As the new week begins, the month of November ends, and December and the holy days begin, here is where our Star, the Moon, and our planets reside.
From Astrodienst Website:
Sun Sagittarius 8/18’40" 21s41
Moon Pisces 23/53’31" 0n29
Mercury Sagittarius 3/57’53" 21s10
Venus Sagittarius 17/20’54" 23s09
Mars Capricorn 26/36’44" 22s11
Jupiter Leo 22/31’ 0" 14n42
Saturn Scorpio 27/22’57" 17s43
Uranus Aries 12/45’44"r 4n25
Neptune Pisces 4.51’29" 10s25
Pluto Capricorn 12/7’29" 20s40
True Node Libra 18/5’56" 7s06
Chiron Pisces 13/7’ 4" 2s12
At the very end of November looking ahead to December and the end of year holidays and energy, be aware the month begins with the Full Moon in 14 degrees of Gemini on December 6. This Full Moon in Gemini falls in the decan that is ruled by Venus and Mars.
This Full Moon is transiting the the decan of Gemini that represents overdoing it. When we overdo, expending too much energy without taking time to recuperate and recover, illness or accidents tend to happen. Slowing down, getting much-needed rest, and taking our
This week as the Moon waxes to fullness, it transits Pisces, Aries, and Taurus. We feel the energy of water, fire, earth, and air emotionally, the full gamut of sensual and emotional energy. Venus in Sagittarius brings out a greater sense of universal love, and less focused on intimacy and intensity. Freedom and excitement are the hallmarks of love and relationships with Venus in Sagittarius. Less subtle and more outspoken, love is focused on truth and higher meaning. The shadow side of Venus in Sagittarius is the tendency to hide our insecurities under a guise of restlessness or need for the ‘endless’ search for perfection, adventure, or the ‘right one’. The shadow arises when we are not paying attention to what underlies our insecurities, fears, or unresolved issues. With Venus in Sagittarius along with the Sun and Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus in fire signs, Venus acts as the heart and soul of desire, determined to enjoy life with a passion.
With Venus in Sagittarius, fueled by the other planets, and the Sun in fire signs and air, there is a strong desire to seek and find new ways and paths to follow without much discernment or discretion. Just be aware. As I am writing this column on Sunday, Nov. 30, Venus forms a sextile to the North Node in Libra (the gateway between the future and the past). In general this brings about a desire to mingle and connect with others. Individually, this could signal some new path emerging in some area of your life.
On Dec. 4, the same day that Mars changes signs, Venus forms a trine to Jupiter in Leo. This is a very powerful and lovely influence, bringing warmth, good will, harmony, and optimism. Note where this aspect takes place and which areas of your life and houses in your chart are affected. For example, if Venus is transiting your 1st house, Jupiter is likely to be in your 9th house (depending on where house cusps fall). The influence of Venus and Jupiter would be in the areas ruled by the 1st and 9th house. Check your chart to determine how this influence affects you. (If you would like a chart drawn up and interpreted for you, contact me, Dr. Catherine Al-Meten at
Through the Week:
Sunday, November 30.
Today, the Moon changes signs in the late afternoon or eveing depending on your time zone. From from Pisces to Aries, the Moon is opening us to more fire energy buiding in our lives. Sunday the Moon sextiles Mars in Capricorn, making us feel the need or urge to take some action. Later the Moon trines Saturn in Scorpio in Scorpio, awakening our imagination, intuition, and emotional sensuality. As the Moon enters Sagittarius later (8:15 PM EST/5:15 PM PST), we can expect to feel the energy shift. Just notice the subtle changes that occur around that time. Later in the evening, Mercury in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces (11:27 PM EST/8:27 PM PST). Confusion and other issues dealing with concentration and comprehension occur. Trouble following directions or for that matter a train of thought. If such a pattern occurs for you, avoid having to find answers, fix something, or work out the details of a plan. Avoid getting into arguments when this kind of transit is taking place; it is unlikely to be resolved until the struggle or dissonance has passed. Not a good time to do something that requires a clear mind.
When squares occur between the planet of communication and messages, Mercury, and Neptune, the planet that rules the hidden, mysterious, imaginative, illusive, and unknown, there are likely to be issues with all forms of communications. It may, however, be a good time to observe how we react and respond during such transits. If we can simply observe ourselves as we deal with such energy, we might have some insight when the fog clears.
Monday, December 1, 2014.
The Moon is in Aries all day, making some nice aspects first a trine to Mercury at 2:16 AM PST/5:16 AM EST) and then a trine to the Sun later in the morning. Trines help smooth out rough waters and calm tempers. Trines also lend harmony to most situations.
Mars sextiles Saturn in Scorpio at 11:01 AM PST/2:01 PM EST). Mars in Sagittarius sextiling Saturn helps us see ideas taking shape, plans coming to fulfillment, and goals reaching fruition. We may feel a greater sense of achievement or feel that our time and efforts have not been wasted. Settle into an established work pattern, and spend some time organizing and making your schedule more user friendly. Pull your energy inward, taking time to rest, nourish your body, mind, and spirit, and feeling the contentment from doing a job well. Use what you know about your own boundaries, limitations, and energetic needs to temper your use of time, resources, and energy (physical, mental, spiritual, psychological, and sensual). Traditional methods, good organization, and persistence pay off now
Tuesday, December 2, 2014.
The Moon remains in Aries today. During the night or early morning, Saturn in Capricorn forms a seisquiquadrate to Neptune in Pisces. (2:43 AM PST/5:43 AM EST). Your dreams or the first thoughts of the day, may awaken you to some esoteric awareness of some practical and pragmatic matter. Saturn the Great Teacher, has been transiting Capricorn, turning over the ground for transformation and major changes. Uranus, in Aries, the Awakener, brings us sudden news, events, or shocking insight. Together these two are calling our attention to something that has been calling for attention and something that requires action.
Mars forms a semi-square to Chiron in Pisces Tuesday early Tuesday morning. On the East Coast this might be during our sleep, further West, just after we wake up. Watch your manners and words, as the say goes, “actions speak louder than words”. With this aspect, we are likely to get our feelings hurt or hurt someone else unintentionally. The rashness of Mars and the part of our life/chart where our wounds are still healing, meet in ways that bruise tender feelings or hurt us when we feel most vulnerable. Be nice. Be understanding. Forgive quickly, and move on. Tension builds as we feel a greater need for personal freedom and change. Finding ways to combine our need for freedom within a structure that nourishes and supports us is what we need to do now. Fighting against the natural flow or refusing to see the need for boundaries, limitations, and organization, only result in wasted energy and unfulfilled goals and dreams. Get focused. Get directed, and provide the structure you need to live out your creative ideas.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014.
The Moon changes signs today, from Aries to Taurus (just past midnight EST, and just past 3 AM PST). We wake on more solid footing, emotionally, The earthy Taurus Moon lends a practical, grounded element to our emotional stability. It is also Mars’ last day in Capricorn, so the Moon’s earthy energy helps with the transition of Mars, providing an emotional bridge over whatever Mars’ transit through Capricorn has unearthed.
Thursday, December 4, 2014.
The day begins with the Moon in Taurus and with Mars in the last few hours of Capricorn. Emotionally and action-wise, we may feel like cleaning up, clearing out, and finishing off what remains of projects, tasks, or unfinished business before Mars changes signs.
Venus in Sagittarius trines Jupiter in Leo (mid-morning-early afternoon), that harmonious aspect discussed earlier. The Sun Trines Uranus just an hour before Mars enters Aquarius. We welcome change and receive good news. This may also be when you discover the way you have been seeking to put an acceptable form of structure on your dreams and passions. The way is shone to you. Watch. Receive. Allow the Celestial flow of energy flow into your life filling up the dark places and nourishing the ground of your being.
At 6:57 PM EST/3:57 PM PST), Mars enters Aquarius. From December 4 through January 12, Mars transits Aquarius. Mars, the planet of action, changes signs this week (Dec. 4) as it leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius. As Mars leaves the place where it has been somewhat muted in earth energy, it energy becomes more dynamic and erratic. Mars, the planet of action, is associated with transformation and Agni (the god of Fire and sacrifices). Mars is the messenger and the agent of the Sun, doing the Sun’s bidding. Allowing our Mars energy to push ourselves to take action or make decisions without careful thought, is one of the characteristics of a Mars transit through Aquarius. Mars transits each sign for approximately two months per year, so Mars cycle through all the signs is about two years, depending upon retrograde cycles which extend its transits.
Mars as Agni also represents our ability to process and digest (metabolize) all aspects of our lives. Consider what was happening in your life, and how you were dealing with life the last time Mars’ transited Aquarius from January to March, 2013. Pushing our goals or agendas too far, can cause us problems. Use discretion in using energy. Avoid forcing the issue with yourself or with others. This flies in the face of how we may be feeling. The spirit of freedom is in the air. The desire to cast off chains and to release pent up energy is strong.
Mars represents our will power and desire to move into action. Aquarius, an air sign, brings inspiration and creative ideas. New ideas come through intuition, imagination, and inspired thought. The desire to do something new and different is strong now. The energy is strong; restraint and discretion is not.
Mars in Aquarius triggers our mental facilities. One way to channel Mars energy is through movement, exercise, and hands-on activities. Group collaboration with a shared vision can be potent and viable at this time. Forming new alliances or changing the nature of current ones is favored now. The tendency during Mars’ transit of Aquarius is to draw outside the lines, break with routine, and discover new ways of approaching old challeneges or relationships.
Greater independence may also be a strong element of Mars’ movement through Aquarius. The need to please, conform, or fit some preconceived expectation or image of ourselves is no longer a focus. Letting go of staid or stale aspects of thought, belief, behavior, or perspective is now a likely benefit. Whereas Mars’ transit through Capricorn may have given us time to be more deliberate and contemplative, its transit through Aquarius will find us a bit more detached and unconventional in our approach to solving problems or setting forth on new adventures. Where we might have focused on developing more controlled and disciplined ways of handing our business, the energy in Aquarius is likely to be less so.
Friday, December 5, 2014.
The Moon changes signs early in the day, from Taurus to Gemini. The first signs of the waxing Full Moon in Gemini will be felt as the Sun squares Chiron in Pisces at 4:30 AM EST/1:30 AM PST. Dreams may be wild and edgy this night. We may become in touch with our shadowy insecurities and fears. Whatever blocks or keeps you trapped in the sense of lack or feeling less than, now shows up. It is now that we are called upon to learn to trust our own truth, intuition, and capacity for goodness. Our healing comes by learning to believe in ourselves, and to stop thinking that someone else has the answers we need. All the answers to our problems, challenges and needs can be found within. Learning to have faith in what we know to be the Universal Truth, is learning to listen to and acknowledge our gifts, talents, and abilities. Time to acknowledge our desires and to act accordingly, with faith, hope, and love. Know the truth and the truth will set you free from doubt, fears, and lack.
Later in the evening, Mercury in Sagittarius trines Uranus in Aries. A very benevolent aspect. Take the opportunity to accept invitations, attend gatherings, and meet with those who have something to share and offer. Bring yourself to the table, and be willing to give and receive gifts. Gifts of spirit along with tangible opportunities now come to you. Try out new ways of communicating or doing business, and step out beyond the ordinary to receive your blessings. Intuition is very strong at this point, and intuitive messages or metaphysical and physical signs seem to drip out of the blue right into your lap.
The Full Moon in Gemini also transits and aspects the fixed star Cursa (Beta Eridani). As the story of the constellation Orion is told by Jim Kaler, Orion, the Hunter is so important that he is accompanied by his two hunting dogs, but also has two footstools so he can rest. One is located in front of the constellation, the other is located behind it. The latter, forms the constellation Lepus, the Hare. Lepus, the Hare is composed of a box-like arrangement of four stars located up and to the right in the night sky, just right of the star, Rigel (Orion’s left foot). Cursa, the brightest star just northwest of Rigel.
Another legend says that Cursa is the source of the River Eridanus, the great celestial ocean stream that flows to the Southern Cross at the great southern star, Achernar. Cursa is one of those stars that over time has shown itself to suddenly emit great bright flashes, making it look like it sparkling. This is thought to be caused by solar flares similar to our Sun’s.
Astrological lore views Cursa as the source of the Celestial River, and observes: “Eridanus gives a love of knowledge and science, much travel and many changes, a position of authority, but danger of accidents especially at sea and of drowning.” With the energy of the Full Moon in Gemini, combined with all the fire energy of the plantes and the Sun, it is important to slow down, rein in impulses, and exercise caution.
Later in the week, I will post a new article on this Full Moon in Gemini. Until then, notice the changing energy patterns, and prepare yourself for the awakenings that are ahead.
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