The Full Flower Moon in Scorpio: Passionate Challenges and Changes
Where the planets are as I write this column on May 2, 2015.
Sun 12 Taurus 3'21" 15n27
Moon 26 Libra 31'14"
Mercury 2 Gemini 19'49"
Venus 24 Gemini 15'15"
Mars 23 Taurus 22'27"
Jupiter 13 Leo 28'35"
Saturn 3 Sagittarius 5'46"r
Uranus 17 Aries 55'10"
Neptune 9 Pisces 22'34"
Pluto 15 Capricorn 29' 8"r
TrueNode 9 Libra 47'59"r
Chiron 20 Chiron 21'31"
What is bursting forth in your life? At this midpoint in Spring in the Northern latitudes, and the Autumn in the Southern, the two transitional times of year bursting with growth and change. The growing seasons find blossoms bursting forth, seeds sprouting, and trees full of new growth. Notice right now where you are rooted, and what it is you call home. How are you growing as we approach the Full Flower Moon in Scorpio? What is bursting forth in your life? What needs to grow, change, and be trimmed back? And how are you being nourished in all areas of your life? This Full Moon is one that asks us to bring unity to all areas of our life, to meet our personal/ego needs and to honor and live out of our emotional nature and intuitive truth. Finding balance with so much bursting forth, may seem a bit overwhelming, and so take some time to sit in stillness and consider what has been growing in your garden of life.
The week preceding the Full Flower Moon in Scorpio has been one shining its growing light on those areas of our lives where we are facing the aftermath of the last two and a half years of the seven Uranus-Pluto aspects. With Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, areas of our lives that required an overhaul and transformation, have been subjected to major shifts, clearing out in a deluge of cleansing and healing energy. For many this week’s waxing Moon has been shining light on the particular areas in our lives where we still need to clear out, fix up, heal, or repair whatever is not working in our lives. At the same time, we have been faced with overwhelming evidence of how we need to adjust our attitudes, behavior, and patterns of thinking about living a sustainable, healthy, and harmonious life on Earth. The Taurus-Scorpio polarity lunar cycle begins making us conscious and grounded in the reality of what is possible and what needs to be altered in the way we think of ourselves or imagine life to be.
Writing as I am, on the day before of the Full Flower Moon in Scorpio, I am well aware of how this waxing full moon has been increasingly showing us where we need to trim our sails, alter our thinking, or wake up to issues that must be addressed. For me, this week has been highlighting the areas where Uranus in Aries have been blasting my own Natal Mercury with one surprise after another. This week, that hot spot has been with my means of communication―phone, computer, Internet connections. This area has been going through changes and a series of challenges that had to be surmounted for over 2 1/2 years, and now that the series of Uranus-Pluto aspects is waning (lessening as the two planets move further out of aspect to one another), what still needs to be addressed simply will not work any longer. The fixed signs of Taurus and Scorpio help us cope with these challenges in our life. We can fight the need for change or we can surrender to the challenges and see what needs to be accepted and understood both in the daily reality and working out through self awareness and relationships (Taurus Sun), just what is speaking to us on the deepest most levels of our being (Scorpio Moon).
Look back over the past week, and if yours was anything like most people I know, there may have been one particular area or two of your life that was just clamoring for you to pay attention and come to some difficult decisions or make some major adjustments to your life. For some, this would have been in the way your life unveiled, in a not so friendly way, whatever was demanding your time, energy, and focus. For example, someone may have needed your time and attention distracting you from what you felt you needed to be doing. Or you may have had to deal with equipment, electronics, or some mechanical devices that needed repair or replacement. For some, you may have been grounded by illness, even though you had a busy schedule planned, and for others you may have been dealing with your own ‘voices’―that inner conflict we have sometimes between the need to take care of and protect ourselves and the need to get things done or meet our expectations of how we should be.
Whatever area of your life that this was, it is most likely related to the areas that have been going through great transformation and the areas where Taurus and Scorpio now are focusing our attention. Remember, we have crossed a threshold into new energy and the accompanying new challenges, gifts, and choices that we now face.
The Full Moon is a time of culmination and the promise of fulfillment of that which was started at the New Moon. The Full Moon in Scorpio awakens our emotions. This is a time when we are aware and dealing with issues connected to romance, productivity and creativity, and our close relationships. As at all full moon times, the Sun in Taurus is in the opposite sign to the Moon in Scorpio. This is a time that calls for balance and harmony between two fixed signs. Taurus is about what is mine and Scorpio is about what is yours. Taurus focuses on what form ideas take in our lives, while Scorpio focuses on what is being called to transform through our ideals, perspectives, and visions.
The Taurus Sun grounds us in the day-to-day desire for beauty, security, material prosperity, and living our ideals. The expression, “show me don’t tell” me is something you will hear from someone grounded in their Taurus identity. The balance lies somewhere between simply living out ideals and honoring the intuitive, spiritual, and vision quest that each human being has. We cannot truly unite or communicate with another person if we are not in some way able to connect to their inner essence and personal vision. Imagine if someone did not acknowledge your basic essence. It happens, and we know it as we feel we are not heard, appreciated, or understood…nor are we loved for who we are. To love another on a deep level, there must be a connection between what I want and what you want, what I perceive and what you perceive, what I understand and what you do, and what my perception of life is and what yours is. And, we need to be able to communicate about it not just expect the other partner to understand or 'get us'.
Accepting another as they are requires a willingness to regularly communicate. This Scorpio Full Moon energizes our need to be who we are and understand others on a deeper level. It also demands that we not settle for less. Our inner calling is loud and clear right now, and listening to our desires, our passions, our needs. Whatever areas of our lives are in need of nourishment, healing, and nurturing now demand attention.
Accepting another as they are requires a willingness to regularly communicate. This Scorpio Full Moon energizes our need to be who we are and understand others on a deeper level. It also demands that we not settle for less. Our inner calling is loud and clear right now, and listening to our desires, our passions, our needs. Whatever areas of our lives are in need of nourishment, healing, and nurturing now demand attention.
Notice how this Scorpio Full Moon is reflecting your growth, your needs and desires, and your willingness to adjust your thinking to coincide with what is needed for your own personal fulfillment and your ability to connect, understand, and commit to others. Also notice how your daily life (Sun in Taurus) is a reflection of what is missing or needing healing. How do your environment, your diet, your lifestyle, your patterns of behavior, and your priorities reflect well-being, health, and harmony?
Notice how the Scorpio moon reflects that which has fallen apart, been torn down, destroyed is making way for what is more healthy, fulfilling, and balanced. Notice too what has remained a mystery in your life or in your understanding of a situation, relationship, or some area of yourself. We cannot simply change a condition without also changing our attitudes and perspectives on the dynamics of that situation or condition. For example, we cannot leave a marriage simply blaming the other for all that went wrong in the marriage. What is needed is forgiveness (of self and others) and then putting into place, the pieces that have fallen apart into a new form, fresh understanding, and renewed dedication on growth and development. Seek now, the balance between the two polarities in all areas of your life.
This Full Moon is a building energy that is reflected in whatever has been building up and growing within us. With the Taurus-Scorpio polarity, it is most often about the intimacies, emotional, and intuitive nature of who we are. At the Full Moon in Scorpio, we allow the mysteries, the passions, the intuitive revelations, and the dreams to rise to the surface and express themselves, fully, dramatically, and beautifully. “In the full expression of our passions, we now express ourselves in the Light of the Full Moon in Scorpio.” (CAM) we declare our love, we express our passions, and we release our dreams. Some area/s of our lives will be illuminated with this Scorpio Full Moon. Issues or passions that have not been acknowledged or expressed may likely now also come into the light.
At the end of the week before the Moon transited into Scorpio, it transited Libra. The emotional pull of the Moon in Libra may had many of us trying to see all sides to every story, be everyone’s friend, or take care of everything with equal candor, energy, and balance. The challenge of Libra is to maintain our grounding in that which is our own Truth. We may understand others’ points of view, however, to be true to ourselves, we must know what we believe, we must stand up for who and what we are, and we must honor ourselves, otherwise we are constantly presenting a false front. In a week like we have just had, we may have noticed our tendency to want to please everyone and settle every issue amicably. We may have also noticed how we had lost sight of who we really are. Hopefully, you took some time to check in with your own reality for a while over the last two days.
Break out of patterns and ruts, do things a bit differently, and reacquaint yourself with the whole of who you are. Avoid, now and into the future, getting stuck in repetitive and uncreative patterns, habits, and ways of thinking and relating. Think about how you do your work daily. Do you sit in the same place every day? Do you avoid certain parts of your office, home, or studio? Have you neglected areas of your life that need to be reawakened or opened up again? Make it simple (Taurus Sun). Instead of walking up and down the stairs to change a load of laundry, stop in between wash and dry cycles to take a short walk or gaze at the stars from your yard. Walk around your yard and notice what is growing, changing, and how the air feels to you.
Instead of setting up your office in a way that seems not to work for you, change things around and use the different parts of the office or get rid of the set up. In Feng Shui, it is advised to use every part of the stove. To leave any area unused blocks energy. Use the same principle for your home, office, studio, or garden. Make your life energized and active. Use different parts of your home and exercise different parts of your being―body, mind, emotions, psyche, and spirit.
Mercury seisquiquadrant Pluto in Capricorn. Puzzling and mysterious circumstances are highlighted by this aspect. Communication in external situations and relationships, and inner ideas, instincts, and circumstances are affected. While the Moon in Libra trines Venus in Gemini, we are also dealt with the clash of wills between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. As Friday, May first progressed, Mercury moved out of its aspect to the Moon, we may have felt edgy, tense, and may have faced conflict and tension that seemed difficult to pin down. Today, do what you can to channel the energy into productive or creative activities, and then spend some time releasing pent up energy. Dance, walk, swim, or do something you haven’t taken time to do in ages. Break the routine, and break out of the set of expectations or rut you may have fallen into. Time to break open, let off some steam, and let yourself change the energy patterns that are keeping you obsessing over dead issues or lost causes.
With the Scorpio Full Moon, we feel ourselves enlivened, activated, and infused with creative, passionate, and dedicated energy. We feel open to healing and new ideas. We feel connected to what is good in our lives, and we readily practice gratitude at this time. For those areas of your life where the water signs reign (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) within 5 degrees of either side of the 13 degrees of each sign, notice what is flowing, emerging, and being generated in that area of your life and being. Feel yourself awake, aware, and having an open heart for your highest good, excellent health, and deep, rich happiness.
At this Full Moon in Scorpio, we find Mercury in opposition to Saturn. Saturn, the Great Teacher, opposing Mercury the ruler of intellect, the mind, and communication, inspires a more serious attitude than usual. We feel more deeply, yearn more fervently, and hope with a great passion. Because we have been forced to face the darker, shadowy sides to ourselves and to our view of life in general, we now can face the challenges, growth, and struggles with greater clarity and truth. We know more about what we do to hinder our own progress, and we also recognize what is not working or connecting with other people, with certain conditions, and what needs to be resolved in order to make progress breaking down barriers and surmounting challenges. Face your inner warrior during this full moon, and become the peaceful warrior, the servant leader of yourself, tending to what is life-giving and avoiding contact with that which does not give live, which refutes hope, and which lives out its existence circling the drain―neither here nor there, and unwilling to move on.
Both the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio form a hard aspect to Jupiter in Leo. We are still under the influence of the fire sign energy in the outer, slower-moving planets Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Leo, and Saturn in Sagittarius. This provides a continues feeling or need to purge, merge, and splurge. Fire sign energy pushes us, long term, to do things “now”. Jupiter in Leo is expansive and creative. Notice where Jupiter is in your life/chart, and see how this Full Moon in Scorpio and the Sun in Taurus are activating this area of your life. Squares provide the needed push, shove, or hard fall that causes us to pay attention to what needs to happen. We are more aware now, of what needs to change in order for us to expand our vision of what is possible. Acting from our small selves, serves no one. Excusing ourselves because ‘it’s not time’, “we don’t have enough or we aren’t enough”, or ‘the timing isn’t right’ kinds of flimsy excuses, should be a signal to you that your are simply afraid to let go of what is holding you back. When we cling like a cat to a branch, holding on for dear life to what is falling away from our lives anyway, we’re in for a hard fall, and a rude awakening. Better to make the choices ourselves than to have the choices made for us by someone else’s decision, than a job being eliminated, or by something breaking down. Despite all the signals, red flags and warnings, we tend to ignore thing until it’s too late. This is one of those times. Notice how you are holding on, holding back, or refusing to be the you you are meant to be now. Go for the gusto. Grab the brass ring. Take the chance, and acknowledge your true desire and dream now. Take a step toward what you really, really want. The time is now. Don’t make me quote Nike.
The May 3 Full Flower Moon in Scorpio at 13/23 degrees is like a giant magnifying glass. Whatever you focus on now, is going to be magnified one hundred fold. This is the Beltane Moon in the middle decan of Scorpio, is also according to ancient tradition, the mid-way point between the start of Spring and the beginning of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. In the North, this is the time when gardens are in bloom, wildflowers fill the hillsides, and fields are being worked. The spring rains have brought some relief from drought in some places. As the Sun in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn, we feel the transformative powers of nature at work in our lives, on the Earth, and beneath the seas. Off the coast of Oregon, a giant underground volcano is erupting at a point between two tectonic plates, relieving the pressure and allowing the energy held within, to be released. The earthquakes and continue tremors in Nepal, the volcanoes erupting at different places on the planet, all remind us of our place within the natural order of life on this planet. Within our own lives, we too are feeling the need to release and reform and reshape our lives. Spring is calling us to dance on the earth, dig into the ground, and plant new seeds and ideas in our gardens―inner and outer.
Pluto in Capricorn is also sextile the Moon in Scorpio making it easier for us to let go, release, and discover our own power and the power of transformation that comes form letting go of what no longer gives us life. For those of us who have to understand before we can make the changes, pay attention now to the wisdom of your body, your mind, your emotional climate, and to the places where you truly feel at home, and where you don’t.
Mercury in Gemini (as of Thursday, April 30) is now trine Ceres reminding us to take better care of ourselves, especially during the explosive and chaotic periods of change and transition. Our bodies are telling us what needs to heal, change, and where our unhealthy practices, attitudes, and challenges are blocking and disturbing our energy. Listen, and honor your inner wisdom. Stay connected to whomever allows you to be yourself, and turn your attention now, away from anything that is not life-giving, life-affirming, or respectful of you and your finest essence. Respect yourself. Remember who you are, and stand in your truth, willing to risk being yourself and capable of meeting whatever challenges come your way. The gifts within you, and the blessings waiting for you ask only that you accept the grace of the Divine that is already yours. Open your eyes, open your heart, and open your arms, saying, “I am receiving my good.” Live in gratitude, and be at peace right where you are in the perfect place within and in the perfect place where you are. Blessings to you.
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