Monday, November 30, 2015

Sun highlights Saturn's Lessons

Sun conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius: Saturn’s Lessons Brought to Light By the Sun

If you thought you were through getting in touch with what Saturn was arousing in you as it transited Scorpio (awakening us on the subconscious and unconscious levels), you are in for a big surprise.  If I”d only glanced at what Saturn was doing, I might have saved myself some aggravation. Saturn, the Great Teacher, is transiting Sagittarius, and making some powerful aspects to many of the other planets. This week will highlight the areas in our lives where we are meant to learn and address necessary lessons.

Yesterday, Sunday November 29, for example, Saturn in Sagittarius formed a square with Neptune in Pisces, muddying the waters of perception and initial impressions. If I had thought about it, I might not have walked into a car dealership and had a rather uncomfortable experience with a salesman. As it was, the situation itself is fraught with hidden agendas, manipulative practices, and sleight of hand kinds of tactics. None of these skills do I have in any abundance. Nevertheless, I learned that Neptune in Pisces (where my own sun sign sits) makes my intuitive senses highly attuned for detecting traps and tricky situations.  Neptune in Pisces had me enjoying the day, equipped with good friends, warm clothes, camaraderie, and a willingness to test the waters.

I found that I could depend on my instincts and intuition to lead me in the right path. I knew what not to do or say, and certainly when to spot a bad deal. So despite the day not going as I had planned, Saturn’s lesson of the day was to remain still, listen from both the inside and out, and trust myself to know where I or anyone else was off base in the perception area. That was a lesson worth the journey.  And it prepared me for today.

On Monday, November 30, the Sun in Sagittarius forms an exact conjunction with Saturn in Sagittarius.   It’s time when the Sun shines the light on the reality of who we are and what is going on. We can learn how to discern how time constrains our desires to a certain extent. When our desires are bursting to come into manifestation, we need to be able to determine what is feasible and what is not. That does not mean we give up and go home. It does mean we have to tap into our own resources and determine, perhaps, a better plan of action. Especially if what we have been trying to do is preventing us from growing, prospering, and expanding. It is time to finish up what you’ve already started, to clean up any messes that are blocking or inhibiting your growth and development, and expand your perceptions beyond the limitations you may have artificially put on them or that are imposed on you.

During this transit, its probably a good idea not to start any new projects or make any new deals—particularly involving finances. Spend time putting things in order, creating order where there is chaos or clutter, and finish old business before starting something new. We may feel compelled emotionally to forge ahead, but it’s really better to relax a bit more, get some rest, and easing up on accepting new responsibilities or taking on new burdens.  Spend some time and energy clearing, cleaning, sorting, and completing what needs the finishing touches put on it. Follow through with one or two tasks or goals, to the end. And then take a break and break up the patterns that may have led to some habits or behaviors that no longer serve you. Adjust the attitude, clean the lens, and set your sites on something more uplifting.

Mercury’s transit through Sagittarius from November 20 until December 9 provide some good opportunities and some excellent timing for activities and projects that involve working together. Communication of all types, and activities on and with computers is favored when Mercury forms a trine with Uranus in Aries. All types of communications are favored including metaphysical, spiritual, social, electronic, intuitive, and all forms of media. We may feel highly attuned with all the fire energy that is active now. Look to the houses/areas of your life where fire signs rule. Notice where Saturn is transiting Sagittarius to determine where your biggest lessons are to be learned.

Mercury provides the means and channel for improving communications and for learning how to trust your own intuitive knowledge.
Some unexpected advantages and/or opportunities now arise. Uranus in Aries is the master of shocking and surprising us, so who knows what good news is just about ready to change your life. Tuesday, we start the month of December with Mercury forming its  trine with Uranus. Energy is already building towards this trine making this a favorable time for all forms of communication. Our senses are heightened.  Also a great time for creativity and bursts of imaginative ideas. Listen to your intuition. 

Also on Tuesday, Mercury forms a square to Chiron in Pisces making it likely that some will speak through their own woundedness, and create some emotional waves in the process. Tread gently, and step away from anything that might be smoldering beneath the surface (in yourself or that you sense in others). Walking around or away from firestorms is the safer route at this time. Part of the problem is people feeling a lack of confidence or self assurance. As a result, they may strike out or inadvertently misjudge, overreact, or strike out.  It’s better to avoid this kind of situation if possible. Not a great time to reach a consensus or arrive at a decision. Wait until cooler heads prevail.

On Thursday, November 3, the last quarter square of the Moon in Virgo to the Sun in Sagittarius forms. The last quarter square of the Moon to the Sun usually indicates that a point has been reached when it’s time to decide what stays and what goes. Discerning what is working and feasible and what is not, is now crucial before moving into next week’s New Moon phase. This last quarter square emphasizes much of what is going on this week—slow down, table important decisions, and don’t push the river. Stop trying to make things work or happen that are not meant to be. This aspect plays a particularly powerful role in the areas of our chart ruled by the mutable planets of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Anyone with one of these signs ruling any of your planets, the Sun, the Moon, or your ascendant is bound to feel the impact of this square strongly. Go gently about your business.

On Friday, November 4 Mercury in Sagittarius forms a square to Jupiter in  in Virgo.  This aspect creates an information overload for many of us. We become bogged down in  minutia and logistics. We may feel the need to find a way to channel some of this abundance of energy, ideas, and information into something that provides us with a bit of grounding. Energy is frenetic and unpredictable because everyone seems to be overwhelmed. The pressure is building, and plans may go awry. Another indication that we need to slow our pace just when it seems like we need to speed up and hurry. Not the case. Take it easy and cut back some so that you don’t burn yourself out. Notice if you have a tendency to want to unload and run on and on about situations or plans. Take a deep breath, again slow down, and simplify. Keep it simple, and you’re less likely to end up the week exhausted and overwrought.  Guard your health as well. Get enough rest and exercise. Ease up on the pressure, and find time to kick back and relax.

Friday night Venus leaves the sign of Libra and begins her journey through Scorpion, and do things heat up! Our passions rule during Venus’ transit of Scorpio. We want what we want and we want it now! And if we don’t get our way, we may show signs of jealousy, possessiveness, and drama. Venus’ passion is unrelenting during the transit from Dec. 4 through December 30. We will be caught up in a wave of emotional and passionate fervor over the duration of this transit. Channeling this into creating beauty and expressing our passions through service, kindness, and creativity is probably a good way to focus our energies during this time.

Nothing is going to be calm, cool, and collected about the coming week. We want to take it easy and be gentle with ourselves and others. We also want to remain vigilant about how we project our unhealed or unresolved issues onto those around us. It’s time for being mindful and diligent about being accountable for our own behavior and attitudes. It’s important to remember that  the way we treat others has long term ramifications, and we want to treat those who are on our side with the kindness and respect they deserve. Avoid all unwarranted conflicts and allow that we are not the only ones who have been struggling. We’re all in the boat together, and we need to be mindful and compassionate now, more than ever. Love is reflected in Love.

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