Sunday, November 8, 2015

New Moon in Scorpio: Listen to What’s Calling to Be Created Within

Colony of Bees forming a New Hive                                               Catherine Al-Meten Meyers

On Wednesday, November 11, 2015 the New Moon in in the fixed sign of Scorpio occurs at 11:47 P.M. EST/8:47 P.M. PST.  Both the Sun and the Moon are at 19 degrees, 1 minute into the sign of Scorpio. Mercury  at 15 degrees is in a loose conjunction with Sun and the Moon as well. Virgo remains a strong influence in our lives/charts, with Jupiter at 18/28 degrees of Virgo, the North Node at 28/16 degrees of Virgo, and Mars in the 29th degree (anaretic degree/last degree) of Virgo as well. Mars in the last degree of Virgo signals a major change, completion, or ending for all things related to Mars. Having just passed through the North Node, this signifies a time of major transition in this area of your life. Someone is leaving or has left, and movement has already begun or will be making its appearance soon.

The New Moon, a time for new beginnings, is naturally coupled with the remnants of what has died or ended in your life/chart. Since these planets are in Virgo, the natural ruler of health, hygiene, and the need for honoring and caring for our bodies and daily habits and rituals, it is a time when we may become more aware of our health and areas that need tending to. Get more rest, be intentional and mindful with your nutrition and hygiene practices, and take time to put your work space in order. Reconsider areas where you may need to let go of work puts undue burdens and stress on you. Take time to listen to the deep urgings of your soul. What is longing to be nurtured? What is being put to rest, and what is worthy of seeding deep within so that the winter sleep can bring it to life in spring? Whether you are in the Northern or Southern hemisphere, this is a time when we tend to our fields, and prepare for the months ahead. What are we setting aside to support us later, and how are we tending to what needs weeding out, stored away, or brought out for the upcoming periods of creativity and production?

With this New Moon in the fixed sign of Scorpio, it is time to dig deeper into our personal mysteries as well as the mysteries that surround us. What about your current relationships require you to recommit or discover how you can come into a closer alliance and a more mutually supportive type of partnership? How might you delve deeper into what one another needs and desires, and into what has been keeping your from working together, if that has been a problem. Notice how your own fears and self doubts keep you from committing to a deeper relationship, or keeps you from being willing to accept yourself and your partner as he/she is?  How are you driving a wedge between one another? Listen to what may be going on beneath the surface, and allow your own sense of compassion to enter into the relationship.

If you are not currently in an intimate relationship, spend this time exploring the mysteries within you and those that keep you distanced from an ongoing relationship at this time. It may be a healing time, and if that is so, what needs to heal within you? How have your past relationships helped or harmed your sense of what love is? How have past relationships helped shape and form your ideas about what you need and want? About how you are capable of both giving and receiving love?  Notice where your experience have stood in stark contrast to who you know yourself to be. Spend some time meditating on what it is you seek in any alliance or partnership, and what it is that keeps you from discovering that in a more intimate relationship at this time. Perhaps during this time of transition, transformation, and healing, the growing has to come from reconnecting with the person your might have lost along the way—the you that can stand outside any relationship and still find wholeness and the capacity to feel and express love, creativity, and compassion.

The Scorpio New Moon sits together with the Scorpio Sun, radiating healing light and potent energy meant to be shone on that relationship which most warms your heart and infuses you with purpose and meaning. Time now to focus your energy into learning, growing, and developing your best self in what you choose to do and with whom you choose to spend your time and life with. Allow the passion and energy to well up from the deepest places within you, and focus your intentions, energy, and activities on generating a ripe and nurturing environment for bringing that to life.

The New Moon and the Sun in Scorpio form a harmonious sextile to Jupiter in 18 degrees of Virgo and a loose conjunction with Pluto, the Great Transformer, in Capricorn. Both Jupiter and Capricorn in earth signs, mean that there is a great need to build something with the energy being generated at this time. Time to envision what our heart’s desire and to put our time, energy, and resources into energizing these areas of our life. Put the seeds into your soul that will bring forth that which you long to see growing. Rid yourself of whatever negative patterns of thinking, talking to yourself and others, or stories you tell about who you are that block your good and keep you and others from seeing your light shining. Those of us with personal planets within 16-22 degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) will feel the energy of this New Moon most strongly.

On Sunday, November 8 the Sun in Scorpio forms a trine to Chiron, The Wounded Healer, in Pisces. This is a very powerful indicator that we now have within our power and reach, the ability to heal from old wounds and learn how to move forward in a more positive and self-nurturing  manner. We long to figure out what the crux of any problem is now, and do have the capacity to do so. We may tend to be more open to discovering what the truth is, and may feel less afraid and anxious about what might have caused us to be fearful in the past. It’s a good time to build our confidence and grow through examining our experiences to see what we have gained that can support and nurture us from now on.

On November 8, Venus enters Libra, (7:31 A.M. PST/10:31 EDT) bringing a desire for more romance and a love for deeper and more enjoyable kinds of pleasures. From November 8 to December 4, Venus transits Libra and brings us a sense of joy and harmony in all areas of our live. In particular we seek closer ties and bonds, and want to bring a sense of refinement and richness to how we live and how we interact.  We may feel a greater desire to find a more perfect union (sound familiar?). There is a reason this phrase was coined…it is a deep need in us for it gives us a sense of meaning, purpose, and belonging, and it allows us to grow and create more abundantly. This is what motivates us at this time.

As Venus has moved into Libra, she has passed through the gates of the North Node. A new phase of life is beginning for us now. We have crossed over a threshold, and now enter into a period where we can see how the past with all its losses, struggles, and disappointments, is now ready to give birth to the gifts that come with healing, growth, and positive change. We are making new connections and feeling more confident reaching out for what we desire. We enter into a time when we may feel more like we’re in a lucky twilight zone kind of place in our lives. As we become less afraid of facing ourselves as we truly are, we find our fears were baseless. What we feared, even if it came to pass, leaves us in a much better place than we could have imagined. The future is ours for the taking, and the only thing that will hold us down or back is if we talk ourselves out of our own good. This is a time when we enter into more cooperative and mutually satisfying relationships and partnerships.

When Venus forms a contraparallel with Chiron in Pisces on November 8, we discover that our relationships always have something to teach us. Look at both the positive and negative aspects of relationships to see what they can teach you about who you are and what your respond to or not. Notice how a bad situation can be avoided in the future as you enter into new relationships, and dig deeper to define who you are and what your real, felt needs are. Notice how you might have taken what was offered, instead of insisting on what you needed. Notice when you put up with what was unacceptable, cruel, or unkind, when you needed to walk away. Notice how you might have given up pieces of yourself to fill in the cracks in someone else. What are the essential needs you have and what do you require in any relationship? Know yourself at this new level of being where you are, and don’t be afraid to dig deeper and face yourself. You have nothing to lose except a false idea of who you are or who others are, or both.

On Monday the Sun in Scorpio trines Chiron in Pisces bringing a very positive and healing aspect in whatever areas of your life/chart this takes place. This is a special blessing. Be open to receiving it and acting on what it releases you from and opens you to. Later in the evening (7:16 PM/PST) the Sun in Scorpio forms a quincunx to Uranus in Aries. This brings about a  surprising and perhaps shocking change of events in our lives. What we had planned on, may fall apart. We may find that our schedules or arrangements don’t work out as we had planned. This is a time to test our patience, and to remind us to get more comfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty. Remember, life is dynamic and often uncertain.

On Tuesday,  Mercury in Scorpio (15 degrees) sextiles Pluto in Capricorn. Remembering our capacity for patience pays off when Mercury forms this aspect to Pluto. By seeking a greater depth of understanding into our  psychological makeup and by listening to and learning how to trust our own insight and intuition more, we are capable now to look more deeply beneath the masks, facades, and buried secrets that have blinded you in the past. This also allows us to slow down, develop greater patience, and learn to be more selective and discrete when we make choices now. Examine your own decision making process, and reevaluate how your come to make the choices you do. What needs to change in your process? Learn how to be more discerning in how you live. 

Mercury also forms a semi-square to Mars marking a stressful time. Conflicts, arguments, and disruptions that result in our feeling edgy and cranky, can be countered by slowing down, back off, and releasing ourselves from any undue stress and pressure we have put ourselves under. Not a great time to be trying to meet deadlines or working with people whom we come into conflict with. People clash over different interests and priorities. Best to back off and slow down under this aspect.

Wednesday, the Day of the New Moon in Scorpio, the Moon makes a number of aspects all day leading up to the New Moon (discussed earlier in this article)

Thursday as the new lunar month begins, communication (within and with others) is affected. Mercury  trines Chiron in the morning hours. Communication including dreams may be enlightening. We begin to understand how the way we communicate (to ourselves and to others) has a powerful influence on our health, well being, and our ability to hear and be heard.

Mars enters Libra on Thursday as well, calming some of the more destructive and earth-shattering actions of Mar in Virgo. Cooler heads begin to prevail now. From November 12 until January 3, 2016, Mars in Libra pours on the charm. It may also be more difficult not to see all sides of the story. Libra tends to insist that we look at all sides to any issue, seek equity in spite of the odds, and see the best and  worst case scenarios. Consequently, it may be hard to decide on any right action during this time. The phrase wishy-washy comes to mind. It may be a time when we are not quite sure what the right direction or choice is for us. This would be a good time to go back over some of the lessons we learned earlier in the week about what we need. The growing edge of Libra in Mars is to know what is right for us and to stand in that truth regardless or in light of what we know about everyone  else and all the options. We do have to know who we are and we have to be willing to stand in our own truth, especially when it comes to taking action.

On Friday November 13, Venus in  Libra forms a sextile to Saturn in Sagittarius.This is a stabilizing influence in all areas ruled by Venus. Love, romance, art, music, beauty, and all that brings harmony and balance to our lives. We gain support from those in authority and/or older people or established relationships. Though communication may be subdued, we receive a sound and steady kind of support that we feel from a place deep within. We know who and what we can count on because we honor who and what we are. We feel more balanced and comfortable in the movement that is being generated in different areas of our lives. We receive support that we need, and we are more comfortable with the dynamism within us and that which is propelling and guiding our lives.

Also on Friday, Mercury in Scorpio forms a sextile to Jupiter bringing the close of a week of deep and profound learning, insights, and realizations nearly to a close. We feel a more profound sense of peace because we have a clearer idea of what we are learning and who we can count on as we come to understand the significance of our journey. We feel more positive and capable, and we set out to take care of some tasks and projects we may have been putting off. Filling out applications, applying for new jobs, taking care of business, writing, reading, making and keeping appointments, and handling chores are all favored. It may be that you take a short trip, or get out of your routine and start some new phase of an exercise routine or other lifestyle change.

On Saturday when Venus forms a quincunx to Neptune in Pisces, we may have a spate of self doubt and insecurity. Old habits leave their shadows and those shadows peak up on occasion causing us to lose perspective and feel emotional upset. Acknowledge the source of any such insecurities or doubts, and recognize how they take hold and keep you under their control. Who’s in charge? Take the reins, and ride in the opposite direction. You know how to disengage from the shadow folks. Now is the time to enjoy and revel in the new start you have taken. Don’t get sidetracked. Instead, put your hands into soapy water, run down the path and back again, or bake a cake. Do something to lift yourself back into the light.

However you enter the energy of this week, be sure to wake up early one morning and look out to the East to see Jupiter, Venus, and Mars in the closing days of their beautiful alignment. Cast your eyes to the skies and heavens to see the glory of the Universe, and feel the glow of your own spirit as you live life from the heart. Enjoy your week. And be sure to plant the seeds of goodness within and in all you do.

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