Saturday, May 16, 2015

New Moon in Taurus: Deepening Within

The New Moon in 26 degrees of Taurus, occurs in the third decan of Taurus. This New Moon forms some interesting aspects including a yod to Pluto, the Great Transformer and a conjunction with the fixed star, Algol. This New Moon is influenced by Saturn, the Great Teacher, Taurus' ruling planet.  We learn about ourselves and the world in which we live by having to face our shadow side--the unformed, undeveloped, unhealed, and unexplored regions of who we are.

If we have not been trying to become more aware of how we affect our own growth and development and how we have an impact on others, we may still be acting out of the unhealed parts of ourselves. It is a good time to practice Ahimsa--the practice of being mindful of how we communicate with others and how we communicate with ourselves. Ahimsa is a practice often translated to mean 'do no harm or non violence. The type of violence we do to ourselves with our thinking and communication, is often ignored. Notice how you talk to yourself or about yourself. What story are you telling others about who you are? Are your words meant to manipulate or do you find yourself trying to control or 'play god' in your relationships? Are you making mountains out of mole hills, or ignoring your own needs in an effort to connect or find meaning through external forces (working too much, neglecting your own health or safety, looking for love in all the wrong places)?
Are you living through delusions you have created to deal with pain, loss, or longing? These are just some of the questions which might come to the surface at a time like this, if you have been neglecting or ignoring some aspect of yourself.

On the other hand, if you have come to understand that under fear resides an opportunity to learn, grow, and blossom, then you are able to use that alchemical process to turn something that scares you into a creative expression or concrete and positive act or deed. For example, even though I am afraid of failing at something, the steps involved in trying to succeed despite my fears, often lead us to great success, beauty, and creative solutions and ideas. Art and all forms of creativity are born out of the unhealed, unexplored, and undiscovered depths of who we are. And we have an excellent opportunity to use Mercury's station and subsequent retrograde phase to turn inwards for deeper reflection.

As the Mercury station and retrograde also occur with the beginning of the new lunar month, we find ourselves on the edge of two worlds--the past and the future, the end and a new beginning, the pause between movement and inaction. These in-between places allow us time to discern and gain greater clarity.

While some focus on how communication breaks down and things don't go according to plan during a retrograde of Mercury, a more powerful purpose of these times is a slowing down and a stilling of our attention so that we can clear up some of our fuzzy thinking or face some of the contradictions and polarities that are causing tension, confusion, or angst in our lives. It is now essential that we use our own clear thinking to make decisions. To have clarity of thought, we must take time to be still and listen to all parts of how the Divine communicates with us as well as how different beliefs, practices, and ideas come into conflict within us. Is our life, the way we live it, in tune with, in alignment with who we say we are and what we say we believe? Now is the time to be as honest as we can with ourselves, as to how our journey reflects our true passions or not.  If we are out of alignment with what we believe and feel we are meant to be doing, how we are meant to be living, or what we are meant to be creating, we need to get clear about this. We need to face contradictions and incongruities.

The New Moon in Taurus' conjunction (that means they are in the same degree and sign--in alignment in the sky) with Algol, the fixed star, we are reminded to avoid anything that might knock us off balance.  Avoid overdoing in any way, especially with drugs or alcohol. Use your spiritual practices to help calm the discontinuity you might feel, to calm the conflicting voices. Acknowledge that at any given turning point time, we are going to be pulled in different directions. One of the best pieces of advice I have ever gotten when feeling so conflicted was, "When in doubt, don't."  Most decisions in life can wait. Action or inaction. Both will have an outcome, but sometimes not acting or reacting will allow the needed space, calm, time, or distance for the energy to quell. Part of the process of 'letting go' is learning how to be both action and inaction. And it is in the inaction often, that we provide an opening for the Divine to enter where our actions keep us too busy to focus on how that natural flow is always working with or without our help.  Let stillness enter you, and be content to slow your motions, hold off on decisions, set aside jumping in to fix something, or hurrying when the signs all point to slowing down. If you need to rest, rest. If you need to stop and nourish yourself, make that the focal point of your mind, heart, and soul. Be in the moment with the small details of life, and enjoy the pause between.

Most new moons are times to set sail in new directions. This new moon is a bit different. It is a time to travel deeper within to observe what is growing beneath the surface, to listen for clarification.   Take small steps toward better understanding of who you are and how you create or destroy, how you block your own good or happiness, or how you deflect your own light. Notice what you are doing that gives you life, and what is draining you of energy. What holds meaning for you, and what is lifeless? Instead of deadening or ignoring pain, listen to what your pain, grief, or sadness is telling you.

The New Moon in Taurus' yod to Pluto and quincunx to Mercury tells us it's time to weed our gardens. This year we have had an early Spring. the second and third growth is coming forth. Our proverbial gardens are overflowing with abundance. For new growth to take place, we have to make room for new growth, so we need to be weeding out whatever is no longer necessary, supportive, or healthy for us.

Creating is a process of focusing and putting our attention of the project, chore, canvas, shot, or page that is right in front of us at this moment. It is getting down to business, one thing at a time, for despite the tendency to plunge into many things all at once, we can only be in one space at a time, and art is created one stroke, one word, or one task at a time. With Pluto, the Great Transformer, slow-moving and retrospective, in this alignment with the New Moon (emotions and balance) and Mercury (communication, information, ideas), we are being pulled into the grounding force of Pluto to solidify our thoughts into action by clearing out room, space, time, and energy. And we are being pulled down to earth to take care of ourselves within the lives we have created where we are.  We begin to pull ideas, experiences, and creations together from over a vast period of time and life experience so that now we can begin to see new life take shape and form out of what we have created and produced in our past. This is a time for focused self discipline. Look at which areas of your life/chart are affected most by the New Moon, Pluto, and Mercury. And the loose opposition of Saturn, Taurus' ruler to the Moon lends its elegance, poise, aplomb when dealing with duty, obligation, family. We need to worry less about appearances and more about substance as we take hold of ourselves and our lives and move into motion with exquisite grace.

Grounding is what is needed at this point. Spiritual awareness and our ability to surrender to the Divine Will, Mind, and Source. We need a connection with that life force that is greater than our own ego-driven mind. We need to connect to that which transcends our own individual capacities. We need to tap into that natural Divine connection we experience through our intuition, intellect, heart-centered knowing, and enteric knowledge.

We need to be aware of how we are affected by that which is not seen, but which is nevertheless present and manifesting within us and in all areas of Creation. We are part of the ongoing Creation, and our physical experience allows us to channel that energy into form through the way we live and what we create and do in our lives. Intuition and instinct provide us with helpful, useful, and important information about what we need to know, do, or say.  The enteric belly, that brain-belly connection that sends signals we call gut instinct, provide the safety devices we need to pay attention to whatever might be threatening to our health, safety, and well being. Honor your gifts, brood over your ideas and designs like a mother hen broods over her eggs. Hold wise counsel, and incubate, protect, and sanctify the sacred gifts within you so that they can take root
and grow.

On Thursday, May 14, we had a powerful Mars-Saturn opposition. Mars make us want to hurry up and get things done yesterday, while Saturn stops, blocks, impedes, or at the very least, slows us down and pushes us to soak up the details that need tending to right in front of us.  I know I woke up in a panic thinking of all the things I needed to do "immediately". It was a pressure-cooker like time for many people, and if we allowed fear, uncertainty, or anxiety to overcome us, we may have had a very difficult day. If we have learned to realize that when these periods of high pressure come up and cause our stress levels to rise, that is exactly the time we need to slow down and honor what the body, mind, heart, soul, or stomach might need. Balance is the key, and breaking down your time and energy into tiny pockets filled with the essentials, is key to handling the high-energy, high pressure times.

While some plans may have been derailed, trust that what does not work out makes way for and necessitates change in a new direction. Even when life doesn't work out according to plans, life always has possibility. Weigh your words and thoughts carefully, as you set new intentions as your words carry weight and energy and their meaning sets the tone for both how you perceive life and how you are perceived.

For many who are nearing or ending the school year, this is a time when a full year's (or perhaps many years) efforts come together in the grand finale. It's also the time to be balanced, mindful, and present, taking one step at a time, one task at a time, and nourishing, refreshing, and resting in the process. I discovered, and I believe this advice is worth considering, during such high stress times, don't quit your job, don't decide you want a divorce, don't do anything drastic or final. Acknowledge that whatever needs to change will eventually change, but now is the time to put your mind on navigating the rapids before you with full attention using the skills, gifts, energy, and abilities you already have. Time to remind yourself, you are enough. You've done enough. And it is okay to stop, eat, rest, and relax. Rest is in the offing, and that will give you that perspective you need.

Friday's Moon in Aries resulted in life speeding up just  a bit. It may have felt like things were finally coming together, and you were making headway with your to-do lists.

As I write on Saturday, May 16, Venus is trining Neptune making healing easier, relief a reality, and a softening and opening of our hearts a definite possibility.  Venus in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces, foster our need to create, find, and imagine the perfect environment and relationship to nurture, safeguard, and foster our feelings of harmony, peace, love, and home. We also can be very vulnerable (again notice where in your chart/life these two planets are affecting you). Our hearts may feel open and we may feel vulnerable and even gullible. This is a supportive, nurturing aspect, but due to the nature of Neptune, if we are not careful, we may be looking at the world through 'rose-colored glasses'. Notice whether or not you are seeing what you want to see or what is there. This can be a healing aspect if we are able to discern the difference. What we long for and what is are not necessarily in alignment, and knowing that is healthy. It may make us feel emotions we would rather not feel, but, and I guess this would depend on what your own perspective on life is, it might be better to face what is than to live a delusional life. See if you can find the gifts in the truth...even the painful truths that cannot be ignored.

A message from the  Venus-Neptune trine is to relax and stop pushing the river. Let things unfold in your life, and stop trying to do everything at once. This soothing, nourishing aspect helps us get out of the virtue trap. The virtue trap is where we equate our goodness to how much we do or what we get done, or how many burdens we can carry.  It is also the trap that tells us that our happiness lies in the hands of someone else.  While we need and enjoy our relationships, we may love our family, and we may thrive on our work, we are complete in ourselves. We need to nourish our own Temple, so that we can give and receive love. No empty vessel ever quenched anyone's thirst. If circumstances seem to be confused, full of conflict, or seemingly impossible, let the energy play itself out. It's like being in an argument with someone, and the argument just continues to escalate. At some point it might be better to take a break, cease hostilities long enough go calm down and get some perspective. I can still remember some heated arguments, but for the life of me, I can't recall what they were about. The energy we invest in some toxic and negative experiences is hardly ever worth what we put into it. What I learned from arguing was that the argument rarely if ever changed anyone's mind or behavior. At this time, think of how you may be wasting your time and energy, and what might be more useful, healthy, and productive--and enjoyable.

Venus in 9 degrees of Cancer trining Neptune in 9 degrees of Pisces is a dreamy time as well. Time for a break, a vacation, or a spa visit. Take time to nurture yourself. Take time to look back and honor what has been born, what has been accomplished, learned, or completed, and honor your achievements.  Work with images that hold meaning for you, and allow yourself to connect to the past and pay homage to what has gone before. Connect with those you love, and let those who have been important in your life, know how much they have meant to you.

Right after Sunday night's New Moon in Taurus with the yod to Pluto and the sextile to Mercury, Mercury turns retrograde at 13 degrees of Gemini. At that time Mercury is  sextile Jupiter at 14 degrees of Leo and inconjunct to Pluto at 15 degrees of Capricorn.
For those with natal and progressed planets within 5 degrees of a 15 degree aspect, this line up could be pretty powerful. This is slowing energy, and it cautions us to take our time. Take on a 'live and let live' attitude and allow life to unfold more. Stop pushing. Through nourishing, slower, more reflective time, solutions, ideas, revelations, and pathways appear or are revealed. Notice your dreams, pay attention to hunches and intuition, and notice all the gifts that seem to drop into your lap or appear suddenly on your path. Day dreaming, meditating, prayerful contemplation, and holy listening all have much to offer during this time.

Mercury forms a wide sextile with Uranus in Aries, and this is an indicator of over thinking and obsessive behavior. This may also stimulate a flood of words inspired by intuitive flashes. What your intuition may reveal is whether or not your life is expressing cognitive dissonance or harmony.  How do your words express the 'you' you want to be and the one others see? What may also come about as a result of this aspect and this type of flood of ideas and thoughts is some creative expression. Sometimes, if we want to sit on some ideas for a while, we might use art, creativity, writing, dance, or other art forms to express what makes no sense in viewing our lives. We all have areas of our lives where what you see is not necessarily what you get.  Use some nurturing outlet to work some of this energy out and give yourself some freedom to express and face yourself without bringing it into the public domain---that is until you're ready. Discretion is a lovely gift we can give ourselves sometimes.

One of the most lovely aspects that occurs with the New Moon is the sextile of Chiron, the Wounded Healer in Pisces with the Sun and Moon in Taurus. This New Moon is a wonderful time to reflect on our stories..who do we say we are? What do we believe about ourselves and our life purposes?  How are we moving to heal? What is blocking us from healing and health? How do we need to change our story? Some of us get so stuck in one or two of the stories about who we are, that we cannot shake loose of an old part of ourselves to develop and grow. For example, if we tell our story through lost love or an old job, we keep the energy of both alive. Do we really want to define ourselves by who we were? By what we once did but no longer do? Do we have to keep proving ourselves to insure that others know we are 'okay', enough, or acceptable? Time at this New Moon to listen to your own story, and expand your own definition of who you are. Celebrate, enjoy, and honor all of you, and embrace the new parts of you that are growing into fullness.

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