during this next month with Saturn, the Great Teacher. This is a time when we have a lot to learn about how and who we love, and about what our real needs are as opposed to what we may have been focusing on for some time. We awaken to deep-seated needs, wounds, and lessons that are part of our learning how to give and receive love more fully and deeply. We’ll look at this in more depth over the next month.

About the same time that Venus goes into Scorpio early Wednesday morning, the Moon leaves Scorpio for her journey into Sagittarius. The Moon makes a number of aspects on Wednesday evening, including a trine to Mars, a square to Chiron (the Wounded Healer), and trine to Uranus.  We may find ourselves actively and surprisingly moved to some greater awareness that leads us to some profound type of healing during this time. Or we may act on our own behalf to integrate some of what we are learning into changes of attitude and patterns of behavior.  During this shifting time, listen to what your body, mind, spirit, emotions, and life are calling for you to embrace and let go, to change and adapt, and to listen to within and respond to with others in your life.
Two of the major transits this week, in addition to Venus’ entry into Scorpio, are transits of Mercury square Pluto and Mars trine Uranus, both on Saturday. Mercury square Pluto pits the fast-moving and acting Mercury energy against the slow, methodical, transformative nature of Pluto in Capricorn.  Our need to understand, express ourselves, and communicate on all levels is activated with this transit. We feel we must do something, say something, and act. We tend to force the issues, that are not necessarily ready to be acted upon.  Whatever is causing us to feel that we have to ‘get it all done now’ is misleading us, and we need to be aware that the square of Mercury to Pluto could prove unnecessarily uneasy as we have created problems or conflicts where none existed. Compulsive thinking and the tendency to project our ideas on others in the mistaken idea that we know what’s best, are both ways this square can play out. To counter this, we need to face ourselves and question our motivations and intentions.  Calm down, listen more than you speak, and take a break from thinking you have to change the world today. Whatever needs to change, requires a steady, slow transformative process as Pluto has been trying to teach us for some time now. Relax; play games or channel that energy into constructive dialogue and patience.

Mars trine Uranus works against patience, as we feel now that we have both the energy and the ideas to make changes in our lives. If we have thought through the options before us, this might be so, however, if we act on this positive energy in a way that goes against the Mercury/Pluto aspect, we could be in big trouble.  Be discerning about what you are doing, what you are choosing, and what you are communicating. Practice temperance, patience, and acceptance, of yourself and others, and of situations or conditions that need more time to be resolved.

Early on Saturday, Mars quincunx Chiron, may trigger feelings that we find frustrating and confusing. In our inability to process this kind of energy, sometimes we resort to passive-aggressive behavior (against our own best interests or as an attack on someone else). If you find yourself blaming someone for your life situation, or treating someone with disrespect, check and see if you’re responding out of your own issues of anger, frustration, or woundedness.

On Saturday, September 14, Venus trines Neptune, creating a powerful and healing connection between the planet of love in Scorpio and the planet of the unconscious, the intuitive, and the creative imagination.

All in all, the shifting of planets and energy, and the movement and transit of the inner planets, Venus, Mars and Mercury, are moving us into an active period when we feel compelled, obssessed, and charged to move forward before we understand more fully the nature of our motivations and intentions.  It is a time to be more thoughtful, more patient, and more temperate in our actions, choices and behavior. Act from a place of deep inner peace and knowing, and avoid rash and destructive moves.

Remember the advice of St. Francis de Sale: “Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.”

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