Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sun 23/15 Taurus
Moon Last degrees of Aquarius moving into 1/53 Pisces
Mercury 7/57 Taurus
Venus 23/55 Gemini
Mars 8/19 Virgo
Jupiter 23/11 Taurus
Saturn 24/10 r. Libra
Uranus 7/7 Aries
Neptune 3/1 Pisces
Pluto 9/17 Capricorn
North Node 5/9 Sagittarius
Chiron 9/20 Pisces

As I look out my office window early this morning, I see the last quarter moon dim against the early morning sky. This afternoon at 5:47 PM EDT/2:47 PDT the moon makes its exact square in the sign of Taurus. Signifying a time when a we sort through ideas, projects, patterns of behavior, decisions, and our general approach to living life in our attempts to determine what works and what doesn’t.  Imagine separating the wheat from the shaft of grain, peeling the skin from the banana, or cleaning out the closet...whatever metaphor works for you, consider what you can now release in order to do your work more effectively, live your life more authentically, improve your health, finally come to a decision, or find more satisfying relationships. Notice where you have felt pressure to be or do or finish something. Allow yourself to let the truth of your being rise to the surface to inform you of what is true for you now. As the last quarter square of the Moon leads us to the completion of a lunar cycle, spend time resting, releasing, renewing your spirit, mind, and body for the next movement. 

With each step forward, we leave something behind.  The more intentionally we can release our thinking (worrying, rueing the day, being frustrated, fretting, feeling sad about, or second guessing) from what we have already completed or done, the freer we are to live in the present and move in full awareness of what lays on the table before us. The more we live with our minds, hearts, and bodies connected to past patterns, emotional events, or unfulfilled desires, the less we are able to live fully awake and aware of where we are, who we are with, and what we are called to do, be, and have now. Also, if we only live with our eyes, hearts, and desires on what is yet to be or indecision and wishy-washy ideas, we fail to be in touch with living out the decisions we have already made. The life we are living, is the culmination of our choices, in so far as we have moved with intention in our lives. If we are unhappy with our circumstances, we can examine our desires, determine what would be more desirable or healthy for us, and then make some decisions and take some actions to move toward new goals. This period of time is good for reflection, rest, renewal of what blesses us and those we love, and coming to terms with what has been completed. 

The last new Moon occurred on April 21, and whatever was set into motion at that time, is coming to completion or is passing beyond its initial stages. Reevaluate, edit, monitor the situation, consider necessary adjustments, and then allow yourself time to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

The Sun continues its passage through the earth sign, Taurus (April 19-May 20 this year). The Taurus Sun grounds our energy into the practical, methodical manifestation of our desires. Sensual and receptive, our senses are awakening and allowing us to connect to the world around us. This is a fertile time, a time when our sense are awakening, our ideas and plans are taking root, and we feel alive and alert to our physical, intuitive, and mental associations and connections.  The Taurus archetype roots us in what is familiar, what makes us feel at home with ourselves and with those we treasure. Taurus energy makes us feel  enriched by that which is familiar, that which is beautiful, and that which gives us a sense of security and peace. As all energy influences are experienced in varying degrees and in both their positive and their negative expressions, we want to notice whether or not the Taurus Sun is feeding our higher good or our base interests. The redemptive nature of the Taurus archetype is what builds a sense of security, appreciates beauty and close connections, and treasures the richness of honest and loving communication. The shadow, unredeemed Taurus archetype manifests as jealousy, stubbornness, possessiveness, and abusive behavior.  Notice where in your life (look to see where Taurus is and what it is aspecting in your natal or progressed chart). If you haven’t had your chart done yet, look for the areas of your life right now that might be exhibiting the  shadow effects of the Taurus Sun’s energy.  The redemptive nature of Taurus will make you feel in harmony; the unredeemed nature will make you feel angry, upset, confused, hurt, imprisoned, unappreciated, or somehow constrained.

Mercury, the archetype of communication, speed, activity is in Taurus from May 9-24. Again we have the grounded energy of Taurus in conjunction with the Sun for much of this transit, providing a solid base, grounding energy, and pragmatic perspective through which we can view the world. Mercury in Taurus makes us more reliant on what we can see, hear, feel, taste, smell, and move into contact with. Our physical senses are awakened, and we are more aware of how we feel through the senses. Oftentimes people think that their intuition is only related to some inner sensation, vision, or mystical, dreamlike phenomenon, but our senses are truly are part of the channel of sensory, chemical, hormonal, energetic, and spiritual sensors that operate on our behalf, to pay attention to what is going on within and around us. Our senses warn us, even when we are at a distance from our loved ones, of impending arrivals, of situations of an upsetting nature, or of good news.  We feel it in our bodies, often before we hear the news. Not only does this transit of Mercury through Taurus help us in our communication with others, but also it broadens our own understanding of ourselves. In Taurus we are drawn to what works, what is pragmatic, what is tested. We are also more content to be focused on one thing at a time, and this is often a great time for making long term plans as we are not so caught up in our emotional connections with ideas, and can see more clearly what needs to be done, piece by piece, project by project, and day by day.
Venus in Gemini from April 3-August 7 revs up the opposite kinds of energy. On an emotional level, we are sparked and energized in many different directions and through a variety of stimuli.  Gemini, the Archetype of the Twins, represents the parts of the whole seeking union. We often have an awakening of needs, urges, desires, and dreams. We seek whatever we feel we lack that keeps us from being whole. We now are more open to what and who is in our environment, in our line of spiritual and physical energy, and in our realm of interest and desire. The shadow aspect of this passage may be appearing to be flighty, flirtatious, or shallow.  Whatever area of your life is receiving the energetic influence of Venus in Gemini will now be full to overflowing with possibility, promise, and action. Be careful when navigating on the currents of Venus in Gemini for the effect of the archetype of the Divine Feminine, the anima, the female energy is one of riding on the wind often out of the sight of the ground. Connections may begin through conversations that ride high and far through time to form lasting ties and renew long-lost connections. Any spiritual practice will be enhanced by this transit (prayers, meditation, contemplation, centering, yoga, service). The reciprocal nature of our Universe is manifested in our own experiences of give and take, of sharing, of tithing, and of serving or providing what others seek.

Mars is in Virgo, and has been since last November 10. This long, sometimes tedious journey of the action planet through the detail-oriented Earth sign, may have been and will continue to manifest as a journey of works and toil. We can learn a lot from Virgo’s gifts for detail, passion for doing things in the right way at the right time, and of being precise and correct. It is a wonderful time to be perfecting whatever work, practice, experiences, or relationships your are working on. This is a time when we can also learn a great deal about how to improve our ways of doing and being. Learning to appreciate attention to details, precision, and perfection.  Along with the process of perfecting something, comes the lesson of learning when to stop. We learn when to say enough through this passage, and that is part of the process of completing something with scrupulous attention. Enjoy doing what you do well, for you will appreciate the satisfaction of the Virgo archetypal energy.

Jupiter in Taurus, the Sun in Taurus and the Moon entering Taurus today, makes for the trifecta of positive, fortuitous, abundant Earthy energy and good fortune. Right now is one of the most auspicious times of the year. With  the Sun, the Moon and three major planets transiting earth signs, we are in the Divine energy of a Grand Trine in Earth. This is the time to envision, plan, take steps, and commit yourself to that which you most desire and which most speaks to the true north of your being. Our souls call us to live out the manifestations of our highest desires, dreams, and visions, and it is incumbent upon us to clearly and honestly pay attention to what we seek, make our needs clear through prayer, commitment, intention, actions, and passion.

Saturn is continuing its slow and backward and forward movement through Libra. This transit is once again in retrograde motion in Libra, affecting some area of your life where you have your greatest lessons to learn, and are revisiting and reevaluating the choices you made in the past, what needs to be released now, in order for you to move forward equipped for the next major leg of your journey.  This aspect will continue for quite some time yet.  We all feel our Saturn transits, wherever they are in our lives, and depending upon your age, these transits have significant and life-changing effects. Having a chart done would help you better understand how this transit is operating in your life.

Uranus in the early degree of Aries, just began a 14-year transit in the fire sign on March 11. Uranus calls us to break free, redo everything, including ourselves. We may feel compelled or propelled to make major and radical changes in some area of our lives at this time. We seek not transitory change, but real and lasting change in ourselves, our lives, and all areas of our world. Our attitudes, beliefs, habits, relationships, goals, and even our personalities can undergo major shifts and changes. It’s an excellent time to seek support for dealing with unresolved or deep-seated issues. Communication, communion, community, and commitment all call for movement, change, alteration, alternative ways of approaching problems, and relationships.

Today there is a semi-square between Venus and Mercury, so feelings may be on the sensitive side.  What is being said, may not be understood because of the way it is said. I think of my Mother on this Mother’s Day. Her words guid me still, “It’s not what you say, it’s the way that you say it.”  I think of this often, for communication is so difficult under the best of circumstances. Most of us want to communicate well, however, we are all so different and when we have one intention, a simple thing like the tone of our voice, or the manner of our posture (let alone all those years of history we have behind every conversation) may tilt a well-meant comment and turn it upside down into a jab. We never know until we feel the result.  So this may be something that you can be sensitive to, and take a deep breath. Consider what really needs to be said, or what could be left unspoken. “Accentuate the positive...”  Another one from Mom, I must be channeling her today. In any case, those of you who still have your mothers and grandmothers, sisters and friends who are mothers, and those who are mothers yourselves, may you have a very blessed day, and may you appreciate what a gift it is to be alive, be the mother of someone, and have a mother. I’m well aware of some who have very unhappy, unhealthy relationships with their mothers, and I hope you have been able to find other strong, healthy and loving women to provide you with the love, support, and nourishment you need. Be good to yourselves, and enjoy the fruits of your labor, your life, and this glorious day.

 A Favorite Mom and her Grandson 
Ama Ana (as for me), my darling daughter is on the beach in Mexico, resting...something she rarely does. We will celebrate next week, but today, I'm hanging out, visiting my favorite coffee shop gals, and staying in bed with a good mystery!  My idea of a great time. Whatever you do, treat yourself and everyone else well.

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