Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Full Flower Moon: Full Moon in Scorpio May 5

This weekend, May 5, the Super Full Moon in 16 degrees of Scorpio reaches its peak at 11:35 p.m.. This moon, the largest full moon of the year, appears so because it is in perigee (closest approach to the Earth). The moon appears to us in her biggest and brightest gown.  The Moon in Scorpio is called the Full Flower Moon (for obvious reasons if you look in the garden), the Milk Moon, the Dragon Moon, The Planting Moon, the Moon When Leaves are Green, the Bright Moon, and the Hare Moon.

Mars is still transiting Virgo.  In direct opposition to Pisces. This aspect has been creating stressful and disturbing conflicts, resulting in someone or some situation becoming perplexing, challenging, or at the very least, extremely uncomfortable wherever it falls in your life.  This could be a recurring situation or person, one that has been causing you trouble for quite some time. Now, however, this situation or person will be leaving the area of influence, either willingly or having been ordered to stay clear legally.

At the time of the Full Moon in Scorpio, Saturn (the Great Teacher) opposes Mercury (the archetype of communication), not a good aspect to be signing or finalizing contracts or agreements. It would probably be a good idea to wait until later in the week to finalize business or personal agreements.  Saturn’s influence would make doing otherwise seem burdensome and debilitating. The window of opportunity for signing falls between May 11 and 12, before Venus enters her retrograde phase on May 14. Retrograde transits find us reconsidering and reworking the plans, projects, decisions that we under consideration.  Venus enters her retrograde phase after May 14, staying there until early July, when contracts and decisions are more likely to be moving ahead. 

Whatever decisions or areas of your life that seem to be full of potential missteps or crises,  are the areas of life where you want to move slowly, methodically, and with great discernment about all decisions and choices  during the next six months or so.  Pay particular attention to the times when planets are in their retrograde phase because these time in particular remind us that there is more to any decision, choice, or challenge, than meets the eye.  As we move forward, it is vital that we acknowledge and honor our inner voices as well as discerning and heeding the signs around us and the messages we are receiving (or silences from what is not being said) in interactions (business, social, familial).  In whatever areas you are considering change (to the way you are doing things, to how you are expressing yourself, to your environment or lifestyle, or other cosmetic or artistic expression), exercise restraint and delay radical changes and decisions until after mid-July.

This year began with Mars (the Energizer Bunny) in both an Earth sign (Virgo, Practicality and Detail Diva) and in retrograde motion. The emphasis for us at this point seems to be to slow down, think things over, and attend to the details that have or are creating obstacles and blocks to our achieving our goals. Between July 14 and August 8, Mercury goes into her retrograde phase again...ideal you might say for mid-summer. Enjoy taking some time off and resting from the frantic and busy-ness of life. These lulls in our lives come with regularity, and may be used to rest, recuperate, rethink, revision, and yes, RELAX.  

Though summer may seem a long way off, we are all invited to incorporate more time to rest and relax amid the more active and forward-rolling periods of life.  The sense of being stopped in our tracks or continually having to redo what we thought we had resolved or completed, reminds us that focusing on the end product or results is not a life-giving way to live. While accomplishing something is an important piece of our life puzzle, the envisioning, the doing, the process is there for us to enjoy. This year calls upon us all to be more present in whatever we are doing, wherever we are, and with whomever we are with.  This is the major message that we are hearing this year.  For those who have been making a concerted effort to meet the challenges, learn from the signs, challenges, and voices and urgings of our souls, life may have been more unpredictable, but we have helped ready ourselves, our relationships, our art, our work, our service to meet the challenges of our times and to appreciate the gifts in the garbage as well as the blessings right under our noses and feet.

The weekend of May 12 and 13, one of the most fortuitous and beneficent aspects, the Sun in Taurus conjoins Jupiter in Taurus, making this a magical, happy, and rewarding time. Whatever area of your life this falls in will be lit up with excitement, success, joyfulness, abundance, and richly rewarding experiences. Since last June (2011) when Taurus first entered Taurus, you have been making progress in whatever areas of your life/chart Taurus positively aspected.  There may have been some delays or sidetracking events during Jupiter’s retrograde phase near the end of 2011 (again, highlighting the areas where change still needed to be made in order for you to move forward), but since January, Jupiter has been lighting up the path and sprinkling your life with opportunities, support, resources, and ideas. Whatever has been building up, on the weekend of May 12-13, you should receive a special sign, opportunity, or reward for an area of your life that is ready to grow by leaps and bounds.  This may occur in a new door opening, a relationship moving to a new level, or an area of your life finally breaking open in a new direction.

Another spectacular day will be Sunday, May 20 when there is a solar eclipse with the Sun  at at 0 degrees of Gemini. This aspect brings good news to you (again, in whatever area of your life you find 0 degrees of Gemini and whatever areas of your life this aspects).  Jupiter, the archetype of abundance and good fortune, will be within 5 degrees of this eclipse, making whatever comes your way very beneficial and rewarding. Another excellent aspect that lights up May and your life. Changes that come now and for the next 6 months to a year, are very positive. Anyone who has a natal or progressed planet in the early degrees (0-4) of Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Leo, Aries or Sagittarius, will also feel the effects of this very positive transit and aspect.  Use the energy of the Gemini eclipse to enjoy life, welcome positive changes, and celebrate the good fortune and prosperity promised when we use our wits, creativity, and good to serve, create, build up, redo, refine, and express ourselves in the areas that are grounded in our soul’s desire to express the Divine.  Whatever our work, whatever our special gifts and talents, we each have something special to share as we live out our lives in fullness.

Another sparkling day in May will be May 21 when Mercury conjoins Jupiter in Taurus.  This aspect indicates excellent news and communication. Over the Memorial Day weekend, May 26, 27, and 28, the Moon will be in Leo (joyful celebration and dramatic expression) and Uranus will be dancing in the door with surprising and sudden good news.

May is the traditional month in some religious traditions and in some cultures, to honor the departed and to pray for and ask for the intercessions of our departed ancestors.  Intercession is like asking someone else to pray for you (something many of us do and a very powerful kind of prayer). Intercession (Communion of the Saints) is seeking the prayers of the departed to pray on our behalf. The power of our collective thoughts increased immensely when we combine that with collectively praying. I have always asked those members of my family who have died to pray on my behalf. However you choose to spend May, consider some spiritual practice that will not only help you discover the blessings in your life but also help others by providing supportive and caring attention to their lives.  Whether you meditate, pray, or contemplate as part of your daily practice, this month spend some time entering into gratitude, acceptance, blessing, forgiveness, and rejoicing, and pass it along.  Go into the closet of your heart, and send the light of your being out to bless all you do, all your family and friends, and to help light up the collective spirit of the Universe.

May is full of a beneficent aspects, and aspects that remind us to move slowly and carefully. Take time to consider, keep doing one thing at a time in whatever areas are most promising, and continue releasing whatever is holding you back, blocking your growth and progress, draining your talents and energy, or impeding your soul’s calling or progress. 

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