“In our deepest moments of struggle, frustration, fear, and confusion, we are being called upon to reach in and touch our hearts. Then, we will know what to do, what to say, how to be. What is right is always in our deepest heart of hearts. It is from the deepest part of our hearts that we are capable of reaching out and touching another human being. It is, after all, one heart touching another heart.”
- Roberta Sage Hamilton
On Saturday, December 6, 2014 at 4:47AM PST, the Full Moon in Gemini reaches its peak, in exact opposition to the Sun in Sagittarius at 14/46 degrees in each sing.
This full moon signals expansion. It is a time when we need to be assessing what is working in our lives, and what is not. It is a time for appreciating the lives we live, and to be grateful. Through a deeper appreciation of the essential goodness of our lives, we release greater joy, love, compassion, and bounty. The Full Moon in Gemini opposing the Sun in Sagittarius, fans the flames of passion, desire, action, and transformation. Jupiter in Leo, Sagittarius’ ruler, also aspects this Full Moon with a powerful and abundant expression of energy in whatever areas of our lives these three bodies are transiting right now. Communications are vitally important to us right now.
This Full Moon calls on us to exercise our options. Feelings are stimulated, and we need constant mental distractions or focus our energy. Gemini, being the sign of the Twins, may find us dealing with doubles of some type. For example, two equally pleasing offers may be made.
Observe attitudes about responsibilities and choices. What needs attention? What boundaries need to be established? Seek ways to glean the lessons that have been borne from challenges, loss, and difficult work.
With the Full Moon in Gemini, our emotional energy, the tides, and movement and activities increases. Our thoughts, speech, and interaction lean to logic, reveal with and quick thinking, and fire up the imagination. Gemini, rules all parts paired in the upper body, the fourth Chakra energy including the hands, arms, shoulders, lungs, heart, and nervous system. Manage stress, pace yourself, and avoid trying to do too much. Energy pulls in different directions.
Mercury conjunct the Sun increases the level of energy. Uranus trine the Sun and Jupiter, add forthrightness, authenticity, and support in communications and relationship. Jupiter lends its cheery and abundant energy to the mix, and optimism, generosity, and expansive thinking reign.
Chiron, the Wounded Healer in Pisces forms a close square to the Sun/ Moon axis at Full Moon. Chiron generates tension and leads us to feel the need to speak out or restrain ourselves in some manner. It would probably most healing to allow yourself to be vulnerable and open yourself to knowing, hearing, and speaking the truth. Listen to what others are saying, and be receptive and compassionate in all your dealings. With those you struggle with, hold them in the light of compassion, practice loving kindness, and step back from the edge of relationships and involvements that are toxic, or that lack the connection and purpose you seek. Chiron in Pisces between 2011 to 2018 is a sustained period when we are all being called to reconnect to the Sacred ties and roots. Bonds to Spirit and divine connections are essential to our full development and growth.
Jupiter in Leo ruler of the Sagittarius Sun sweetens and stimulates pleasure-loving Full Moon with an easy close trine to pleasure-loving, sensuous Venus in Sagittarius. Indulgence, extravagance, and the desire for pleasure are all part of this transit.
As a heads up, we have three significant astrological events to heed this month after Full Moon:
On Sunday, December 14 through December 15, the 6th Pluto (Capricorn) and Uranus (Aries) square at 12/35 degrees of both signs occurs. We become more in need of staying centered and in becoming more aware of our breathing. Corrupt social and political systems break up at this time. New systems can now be formed out of the rubble of what has been falling apart and malfunctioning for this period of Pluto’s transformative transit through Capricorn (earth sign).
Uranus in Aries sets off by this square, put us in touch with a sense of urgency and need to address whatever is not working in our lives. Personally, we need to be completely honest with ourselves in naming what we truly desire. Whatever changes need to be made, become evident now. The choices we make now will be major. Choose to put yourself on the path towards what you truly desire.
Both Capricorn and Aries are cardinal signs. Whatever is being shaken up in your life now, has been underway for quite some time. Pluto first entered Capricorn in 2008, and will stay there until 2023. We have already gone through 5 other squares, and this next week we will experience the 6th. The influence can be felt in the week leading up, from tonight’s Full Moon in Gemini on.
This is a time of a complete reorientation of consciousness, collectively and personally.
This Full Moon in Gemini aligns with the gravitational center of a cluster of galaxies known as the Great Attractor. As this happens, we are called to move more closely to our true desires. A discipline and spiritual practice helps us discern, contemplate, and gain greater clarity at this time. Rituals, like those that surround Advent, help us focus our attention, energy, and intentions to align more clearly with the Divine purpose we are called to.
Advent is a time, as is Advent, the period leading up to Christmas, when it is important to remember what is essential in our lives, and to our very nature. The first week of Advent is focused on hope, and in joyful anticipation of what is about to become present in our lives. The second week of Advent, which is where we are headed, is focused on the journey towards what we are awaiting. The third week, beginning on December 14, focuses our attention on and awakening of our joy for life. When the week of Christmas arrives, the focus will be on the Angelic Presence that comes to us through visions, dreams, intuition, ritual, and service for others.
This may be a time of crisis or a test of faith. Deeper levels of our consciousness are being awakened, and we find ourselves gaining a longer view of where our journey is leading us. We now look for ways to weave together the meaning and purpose our life is unfolding. We examine and discard worn out beliefs, practices, and habits, and seek a cleansing of ourselves in preparation for a deeper spiritual initiation or atonement. Create a mantra to help focus your intentions and center your energy on healing and releasing―“I open to compassion, self acceptance, and peace. I open myself to giving and receiving love.”
"The heart is the place where we live our passions. It is frail and easily broken, but wonderfully resilient. There is no point in trying to deceive the heart. It depends upon our honesty for its survival."
- Leo Buscaglia
"The heart is the place where we live our passions. It is frail and easily broken, but wonderfully resilient. There is no point in trying to deceive the heart. It depends upon our honesty for its survival."
- Leo Buscaglia
Listen to what your heart wants you to know.
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