Ephemeris Reading for March 4, 2015, from Astrodienst.com.
Sun 13 Pisces 43' 3" 6s24
Moon 1 Virgo 35'53" 7n51
Mercury 18 Aquarius 10' 7" 16s30
Venus 14 Aries 28' 0" 5n12
Mars 9 Aries 39'58" 3n25
Jupiter 14 Leo 28' 7"r 17n26
Saturn 4 Sagittarius 50'45" 19s04
Uranus 14 Aries 38'25" 5n11
Neptune 7 Pisces 30'32" 9s26
Pluto 15 Capricorn 4'15" 20s30
TrueNode 10 Libra 6'16"r 4s00
Chiron 17 Pisces 2'57" 1s02
If your life has been anything like mine the last few weeks, you are experiencing a major shift and cleansing that may have been a combination of exhilarating, perplexing, disturbing, and sweetly familiar. Such a powerful time as the final Uranus-Pluto square brings everything to a head, finds many of us longing for sweet respite and sanctuary.
To begin to make sense of what is happening as this Full Moon in Virgo reveals the truth of who we are, in all our complexities, polarities, and challenging extremes, it may be best to look at what the energies are that are building to a climax in different areas of our lives. Look at your chart, or if you are not familiar with astrological charts, think of the areas of your lives which correlate to the houses described. It won’t take a degree in metaphysics to figure out where you are experiencing the effects of this full moon in earthy Virgo.
My own natal Moon (where the Moon was at my birth) is Virgo, and it is opposed to my natal Sun, Pisces. This opposition has made my life all about bringing unity together within the polarities of life. By now, I’m fairly good at this, however this period of time has been challenging quite simply because it is such a potent and crucial time for us as individuals and as a collective whole of humankind. We are each being asked to walk the walk of our Truth. We are each being driven from the places where we no longer belong, and are being given reprieve from what shackled us―our own beliefs, fears, perceptions, and experiences.
The Full Moon in Virgo at 14/50 degrees is in opposition to the Sun in Pisces at 14/50 degrees. The Full Moon in Virgo reaches her peak on Thursday, March 5 at 10:05 A.M. PST.. Falling as they both do in the second decan of their respective signs, both the Moon and the Sun are doubly potent and grounded in the truth of their own nature. The Pisces Sun sits right in between Neptune at 7/33 degrees of Pisces in conjunction with Chiron, the Wounded Healer at 17/7 degrees of Pisces. What has been revealed (Neptune) through dreams, intuition, visions, and sensory awareness, is now in the process of alchemizing into a healing process unlike anything we have experienced before. The effects of the toxins and dysfunctional nature of any area of our lives is making its way to the surface to be eliminated, released, and cleansed from our systems.
The Sun’s position in Pisces and its aspects to both Neptune and Chiron, make for a powerful healing experience provided we are willing to pay attention to what we have learned. When we identify in no uncertain terms, the source of pain, fear, loss, or oppression, we must then be courageous and firm in taking the steps needed to protect, heal, and nurture our highest nature. The opposition that each full moon brings, is in this case between our practical, pragmatic nature to keep our emotions in check and the very emotional and deeply spiritual need to respond from a place of deep intuitive knowing of what is of the highest nature of good for us right now.
This Full Moon in Virgo, shines its light on the Sun in Pisces, reflecting back to it, the essence of the light within its source. Virgo calls us to pay attention to the day-to-day routines and rituals of our lives, and the practical and down-to-earth essence of the lives we live. Virgo calls for order and organization. Pisces expresses emotional truth, spiritual health and wholeness, vision, intuition, and creative response. Pisces demands releasing restrictions, overcoming limitations, and thinking decidedly out of the box. A crisis of some type is occurring, demanding that we listen more closely to our emotional needs, and expand our vision to move in the direction that opens us in directions that lead to healthier spiritual and emotional well being. This period calls us to focus on the balance between the practical and the impractical, the rational and the emotional, the pragmatic and the creative, the structured and limited versus the open and expansive in all areas of our lives.
Also at play at this time are some major aspects and transits. Venus in Aries is trine Jupiter as I write on March 4, conjunct Uranus also, and square Pluto in Capricorn today as well. If your stomach is upset or your balance off, these aspects alone should give you a reason. Venus, the planet that represents our ability to give and receive love, to express our spiritual, artistic, and emotional nature, and our ability to examine relationships of all kinds. Over the last few days when Venus was opposing the North Node in Libra (gateway to the future, closing doors to the past), we have been more aware of what is sustaining us and nurturing our growth, and what is not.
The trine with Jupiter has us feeling more expansive and open to what we now perceive as essential and life-affirming for us.
The conjunction with Uranus opens us to possibilities, and allows us to see into corners of our hearts and minds that have only glimpsed into new areas before. Now we have sufficiently exorcised the demons of the past to begin considering change. Uranus in Aries may bring something or someone into our lives that we have only considered a vague possibility. Sudden, shocking, and surprising events and meetings occur, and we arrive at a new portal into an unexplored future. Our need for self expression, freedom, and adventure now becomes a motivating factor in how we travel our paths.
Venus square Pluto raises the ugly head of jealousy, control, possessiveness, and the underbelly of passion. As much as we may become aware of new possibilities and relationships, this is not a great time to start something new as the unsettling elements characterized by this aspect could be a source of major problems later. It is better at this time to observe, listen, and be more mindful of what stirs, excites, and attracts. Hold yourself in check, however, and sit with the awareness long enough to let it be the essence of who you are, and not the motivating factor and anchor for a new connection. Let things develop slowly. Now is the time to gain clarity and allow the truth to seep into every atom of your own being. Let the Truth become who you are, and then when you choose anew, you do so from your own whole and intact personal essence.
The Trine between the Virgo Full Moon and Pluto in Capricorn, gives us the energy and drive to stand up to any oppression or bullying that threatens to undermine or attempt to control us. Time to stand firm against domination and control. In relationships of all kinds, bear in mind that putting on appearances and begging forgiveness do not necessarily equate to true redemption and lasting change. The nature of a bully, controller, or abuser is deep-seated, and now is the time to hold off on allowing yourself to become seduced by appearances and sweet talk. Hold yourself in abeyance, and take your time deciding what, if anything you want, need, or can bear to have with a partner, former partner, or intimate connection (this includes work but most particularly romance and marriage).
For anyone with planets, the Sun or the Moon between 14 degrees of Virgo and 14 degrees of Leo, remember that the transiting planets, the Full Moon and the Sun are acting as a kind of vacuum, cleaning out any area of our lives where we need to release in order, whether we want to or not. Prior to this, we have had choices; now we are experiencing the results of the changes that have been taking place over the last few years, and in fact over the last five decades. What was set into motion in the late-1960s is now culminating. We are being released from whatever hinders our soul growth and development. Let go, and enjoy the ride.
What has prepared us for this wild ride? In February, we experienced first the Jupiter focused Eye of God Yod on the 14th. This opened the genie’s lamp letting the truth emerge breaking down belief, dogma, and wishful thinking. Next the Pisces water stellenium of the Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Neptune, and Chiron all falling in Pisces on February 19, unleashed an outpouring and upwelling of Truth that allowed us to see and feel clearly as at no other time. The result is akin to major surgery to repair and correct the health of our soul and relationship patterning and choices. After that, the movement of Venus, then Mars into Aries, set the wheels in motion to activate long-overdue changes.
The Uranus square Pluto waxing cycle (building up) began in 2013, and reaches its peak this month. Uranus square Pluto March 17 2015 at 15º Aries/15º Capricorn. As the final square waxes/builds to its peak, we are looking at three main issues. Uranus’ transit through Aries in your chart/life, demands freedom and using that freedom to move forward in your life. Pluto transiting through Capricorn has been uprooting and overturning whatever areas of your life need to be transformed. As part of this process, old fears, outworn patterns of behavior, rules and guidelines, structures and limitations, and whatever dogma or beliefs you have used to define and limit your growth, have been torn apart and deconstructed. Secrets come to the surface, the Truth rises up into the full light of day or night. At the final square, whatever is left that stand in the way, will be blasted apart. Problems are pushed up to the surface, so we are no longer able to deny or hide. Whatever taboos or limits we have felt constricted by, are broken once and for all.
“Radical clarity shines down on the caverns Pluto has opened” (Ruby Slipper Astrologer, Nadia Gilchrist). It is now time to face the truth, look through the garbage, and acknowledge what we are accountable for and what has been learned from the difficult and overwhelming pain of the lessons we’ve learned. Before we can move forward and grow beyond our limitations, we have to face the truth. The gifts are in the garbage, and we will rebuild, move forward, and use the lessons of the past and present to build a new future. We travel less encumbered than we have in a long time. Use this time to discern, decompress, and release whatever needs to go.
As we all by now know from the appeal of the movie Frozen, whatever has hardened and caused us to lose contact with life within us, is now ready to be opened, and the only thing we can do it “let it go”. What does that look like? What does it mean? It means being aware, facing the truth, and moving in the direction of the heart and soul. It means listening to intuition, paying attention to and working with dreams to unlock the subconscious messages, and it means following your passions and dreams; the ones you have for yourself, not the ones others have defined for you. Be your own true self, and love the one you’re with. Be grounded by the Virgo Full Moon in new ways that allow your spirit to fly free and your life to take wings. Create, cry, contemplate, begin anew, and sit in stillness and wonder at the gifts of life within. Trust that you know, and act accordingly.
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