Sun 29 Sagittarius 6'46" 23s26
Moon 16 Sagittarius 14' 3" 18s24
Mercury 6 Capricorn 13'59" 25s17
Venus 13 Capricorn 2'29" 23s52
Mars 12 Aquarius 31' 1" 18s14
Jupiter 22 Leo 22'54"r 14n49
Saturn 29 Scorpio 43' 7" 18s13
Uranus 12 Aries 34'12"r 4n21
Neptune 5 Pisces 8'37" 10s18
Pluto 12 Capricorn 47'15" 20s39
TrueNode 16 Libra 27'44"r 6s28
Chiron 13 Pisces 26'44" 2s11
(From Astrodienst, Saturday, December 20, 7:03 p.m. PDT/1:03 a.m. GMT Dec. 21)
New Moon in Capricorn at the Winter Solstice
As I write this week’s column it is just four hours (GMT) before the Moon enters the early degrees of Capricorn and hours before the Sun enters Capricorn joining Mercury, Venus, and Pluto to form a stellium of earth signs). This New Moon is significant as it comes in the earliest degrees of Capricorn, the area of our lives where Pluto has been making its transformative way into whatever area of our lives has needed changing.
The New Moon and Winter Solstice both coming as they do under the influence of the recent 6th of 7 squares between Uranus and Pluto (over the last three years), and in the wake of Saturn’s transit through the anaretic (final degree) of its transit through Scorpio, is it any wonder we are experiencing the major shifts, changes, challenges, and infusion of energies that we are?
The big stories of our lives are playing out in our individual lives and on the collective stage, not to mention all the activity in the Universe that is as dynamic as it it. The last three years, as I mentioned in last week’s column, has been quite challenging for just about everyone, and for our planet as a collective whole What is playing out on the world stage is a reflection of what has been happening since the beginning of the major transformations that have torn down worn out structures (physically in individuals; institutionally and structurally in the collective), in order for complete transformation and recreation to take place.
This New Moon in Capricorn brings five planets into Capricorn, and along with that, the perfect time for setting intentions for the New Year as the Solstice opens the seasonal new year’s portals on this New Moon. The power of five planets in Capricorn, especially as the Moon aspects each planet, and the Sun setting off energy in whatever directions you envision. Allow yourself to move from the center of your authentic self at this time, for what is set into motion at this time, sets the tone for the year.
This New Moon and lunar month is a time when we are arriving at the completion of some long and difficult cycles. Saturn is completing two years of limitations and deep soul-searching in whatever area of your chart/life it has been transiting. A completely new cycle is beginning, and pieces of the old are falling away, as we suffer the final pangs of a death, the last remnants of some worn out structure in our lives, and the removal of whatever obstacles have been standing in the way of our growth and evolution. Release what no longer is part of your experience.
Be open and receptive to what is unfolding in your life and calling for you to move beyond former limitations and challenges. Relief is near. Begin slowing your pace, allowing whatever has been started, to take on a life of its own. Let things fall into place now. Get out of your own way, and begin celebrating and reaping the benefits of the great transformations that have taken place.
The New Moon at 0degrees of Capricorn is revealing the beginning of dreams that are beginning to crystalize and the veneration of the wisdom figures who are present to guide, guard, and infuse us with compassion. This degree in the first decan of Capricorn, signifies someone with great religious fervor and dedication. Whatever path is chosen at this time becomes a matter of great significance, dedication, and commitment. The New Moon aligns with the fixed star Acumen (part of the constellation of Scorpio).
According to Dr. Eric Morse, this is part of the Ptolemy Cluster and indicates that “there is a tendency to be either the ‘hellfire and damnation brigade’ or to take up a fierce anti-religious and even anti-God stance.” Such religious or anti-religious zealotry can be harmful regardless of which side one takes. The best course is the middle road and the path of tolerance and compassion. There is a tendency for some to view the world from a narrow, self-centered perspective if beliefs, practices, and ideals become fodder for power-over movements and actions.
This New Moon coming at the Winter Solstice and in the early degrees of Capricorn, initiates us into the final stages of a step over the threshold into a new beginning and an entirely new path than we have ever experienced before. One of the Sabian symbols for 0 degrees of Capricorn is an Indian Chief claiming power for the entire tribe. It is an ancient practice that many tribal people acknowledge the power of a true leader to take on the burdens, risks, and sacrifices in order to save the whole tribe. The idea of servant leader, an ancient one, often gets misinterpreted to mean the power-over type of leadership. However, this type of power is one of sacrifice of that which is needed to preserve and save the whole. The greater the sacrifice of the leader, the greater the saving grace for the people.
In our personal lives, the power, ruler, and authentic self is demanding to take the lead in all areas of our lives. There is almost an immeidate recognition of the intuitive voice within that signals what is right and good for us at any given time. We are very much in touch with the inner voice that speaks from Truth and that receives its guidance from the Source of all being. At this time we need to allow ourselves to surrender to that Divine essence―leaving behind anything that dilutes, muddies, or doesn’t affirm who we really are.
So as the Sun and the Moon prepare to enter Capricorn where they will join the two inner planets, Mercury and Venus, and the outer planet, Pluto the Great Transformer, be prepared for a solid grounding of what is moving within you and what is propelling your on your journey. The solid, earthy experiences will make any metaphysical doubts, clear. The earth sign stellia is rooting us in the most basic essence of our lives. Our root chakra issues of finding home, nourishing and stabilizing our lives, and working through intergenrational stress and karmic challenges are now coming to ground. What appears before us is the raw material for creating a new life and making long-lasting choices.
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