Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Understanding the lasting effects of aspects.Last quarter Moon in Aries squares Sun in Cancer

Luna                                                         Tammy von Payens, 2012                                                                                                                                        

  (Note:  I am using  voice activated software to write.  Needless to say, is not perfected and does not always understand what I am saying.  I apologize for any gibberish  misspelled or misunderstood words that my DragonDictate did not get .  I guess one of my growing edges  is learning to be more clear with my appliances!  I hope you get some benefit from this article. ) 

The artwork of Tammy von Payens is currently on display in Astoria, Oregon at Street 14 Coffee in downtown. This painting is on exhibit with her other work.

If you look up at the Moon tonight, you'll see Luna in her last quarter phase. The quarter Moons always square the Sun reminding us of where in our lives we need to continue to pay attention to and take the necessary steps to achieve our goals, to finish old business, or make the necessary preparations for the next leg of our journey.  We are still under the influence of last night's late evening T-Square between transformer, Pluto  (7°), Uranus in Aries (8°) , and Mars in Libra  (8°), all within one degree of one another in the first decan  of their respective signs.

A transit or an aspect in your chart or currently active  does not just affect the particular day or hour time frame. Aspects and transits   are actively affecting  us for  much longer periods of time.   Describing the transit or an aspect is like providing a description of the kinds of energy, challenges, and opportunities available for our use.  For example, knowing that each month at the 1st quarter and last quarter of the moon a square indicates that time period when we  need to take action, make changes, or just some aspect of our lives or behavior   Provides us with information about how to handle challenges and decisions.   I recall when I was younger scoffing at the idea that an older relative made about planting seeds in particular time according to the phases of the moon.  Little did I know that farmers including the Farmer's Almanac had been doing that for centuries.  We are connected to the energy of all things in the Universe.   We can either choose to  use that information to live in harmony with one another, with the planet, as a part of the vast Universe or we can ignore it.

Astrology and our use of the information it provides, is but one tool to better understand who we are, how we perceive and make our choices, how we take information and process it, and how we are affected by the energies that move within and all around us. The shift in consciousness that we are experiencing has started with a greater awareness of how we are all part of all that is and how we are not only connected to everyone and everything, but how our energy is both given and received. The more conscious and intentional we become about the lasting effects  of our behavior, the greater chance there is that we will only have a more positive impact through the lives we live and the choices we make but we will also do less harm.

We have been talking about the Uranus and Pluto aspects--- their importance and challenges.   Currently, there is a T-square featuring Uranus in Aries, Mars in Libra, and Pluto in Capricorn.  T-square includes an opposition between 2 planets and the square to both from a 3rd planet.   In this case, Uranus in Aries  is opposite Mars in Libra  and both are squaring Pluto in Capricorn.
 Uranus /Aries________________________________________Mars/Libra
        Fire                                l                                              Air
                                    Pluto in Capricorn
Imagine, if you will, that the prevailing energy here is like a teeter totter. Mars in Libra is pulling against Uranus in Aries, and what's holding them in balance, the fulcrum point in the aspect, is Pluto in Capricorn, forming squares to both Uranus and Mars. Pluto continually calls us to use the energy of this aspect in some concrete way. 

The opposition formed between Mars and Uranus symbolizes the major relationship patterns that are active in your life.  Oftentimes this T-Square manifests as drama in the house of the fulcrum, in this case, Pluto.  This is the dynamic point of release and resolution. So we feel compelled by circumstances, desires, and the need to use the energy for something before it makes us come apart...however, and here's the really interesting thing about this aspect. Taking concrete action may not necessarily be as important as dealing with the opposing forces in the situation.  For a more constructive way out of a dilemma or the solution to a problem we need to look at the opposition.

To do this, we find the areas of our lives that are affected by this (ongoing by the way)  opposition.  Finding the point of release and resolution is generally fairly easy.  If that area of your life generally where chaos and crisis seem to be happening most.   The cause  of that and the solution,  lies in understanding what is happening  within the opposition.  Oppositions indicate areas of major relationship patterns.  Most of us have an opposition in our chart.  For example, you might have your natal Sun in Pisces and your natal moon in Virgo.   This is in opposition that has been with you your entire life.  Depending upon how old you are and how much work you have done to discover how your personality functions you probably already have dealt with issues around this particular opposition.  The healthy goal is to befriend  the energy of both and see how they can work together and complement one another.

The tendency for many of us is to identify with one or the other the major planets in the opposition feeling that we are more like that energy than the other.  If we have done this, we will find ourselves projecting the qualities of the other planet, but when we do not did it identify so much with, on to other people in our lives and in our relationships.  This works different ways.   The archetype of Pisces, for example, is one of polarities as are all archetypes.  In religious terminology that redeemed character of this archetype  is that of a loving, kind, creative, giving person.   The unredeemed or undeveloped archetype of Pisces is that of the slothful, wishy-washy, eccentric, out-of-control artist.  These are the polarities,  the extremes.  A more  valid picture would view the qualities of any archetype on a spectrum.   We are capable of acting out of a variety of parts of our personalities and  our temperaments  depending upon both internal and external circumstances and levels of development. In looking at the opposition to Pisces, we have Virgo.  The archetype of Virgo, likewise, has the polar extremes but also can be understood and engaged on any number of levels and degrees of a broad spectrum.  The opposing energies may either combine to create a balanced between harmonizing factors in one's behavior, development, perspective, desires, and choices.

In this case where we have the  opposing energies and patterns of behavior between the fiery your Uranus  and Mars in the air sign of Libra.  The energy of  Uranus  is that of sudden unexpected and surprising changes in behavior.  The urgency for change is triggered by this aspect.  At the opposite end of this equation is Libra where Mars is now transiting.  Mars also is a plan of action that you think Uranus and Mars would cause sudden quick changes without much thought. However, because Mars is in Libra,  there is a constant weighing of values and indecision in making choices going on.   We can use the energy of the opposition in a more positive way  if were willing to face the undeveloped and shadow parts of our nature and personalities.  with this particular T-square we need to look at the archetypes of Mars in Libra and Uranus in Aries, and we need to look at what houses they are transiting.The houses or areas of your life, where these two planets stand in opposition, are the areas of your life that you need to examine if you are going to be able to make healthy and sound decisions right now. The power-packed energy that is almost forcing you to feel the need to make sudden changes and adjustments,  requires resolution in the  parts of your life that are affected by the opposition.  

One way to help figure this out is to notice what about either sign or both do you admire in others but fail to see in yourself?  We often recognize and admire  the qualities and characteristics of an energy in others but are not able to see those same qualities and energies in ourselves.  This shows up in our relationships, those we admire and model ourselves after, in our work and in how we talk about what we can or cannot do.

Practice listening to yourself.  What do you tell yourself you cannot cannot do on a regular basis?  Look at the two houses that are most affected... where  is Libra your chart and weird is Aries?  Notice what is going on in these two areas of your life, and see if you can move toward a greater understanding of how to incorporate the best of these two signs into the way you are handling these areas of yourself, your behavior, and the patterns that are active in thee areas. Because Pluto, the fulcrum and resolution point is in the long process of transforming your life, it is also calling you to change some of the unhealthy or  undeveloped   part of your life.  By becoming more aware that were capable of experiencing ongoing and active change and growth only if we are capable and willing to release worn-out patterns of behavior, develop healthy practices in all areas of our lives including decision-making and taking care of our health, and in the kinds of leaves we enter into and carry on relationships.  Rather than running away from issues and problems or blaming someone else for our lack of success or happiness we can face within ourselves by a gaining greater understanding that we need to change and what we need to befriend and/or become more balanced.  We can enhance our own lives and the lives of others by greater understanding, acceptance, and appreciation of ourselves.

Squares signify dynamic and recurring obstacles that we run into on our journeys.    Part of the serious effort required to create something of value in our lives and in the world is to learn from and resolve  those aspects of our personality and behavior our police and our values that are not congruent and  are blocking our ability to see what needs to be done next.    Our greatest struggles in life often  happened as a result of what we have struggled hardest to achieve, learn, or overcome.    We all suffer in some way,  and it is certainly easy enough in the world we live in to find others who suffered more than we have.  What is essential is that we recognize that whatever we have suffered through has been our teacher and has provided us with some of our best lessons and given us clues.  As to what our real soul purpose is.    It is often hard to see any blessing in this situation when you are in the middle of struggling.  For healing to take place in any of our lives and in the world, we need to be willing to look for the gifts in the garbage.    While I do not believe we need to suffer to be whole,  I do believe we all face challenges, losses, heart ache, and sorrow.  To dwell in the  struggle and not make any attempt to move forward or change to make life better for ourselves and others, leads to a vicious cycle of blaming, repeating patterns, suppressing our emotions and feelings, oppressing others with our sorrow and anger, and generally does not benefit anyone---ourselves or those we love.

We know  that we are energy that we are part of the energy of the Universe.  Thoughts are powerful, and are feeling are even more powerful.  it is incumbent upon each of us are to use our energy to benefit and help heal ourselves and the earth, and to make a positive contribution to bring peace, understanding, and love into being.    Use the energy alive in your system and in the world around you right now to discover how you can create more beauty, be more loving, and take care of that obligation to heal and help heal others.

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