Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week of Moon in Scorpio and Venus Shining on Us

Winter Tulips in Bloom                                                                                                                                Catherine Al-Meten

Sunday, February 3rd the Moon in Scorpio Squares the Sun in Aquarius, the First Quarter Square. First quarter squares tend to stimulate challenges, crises, or issues of which we need to be more aware. Since this is an aspect that is brief, it can be viewed as a time to focus on noticing what, that was set into motion recently or in long-range plans, may need to be revised, corrected, or could stand for deeper scrutiny.  The New Moon is on February 11, and the period right before (2-3 days), called the Dark of the Moon, is a time for reflection; another one of those transition times or gateways in between what has been and what is to be. In terms of our own planning, it is a time to analyze, rest in reflection, and discern what seems to be working and what is not.  

The First Quarter Square often raises issues, either from the unconscious or from activity and energy in the world around us, that calls for us to become more aware.  The square of the Moon affects us emotionally, and nudges us ever so gently, to pay attention to what matters. For example, it may affect your reaction to food or drink that didn’t agree with you, or you may find yourself edgy or full of nervous excitement for no reason in particular (a sign to notice what is triggering the emotional reaction/response). We pick up on subtle energies that might otherwise be unapparent. The square occurs at 14/54 degrees, about the midpoint in Aquarius and Scorpio. Notice where these points are in your chart/life, and you may have a greater sense of where you’re being affected. Remember that an exact aspect affects along a range, in this case, from 13-17degrees. And the effects may as likely be positive as not, it depends on what shifting or needing attention.  For example, you may find yourself having a stronger desire to find deeper and more tactile pleasure, or you may feel a need to gain less attachment to a situation or condition, and give yourself a broader view or perspective on something that has seemed quite personal.  Scorpio energy calls us to our depths and Aquarian energy calls us to view experiences in a broader, less attached and egocentric way.  Ego is good; we all have and need one, but too much emphasis on our own ego needs, like anything else that is out of balance, is not healthy.

Aquarian energy is predominate right now. The Sun is in Aquarius from January 19 until February 18. We seek new and exciting experiences, we long to learn and experience life in new ways, and we tend to break away from convention. Because Saturn is transiting Scorpio, the Aquarius Sun was initially in opposition to Saturn, activating whatever has been recently awakened in your own subconscious. Either issues, memories, or desires you have pushed into the unconscious or issues, memories, and needs you have ignored or been unaware of are all in the process of awakening. Saturn calls us to learn how to deal with our unconscious needs, and how to pay attention to the subconscious messages that are arising within us. When we fail to learn from the inside out, we continue to project our own unhealed wounds, issues, anger, frustration, fears, and needs on others, usually those with whom we are in closest relationship or those who most remind us of ourselves--our blocked selves.  

Think back to the beginning of the Sun’s entry into Aquarius, and remember what may have risen to the surface through dreams, internal turmoil, emotional outbursts or repressed anger, fear, or frustration.  That is what is moving upward into your conscious awareness. Now with the Moon’s square, we may be more emotionally aware than we were earlier, to face our feelings, and allow them to surface.  Doing so, allows us greater freedom to express ourselves, learn how we use our pain to manipulate, move ourselves into depression, or ignore basic needs by pretending they don’t exist.  This won’t work for long as Saturn digging deep into our consciousness, is moving us all on a much deeper level than many of us have felt in some time, if ever. Contrary to this being a hard or negative period, it is giving us each a greater connection to our true selves, and allowing us to heal, grow, and deepen our ability to connect to others and to create from a true sense of purpose and soul calling.

Mercury and Venus are also both in Aquarius. Mercury, archetypal ruler of all forms of communication, awakens a desire to learn and think beyond the limitations or experiences that have formed us up until this time. We are more receptive and open to learning, to letting go of preconceived or biased viewpoints, to more clearly understand the scope and range of ideas, viewpoints, and the urgent need to not shut out possibilities. We may now learn or discover new information that sheds light on areas that have been hidden, incomprehensible, beyond our ability to understand, or intentionally kept from us.  It is a time of true awakening.

Venus in Aquarius opens us to the different ways our relationships (social, familial, intimacies, partnerships, work-related) can evolve differently, thus allowing greater freedom and  more openly defined kinds of relationships. We tend, during Venus transit in Aquarius, to understand our relationships are not bound or restricted to role-playing if we are willing to delve into a deeper and more authentic type of communication with one another.  Connections flourish when we are more authentic, and happier doing what we do.  Any areas that are out of balance, will actually be so apparent that we will have little trouble releasing anything that does not foster and nourish our connections with one another.  We won’t be pushing the river so much in relating to others; we will move with the currents and flow of life, more affirmed by the ease of life when we are accepting and mindful of the gifts we have in each moment.  When we stop trying to fill ourselves up and heal our emptiness or lack with energy that is not meant for us (addictions of all kinds, dead end relationships and jobs, and blind alleys in areas that no longer call us), we gain our freedom and we have clearer sight to how our lives right here and now, serve us perfectly.  We are more willing to let go the reins or traps we hold each other in connection with, and begin to appreciate the axiom that whatever or whoever you love must be set free in order for it to come back to us.  It is counter-intuitive for most of us, but it is a universal law. Live dynamically, allow yourself and others the freedom to be--these are Aquarian archetypal messages.  In some area of your life, you understand this on a real and deep level. Let that help you relate those ideas to other areas of your life. Venus rules beauty and harmony, and now with so much Aquarian energy, we have a very felt sense of this and that makes it easier to appreciate and test our limitations, release ourselves and others from traps, and discover that harmony is grounded in freedom.
Beauty is devoid of chains.

The Mars cycle is active over a period of 23 months, regulating the amount and type of energy available during this time. Mars is beginning a two-year cycle in Pisces which also trines Saturn’s transit through Scorpio, thus activating much of that internal activity and release of the unconscious into self awareness.  We receive the shadow messages, the repressed and sublimated energy, and the urges and needs that have come out of loss, grief, and sadness.  We awaken to the Divine beauty and creativity within as well now.  Mars in Pisces energizes our spiritual, emotional, and psychological drives, and we put greater attention on delving deeper into these drives. We become less motivated to action and external or more traditional goals, instead we find our way through connections and supporting others, as a way to uncover our deeper needs, drives, and desires. Mars in Pisces activates our more idealistic side, and we discover that whatever our goals, needs, motivations, and desires are, our lives are infinitely more complicated that we might have thought. A time of great discover, for most people are learning to operate from in new skin with transformed and transforming needs, goals, and energy.

Saturn entered Scorpio in the Fall, 2012 (October 5, 2012), thus ending a long cycle through Libra. Wherever Saturn is transiting in your life/chart, you can expect The Great Teacher to focus your time, attention, and energy on the nature of your relationships, as a reflection our our own ability to know ourselves. Our relationships reflect that which we draw to one another in order to learn how to express, be, and connect. We will be examining our power ratio in relationship, noting where we have given away our own power for the sake of peace, or where we have used our power to manipulate or use others. Saturn’s transit through Scorpio until 2015 opened a path that insists we examine our use of power, control, and dependencies. Fears and anxieties rise up into awareness through intuition, dreams, memories, experiences, conflicts, and opportunities around us. The challenge is to see whether we allow our fears to rule us, or whether we learn to live by faith and trust of our innate goodness. 

Humans fear loss, abandonment, rejection, giving up control and some humans fear enjoying life, being successful, and getting what we want.  Why? Saturn’s journey forces us to seek the answers to these questions for ourselves.  We become stronger when we are put to the test. Liberation from fear and anxiety comes when we allow ourselves to face the fears, take action in spite of fear and anxiety, and experience success, fulfillment, and pleasure. With such a goal in the end, we can view this as the opening and coming to wholeness we have been seeking all our lives.  

Saturn is in mutual reception with Pluto. As mentioned in an earlier column, that means each planet is in the ruling house of the other. Scorpio is Pluto’s ruler; Capricorn is Saturn’s ruling sign. Both the Great Teacher, Saturn, and the Great Transformer, Pluto, harmonize one another’s energy, making both learning and changing more in balance, to an extent, easier, and mutually supportive.  If we can learn to appreciate the gifts in the garbage (trusting the gifts are there even when we can’t yet see them), then we make great progress. The more we resist, the harder and more delayed our progress. I recall before I decided to begin my doctorate, I spent at least a year or two resisting and debating about whether to do it or not. I more often than not leaned toward “not.”  My friends will attest to the lengthy discussions I had with them over the merits, and may recount the number of times I said things like, “I’m absolutely not going to do it.”  When I finally decided to take one step at a time, giving myself permission to go to the first class (and permission to leave if I hated it), I found myself doing something that I must say was one of the very best experiences of my entire life.  I often wondered after that, what it was that had made me resist something so pleasurable? What in your life are you resisting, and what might be holding you back? What can you give yourself permission to take one step at a time towards something that might seem like a giant, scary mountain, but might in fact be the road to Nirvana (not the band)?

Jupiter’s turn direct in the early degrees of Gemini, triggered a strong push forward in those areas where you will most discover your true abundance, prosperity, good fortune, and well being is in place within you and your life, if only you will let go the reins and allow the Source of all being to shower you with blessings.  Open your heart, mind, life, and arms to receive your good.  Know the truth of your being is to be fulfilled and to flourish, in order for you to help others be fulfilled as well. Notice again, which area of your life is most affected by Jupiter’s passage, and be open and receptive, clearing the clutter of your mind so you may receive your good.  Practice and ground yourself in gratitude and mindfulness, and notice now what already is the bounty at your feet. 

Uranus in Aries continues to bring shocking and surprising changes right and left. The word “headstrong” comes to mind, and that might describe some area of your life where you feel you can no longer wait to get started in a new direction, to learn a new skill or to let go of old patterns to live more freely and creatively. We may discover new aspects of our personalities are coming to the surface, or we may be anxious to make plans to redo our lives, homes, relationships, and experiences with work.  With all the transformative power of the other planets and the innovative energy of the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Aquarius, Uranus’ shocking events serve in many ways as the signals or signs that deliver the messages you have been waiting for. Work with your dreams, and learn how the patterns in your life and dreams reveal the underlying messages that point you toward your True North...your true direction and life purpose.  

Venus is a powerful messenger this week. She makes a number of intense transits and aspects, including:

Pluto and Venus are parallel on February 5-6, making this a dramatic time in relationships.  Pluto, the Great Transformer activates energy in this connection with Venus to empower and energize relationships with intensity around trust and sharing.

Venus sextiles Uranus on February 6, indicating that we suddenly lose our fear of taking risks because we know without risk we are in danger of losing any connection at all. This is an intense time in our relationships, and a time when we can grow in deeper connection and more authentic relationship.

Venus trines Jupiter February 6-7 bringing harmony, intensity, and abundance into relationships. We see beyond our fears, beyond our anxiety, and recognize possibilities, potential, but more importantly, we become less afraid of loving and living, for we know without that deeper connection, there is no abundance. This is a very uplifting, optimistic and joyful time.

Venus squares Saturn February 10-11, kind of the hangover after an intensely meaningful, fulfilling, and powerful week. 

Saturn, the Great Teacher, calls attention to areas where we feel dissatisfaction or disappointment for what we don’t have or for not having things the way we want them to be (how quickly we forget?). Remember, we may react emotionally, when Saturn reminds us of the balancing of the scales.  “No hay rosa sin pena” (There is no rose without a thorn). All squares can be disruptive if we fail to see the need to balance. We become more aware of the duty and obligation in relationships, and if we allow it to, this can overwhelm other very important aspects and qualities of relationships. Use the energy of the square to look at what you can do within yourself to find greater fulfillment and balance, and avoid blaming others for what you sense as lack.  Venus just entered Aquarius on February 1, and this energy is going to be having a transforming effect on your views of love, harmony, beauty, and balance for the next two months. 

Mecury enters Pisces on February 5, deepening our feelings, emotional depths, and search into our hidden and undeveloped consciousness. February 4-5, the Moon in Sagittarius will afford you the broadest window of opportunity for making choices before she enters the Dark of the Moon period just before the New Moon. 

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