Sunday, February 1, 2015

Full Snow Moon in Leo

Full Moon at 14/48 degrees of Leo on February 3, 2015

We start the month of February off with some busy lunar activity. During the night of February 1, the Moon in Cancer quincunx the Sun in Aquarius, and later squaring Uranus in Aries. If that wasn’t enough to wake you up, later in the night nearer morning, the Moon opposed Pluto in Capricorn, reminding us of the unfinished business of transformation that has been going on in our lives. Whatever dreams, thoughts, visions, intuitive urges, sensations, or emotional upwellings you may have felt, begin to feel very emotional at this point.  

The Full Moon in Leo that is building to its peak on Tuesday, February 3, 2015, is already awakening on the level of our unconscious needs and desires. As we start the week with the Moon in Cancer, we may feel a strong need to protect ourselves, those we love, as we feel our security and need for a safe, nourishing home strongly. The Full Snow Moon reaches her peak at 6:09 P.M. EST/3:09 P.M PST at 14/48 degrees in Leo. She sits on the constellation, Ursa Major (the Big Dipper). Leo’s guiding, gentle leadership qualities. This full moon is good for releasing energy, and is helped along in this respect by its aspect to Uranus in Aries. The Moon trine Uranus brings us a cosmic healing. We have the courage of our convictions now, and this may make this Full Moon a very active and crucial one for those willing to let go.

 The Snow Moon in Leo opposes the Sun in Aquarius at the same degree. The polarities highlighted by this opposition focus on the pull between our personal needs and our connections with others. Leo’s Full Moon emphasizes the personal desire to shine and be affirmed and noticed. The Aquarius Sun highlights our more altruistic thoughts and ideas, and the desire to find our independence within connections with others. The Leo Full Snow Moon allows us to express ourselves more fully and dramatically in the areas relating to love, romance, and close relationships. The Aquarius Sun calls us to celebrate where we fill connected and at home within relationships. 

This Full Moon is heavily influenced by its trine to Uranus in Aries. We are looking at relationships in less traditional ways, and observing that in order for us to find balance within our relationships, particularly romantic, we have to do what we can to meet our personal needs as well as the needs of the relationship and our partners alone.  We  may feel a greater need to express ourselves or communicate within a relationship in a way that is more satisfying or nourishing. If all we are doing is role playing or trying to maintain the status quo (in some cases, living as if the relationship is a stagnate, fixed condition), we may be quite aware that this is no longer satisfactory.  

As this New Moon happens as the lunar new year is about ready to change (Chinese New Year begins on the New Moon), the desire is strong to move into a new type of experience and energy, especially in regards to relationships and how they are developing, or not.  What is vital is to be aware of how your entire being is showing you the areas of weakness, imbalance, and need. Only when we acknowledge that which needs to change, be mended or altered, or is no longer viable and alive can we take the necessary steps to move out of the experiences, connections, and commitments that have disintegrated or that we have grown beyond. Whether we are still trying to convince ourselves we ‘can’t afford to make changes now’, or  that we ‘can get through this if only we…”, then we are probably in for a rough ride. What has been occurring in our lives should have given us very strong indications of what we need to move forward on.  

Venus in Pisces is conjunct Neptune today, February 1. Time for new beginnings in the area of romance now. Our sensibilities are open to beauty. Our hearts and minds are open to a deepening of spirituality, and the ability to trust our intuitive hunches, deepest desires, and inner vision (dreams included). Imaginations are fertile right now, and this lends itself to fueling our unmet needs with visions of what could be. If we can maintain a strong sense of what we need to develop within ourselves before moving into something that takes us on the same old journey with romance, we’re better off. Time to discover your inner resources and give yourself time to delve deeply into who you are before moving into something that simply repeats a past pattern for you.  In relationships that are healthy and growing, this may mean taking time to discover how to live with someone while maintaining your own inner and outer space. This is a dynamic in every relationship, that keeps the relationship alive. Otherwise, we slip into habits, routines, and patterns of behavior and attitude that are mind-numbing and relationship disabling.  Keeping connection alive is crucial for growth. 

On February 2-3 as the Full Moon is waxing, Venus is in parallel aspect to Neptune. Our sensitivity to beauty, romance, and love remains heightened, and we feel very sensual. This is a time for romance and flights of imagination and fancy. We envision and take steps to bring into our experience, the magical energy of love, compassion, and creativity. Later in the week, on February 7-8, Venus is sextile Pluto in Capricorn. This aspect helps transform and activate the powerful urges of love, romance, and sexuality. Particularly in areas that are most affected by Pluto’s long transit through Capricorn, we experience strong attractions and we gain greater understanding of relationships, primarily on a subconscious level (dreams, inner vision, meditation, prayer, and all forms of intuitive knowledge). 

On February 8-9, Venus is conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer. This is a powerful aspect for healing and gaining clarity and insight into areas where we have been in conflict, been wounded, or are in danger in relationships.  Repair what is fixable. Resolve to make changes if it’s time. Focus on healing what needs to be attended to in order to live more authentically and wholly. 

On Monday morning, the Sun in Aquarius moves into sextile with Uranus in Aries. Adjustments will become more obvious and new ideas and opportunities will arise. Look for creative solutions to problems that arise or that have been creating tension or imbalance.  News, sudden changes, or new information will help shed light on what is missing or needed.

Tuesday’s Full Moon in Leo shines on the areas of our lives that are coming to wholeness. What is growing and coming into its fullness in your life? How are your plans shaping up, and what have you already accomplished? Time to take stock and celebrate the acheivements now. Full moon time is a time to celebrate, express gratitude, and share time and energy with those you love. 

Another beautiful aspect is the Full Moon’s conjunction with Jupiter. This spectacular transit brings deep desire, heartfelt connections, and profound joy and love. If open and receptive, this will at the very least give you clear vision as to what love looks like in your life and in you. If the timing is right, this could also be the start of an entirely new direction in love and relationship. Are you ready to do what it takes to receive your good?

Wednesday, Mars forms a quincunx with Jupiter. Mars, the planet of action and getting things done in an edgy aspect with Jupiter, indicates a tendency to over do. Jupiter is abundance, and “too much” is also a quality of Jupiter. We overlook our weaknesses and overestimate our strength, stamina, capacity, and energy levels. Sometimes we fail to see what stage of life we are in, and how needs change at different times. Cycles lead from one level of understanding to the next, unless we get caught in loops that keep us from seeing what needs repair and healing or prevents us from growing in areas we need to grow. The goal in life is not just to do more and  better. Life is about developing and learning new ways of being, doing, perceiving, and deepening. If we only grow in areas where we are already proficient, we are not growing. What may be manifesting now are examples of where we miscalculate our capacities or where we are in off base about what we really need. 

Early Thursday morning, Mercury in Pisces forms a sextile to Saturn in Sagittarius. Great ideas flow now. Communication is enhanced, and Saturn provides the energy and direction to put thought into action, word into deed, and get the ball rolling in areas that are of great importance now. Write letters, make plans, set goals, sketch out initial outlines, or simply move into a project that is ready to flow. At almost the same time as this sextile, we have Mercury forming a semi-square to Mars. This may make for some debate or conflict of some kind over work. While we are motivated, we may also feel the stress and pressure to get things done that aren’t quite ready to go. Blending the two different energies is advisable so as to not waste ideas, energy, and time. Move more slowly, take your time, get enough rest, and take time to listen. Avoid jumping to conclusions or forcing the issue with anyone. 

On Friday, the Sun opposes Jupiter. This may bring us into the kind of conflict the full moon’s opposition to the Aquarius Sun forced us to confront.  This aspect will focus our attention on wherever we are not in balance. We will also be aware of wherever we are out of alignment with  our authentic selves and those we are in relationship with. We will be forced to cope with areas of our lives that we have tried to avoid or disregard. 

Sometimes we think we can just let something go and it will work itself out. And sometimes that is the case. At other times, for anything to change significantly, we have to make choices and act on decisions, even if we are not sure. We need to act even though it makes us uncomfortable.  If we do not make necessary alterations in how we do things, we drive ourselves in loops and tie our lives in knots.  The knots  that tie up our energy in life are what we are in the process of undoing so that we can use our life force and energy in ways that are freeing, life affirming, and healthy. 

This is one of those times when we stand with the capacity to move, the insight about what needs to change, and we need to make up our minds. Which road ahead? We may not be prepared to travel, but sometimes the train arrives and we have to get on without knowing beforehand how the trip will turn out.  Trust the process. You’ve made it this far. Use the lessons and insight that have helped you thus far, and allow yourself a new start. 

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