Week of the New Moon in Sagittarius
The week started out on Sunday with a big Mars in Libra at 16 degrees square to Pluto in Capricorn. Also on Sunday, the Sun in Sagittarius formed a nice sextile to Mars as well. Venus in Scorpio formed an uncomfortable seisquiquadrate to Chiron the Wounded healer in Pisces making it hard for us to figure out what is blocking us from connecting on more intimate levels. Scorpio and Pisces stir up deep-seated memories and links to whatever is blocking intimacy and connection in our lives, particularly in the areas which are ruled by these two signs. It’s the week when energy is building to the New Moon in Sagittarius on Friday, December 11. Early in the week we are in the dark of the moon, when our thoughts and feelings dwell in unconscious territory. What is stirring beneath the surface is preparing us for the passageway that is opening with this next New Moon.
Mercury in the last degree of Sagittarius squares Mercury in Sagittarius forms a square to the North Node in Virgo. This is a turning point time when we need to take care of any old, unfinished business so we have a clear path ahead. Changing outwork patterns of thought and behavior is now essential. View this time as a connection between the past and the future, and use your practice of presences as you maintain a clear idea of how the past has affected the choices you now face. What have you learned that can help you make this transition? How have you garnered support and strength? What or who have you neglected to consider as you have focused on your own path and goals? Consider how reaping what we sow applies to you at this time, and do what you can to mend any fences that need mending. Ahead on the path there is much to be done, and it behooves us to respect and honor those who support and encourage us. We must be discerning and kind at the same time. And we must also see how our own outworn patterns have interfered with the healthy and even flow of the life we have been living.
The Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn has a strong and powerful effect on us as it makes it difficult for us to figure out how to satisfy our desires or find answers to difficult questions. The potency of this aspect lasts throughout the week, easing some but bringing up those issues that seem to block us at every turn. Rather than giving in to feeling overwhelmed or beyond hope, it is necessary to practice being mindful and present as we assess what we have going for us. Counting our blessings, or taking inventory of the resources and support we have, help in combatting feelings of hopelessness or futility. Keep breathing as you work your way through some of the feelings of panic or fear. Energy is high as are passions, and though we don’t want to squelch desire, we may need to practice patience and remember that Divine timing does not necessarily coincide with our idea of ‘right time’. Be present and remain calm and intractable in a solid awareness of bounty and abundance. What is meant to come, will in time.
On Monday the Moon changed signs from Libra to Scorpio. Coincidentally, the Pacific Northwest where I live, is being inundated with rain during this lunar cycle. On both Monday and Tuesday the main aspects have to do with the Moon in Scorpio making a series of aspects to many of the planets. The main thrust of our attention is on a deeply emotional level. We may feel that our emotions run the gamut from anxiety to joy, and then into fear and trepidation to excitement and exuberance. These emotional responses come out of the depths who we are, and provide us with a way to tap into our own depths. We become very aware of the range of our emotional temperament at this time. It’s almost the kind of energy we might feel on a full moon. During the dark of the moon when it’s transiting Scorpio, we wake up to any insecurities, fears, or tension that may have been laying dormant for a while. It all rises to the surface as a consequence of our walking through the daily activities of our lives.
Late at night on Tuesday, the Sun trines Uranus in Aries. We might receive a surprising late-night call or find ourselves coming up with some answers to some heretofore puzzling questions or dilemmas. It’s a time when we may be flooded with new ideas and come up with some unique ways of dealing with the basics. Energy during this transit is dynamic and energizing (I’m up in the middle of the night writing—the energy is potent and allows for a focused approach to dealing with ideas and situations).
In the middle of the night on Wednesday, the Sun in Sagittarius squares Chiron in Pisces. This may find us lost in dreams that hold keys to healing and dealing with our woundedness. It may also result in restlessness and early morning wake up calls (almost as if someone taps us on the shoulder to remind us to wake up to what is going on within our own psyche and lives). At 6:35 P.M. (PST) Mercury enters Capricorn. The transit of Mercury, the planet that rules communications of all kinds, is very methodical and plodding during this transit. All aspects of communication are much more grounded and pragmatic than they are in some other transits.It’s a time to get a lot accomplished. We have the tenacity and focus to be more logical and organized.
It is a good time to reorganize, put things in order, and structure whatever is necessary for what you are preparing or in the process of creating or planning. Finishing up details, getting ready for change, and making certain what is essential and appropriate is in place. Communication reflects a more practical or basic tone, and we are apt to take a no-nonsense approach to most dealings under this transit. This transit of Mercury lasts until January 1, so it seems an appropriate time for clearing our, cleaning up, sorting through, and preparing for the changes that are ahead. We want to be ready to take advantage of the energy of the New Moon in Sagittarius for it unleashes energy that allows us to put our ideas into motion and our dreams into action.
The Moon enters Sagittarius on Wednesday, and forms a conjunction with Saturn Thursday morning. This aspect may have us pondering serious questions and wondering how well we are learning the lessons of life we are meant to be learning. Mars in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries on Thursday morning as well.
The Sun and Moon both in Sagittarius on Friday will find us thinking large. Expectations expand as we prepare for a time that ushers in a great deal of growth through action and adventure. The New Moon in Sagittarius forms a square with Jupiter in Virgo and it will form a trine to Uranus. The square to Jupiter may trigger our desire to act on some of those expectations, but we want to be aware that we can only do so much at a time. Pace yourself, and sit down and outline a path for tackling some of the ideas you have now. Look beyond the present to see how you might plan for a more systematic approach to entering the new year. It’s not that you won’t get a lot done and set out on some brand new adventures, but you need to make sure you have a plan of action in place so you are taking care of details and grounding your actions in sound decisions with the necessary support and resources.
The New Moon in Sagittarius’ trine to Jupiter in Virgo emphasizes our desire to bring ideas and imagination into form and function in our lives. Now is the time to allow the energy of our desires to fill us with the energy and momentum we need for moving ahead as we take the risks that open us to some brand new adventures. The Moon in Sagittarius also forms a trine to Uranus in Aries, meaning that we circumstances and our own attitude opens us up to making changes that serve us well. Step out in the direction of that which, while it might seem a bit scary, does open you to more fulfillment and greater growth than we have been prepared for in quite some time.
The New Moon in Sagittarius is exact in the middle of the night, early Friday, December 11 morning. This New Moon ushers in a dynamic lunar cycle when we are propelled forward with a sense of courage and drive that makes us feel we can do anything. You might want to pace yourself, but there definitely is an openness to this cycle. We can make progress in many areas provided we are prepared, diligent, and consistent in our approach. Whatever changes are made between the New Moon and the Full Moon in two weeks will benefit you and will make anything you are working on much more likely to flourish and prosper. Enjoy the New Moon in Sagittarius as you enter an active and powerful cycle to take you into the New Year. The energy of Sagittarius is dynamic and congenial, and awakens the capacity within us to build, create, and energize whatever areas of our lives we focus our attention and actions on.
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