Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Moving over the Threshold: New Moon in Aquarius, Sun, Mars, Venus enter Pisces

New Moon in Aquarius, Sun enters Pisces

Last week Mercury went direct, and today, the Sun in the last degree of Aquarius prepares to enter Pisces ushering in a new lunar year. On Wednesday, February 18 the Sun enters Pisces and the New Moon in Aquarius occurs at the very last minute of the sign, 29’ 59” (29 hours/59 minutes) on Friday, February 20th.  

The last New Moon in late January,  occurred in the very first degree of Aquarius, this one occurs in the very last. Significant in that it marks this cycle marks the beginning of one phase and the start of a new, or at least the clearing out of the past so that a new phase can be initiated in the near future. This new moon finds us on the razor’s edge—looking at the old life and looking forward to the new. This new moon has us confronting the patterns, habits, and perceptions of the past as we move forward over the threshold to the future. This is the moment, quite literally, to seize the day. Move from a point of personal power and clarity. Understand and honor the truth of your own being, and do this by moving swiftly to act on your own choices, begin  in a new direction, and push through the blocks and challenges that stand in the way of your being true to yourself. 

In the collective whole, society and the zeitgeist of our times, the energy of radical change is a strong influence. We see it being acted out on the world stage. Now is the time to move from a place that is rooted in moral courage, altruistic motivation, and a clear lens of perception. To counter negative influences that seek to destroy, it is necessary that good people act from a place of love in order to impede and neutralize the rash and violent extremes that threaten the good of society.  “Perfect Love casts out fear”, and acting from love rather than fear helps move us all closer to that which nourishes all of life. It is time to ‘think out of the box’ and to act on creative principles and ideas that have been bubbling beneath the surface for so long. 

Doing something of a constructive, innovative, and creative nature is called for now. Even if we aren’t entirely certain of how things will work out, it is better now to do something rather than letting this moment pass with no movement or action.  Our to whatever experiences we dare to dream up and act upon, will come the soil for planting new ideas. No need to worry about making mistakes. Whatever you test or try out, will create the motivation and clarity needed for seeing what needs to be done for future success. We cannot make a mistake. What may appear as a mistake, is simply the material and experience that creates fertile ground for a new life. What is decomposing, falling apart, or coming into focus becomes the fuel for nourishing future dreams.

One of the seemingly minor aspects that affects the energy, focus, and power of this New Moon in Aquarius, is the conjunction of Ceres to Pluto in Capricorn, and their squares to the lunar North and South Nodes. Ceres and Pluto represent the nourishment and digestive and elimination processes, and the nodes represent what we brought into this life experience to work through and with, and what we are being into our lives and experiences.  

The North Node  (where we are headed) is at 12’ 20” retrograde Libra and the South Node (what we have been learning) is at 12’ 20” Aries.  That South Node in Aries sits in close conjunction with Uranus in Aries, indicating that sudden and shocking activities and changes are causing major changes.  The energy of the entire aspect, however, creates a harmonious alignment and powerful energy for change and transformation of key values and areas of our lives, if we see and use the energy to affect major changes of body, mind, spirit, and ideals. 

Aries, ruler of the first house, affects how we are understood and viewed in life. The first house rules not only physical appearance but also our image in the world. How we are seen and known by others. Uranus and the North Node in this area of our lives is going to have a powerful and surprising effect on how we express ourselves and are understood by others.   

Libra, ruler of the seventh house rules marriage, partnerships, intimate relationships. The North Node sitting at 12 degrees in Libra signals a major change and the beginning of an entirely new phase of life. Choices we make in this area of our lives, will be done with greater clarity and vision. Avoid acting from a place of compromise if it means not being true to yourself. It is essential at this juncture, to act with great personal integrity, and in alignment with your higher purpose. With Pluto and Ceres conjunct in Capricorn, the traditional ruler of the 10th house (life purpose, career, public face, reputation, rewards and what we seek to attain. 

This is also traditionally the house of the Mother. We strive to be what our mothers expect us to be. Whether we have lost our mothers or not, we are still influenced by the expectations they had for us. If we had a nourishing relationship with our mothers, we are impelled to please them and seek their approval. On the other hand, if that relationship was harmful, destructive, and unhealed, we are left with a lot of baggage to unpack. 

Often the ‘expectations’ a parent had for us were more harmful than not. For instance, if we had been told or shown (actions speak louder than words) that we are not loved, respected, or accepted for who we are with all our gifts, we may seek to get their acceptance or approval by trying to live according to their values rather than our own. If we were told to ‘stand by your man’ no matter what, we may bring this warped idea into our relationships and cause ourselves to stick with unhealthy and unfulfilling marriages and partnerships, at the expense of finding our true identity, happiness, and fulfillment.  This will be noticeable in whatever area of your life Pluto has been transiting. Now however, there may be some major flashes of insight, sudden experiences or shifts of attitude and perception that will provoke or require that  you to change. 

Pay attention to what your gut tells you about your life, especially those areas that have a direct impact on your personal values and health. Our digestive and elimination system (1st, 2nd, and 3rd chakras) speak to us of how we are digesting what comes into our lives. How are our needs being met? What is nourishing us? How are our relationships helping heal or hinder our health and self esteem? What does our gut tell us about what needs to change (now, not later), and what is blocking movement and growth? 

The New Moon in Aquarius on Wednesday, is exact at 3:47 P.M. PST in the very last degree and minute of Aquarius. We move between two worlds in a moment, gliding into the watery, creative, imaginative world of Pisces. This is sacred, liminal time, a time of marked transitions and transformations, and shifts of energy.   The last degree of a sign, the anaretic degree, signals completion, endings, and a culmination of ideas and events in time. What we have planted, comes to bloom. What we have finished, now ends. What we have sought, arrives. And what we put into motion, now comes full circle. It’s been a time of karmic clearing for many  people. Whether you believe in the transmigration of souls or reincarnation, that which we have given out in this life alone, is full of lessons that we have set into motion at some time. Now we are receiving answers, completing projects, ending relationships, and finishing up old business in order to set forth on a new path. Listen to your inner voice, and pay attention to the sensory messages your body gives you. We store up all kinds of information in our physical being, and we are receiving information through our senses, physical and extra sensory, all the time. Notice how you are receiving information, and also pay attention to how you alter or inhibit yourself by either listening to intuition or not. 

The energy of this New Moon calls us to be mindful of our whole selves. Be prepared to open the doors of perception to identify where you are growing and learning. Find ways to release what locks you into old patterns, and frees you to move more independently. Embrace the polarities in ways you act, think, choose, and create. Embrace the knowledge that the more fully realized you become, the greater your contribution to the wholeness, unity, and peace of the collective whole. Allow yourself to be a vessel for the Light of Divine Truth working in and through you. Eliminate negative patterns, thought, behavior, and connections that are deadly. Instead, move into life-affirming and life-sustaining ways of knowing, thinking, being, and loving.

And love and relationships between the masculine and feminine energies is actively moving. The New Moon is in semisextiee alignment with Mars which is in the last degree of Pisces. The last degree, the anaretic or Omega point, is a significant for a major shift and change. As Mars shifts from Aquarius to Pisces on Wednesday (at the time of the New Moon), it does so just ahead of Venus moving into Pisces the next. Both Venus and Mars are traveling in close alignment right now, and you may notice this playing out in your own life with these strong, personal energies activating some very special experiences and life-changing events. Notice where these planets are transiting in the areas of your life affected by these passages. On Saturday, February 21, both Venus and Mars form an auspicious alignment in the first few degrees of Pisces. Creative, passionate, and sensual, it unleashes our love of life. This is a time when we may launch a new stage of our lives, and we may start new relationships, head down an entirely new path, or achieve a deeper level of awareness. With the vision we have gleaned from the recent energetic movement of the Sun through Aquarius, and the depths we have plumbed with Mars and Venus’ transits through Pisces 

While this energy is significant and essential for personal growth and transformation, it is also extremely important for the health, safety, growth, and development of all humankind and the Earth and her inhabitants. This New Moon activates two major squares: The Saturn-Neptune square (Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces) and the Uranus-Pluto square (Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn). We are experiencing both personally and collectively a spiritual crisis. The spiritual crises is erupting due to the disparity between our dreams and reality, our hopes and our fears, and our higher ideals and shadow selves. The struggle is to be resolved by bringing unify between the polarities of who we are; not in following one path at the expense of the other. We are both/and. We are not separate from our shadow (the undeveloped, unmanifestd, hidden, subconscious, mystery, secrets, and karmic ties). 

The Saturn and Uranus square is manifesting as a battle between our mundane world (the daily grind, the day-to-day choices, how we make our choices on a daily basis) and that of our desire to connect to the Sacred. Coupled with the energy of the Uranus (where is change necessary) and Pluto (where is transformation taking place), this is a time when major movement, internal and external, is bursting forth in very shocking and unexpected ways. At this auspicious time, we cannot be unaware of what is churning up within us and around us. It is very apparent, and yet we still may hang on until it’s too late. Whatever is meant to end, will now end, so we can choose the path that leads us to greater harmony and balance in life. The intentions you set at this time, and the mind set and behavior patterns you use to set ideas into motion, lay the foundation for the year ahead. 

In the day before the New Moon, we find ourselves still in the dark of the moon…a powerful time for letting go in preparation for the year ahead. Cleaning out the cobwebs, sorting through what can be saved and what needs to be released, is essential right now. One thing that is important to know about this new moon in the very last degree and minute of the sign of Aquarius, is that it signals a tendency to cling to the last thread of hope and to base the future on something that is already over and done. The square activates our perceptions, understandings of those perceptions, These squares also affect how we rationalize and integrate those perceptions and understandings, as we create and make choices within our lives right now. We have  the opportunity to deal with the ambiguities in our thought processes and our growth and identity, and to come out on the other end of this process more capable, willing, and aware of what our personal path is, what we are to be held accountable for, and how we are using our power, energy, and creative gifts. 

One of the challenges of dealing with powerful squares and conjunctions is being thrown right into the boiling cauldron of energy that is activated right now.  There is so much going on within us and around us, and it is all activated through what is going on between us. We are a “hot mess” of dynamic, creative energy right now, and so even if we blow it, we’re getting so much to work with and use to learn, to create, to choose, and to heal. We also are being infused with knowledge and energy that we need to deal with so that we can become more awake and aware of the interactive nature of who we are as human beings.  We can sit atop the boiling pot of energy and pretend we are going to achieve balance or we can acknowledge what has been shaken up and what is changing form as it transforms with or without our permission. Now, more than ever, we become aware of how dynamic we are and how change rules that dynamism.  

Take the leap of faith. Open your eyes, heart, and sensory awareness systems. Know that to love and be loved requires a balance between two individuals who are both growing, transforming, and moving in the same direction. When we try to live life through another person’s perceptions, we leave ourselves out of the dynamic that is necessary for love to exist. We can go only so deep in a relationship if one or the other partner is only partly engaged. Let yourself become fully engaged in the beauty, creativity, and passion of your own being, and then when you love, you do so in proportion and can engage more deeply. As this is a time that highlights this in all our lives, we have a great opportunity to learn more about ourselves and our ability to give and receive love. And that love is the power and the authority of the Sacred that infuses all of life, and gives us the support to choose Life. 

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