Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Year, Full Wolf Moon in Cancer, Earth stellia

Happy New Year, 2015

Since December 23, Saturn has been in Sagittarius, releasing energy and activities in new directions.  The Fixed signs are breathing a sign of relief, and will be propelled on until June and July when Saturn’s retrograde transit reenters Scorpio for its final plunge into Scorpio’s emotional and spiritual depths. The mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces will feel the strength of Saturn’s transit though the impact will be a bit easier than Saturn’s passage through Scorpio. 

The year ends with the Moon in Taurus, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto in Capricorn. A lot of earth and a lot of grounding. We feel our earthly being, and may feel the full weight of the transitions and transformations that have taken place over the last few years. As all the planets in earth signs focus our senses on our environment, our earthly homes and experiences, and the uprooting and disruptions that have and are taking place, we long for more calm, peace, and grounding. Centering prayers are needed as we begin the birthing process that we are experiencing. Just when we need our rest, we are required to meet pressing needs. Taking time during this period as the New Year starts, to rest, relax, and find outlets that build up and nourish us in body, mind, and spirit. We need aesthetic nutrition as much as we need anything right now. The New Year breaks open the new growth that awaits us this new year. 

On Sunday, January 4 the Full Wolf Moon rises in the midwinter sky. The first full Moon of 2015 falls at 14 degrees Cancer’s second decan. Cancer’s rulers, the Moon and Mars, emphasizes emotional strength on this Full Moon. We are both guides and guided during this Full Moon period. The depths of wisdom sometimes frightens others, as there is a mistrust as to the source of that wisdom. The Full Moon falls on Sirius, the Dog Star (guiding light)―the brightest star in the night sky. Long used as a guide by navigators, Sirius with the Full Moon brings success in business, influential male friends, paternal support and guidance, excellent health and beneficial changes around home and business. 

Full Moons shine a light on what is coming to life in our lives. From seeds planted in the past, work taken care of, and intentions and plans set into motion, we begin to see the fruits of our energy manifesting.  The energy generated from the  Pluto-Uranus square remains in effect throughout the month, and the Full Moon may give us just what we need to make the breakthroughs that have been slow in coming. Have courage, and act and speak from the place of Truth within you. And most importantly, be honest with yourself. If you are telling a story that is a lie from the inside out about who you are and what you need and want, your will continue to meet with defeat. Inner truth is the key to opening the life that is illuminated by the Divine Light.  This Full Moon in Cancer is about birthing what it is that helps you create a place of inner safety, security, peacefulness, and home. 

The Full Wolf Moon activates the Grand Cross, Uranus in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn, and the North and South Nodes (gateways to and from the past). The Lunar Nodes are the star gates that illuminate what we brought into this life to heal and create (South Node) and what we are moving towards (North Node). The changes, transformations, and crossroads we face now, are giving us information that is mind blowing.

The Grand Cross includes the Moon in Cancer opposing the Pluto in Capricorn. Secrets are revealed, covert operations and hidden agendas are made public, and  there is an element of feeling that our privacy is in someway invaded. While it may seem like someone is trying to take care of us, we feel more vulnerable and exposed than usual. This happens around the areas that have been undergoing the greatest transformation. 

The Moon in Cancer square Uranus in Aries makes us feel more restless and rootless than we normally feel. This may be caused by external events and forces that disrupt our sense of security and well being.  We are at odds with governmental and institutional changes that threaten our health, financially and physically. This may also highlight areas in your life where you have been too dependent or been suppressed by someone else’s needs and desires.  At this Full Moon in Cancer, take the steps and create the rituals to attest to your  commitment to live a life that supports and uplifts you. Cut yourself off from relationships, connections, and involvement with anyone or anything that is working against your optimum health and well being. Time to cut the cords that tie you to enabling relationships. Let go, and let loose whatever ties you down. Our emotional restlessness is really tied to some very basic needs we have that are not being met where we are. Cut loose and allow yourself the time, space, energy, and resources to be infused with new life. 

Look to see where in your chart this Full Moon hits, for that is the area of your life when it is time to move through the portals of change and away from anyone or anything that is weighing you down and preventing you from using your own energy. We do this to ourselves, but we often see it as the other person doing it to us. Or the job, or the place, or the obligation. See life for what it is that you have created, and use the opportunities the Divine has put before you as gifts to unlock your own freedom. The Full Wolf Moon peaks at 11:53 PM EST/8:53 PM PST. The totem of the Wolf is one of strength, commitment to the family/pack, and the courage to act on behalf of what is noble and good. Through risks we take now, we prove our courage and find ways to improve our lives and live more freely. 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

New Moon in 0 degrees Capricorn at the Winter Solstice

Sun 29 Sagittarius 6'46" 23s26
Moon 16 Sagittarius 14' 3" 18s24
Mercury 6 Capricorn 13'59" 25s17
Venus 13 Capricorn 2'29" 23s52
Mars 12 Aquarius 31' 1" 18s14
Jupiter 22 Leo 22'54"r 14n49
Saturn 29 Scorpio 43' 7" 18s13
Uranus 12 Aries 34'12"r 4n21
Neptune 5 Pisces 8'37" 10s18
Pluto 12 Capricorn 47'15" 20s39
TrueNode 16 Libra 27'44"r 6s28
Chiron 13 Pisces 26'44" 2s11
(From Astrodienst, Saturday, December 20, 7:03 p.m. PDT/1:03 a.m. GMT Dec. 21)

New Moon in Capricorn at the Winter Solstice

As I write this week’s column it is just four hours (GMT) before the Moon enters the early degrees of Capricorn and hours before the Sun enters Capricorn joining Mercury, Venus, and Pluto to form a stellium of earth signs). This New Moon is significant as it comes in the earliest degrees of Capricorn, the area of our lives where Pluto has been making  its transformative way into whatever area of our lives has needed changing. 

The New Moon and Winter Solstice both coming as they do under the influence  of the recent 6th of 7 squares between Uranus and Pluto (over the last three years), and in the wake of Saturn’s transit through the anaretic (final degree) of its transit through Scorpio, is it any wonder we are experiencing the major shifts, changes, challenges, and infusion of energies that we are? 

The big stories of our lives are playing out in our individual lives and on the collective stage, not to mention all the activity in the Universe that is as dynamic as it it. The last three years, as I mentioned in last week’s column, has been quite challenging for just about everyone, and for our planet as a collective whole What is playing out on the world stage is a reflection of what has been happening since the beginning of the major transformations that have torn down worn out structures (physically in individuals; institutionally and structurally in the collective), in order for complete transformation and recreation to take place. 

This New Moon in Capricorn brings five planets into Capricorn, and along with that, the perfect time for setting intentions for the New Year as the Solstice opens the seasonal new year’s portals on this New Moon. The power of five planets in Capricorn, especially as the Moon aspects each planet, and the Sun setting off energy in whatever directions you envision. Allow yourself to move from the center of your authentic self at this time, for what is set into motion at this time, sets the tone for the year. 

This New Moon and lunar month is  a time when we are arriving at the completion of some long and difficult cycles. Saturn is completing two years of limitations and deep soul-searching in whatever area of your chart/life it has been transiting. A completely new cycle is beginning, and pieces of the old are falling away, as we suffer the final pangs of a death, the last remnants of some worn out structure in our lives, and the removal of whatever obstacles have been standing in the way of our growth and evolution. Release what no longer is part of your experience. 

Be open and receptive to what is unfolding in your life and calling for you to move beyond former limitations and challenges. Relief is near. Begin slowing your pace, allowing whatever has been started, to take on a life of its own. Let things fall into place now. Get out of your own way, and begin celebrating and reaping the benefits of the great transformations that have taken place. 

The New Moon at 0degrees of Capricorn is revealing the beginning of dreams that are beginning to crystalize and the veneration of the wisdom figures who are present to guide, guard, and infuse us with compassion. This degree in the first decan of Capricorn, signifies someone with great religious fervor and dedication. Whatever path is chosen at this time becomes a matter of great significance, dedication, and commitment. The New Moon aligns with the fixed star Acumen (part of the constellation of Scorpio). 

According to Dr. Eric Morse, this is part of the Ptolemy Cluster and indicates that “there is a tendency to be either the ‘hellfire and damnation brigade’ or to take up a fierce anti-religious and even anti-God stance.” Such religious or anti-religious zealotry can be harmful regardless of which side one takes. The best course is the middle road and the path of tolerance and compassion. There is a tendency for some to view the world from a narrow, self-centered perspective if beliefs, practices, and ideals become fodder for power-over movements and actions. 

This New Moon coming at the Winter Solstice and in the early degrees of Capricorn, initiates us into the final stages of a step over the threshold into a new beginning and an entirely new path than we have ever experienced before. One of the Sabian symbols for 0 degrees of Capricorn is an Indian Chief claiming power for the entire tribe. It is an ancient practice that many tribal people acknowledge the power of a true leader to take on the burdens, risks, and sacrifices in order to save the whole tribe. The idea of servant leader, an ancient one, often gets misinterpreted to mean the power-over type of leadership. However, this type of power is one of sacrifice of that which is needed to preserve and save the whole. The greater the sacrifice of the leader, the greater the saving grace for the people. 

In our personal lives, the power, ruler, and authentic self is demanding to take the lead in all areas of our lives. There is almost an immeidate recognition of the intuitive voice within that signals what is right and good for us at any given time. We are very much in touch with the inner voice that speaks from Truth and that receives its guidance from the Source of all being. At this time we need to allow ourselves to surrender to that Divine essence―leaving behind anything that dilutes, muddies, or doesn’t affirm who we really are.  

So as the Sun and the Moon prepare to enter Capricorn where they will join the two inner planets, Mercury and Venus, and the outer planet, Pluto the Great Transformer, be prepared for a solid grounding of what is moving within you and what is propelling your on your journey. The solid, earthy experiences will make any metaphysical doubts, clear. The earth sign stellia is rooting us in the most basic essence of our lives. Our root chakra issues of finding home, nourishing and stabilizing our lives, and working through intergenrational stress and karmic challenges are now coming to ground. What appears before us is the raw material for creating a new life and making long-lasting choices. 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Uranus and Pluto intensify transformation and change

“When you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.” Thus spake Christ Jesus according to the non-canonical gospel of Thomas. An esoteric understanding of spirituality and our human experience, this simple and profound concept speaks to us of the intense transformation that we are experiencing, collectively and personally. 

As of November 26, the 6th of a series of 7 aspects between the two outer planets, Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries, has been forming. On Monday, December 14th it reaches its peak. From what has been revealed and occurring in the world, we might have no doubt that this is a time of great evolutionary change for our entire planet.  The series of aspects between these two planets represent the energetic change that takes place so that evolutionary developments break down old  or dysfunctional structures (Pluto in Capricorn). Uranus in Aries sees this happening in sudden, violent, and decisive movement, actions, and revelations.  Whatever is not grounded on ethical, sound, and solid ground/principles, crumbles and loses power. 

This process has been occurring over the last three years. A series of harsh, 90 degree angles (squares) have been creating a tug of war between old institutions and new.  Patterns of behavior, habits and ways of thinking, as well as  paternalistic models and  ideals that suit only the elite, are crumbling under the weight of their own self-centeredness,  avarice, and greed. 

Pluto also rules what is hidden in the shadows―our personal secrets and mysteries as well as those of the collective whole. In culture after culture, the warrior archetype is rising up to fight for freedom. On the world scene, it isn’t difficult to identify how this i happening. On the personal level, it is happening as we each question our deepest motives and values. 

It is an appropriate time to look back over the last three years, and observe what was happening, what changes or choices you made, and how you have been affected by this revolutionary transformation.  Starting three years ago from June 6 until July 9, 2012 and then again from  September 18 until October 2012, what was occurring in your life? These were the initial squares that set off this Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries transitions. 

Then seven months later, the third square was peaking from May 15 until June 1, 2013 . The apex point of this series occurred from October 17, 2013 until November 15, 2013. What was occurring last year as these four aspects were being experienced in your life?

Earlier this year, from April 12, until April 19, 2014, the square occurred between these two powerful energies.  Currently between November 26 until December 27, 2014, we experience the 6th of the squares. Whatever efforts we are trying to take to bring peace, order, or calm to our lives, is nearly impossible at this time. The storm raging around us, ignites the storm within.  Whatever we are needing to pay attention to and mend, alter, or adjust in our lives, now becomes glaringly apparent. Those of us, and who does that leave out, who long for peace―inner and outer, are struggling and feeling the weight of this energetic disruption. 
Tasks, jobs, relationships, and conditions that we have been ‘working on’, trying to fix, or just live with, now become intolerable. We are moved to rid our lives of whatever is draining our energy, making us ill, or causing us to live inauthentic lives. Mind-numbing jobs now drain us of all our physical and mental energy. Dead end relationships and patterns of behavior in the way we communicate or relate, now force us to acknowledge what needs to be changed and adjusted.  We no longer seem capable of hiding from ourselves or others, and what may have lain hidden for years or decades, now comes raging to the surface. 

The energy drain we may be experiencing is a result of two forces, Pluto and Uranus, fighting against one another.  Pluto, the cardinal, earthy energy that is the intransigent element of our lives, digging its heels in, tearing down whatever structure is not sound or capable of withstanding the elements. While Uranus, the cardinal, fiery element of our lives that is whipping up the flames of destruction as it tears through the undergrowth of our lives, in its mad race to clear away what needs to go in an effort to liberate us from our limitations, fears, and false beliefs. 

On one hand, Pluto is the guardian of the institutional structures and patriarchal alliances, while on the other, Uranus, the defender of autonomy and individual rights, are at war with one another. As is obvious in the outer world, the fight has risen from the board rooms and back rooms, and has become more public. It has crossed borders, both geographic and metaphoric, and has brought the conflict up to the surface of our individual and collective consciousness. We cannot hide or run away from what is evolving within and around us now. Listen to what is true and real for you at this time. Notice when you attempt to rationalize, excuse, or dismiss the value or importance of a necessary change or movement.

Over the last three years, we may have given up trying to guess what was coming next.  We have been surprised (Uranus in Aries) by what has come and gone in our lives. Values, beliefs, and structures in our lives, including our own bodies (physical structure), have been breaking down. Weaknesses have appeared and shown us where we need to rebuild and strengthen our lives and the structures that hold us together. This is particularly true of our physical body.  Notice what parts of your body have been needing attention. How is that part of your structure connected to the choices, lifestyle, and overall structure of your own life?

How do we use this energy to help us deal with the raging storms of change? Use your meditative and contemplative abilities to question why it is you do what you do? What drives your desires and fuels your obsessions? Why do you want what you want so badly? What is essential for balance, harmony, and sacred connection in your life? As difficult and intense as this time is, it is not necessarily time to intentionally rip everything apart. Take your time. Observe and reflect, and see if you can get to the heart of what it is that is essential before “throwing the baby out with the bathwater.”

The two seemingly opposing energies, are part of the whole. Any energy when taken to its extreme can become the Frankenstein’s monster of its polar opposite. For example, extreme liberalism when taken to its extreme, looks like the worst extreme fundamentalist absolutism.  And vice versa.  Within the duality of our nature―polarities―we have the option of taking the best of both extremes and finding harmony in the blending of the best of both world.  In some traditions, this is referred to as the middle way. Bringing diversity into unity is acknowledging place and value of everyone. We are each of value, and we each have a part to play that adds to the health and harmony of the whole. This, I believe, is the real battle of the Pluto-Uranus series of squares, and indeed of most of the struggles we experience in life. How do we unite our different natures (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, esoteric) identities and needs? How do we honor all parts of ourselves and others, and make peace, befriend, and help heal that which is in need of mending on our Earth? 

The battle is not to see who can demolish the other; the battle is who can heal and help heal. 

Pluto is the Guardian of the Underworld, the unconscious realms. What appears to be happening on the surface, may not be at all what is happening beneath the surface. Uranus is the impatient agent for change. Its energy brings the urge to merge, raises the need for speed, and activates the energy within that makes us feel edgy, anxious, and unsettled. Acting on this type of energy is not necessarily advisable. In fact, sometimes the best action is non-action. “When in doubt, don’t.” Much of what we feel right now can wait to be acted upon. The edginess is about reminding us to listen to our feelings, acknowledge our intuition, honor what we know to be true, and what we still need to learn. Channel the edginess into something pragmatic and concrete (Pluto), and you help unite the two energies in the experience of now. We may not be able to solve the major problems or remove the giant obstacle in our paths, but we can each clean up our own mess. Pick up, clear off, clean out, mold, shape, bake or cook up a nourishing dish, paint your feelings, or run off your anxiousness. Use your energy to do what you can do in this moment, and rest assured  that what is happening below the surface is being helped along by your ability to ride out the storm. Being able to hold a place of inner peace regardless of what is falling apart or happening around you, is an essential gift we each have.  Remember that Divine timing is not necessarily our timing. 

The month of December is affected by this sixth Pluto-Uranus square all month. The Uranus square Pluto  is exact on December 14 (West of EST)/December 15 (EST 1:13 AM). On the West Coast the square is exact at 11:13 PM PST.  While Uranus and Pluto are still  in close aspect, Venus joins Pluto in Capricorn on December 20, deepening and transforming relationships of love. On December 25, Mercury conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn, stimulating and deepening all forms of communication. Occurring in the second decan of Pluto, this aspect can cause debates, arguments, and other form of communication disruptions with those who have aspects in 11-20 degrees of any of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn-oh goody, that’s me).  

Pluto will be resting on the fixed star Nunki, a small star in the constellation of the Archer, Sagittarius. Nunki means, the Edict of the Sea in ancient Chaldean. We can take this to mean the energy of the mysterious, unconscious, depths. Nunki is one of the brighter stars in the constellation and can be found in the end of the arrow in the archer’s bow.  Edict and the use of the imagery of the Sea refer to the power and idea of Divine being and the Divine Word, God is  speaking energy.  What is the Divine speaking into being in your life?

As we move through this dynamic cycle and time of our lives, let’s enjoy the Cosmic Dance.  Instead of hanging on for dear life, relax and let yourself enjoy the movement, the music, the beauty, and the thrill of it all.  It is an amazing time, and we are so fortunate to be living. With purpose, meaning, and connection, we are helping create the world. Storms end. Obstacles can be surmounted. Struggles can be released. Joy can be found. Take time to to be still and to notice what graces are yours today.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Full Moon in Gemini, Fire Trine with Sun, Jupiter, Uranus

“In our deepest moments of struggle, frustration, fear, and confusion, we are being called upon to reach in and touch our hearts. Then, we will know what to do, what to say, how to be.  What is right is always in our deepest heart of hearts.  It is from the deepest part of our hearts that we are capable of reaching out and touching another human being.  It is, after all, one heart touching another heart.” 
-   Roberta Sage Hamilton 

On Saturday, December  6, 2014 at 4:47AM PST, the Full Moon in Gemini  reaches its peak, in exact opposition to the Sun in Sagittarius at 14/46 degrees in each sing. 

This full moon signals expansion. It is a time when we need to be assessing what is working in our lives, and what is not.  It is a time for appreciating the lives we live, and to be grateful. Through a deeper appreciation of the essential goodness of our lives, we release greater joy, love, compassion, and bounty. The Full Moon in Gemini opposing the Sun in Sagittarius, fans the flames of passion, desire, action, and transformation. Jupiter in Leo, Sagittarius’ ruler, also aspects this Full Moon with a powerful and abundant expression of energy in whatever areas of our lives these three bodies are transiting right now. Communications are vitally important to us right now. 

This Full Moon calls on us to exercise our options. Feelings are stimulated, and we need constant mental distractions or focus our energy. Gemini, being the sign of the Twins, may find us dealing with doubles of some type. For example, two equally pleasing offers may be made. 

Observe attitudes about responsibilities and  choices. What needs attention? What boundaries need to be established? Seek ways to glean the lessons that have been borne from challenges, loss, and difficult work. 

With the Full Moon in Gemini, our emotional energy, the tides, and  movement and activities increases. Our thoughts, speech, and interaction lean to logic, reveal with and quick thinking, and fire up the imagination. Gemini,  rules all parts paired in the upper body, the fourth Chakra energy including the hands, arms, shoulders, lungs, heart,  and  nervous system.  Manage stress, pace yourself, and avoid trying to do too much. Energy pulls in different directions.

Mercury conjunct the Sun increases the level of energy. Uranus trine the Sun and Jupiter, add forthrightness, authenticity, and support in communications and relationship. Jupiter lends its cheery and abundant energy to the mix, and optimism, generosity, and expansive thinking reign.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer in Pisces forms a  close square to the Sun/ Moon axis at Full Moon. Chiron generates tension and leads us to feel the need to speak out or restrain ourselves in some manner.  It would probably most healing to allow yourself to be vulnerable and open yourself to knowing, hearing, and speaking the truth.  Listen to what others are saying, and be receptive and compassionate in all your  dealings. With those you struggle with, hold them in the light of compassion, practice loving kindness, and step back from the edge of relationships and involvements that are toxic, or that lack the connection and purpose you seek. Chiron in Pisces between 2011 to 2018 is a sustained period when we are all being called to reconnect to the Sacred ties and roots. Bonds to Spirit and divine connections are essential to our full development and growth. 

Jupiter in Leo ruler of the Sagittarius Sun  sweetens and stimulates  pleasure-loving  Full Moon with an easy close trine to pleasure-loving, sensuous Venus in Sagittarius.  Indulgence, extravagance, and the desire for pleasure are all part of this transit.
As a heads up, we have three significant astrological events to heed this month after Full Moon:

On Sunday, December 14 through December 15,  the 6th Pluto (Capricorn) and Uranus (Aries) square at 12/35 degrees of both signs occurs. We become more in need of staying centered and in becoming more aware of our breathing. Corrupt social and political systems break up at this time. New systems can now be formed out of the rubble of what has been falling apart and malfunctioning for this period of Pluto’s transformative transit through Capricorn (earth sign). 

Uranus in Aries sets off by this square, put us in touch with a sense of urgency and  need to address whatever is not working in our lives. Personally, we need to be completely honest with ourselves in naming what we truly desire. Whatever changes need to be made, become evident now. The choices we make now will be major. Choose to put yourself on the path towards what you truly desire. 

Both Capricorn and Aries are cardinal signs. Whatever is being shaken up in your life now, has been underway for quite some time. Pluto first entered Capricorn in 2008, and will stay there until 2023. We have already gone through 5 other squares, and this next week we will experience the 6th. The influence can be felt in the week leading up, from tonight’s Full Moon in Gemini on. 

This is a time of a complete reorientation of consciousness, collectively and personally. 

This Full Moon in Gemini aligns with the gravitational center of a cluster of galaxies known as the Great Attractor. As this happens, we are called to move more closely to our true desires.  A discipline and spiritual practice helps us discern, contemplate, and gain greater clarity at this time. Rituals, like those that surround Advent, help us focus our attention, energy, and intentions to align more clearly with the Divine purpose we are called to. 

Advent is a time, as is Advent, the period leading up to Christmas, when it is important to remember what is essential in our lives, and to our very nature. The first week of Advent is focused on hope, and in joyful anticipation of what is about to become present in our lives. The second week of Advent, which is where we are headed, is focused on the journey towards what we are awaiting. The third week, beginning on December 14, focuses our attention on and awakening of our joy for life. When the week of Christmas arrives, the focus will be on the Angelic Presence that comes to us through visions, dreams, intuition, ritual, and service for others. 

This may be a time of crisis or a test of faith. Deeper levels of our consciousness are being awakened, and we find ourselves gaining a longer view of where our journey is leading us. We now look for ways to weave together the meaning and purpose our life is unfolding. We examine and discard worn out beliefs, practices, and habits, and seek a cleansing of ourselves in preparation for a deeper spiritual initiation or atonement. Create a mantra to help focus your intentions and center your energy on healing and releasing―“I open to compassion, self acceptance, and peace. I open myself to giving and receiving love.”

"The heart is the place where we live our passions.  It is frail and easily broken, but wonderfully resilient.  There is no point in trying to deceive the heart.  It depends upon our honesty for its survival."
-  Leo Buscaglia 

"The heart is the place where we live our passions.  It is frail and easily broken, but wonderfully resilient.  There is no point in trying to deceive the heart.  It depends upon our honesty for its survival."
-  Leo Buscaglia 

Listen to what your heart wants you to know.