Thursday, April 16, 2015

New Moon in Aries: Fire in the Hole!

New Moon in Aries: Fire in the Hole!

The expression, ‘fire in the hole’ is an old mining expression that was used by miners to warn fellow miners that an explosive detonation was imminent. The April 18 New Moon at 28/25 degrees of Aries occurs at 11/57 A.M. PDT signals just such a warning. An inner explosion of energy is ready to burst forth in our lives. With five heavenly bodies in fire signs (the Sun, the Moon, Uranus, all in Aries; Saturn in Sagittarius, and Jupiter in Leo), we are ready for a fire walk aimed at purifying our lives, and burning off dysfunctional habits, patterns or behavior, and outworn beliefs and thinking. 

Whatever is now purged from our system is that which makes way for us to clarify what needs to happen in order for us to be liberated from whatever may have been holding us back. Despite or as a result of, all the shedding and transforming we have been growing and going through over the past few years, we now have the opportunity of getting to the essence of what we need to move forward. It is time to act wisely, so that what’s been incubating over the past season of our lives can now emerge, be launched, or entered into.  This New Moon in Aries, coming as it does near the end of the sign, leads us into the grounding energy of the Taurus cycle. The New Moon comes in close proximity to the Solar Ingress into Taurus, and so what action is taken now is going to be put into motion and made manifest immediately in the lives we are living.

With the Pisces lunar cycle ending and the Aries lunar cycle beginning as the Taurus solar cycle begins, we get the best of both worlds―energy and concrete action, intention and desire combined with movement and creation.  It is time to commit to our personal goals and to begin taking actions to put those goals into action. We are ready for a more innovative approach to helping create the lives we seek. It’s time to take charge of the life we are living, and to hold onto the reins as the power, energy, and focus of our intentions is given a massive forward thrust. 

Reins are used to guide, direct, and communicate to a horse the direction, speed, and movement we desire. As anyone who has ever ridden a horse knows, the horse is by far more powerful than the rider. To be given the gift of a good ride, the rider must honor that power, energy, and strength. The expression to ‘throw one’s heart over the mane’ refers to surrendering to that power and letting the horse take the leap over the barrier that is before it. To hold back, question, or veer off at the last minute, can be disastrous. This is a time to be brave. 

Years ago during a particularly trying time, my good friend Marguerite sent me a note, the only part of which I recall simply said, “Have courage”. During  many difficult times since then, those words and her perceptive timing,  have sustained me. The New Moon in Aries at 28 degrees is in the third decan of Aries, and we receive not only the strong thrust and momentum of Aries, but also the pragmatic and sound advice of Taurus which cautions us to have courage, remember who we are, and hold onto that truth―using it as our reins at this time. This New Moon holds the potential of being a life saver. 

We often come to astrology or other paths looking for the right advice, the right answers, and the words we need to help us navigate our lives. What we sometimes fail to remember is that we have within us the seeds of truth. Through discernment and reliance on the Universal Truth as we each understand and define it (through our religious, spiritual, and philosophical choices). 

The lineup of planets in one sector of your chart/life (wherever you now find the transiting Sun, Moon, Uranus, Mercury Mars, and Venus) is the area of your life that is receiving the thrust of this energy. Look at your chart, or if you do not have a chart, think about what areas of your life are most in flux and transition. Wherever Aries, Taurus, and Gemini are in your chart/life, this is a major area of movement and energy. Earlier this week, Venus in Gemini opposed Saturn, the Great Teacher, in Sagittarius making us more aware of our responsibilities, and limitations. Whatever came to light, may have seemed like a heavy burden as we may have felt the stress magnified in our minds. We came in touch with our own worst enemy―that doubting, insecure, and negative voice we have within.  We have other voices too, but when we feel the pressure and when we feel insecure and vulnerable, we may only hear the negative voices speaking. As this aspect eases us with Venus moving out of opposition, we will gain greater clarity and perspective. It is important to notice how we sabotage ourselves, and to find ways to cope with these times. 

On Friday, April 17, Mars in Taurus will square Jupiter in Leo, perhaps leading to some impatience. With the desire to act or move or change being grounded in Taurus (we need to feel or see the change actually happening before our eyes) and our energy and desires ties up in the fiery energy of Jupiter in Leo, we may feel thwarted , competitive, excitable, and edgy. Notice if you feel a sense of urgency, and channel your physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental energy into ways that allow for expression without overturning your entire life or taking drastic and unwise actions. Avoid the flames. Do not intentionally walk into a burning building or volatile situation. Avoid explosive relationships, and treat yourself with care, protecting yourself and holding your energy in balance. 

Mercury will also be forming a quincunx with Saturn, and later  a semi-square with Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Friday can be an emotionally challenging day as well as the Moon moves through the final degrees of the lunar cycle and the Dark of the Moon. Delays, red tape, and distractions may be apparent. Slow down, be patient, and do what you can and then let it go. Do not bang your head into the proverbial brick wall. Divine timing is at work; ‘God’s time not mine’ is a good mantra during such times.

Pluto is stationary all day as it is beginning its retrograde phase (until September 25). The Great Transformer will be going back over territory that it has been uprooting. This is a time to reflect, rest, take care of whatever details have been left undone, and bide your time with Pluto’s movement. It’s also a good time to be grateful as you assess the progress you have made, for Pluto wants you to notice what has already been accomplished. As contrary as it might feel when you are feeling great pressure, upset and crisis, it is the best time to practice gratitude, forgiveness, and compassion. Give something to someone else in need, and remember all the support you have received; be grateful for family and friends who have helped you through. Pluto’s retrograde is a period of time to reassess how we are using our individual and collective power. 

Friday, the Balsamic Moon, the final phase of the moon, the sleepy time, we have time to redirect our energies and interests. It’s a good time to tie up loose ends. Avoid making mountains out of mole hills. Understand that at this period of time we are often in conflict between what we think we ‘should’ do, be, have and what is actually possible. 

This is a very important time for us to get enough rest, to nourish and replenish our bodies, and to get enough exercise (without overdoing or over stimulating). Our physical energy is at a low ebb during this time. If you are near a tidal area, notice the extremes of the tide, and remember the same pressure is being exerted on our bodies right now. During the Dark of the Moon, which is this Balsamic time, we may not know whether we’re coming or going. We may feel vague and unclear about our direction, decisions, or relationships. At the same time, we may feel more keenly attuned to our intuition. Our dreams may be vibrant and telling. We are best advised to listen to the inner yearnings of our psyche’s, intuition, and sense of self. Notice how your 2nd and 3rd Chakra energies are feeling. We need to take this time to retreat, reflect, and be a bit more introspective than usual.

For those born during the Balsamic cycle of the Moon, life is about beginnings and endings, and it may take some time to recognize how to navigate through the constantly changing cycles. Those too whose Ascendents are aspected by the Balsamic moon, often make great gatekeepers and guides through periods of transition. We all need those who are attuned to this energy in our lives to help us navigate the passages. Notice who the guides are in your life. They may be able to cast some light on what is needed at this time.  Basically, though, trust your instincts. Listen to what your body needs, indeed demands of you right now. Be gentle with yourself. Being strong and courageous does not mean doing everything by yourself of doing everything!. Being strong means being able to let go of the ego-driven needs we have in order to honor and take care of our spiritual gifts and calling. 

Sometimes those who are strongly affected by these Balsamic, dark moon times, are ahead of their times. In the frustration of not moving fast enough, or of the world and others keeping up with their pace and growth, they can learn to find peace by helping others. When that becomes too draining, it is essential to “come into your senses”. Let your senses awaken and breathe in the natural beauty and essence of life. Take off your shoes and run barefoot in the sand or grass. Hug a tree or plant one. Walk along the river, or climb a hill. Get up atop a tall building and get some perspective. See how far you have come by looking  back over the last year or two. Notice how much has changed, and get in touch with the flow of life. You are in the perfect place. All that is meant to unfold is unfolding in Divine Right time according to the perfect plan for you.  Trust that you are making progress, and use your creativity as an outlet for unresolved or unhappy feelings. Do something that is good for you. Take a small risk and test your daring.  Avoid the big risks, and again, do not put your hand back into the flames of something you know will burn or hurt you. You  deserve to take good care of yourself now. Prepare for the gate that is opening for you with the New Moon in Aries. Put your gifts on life’s altar and honor your place in the Divine Plan.  

I dedicate this column on the New Moon in Aries to my lovely Aries/Taurus daughter who celebrates her birthday on this New Moon. To her and all those friends who are mindfully and artfully navigating the new passage. 

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