Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Gemini New Moon and Grand Trine in Water Light up June skies

Get a copy of Catherine Al-Meten's book, Elements of Tarot: A Guide for a Spiritual Journey.

New Moons usher in a new beginning each month, and June’s New Moon in Gemini, peaks on Saturday, June 8 at 11:56 EDT/8:56 PDT. The Taurus New Moon cycle comes to a close, and the Gemini New Moon cycle begins, the focus turning towards improving all forms of communication.  As the Throat Chakra/5th Chakra is all about communication, so too is this new lunar cycle. Communication is about both giving voice to our ideas, feelings, and heart’s desires as well as discerning communication coming our way from others, from the world in and around us, and through the expression of how we are received, understood, and connected. The Gemini New Moon asks that we listen with greater attention and care, and become more tolerant and accepting of the differences between ourselves and others. 

As we have been moving more and more into new patterns of reflection, connection, and communication, we are developing ways to deepen and expand the ways we communicate. We are learning to listen to our own intuitive knowledge, experiencing greater awareness, attuning to substantive differences within ourselves and within all types of relationships.  As we learn more about how we take in and process information to form our ideas, ideals, and perspectives, we also learn what we can do to be true to ourselves while letting go of our need to control or even understand others.  For some of us, finding the ‘answers’ is such a strong part of our identity, that we transfer this need into places within relationships where it ends us serving as a self-imposed obstacle or block to our own growth and/or to our understanding of others and the situations we face.  

The Gemini lunar cycle opens up energy that allows us to maintain more benevolent attitudes, greater acceptance of ourselves and others, including the differences, and improves our chances for making significant and lasting changes in our attitudes and behavior. The Gemini New Moon peaks at 18/01, affecting those with planets and solar and lunar aspects between 14-22 degrees of the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces most directly, but also affecting those areas of the lives/charts of all of us.  Look for where the mutable signs are in your life, and you will probably notice where this affects your life most directly.  

The Sun continues on its journey through Gemini, keeping the focus on knowledge and diversity. We remain “on” and curious about the world within and around us, and it may be best to see this as a gathering time rather than a time to push to put things into form. We are awakening on many levels (Saturn’s journey through Scorpio wakens us to the unconscious; Neptune’s through Pisces to the spiritual, emotional, and mysterious, and Jupiter’s just entering Cancer, to ways to feel more secure, at home with ourselves, and more nurtured and nurturing). 

Mercury’s entry into Cancer on May 31 moves us deeper into seeking qualitative changes in the way we communicate, the way we process and discern what is happening in our lives, and in our entire process of communication.  We are less reactive now and more reflective and observant.  We process information, sensations, and what is lobbed our way, in a much more quiet, calm, and discerning manner. We feel more deeply, respond more slowly and deliberately, and feel more protective of ourselves and our loved ones now. We are more aware of how we are affected by and affecting those with whom we communicate on a regular basis.   We feel a greater depth of feelings, emotions, and sensations. We are tuned into many levels of meaning, sensation, and vibrations. We are highly attuned to how others affect us, and how we are perceived by others.  We are more vulnerable than normal; also more open and receptive. 

Venus too is in Cancer from June 2-27, strengthening the effect of Cancer on this new moon cycle.  In Cancer, Venus nurtures, protects, and guards our emotional fires and sensitivities.  We experience the highs and lows, the fullness our our ability to love and be loved.  In whatever area Venus transits in our chart/life, we experience greater tenderness, romance, and attachment.  We become more devoted, dedicated, warm, and loving. It becomes easier to express our emotions, to be in touch with those emotions, and to express greater affection.   We are very much aware of when and with whom we feel safe and secure, and where and with whom we do not. 

Mars remains in Gemini from May 31-July 13, increasing flexibility and versatility.  It may be more difficult to focus and get things accomplished during this cycle.  Hopefully, you can use this time to relax, break your routine somewhat, and explore areas that don’t demand too much of your attention. It’s a good time to break the routine, take a break or vacation, or change the pace and focus  while Saturn is in Scorpio, a part of the Golden Triangle (Jupiter in Cancer, Neptune in Pisces, along with Chiron). This casts a magical glow over whatever this trine shines its light upon.

Uranus continues her transit through Aries, a long journey that stirs things up in our lives. We grow impatient with restrictions, conditions, and attitudes that make us feel trapped or ineffective in any way. We long to break out of old habits, patterns, and relationships (personal and professional) that no longer enliven and
nourish us.  Whatever is dead, falls away now, and we find we no longer care or long for what could not sustain life in the passages of the last year and a half. Remember we are in the Year of the Snake, and what we felt compelled to change last year, is manifesting this year, and the old skin is falling away.  We no longer mourn or suffer with our decisions, but rather we embrace the new. Shifts that have taken place often feel quite unfamiliar, and make us wonder whether or not we really know what is going on. Trust yourself, and trust the Divine to lead you in the right and perfect paths.

On Thursday, June 6, and Friday, June 7, Venus trines Saturn and Neptune, forming a Grand Trine in Water signs, the Golden Triangle. If you are fortunate enough to have a clear night sky, you can see the Golden Triangle. This benevolent aspect allows us to see ourselves as we are, in relationship and in our own solitude.  We are more realistic because we see the dynamics that are operating from within ourselves and within our partners, spouse, and lovers. We accept what is. Whatever we put our focus, energy, love, devotion, and commitment to at this time, will benefit, grow, and develop more deeply over time.  This is the time to solidify commitments and identify the love that is operating within us. This is a very romantic time, a time when we experience deep pleasure and when we see and experience the best in others.  

On June 7, Venus trines Saturn, and that aspect provides stability and constancy of feelings. We may express our feelings in a more reserved manner, but we mean what we say, and act accordingly now. We experience our relationships more pragmatically now.
Venus forms a parallel to Mercury June 9-10, signaling positive and respectful forms of pleasure. 

On June 11, Venus opposes Pluto stirring up strong feelings and emotions, maybe some stress and strain. Be aware of maintaining your own boundaries, even in the closest relationships. Avoid al forms of abuse and manipulation. On June 12, Venus forms a square aspect with Uranus, bringing up issues over our sense of autonomy and intimacy. Strange situations or experiences may arise, testing us or raising issues that make us feel more vulnerable and hurt than normal. Maintain some distance, and remain centered and calm, avoiding direct contact or confrontation in any situation that you find threatening on any level. 

Mars forms a challenging square to Neptune, one of the three planets in the Grand Trine/Golden Triangle.  This may feel like some element of resistance or hesitation, or mixups in communications, plans, or details. This aspect lends an element of fogginess, confusion, and some disruptions in signals.  
The Sun in Gemini squared Chiron (the Wounded Healer) on Tuesday, June 6, bringing the opportunity and information needed to make some necessary changes. What may hold us back is our fear to change, be different, or move out of our comfortable ruts of illusion, thought, habits and patterns of behavior. We have reached a point in our development where we need to be able to trust ourselves to take risks, make mistakes, and adapt to changes that are needed in order for us to grow, develop, and create.

On Friday, June 7, Venus will trine Neptune. We awaken to beauty, intuition, dreams, and imagination.  Look for signs, symbols, and messages that arrive in all areas of your life, reminding you that we find meaning only when we look to see the connections between where we’ve been and where we’re going. Meaning is found when try to fit the pieces of our life puzzle together, to view each experience as a lesson we are here to learn, teach, or observe. While visiting my granddaughter’s martial arts class, Hapkido, I watched as at the end of a very active, vigorous class, the instructor asked the children sit calmly, shut their eyes, and silently count to 10. At the same time, I did the same thing. It’s amazing how long 10 seconds is when you are trying to be still, calm, quiet, and centered.  Reminding me how important it is for us to seek a deeper sense of stillness within all areas of our lives.  Anywhere we are, (with the exception of operating a vehicle or machine of some type) we can afford a few seconds to sit still, close our eyes, and count to 10 quietly.  

The Golden Triangle alignment provides an extended period of time when we can sink more deeply into that quiet center of our being. Find ways to slow down, go deeper, and notice what you may have overlooked, missed, or forgotten. Let what needs to come to the surface of your awareness, rise up, and allow what needs to move out do so. Visualize negativity disintegrating and dissipating out from you, turning into released energy, no longer affecting or disturbing you or anyone around you. Whatever you think you have to do, can wait. Whatever you find yourself frustrated over, is probably not going to be helped in anyway by your worry or irritation. Use quiet, calm, and silence to bring peace within and to express without.

Venus trines Saturn later this week, bringing greater stability in our love relationships and in our ability to love and be loved. We may receive guidance from a wise elder, and we are surely more open to deepening relationships or renewing friendships from
Setting a New Course                                                                                                                  Catherine Al-Meten
the past.
When Mercury opposes Pluto in Capricorn late in the day on Friday, we may feel somewhat compulsive, competitive, or obsessive. Avoid  acting on the feeling to talk nonsense, push your own agenda, persuade others you’re right, or shine the light on your version of the Truth.  It’s neither necessary nor energetically helpful.  Let things rest, and trust that people get what they get when the time is right. It’s not your job to fix anyone else. You can engage in deep levels of conversation provided you are respectful of opposing viewpoints. You may even be able to perceive greater depths, broader visions, or solutions to perplexing problems during this transit, provided you don’t insist on sticking to one-way thinking.

When Mars squares Neptune Friday night, you may be inspired in quite an unusual way. Something out of the ordinary is likely to occur to point you in a new direction or to answer a long-standing puzzle in your life. Be cautious in interpreting whatever messages you receive intuitively or otherwise at this time. Set whatever comes aside so that time and distance can provide you with greater discernment.  Answers are not meant to be instantaneous, but instead will build up over time to awaken, connect, and prepare you for the changes, transitions, and alterations that are forming now.

As the New Moon forms on Saturday, June 8, Mercury squares Uranus, bringing flashes of brilliance, sparks of light/understanding, and visions and intuitive insight that may or may not be received with ease.  Allow yourself to be guided and moved by a calmness, stillness, and quietness within, trusting that whatever ideas you set into motion with intention and openness, are likely to be rewarding for you in the future.  


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