“When you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.” Thus spake Christ Jesus according to the non-canonical gospel of Thomas. An esoteric understanding of spirituality and our human experience, this simple and profound concept speaks to us of the intense transformation that we are experiencing, collectively and personally.
As of November 26, the 6th of a series of 7 aspects between the two outer planets, Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries, has been forming. On Monday, December 14th it reaches its peak. From what has been revealed and occurring in the world, we might have no doubt that this is a time of great evolutionary change for our entire planet. The series of aspects between these two planets represent the energetic change that takes place so that evolutionary developments break down old or dysfunctional structures (Pluto in Capricorn). Uranus in Aries sees this happening in sudden, violent, and decisive movement, actions, and revelations. Whatever is not grounded on ethical, sound, and solid ground/principles, crumbles and loses power.
This process has been occurring over the last three years. A series of harsh, 90 degree angles (squares) have been creating a tug of war between old institutions and new. Patterns of behavior, habits and ways of thinking, as well as paternalistic models and ideals that suit only the elite, are crumbling under the weight of their own self-centeredness, avarice, and greed.
Pluto also rules what is hidden in the shadows―our personal secrets and mysteries as well as those of the collective whole. In culture after culture, the warrior archetype is rising up to fight for freedom. On the world scene, it isn’t difficult to identify how this i happening. On the personal level, it is happening as we each question our deepest motives and values.
It is an appropriate time to look back over the last three years, and observe what was happening, what changes or choices you made, and how you have been affected by this revolutionary transformation. Starting three years ago from June 6 until July 9, 2012 and then again from September 18 until October 2012, what was occurring in your life? These were the initial squares that set off this Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries transitions.
Then seven months later, the third square was peaking from May 15 until June 1, 2013 . The apex point of this series occurred from October 17, 2013 until November 15, 2013. What was occurring last year as these four aspects were being experienced in your life?
Earlier this year, from April 12, until April 19, 2014, the square occurred between these two powerful energies. Currently between November 26 until December 27, 2014, we experience the 6th of the squares. Whatever efforts we are trying to take to bring peace, order, or calm to our lives, is nearly impossible at this time. The storm raging around us, ignites the storm within. Whatever we are needing to pay attention to and mend, alter, or adjust in our lives, now becomes glaringly apparent. Those of us, and who does that leave out, who long for peace―inner and outer, are struggling and feeling the weight of this energetic disruption.
Tasks, jobs, relationships, and conditions that we have been ‘working on’, trying to fix, or just live with, now become intolerable. We are moved to rid our lives of whatever is draining our energy, making us ill, or causing us to live inauthentic lives. Mind-numbing jobs now drain us of all our physical and mental energy. Dead end relationships and patterns of behavior in the way we communicate or relate, now force us to acknowledge what needs to be changed and adjusted. We no longer seem capable of hiding from ourselves or others, and what may have lain hidden for years or decades, now comes raging to the surface.
The energy drain we may be experiencing is a result of two forces, Pluto and Uranus, fighting against one another. Pluto, the cardinal, earthy energy that is the intransigent element of our lives, digging its heels in, tearing down whatever structure is not sound or capable of withstanding the elements. While Uranus, the cardinal, fiery element of our lives that is whipping up the flames of destruction as it tears through the undergrowth of our lives, in its mad race to clear away what needs to go in an effort to liberate us from our limitations, fears, and false beliefs.
On one hand, Pluto is the guardian of the institutional structures and patriarchal alliances, while on the other, Uranus, the defender of autonomy and individual rights, are at war with one another. As is obvious in the outer world, the fight has risen from the board rooms and back rooms, and has become more public. It has crossed borders, both geographic and metaphoric, and has brought the conflict up to the surface of our individual and collective consciousness. We cannot hide or run away from what is evolving within and around us now. Listen to what is true and real for you at this time. Notice when you attempt to rationalize, excuse, or dismiss the value or importance of a necessary change or movement.
Over the last three years, we may have given up trying to guess what was coming next. We have been surprised (Uranus in Aries) by what has come and gone in our lives. Values, beliefs, and structures in our lives, including our own bodies (physical structure), have been breaking down. Weaknesses have appeared and shown us where we need to rebuild and strengthen our lives and the structures that hold us together. This is particularly true of our physical body. Notice what parts of your body have been needing attention. How is that part of your structure connected to the choices, lifestyle, and overall structure of your own life?
How do we use this energy to help us deal with the raging storms of change? Use your meditative and contemplative abilities to question why it is you do what you do? What drives your desires and fuels your obsessions? Why do you want what you want so badly? What is essential for balance, harmony, and sacred connection in your life? As difficult and intense as this time is, it is not necessarily time to intentionally rip everything apart. Take your time. Observe and reflect, and see if you can get to the heart of what it is that is essential before “throwing the baby out with the bathwater.”
The two seemingly opposing energies, are part of the whole. Any energy when taken to its extreme can become the Frankenstein’s monster of its polar opposite. For example, extreme liberalism when taken to its extreme, looks like the worst extreme fundamentalist absolutism. And vice versa. Within the duality of our nature―polarities―we have the option of taking the best of both extremes and finding harmony in the blending of the best of both world. In some traditions, this is referred to as the middle way. Bringing diversity into unity is acknowledging place and value of everyone. We are each of value, and we each have a part to play that adds to the health and harmony of the whole. This, I believe, is the real battle of the Pluto-Uranus series of squares, and indeed of most of the struggles we experience in life. How do we unite our different natures (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, esoteric) identities and needs? How do we honor all parts of ourselves and others, and make peace, befriend, and help heal that which is in need of mending on our Earth?
The battle is not to see who can demolish the other; the battle is who can heal and help heal.
Pluto is the Guardian of the Underworld, the unconscious realms. What appears to be happening on the surface, may not be at all what is happening beneath the surface. Uranus is the impatient agent for change. Its energy brings the urge to merge, raises the need for speed, and activates the energy within that makes us feel edgy, anxious, and unsettled. Acting on this type of energy is not necessarily advisable. In fact, sometimes the best action is non-action. “When in doubt, don’t.” Much of what we feel right now can wait to be acted upon. The edginess is about reminding us to listen to our feelings, acknowledge our intuition, honor what we know to be true, and what we still need to learn. Channel the edginess into something pragmatic and concrete (Pluto), and you help unite the two energies in the experience of now. We may not be able to solve the major problems or remove the giant obstacle in our paths, but we can each clean up our own mess. Pick up, clear off, clean out, mold, shape, bake or cook up a nourishing dish, paint your feelings, or run off your anxiousness. Use your energy to do what you can do in this moment, and rest assured that what is happening below the surface is being helped along by your ability to ride out the storm. Being able to hold a place of inner peace regardless of what is falling apart or happening around you, is an essential gift we each have. Remember that Divine timing is not necessarily our timing.
The month of December is affected by this sixth Pluto-Uranus square all month. The Uranus square Pluto is exact on December 14 (West of EST)/December 15 (EST 1:13 AM). On the West Coast the square is exact at 11:13 PM PST. While Uranus and Pluto are still in close aspect, Venus joins Pluto in Capricorn on December 20, deepening and transforming relationships of love. On December 25, Mercury conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn, stimulating and deepening all forms of communication. Occurring in the second decan of Pluto, this aspect can cause debates, arguments, and other form of communication disruptions with those who have aspects in 11-20 degrees of any of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn-oh goody, that’s me).
Pluto will be resting on the fixed star Nunki, a small star in the constellation of the Archer, Sagittarius. Nunki means, the Edict of the Sea in ancient Chaldean. We can take this to mean the energy of the mysterious, unconscious, depths. Nunki is one of the brighter stars in the constellation and can be found in the end of the arrow in the archer’s bow. Edict and the use of the imagery of the Sea refer to the power and idea of Divine being and the Divine Word, God is speaking energy. What is the Divine speaking into being in your life?
As we move through this dynamic cycle and time of our lives, let’s enjoy the Cosmic Dance. Instead of hanging on for dear life, relax and let yourself enjoy the movement, the music, the beauty, and the thrill of it all. It is an amazing time, and we are so fortunate to be living. With purpose, meaning, and connection, we are helping create the world. Storms end. Obstacles can be surmounted. Struggles can be released. Joy can be found. Take time to to be still and to notice what graces are yours today.
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