Saturday, April 11, 2015

New Doors Open: Aftermath of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses

The new lunar year began with the energy of the Lunar eclipse (and the Solar eclipse two weeks earlier). Spring has begun in the North and Autumn in the South. We are midway between the extremes of winter and summer, and are here in the North, planting new seeds and turning over new ground for even more new ideas, projects, and beginnings. New paths are open before us, and for some, this prospect may be daunting. If you have been working to release the past and be open to what new developments await you, the time has come. What is before you may be so unfamiliar you barely know how to move forward. Embrace the newness with the assurance that you have what you need to meet any needs and challenges ahead. Call on the Divine, through prayer, meditation, and regular discernment, to protect, guard, and guide you on your path. 

The Sun in  20/28 Aries is moving into the third decan, opening us up to the earthy Taurus energy. Venus at 28/52 Taurus and Mars at 7/22 Taurus have already brought a great deal of pragmatic, stubborn, and a very grounded view of romance and our take of interactions, relationships, and our search for beauty and inspiration in the daily flow of life. The week began with the energy of the Full Moon in the Libra and the lunar Eclipse. The waning moon has worked its way towards its present position at 2/1 of Capricorn. This weekend we will experience the third quarter square of the Moon, a time when we deal with the consequences and changes that have taken place over the last lunar cycle as well as any other long term cycles that have called for us to weed out old thought and worn out patterns of behavior and habits. 

This week the Moon has moved through Scorpio, Sagittarius, and now is in the early stages of Capricorn. Notice how your emotional temperament changes during different phases of the Moon and under different signs. As you observe the regular cycles of the Moon, you will begin to notice how different phases and energies affect you. The Moon moves through the 30 degrees of each sign in about 2 1/2 days. The first 10 degrees of a sign carry the energy of the sign before it; the middle 10 degrees are fully engulfed in the energy of the sign; and the last 10 degrees begin to reflect the energy of the next sign. For example, the Moon in 2/1 of Capricorn is in the first decan of Capricorn. It carries the energy of Sagittarius. When a planet reaches 20 degrees (as the Sun is currently in Aries), it begins to attract the energy of the next sign, in this case, Taurus. Since Venus and Mercury both have orbits closest to the Sun, neither is ever more than 2 signs on either side of where the Sun is, however, each can be influenced by the energy of other signs depending how deep into a sign it is. So Venus at 28 degrees (where Venus is now), is reaching the end of her cycle in Taurus and already has taken on some of the energy of Gemini (which she will enter in two days). When any planet, the Sun, or Moon reaches 29 degrees, we say it is in its anaretic degree. This is a crucial degree in any chart, representing the culmination or a finality of some type. This is often a time when we look back, and since this month Venus’ transit through the 29th degree also occurs during the dark of the moon, it should be a time when we look back to grieve, ponder, or contemplate our decisions and choices. This is a crucial time when we may be able to finally let go or come to some kind of understanding that allows us to move forward with clarity and fortitude. 

Earlier in the week some pretty heavy aspects took place. The Sun in Aries formed a conjunction with Uranus in Aries. This signaled a new cycle, an independent journey, progressive changes or reforms, and definitely, CHANGE. Something of significance has changed in our lives. Look to the houses that are affected by where the Sun and Uranus are making their transits. These areas of your life (as well as the houses in opposition, square, or trine) definitely will reflect something that has changed in your life. For example, if Aries is in the 6th house (workplace, physical body and health, daily routines) it opposes Libra in the 12th house (past, karmic ties, mystery and secrets, hidden enemies/challenges, unconscious, intuitive insight). Aries might trine Sagittarius in the 2nd house (self concept, personal worth and value, how we come to value ourselves) as well as Leo in the 10th house (life purpose, career, personal destiny).  Notice how movement in  each house might be affected by new ways of viewing, new demands or challenges, and choices you have made to move forward and grow and develop. Remember, a new path means we start as a beginner in some ways. Regardless of what we have experienced, we are newbies on this new path, and growth and development are about learning, adjusting, and oh yes, even making mistakes and learning how to recover our footing when we fall down. Be patient with yourself, and remember what it has taken to get your where you are on your path of life. One friend said to me recently, how incredible it was that we have survived some of the experiences, disappointments, and challenges we have each gone through. We have survived, and grown. That is what is ahead on this new path. Enjoy the process, and notice how your ego/intellect tries to hold on and handle everything by itself. Remember what it took to change, and avoid putting too much pressure on yourself to move too rapidly. This is not a time to push. Having just climbed a high mountain, a climber needs to take time to rest, regenerate, and recuperate from the challenges. 

The Sun/Uranus conjunction however, makes us all a bit restless…like we need to plunge forward into the heat of battle, so to speak.  We feel less restricted than we have for a long time, and are anxious to make changes. We are feeling stronger, more independent, and ready to go. This conjunction however, may have brought with it some sudden, unexpected event that puts a damper of the charge forward. Take any such changes in stride. Regardless of how it may seem, whatever has come to you at this time is part of the path, and you can handle it and grow stronger as a result. You are equipped to handle what needs to be done, and you have help if you will only ask and accept it. Failure to do so, will be a result of an ego-driven need to be in control. Surely you know that is an illusion.

Mars is in 7/22 degrees of Taurus, and has recently formed a quincunx to Saturn, the Great Teacher (at 4/29 Sagittarius, retrograde). This aspect forces issues, brings things to a head, and arouses some fear and indecision. The unknown or the seemingly unbearable often makes us fearful. We are fearful for different reasons. We may be fearful because we feel vulnerable and find situations or people threatening to our safety or well being. We may feel fearful because we are afraid we are not enough. We don’t have what it takes to handle what come at us. We may feel fear because we want to maintain control, at all costs. Ironically, the cost of trying to maintain control is high. Fear may also come about when we feel our very identity is threatened. The person we have come to be and know may be changing, and this may feel very uncomfortable. Growth and development are all about growing and changing, and astrology is pointing out areas where this is more likely than not. Notice how your own fears might be making certain areas of your life feel more or less uneasy or threatening. If there truly is something that puts you in danger, you do not want to ignore it. Knowing the truth of people, situations, and yourself really can be liberating. Mars in Taurus will ground us in how our actions are connecting us to our energy, our fears and hopes, and desires. We will find greater clarity in whatever areas we are learning to take action and discover our power and abilities. 

Mercury is at 21/2 degrees of Aries, and has squared Neptune in Pisces this week.  We may have felt more negative than usual, casting a jaundiced or analytical eye on situations, relationships, concerns, or crises. We may have needed to look beneath the surface of situations or relationships. We may have had the desire to uncover or unmask anything that smacked of corruption, dishonesty, or inequity. The truth has been outed in many cases as a result of Pluto’s transit through Capricorn. First we can no longer deny what needs changing in our own lives. Second, we are discovering that our own version of truth is just that—our own. We cannot discern someone else’s truth, but we must discern our own as we continue our journey of transition and transformation. Blaming the other or projecting our pain on others is no excuse for not making the necessary changes to improve our own lives. This aspect with Pluto opens us up to the pathway into the deeper recesses of our own dark places, secrets, and mysteries. 

Mercury is also conjunct Neptune in Pisces (another long transformative transit). We have the ability under this transit, to grasp very complex issues and to understand deeply transformative experiences. Our powers of discernment are heightened greatly at this time, and this is a good time to go into deep contemplation, meditation, prayer, and communion with the Divine, as well as  with the world around and within you. 

Another aspect you may have felt earlier in the week was that of the Sun forming a seisquiquadrant to Saturn. It may have felt as if your ego needs were thwarted on all sides. We may have seemed as if everything was at work to block our movement and happiness. The only way through this kind of period is through a practice of thankfulness and gratitude. Make list of what you have and what you are that is worthy of being grateful. Notice how impatience and anger only make matters worse. Give yourself some time to get perspective. Slow down enough to think about what was happening a year ago at this time, and how much things have changed since then. Consider and be grateful for all that you have been given, and control your need or urge to lash out or dwell on what you don’t have. Focus on all the blessings, and show gratitude. That does more to open the gates, remove the blocks, and help you meet challenges. Consider what is raising your anger level, and pay attention to how well you are taking care of yourself. Get ahold of your ego needs, by taking better care of yourself. When we have moved mountains, we need a time of rest and refreshment.

Mercury also forms a seisquiqadrant with Saturn. Saturn the Great Teacher is reminding us that red tape and having to redo something that we had already taken care of, is simply a natural part of the life cycle we are on. There are periods of delays, miscommunication, misinformation, or foul ups. Take such experiences in stride, and keep breathing. Also, tackle the necessities, and avoid moaning and groaning over having to do them. Don’t waste time bemoaning your fate at this time. Again, live in gratitude that your life is what it is. This is what you have created from your energetic desires and actions. Treat it with respect.

Mercury is also forming a conjunction with the Sun in Aries. Minds are sharp now. Clarity is strong. We have an acute awareness of what is needed or what we need to do or understand. When Mercury aligns with the Sun, our awareness is heightened and our desires are fed the fuel of imagination and deep drives.

Mercury forms a semi-square to Neptune in Pisces allowing us to daydream, muse, and spin new fantasies to fee our souls and creativity. 
We need this time to allow our minds and imaginations to wander.

On April 11 Venus enters Gemini, stoking the fires of our creativity and curiosity. Our romantic and adventurous desires are activated, and we are attracted to new ideas, thoughts, and needs. We may be more interested in mental attractions. We see love as an ideal, a changing one at that, and this period has us distancing ourselves from an emotional connection to love and romance and partnership. What we seek now is variety, unique new channels of communication, and a broader, more intellectual swathe to define or envision romantic ideals and possibilities now. 

Also on Saturday, April 11, the Moon in Capricorn forms its third quarter square. As this happens, we find ourselves wrapping up the plans we made at the new moon, cognizant and resigned to whatever changes or alterations life and the Divine may have spun on our own plans. We learn as the Moon transits through her cycles, that while we have a role in setting intentions and carrying our our duties and responsibilities, we are part of a greater flow of energy that has its own way of unfolding the truth for us. 

With Mars in Taurus until May 11, we find ourselves more determined than ever to act according to our resolutions. We may even be quite stubborn and intractable. Patience and taking the longer view is what tempers Mars, and Mars in Taurus calls upon us to take care of what is right in front of us, of what is calling us in the moment and in the very practical and utilitarian now. Do the dishes, clean up, change the tires, or take a walk. Do what this moment invites to do or gives you as a gift. 

What we can look forward to with the New Moon building up for April 18, 2015 is a more peaceful and harmonious time. The New Moon in Aries,  falls on the knot of the Constellation Alrisha, the symbol of two fish tied together. This symbol represents the uniting of wisdom and understanding, of creating and regeneration. As a result of the very tumultuous time we have recently come through, this is a time when we begin to change our perspectives, attitudes, and ways of understanding what we experience and witness.  There has been tragedy and drama over the last month or so, and we now are in the aftermath which has been described as a tsunami-like flood of ‘flaming emotions’. We may be a bit jaundiced in the way we view new experiences, questioning motivations, authenticity, and the ethics of anyone and everyone.  

As long as we are aware of how this attitude may lead us to be just a bit judgmental, we also recognize that once we have been burned, we are more sensitive to the pain of flames.  It is a time to be discriminating and discerning with our choices, but the real focus ought to be on our own ideas, actions, past action and behavior, as that has what led us to make the decisions and choices that may not have been as healthy as we would have liked. Take some time to notice how you allow yourself to be taken in by your own desire to believe in someone else’s motivation and intentions, and in the process may ignore your own instincts and intuition. We need to be operating in a more balanced manner, taking into account how we are responsible for what transpires in our lives and where we need to surrender to the ego needs that are driven by fear, anger, or unhealed pain. 

More on the New Moon later in the week. 

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