Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Watch the Changes...Mars and Moon in Aries, New Starts

Just a quick article to make note of the changes that already appear to be happening as Mars and the Moon move into Aries. Mars signals change just after the New Moon in Pisces and the Stellia of planets and the Sun in Pisces energized and activated some area of our lives deeply and with long-lasting consequences. What might have  seemed like an endless period of time of waiting or feeling blocked, now appears to be releasing and opening up in new ways.  Reread the article about the planets through the houses that I wrote last week, and determine where you may be feeling a significant push and profound changes taking place. For some, it may feel like being forced to confront circumstances, lifestyles, or patterns that have not yet been eliminated, while for others, it may be that we finally begin to glimpse a vision of the future, or see a way out of an endless cycle of delay and disharmony.

The main thrust of the Moon in Aries (affecting our emotional well being and our moods) and Mars in Aries, (the archetype of energy and action) are both soon to come into conjunction with Uranus in Aries. This indicates sudden and unexpected changes that will have a powerful impact on whatever area of life, society it hits.  A number of planets continue their transit through Pisces, the Sun is at  23 degrees of Pisces meaning we have one more week until the Sun moves into Aries on the first day of Spring. The Moon already made her conjunction with Uranus, so dreams or emotional experiences may have been triggered earlier today. 

Mars in the first degree will move into conjunction with Uranus at 7 degrees over the next week, so expect the unexpected. Mars is at home in Aries, the sign of its ruler. We should feel a boost of energy, a sense of optimism and hope, and a bit more courage to face whatever lies ahead. We rely more on our sense of friendly competition and realize life is worth taking some risks. We recognize that though we are not in control of everything, we can make choices, and it doesn't so much matter the outcome as it does give us a sense of living more authentically than waiting for things to happen to us. 

This is the beginning of the astrological new year's move into Aries.  When the Sun enters Aries next week, we are officially through the threshold into a new beginning, and it's full speed ahead.  Look to your dreams, intuitive knowledge, and desire to move forward on whatever has been brewing on your creative burners. For many, it is time to decide and to act. We will live with the consequences, but half the fun of living is making choices and acting on them. Nothing is ever accomplished by just thinking about it. Make changes, set your direction, and start moving forward. 

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