Friday, November 20, 2015

Powerful Full Moon in Gemini peaks Wednesday, November 25.

The  chill is on in the Northern climes, and the Moon is waxing toward fullness. As I write the waxing Gibbous moon is 68 % full. It will reach its fullness on November 25 at 2:44 P.M. PST. Known as the Full Beaver Moon, the Full Moon in Gemini comes at the time when the beavers are busy building dams on rivers and streams in preparation for winter. For us in the North, we are also preparing for colder, harsher weather, and long winter nights. Last night the first quarter square of the Moon appeared in the clear night sky.

In the early morning hours before dawn we will be able to see the Comet Catalina as it travels near the Moon and the planet Venus. If you’re up early enough, look towards the Moon and then to the left a bit to catch a glimpse of Catalina.

As the Full Moon peaks in the air sign of Gemini, we feel compelled to purge and rid ourselves of whatever is blocking our paths or preventing us from ridding ourselves of aspects of our shadow that keep us looped into negativity and conflict. At the time of full moons, things come to a head. Whatever has been building or growing now makes its appearance. Ready or not, what you see before you is what has come about from whatever needs to be cleansed or removed from the path before you.

The Sun, Saturn, and Mercury all sit within close conjunction of one another. The Sun on the day of the Gemini Full Moon is at 3/20 of Sagittarius, Saturn is at 6/58 Sagittarius, and Mercury is at 8/02 Sagittarius. That a potent lineup of energy.The Moon at 3/20 Gemini lines up directly opposite the Sun and aspects both Saturn and Mercury directly as well.

All caution and care needs to be used at this time. What is appearing and making itself known now, is powerful and beyond simple explanations. Being careless or cavalier with this kind of energy can be devastating. It is time to lay low, something no usual for full moon celebrants, but something that is needed now. Avoid using any type of mood-altering substances at this time. The veils are so thin at this Full Moon and at this time of the year. The world experiencing a heightened sensitivity as the collective stories are touching nearly everyone on some deep level. Eliminate negativity in your thinking, speech, behavior, and heart. And do not mess around with darkness in any way. Avoid those who do.

One reason that it is so important to be careful at this time is that the Full Moon affects us on a deeply emotional level. And when lunar energy disrupts our emotional balance, we are apt to be struggling with more that the usual kinds of experiences, inner imbalances, and needs than usual. While we may think we have ‘everything under control’, when our shadows are disturbed, we are faced with some of the most difficult aspects of our personal growth and development. It’s not a good time to presume we are able to go it alone. Our spiritual practices, those that remind us of how we are connected to the Divine Truth and Love, help provide us with a greater sense of security and much-needed guidance. Seek calm and inner peace, and focus your thoughts, prayers, and meditations on lifting your emotional vibrations and being mindful of what grounds you and brings you peace.

The emotional focus of this Full Moon in Gemini may raise the level of fear, anxiety, and guilt. Prayer, meditation, and mindful acts of kindness and compassion can counter this. This is all exacerbated by the square that Saturn is forming with Neptune.The day after the Full Moon in Gemini and the Sun in Sagittarius as well as Saturn in Sagittarius forms a square to Neptune in Pisces. This is a pretty difficult aspect, and brings on challenges that bring whatever we’ve been dealing with, into a new perspective. We’ve been prepared and put through a series of trials, and we have been tempered like precious metal. Now we are called upon to see what we have actually learned. Rather than drowning in feelings of helplessness, fear, or anxiety, mindfully work to lift your thinking through actions as well as the constructive use of your problem-solving, decision-making skills. Most importantly though, is relying on your faith in the Divine to see you through the challenges. Surrendering to that Good is the most powerful way to combat the struggles with negative forces.

The Sun and Mercury both conjunct Saturn and the squares they have formed to Neptune, help us see the serious nature of this time. As individuals and as the collective whole of humanity, we must use our understanding of God’s goodness to align ourselves with what is best for all of us, not just what feeds into fear, anger, and manipulation by those who only understand the eye-for-an-eye mentality. We do not live in a world that can afford to live without a true acts of compassion, love, and kindness. Good overcomes evil. Good is generated from our acts, thoughts, and energy.

Mars offers a hopeful sextile to Mercury emphasizing the importance and power of our words, ideas, thoughts, and prayers. Our minds are sharper under this influence and we feel more motivated to act courageously and with compassion. Put energy and action into whatever builds up, heals, and affirms. Mars also forms a sextile to Saturn which gives us more energy and helps us tackle difficult situations with greater stamina and drive.

Complex and difficult problems can be tackled better at this time.
Pay particular attention to any areas of your life where grief, anger, or suppressed energy need to be addressed. What we suppress becomes depression in our lives. Now is the time to allow yourself time, space, and permission to forgive and seek forgiveness, to rid yourself of guilt and stop perpetuating guilt on others through your own lack or willingness to forgive and let go. We are all in the perfect place for where we can do our best right now. Do it, and add to the healing we all need so much at this time.

Cause no harm, to yourself or others. Live in peace, and send that peace into all the dark places where it is needed to bring about wholeness, unity, and healing. Let God’s light shine from within us and radiate in all the cracks where light is needed. Enter this Full Moon in Gemini energy armed with compassion, understanding, and unselfish Love.

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