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Red Sky at Night Catherine Al-Meten |
This week's lineup:
16-Nov-2014, 16:15 UT/GMT/4:15 a.m. PST
Sun 24 Scorpio 13'21" 18s49
Moon 16 Virgo 22'15" 2n48
Mercury 11 Scorpio 53' 1" 1 4s07
Venus 29 Scorpio 51'11" 19s53
Mars 15 Capricorn 55'35" 23s56
Jupiter 21 Leo 50'32" 14n52
Saturn 25 Scorpio 43'34" 17s19
Uranus 13 Aries 4'43"r 4n32
Neptune 4 Pisces 47'56" 10s27
Pluto 11 Capricorn 44' 4" 20s40
TrueNode 18 Libra 46'47" 7s21
Chiron 13 Pisces 7'21"r 2s08
This week we feel the fiery energy increasing as Venus and the Sun enter Sagittarius, and Mars makes a number of stress aspects. Inflamed passions as Mars makes so many hard aspects this month. On November 18 Mars forms squares to the North and South Nodes (gateways to the future and past). The North Node at 18/46 Libra and the South Node at 18/46 Aries, represent the points of passage in our lives. The North Node, entry into what lies ahead, and the South Node, gateway to the past, the karmic ties, unfinished business, and unhealed, and unexplored elements of ourselves, are key points in our chart.
Mars in Capricorn, having must formed a potent conjunction with Pluto the Great Transformer, now squares these two gateway points in our lives/charts. Whatever was triggered last week during the Mars-Pluto conjunction, now is energized and moved. How Mars steers the soul on its path now becomes more evident. Notice how you are being nudged in the right direction, and notice too how you can use what you’ve learned through recent experience, how to maneuver the challenges and unmarked channels ahead.
16-Nov-2014, 16:15 UT/GMT
Sun 24 Scorpio 13'21" 18s49
Moon 16 Virgo 22'15" 2n48
Mercury 11 Scorpio 53' 1" 1 4s07
Venus 29 Scorpio 51'11" 19s53
Mars 15 Capricorn 55'35" 23s56
Jupiter 21 Leo 50'32" 14n52
Saturn 25 Scorpio 43'34" 17s19
Uranus 13 Aries 4'43"r 4n32
Neptune 4 Pisces 47'56" 10s27
Pluto 11 Capricorn 44' 4" 20s40
TrueNode 18 Libra 46'47" 7s21
Chiron 13 Pisces 7'21"r 2s08
Inflamed passions as Mars makes so many hard aspects this month. On November 18 Mars forms squares to the North and South Nodes (gateways to the future and past). The North Node at 18/46 Libra and the South Node at 18/46 Aries, represent the points of passage in our lives. The North Node, entry into what lies ahead, and the South Node, gateway to the past, the karmic ties, unfinished business, and unhealed, and unexplored elements of ourselves, are key points in our chart.
Mars in Capricorn, having must formed a potent conjunction with Pluto the Great Transformer, now squares these two gateway points in our lives/charts. Whatever was triggered last week during the Mars-Pluto conjunction, now is energized and moved. How Mars steers the soul on its path now becomes more evident. Notice how you are being nudged in the right direction, and notice too how you can use what you’ve learned through recent experience, how to maneuver the challenges and unmarked channels ahead.
This is the week of the New Moon in Sagittarius. On November 22, at 12:32 p.m. GMT/4:32 a.m. the New Moon reaches its peak. The New Moon also aligns with Toliman, a star in the constellation, Centarius, the Healer. Also known as Bungula, Toliman is the third brightest star visible in the night sky. For those of us who awaken before sunrise, Toliman is visible in the early autumn sky. In the 1st Century C.E. book, Astronomica, written by Manilius, he says of the Centaur, “…indeed a calling of skill, not to wait for the cries of pain, but to recognize a sick body not yet conscious of its sickness.” Centaurius is also known to impart the wisdom to help heal animals who are incapable of describing what they need to heal for human hearing. When Toliman is aligned with Mars physical endurance, considerable mental power is stimulated. Writing and speaking may bring little prominence, but there is great power in both the written and spoken word at this time. The message is to continue trusting the Divine push from within, and the answer to prayers spoken or not, that appear at just the right time. That Divine grace again, for those wiiling to accept and receive it.
Venus is ending her annual journey through Scorpio, as she enters Sagittarius today, Sunday, November 16. In Sagittarius, Venus longs for adventure and awakens desire for seeking what lies beyond the ordinary. Between now and December 10, the need for freedom grows, and the desire to experience passion grows with it. Use discretion at this time, for the awakened feelings are powerful, strong, and not too picky.
Venus is semi-squares Mars November 17-18 putting a great deal of tension on relationships of all kinds, particularly the most intimate ones. Our desire to meet needs meet challenges and create more tension. On the 18-19, Venus forms a parallel with Pluto in Capricorn ramping up the intensity in close relationships. Needs overpower reason as we become more and more insistent on getting what we need and want in the relationship area. This may mean we release ourselves from those relationships that are not running smoothly due to the fact they are not based on mutual needs, desires, and dreams.
Our dreams, meaning those desires we hope to bring to fruition on this journey, are very important to us now. With Neptune’s direct motion over the weekend, we are even more conscious and aware of our deepest longings. And we are not about to settle at this time. On November 20, Venus squares Neptune giving us a reminder of how we tend to see what we want to see rather than what is really possible or present in a relationship. Potential does not necessarily result in actual movement of outcomes. Notice how you tend to fool yourself into thinking things are better than they are. Avoid setting yourself up for disappointment.
Mercury in Scorpio is sextile Pluto in Capricorn today, Sunday, November 16, is a time when we seem to be more psychologically attuned to how our intuition, emotions, and desires work together. We have a window for looking below the surface and seeing what is going on with relationships, communication, and all forms of movement and interaction. Perhaps that Moon in Virgo helps us ground ourselves, and be more willing to examine how we do relationships, and what might need repair, insight, or greater clarity. In making plans at this time, we are capable of being more clear-headed and patient with our long-range plans, goals, and dreams. If we can have the ‘master’ plan for our dreams, and then maintain the ability to stay mindful and present with each step, one at a time, we will be more successful in the long run. We get overwhelmed when we stay focused too much on the whole picture. Once we have a plan, it is important to keep focused on one step at a time. Today’s sextile with Pluto and the Moon’s transit in Virgo, help us get ourselves in balance to do this today.
The New Moon on November 22, 2014 may be a challenging time for many. Exceptional circumstances occur to create disturbances and even breaks in relationships with women. The disturbances are created due to the desire of some to curtail the freedom and movement of others. Whatever secrets, bad habits, or unhealed wounds are driving decision-making or forcing others to fight for their freedom, are now more evident than usual. Excesses (drinking, drugs, power) bring challenges during this new moon time. It’s as if we are in an argument with someone drunk with power and alcohol, who has lost touch with reason and compassion. In the end, there will be a positive outcome, however, having to bear up through difficult circumstances and amid power trips or stress-filled revolts and excesses, exhausts everyone. As Mercury is square Jupiter on Saturday, we might feel like hiding out. Waiting out the storm, and avoiding engaging in negative and thoughtless arguments is what is needed. This sets the tone for this lunar month, and reminds us that what we may fail to focus on or notice, lays just below the surface ready to pop out and remind us to exercise caution, protect ourselves, and take care of ourselves. Discernment in choices of intimate relationships is essential now.
Since new moons signal beginnings and getting a new start, this new moon may be the perfect time to pay attention to what you need to eliminate from your life in order to live in greater harmony. If we choose to stick with dysfunctional forms of communication and interaction, this new moon may give you some insight and reasons to reconsider the kinds of choices you have made in the past. Is this really how you want to live? Is this really working in the areas of your life where you seek meaning, purpose, and fulfillment? If the answer is no, then what is holding you back from making a new start? What are you afraid of? What you are afraid of may actually be appearing right before you as the result of choices made. A new moon that enlightens us from within about what we are doing to sabotage or block our own way.
On Monday, November 17, Mercury in Scorpio forms a quinqunx to Uranus in Aries. This is a time of great uncertainty, and a time when we are apt to find it difficult to get our point across or even feel like we are understood on even simple matters. Rather than fighting the prevailing winds that seem to block progress, recognize that this might not be the best time to try to get your point across. Timing is not right for clarity and understanding. Being impulsive or forcing an issue are not ways that work well right now. Back off. Wait for better timing. And it comes shortly, when Mercury trines Chiron in Pisces. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, allows for more open communication, and for a greater willingness to listen and to hear with open hearts, minds, and eyes.
Sensitivity and intuition is heightened under this aspect. This aspect as well as the earlier quincunx, occur in the night, so much of what we gather from these aspects may be worked out in dreams or are in the process of working their way to the surface of our consciousness as we sleep. Notice what is on your mind and heart when you awaken Monday morning. Mercury is going its work in the night, and unless you are awake, may be able to reach you without undue interference from you ego mind. May find that you awaken with just the right words to share, or an answer to a problem that had hithertofore been beyond your reach.
On Tuesday morning the Sun in Scorpio conjuncts Saturn. We feel compelled to deal with life on its own terms, and to take care of whatever pressing issues, concerns, and challenges stand in our way. Most of what is going on is internal. We want to get things accomplished and see the fruits of our labor. Time to get down to work. Focus on developing a routine and discipline in order to organize your time, energy, and resources . Work on whatever aspects of an old plan or a current project need to be reworked, and then set about creating the space, time, and energy to get things done. Get plenty of rest, and let your discipline extend to how you eat (proper nourishment) and how you exercise (get up and move). The colder and darker it gets, the less enthused some may be about moving and getting outside. Still need to get some fresh air, and need to move. This will energize you to get the work done that means so much to you.
On Wednesday, the Sun semi-square Pluto in Capricorn may find us looking for ways to get more control over our lives, or may force us to gather all our inner resources to meet challenges and obstacles in our path. We exert a lot of energy, and discover we are stronger than we thought we were.
On Thursday, the Sun forms a seisquiquadrate to Uranus in Aries. Surprise, surprise, just when we thought we had a handle on things (like we control life), unexpected changes, upset plans or events, or surprising, in a good way, news shows up. The old saying, “when one door closes, another opens” may be something to remember right now. Sometimes the object of our affection, that thing or relationship or victory, we think we can’t live without disappears, and opens the way for us to rethink our lives. We can see the disappointments, failures, or unrealized dreams as space for new ideas, new paths, and the approach of something that holds greater promise and fulfillment. Avoid wasting time clinging to the past or bemoaning losses. Look for the gifts in the garbage.
On Friday, Mercury sextiles Mars, and we might very well say, “Thank heavens!” Ideas come to us. We feel mentally alert and receptive. Choices now seem clearer, and communication improves. We feel enthusiastic and energized. What we struggled with earlier in the week, now flows with ease.
Saturday, November 22, the Sun enters Sagittarius and the New Moon peaks. We feel a release of energy now. Whatever details or mundane issues might have held us down earlier in the week, are now easily transcended. Uranus in Aries forms a trine to the New Moon and the Sun, and this allows us to feel freer and more relaxed. While our dreams may be expanding and our plans growing, we may also overdo and feel the weight of high expectations and overwhelming excitement.
Late Saturday, Mercury squares Jupiter. May feel like too much of everything is leading to burnout or overload. It is a time when we feel like we are short circuited, and thinking and actions are out of synch and foggy. Time to find calming, relaxing, centering ways to practice simply being present and mindful. Not a time to solve all the world’s problems. We might find ourselves feeling incapable of handling one more piece of business, or checking one more detail. Rest and recuperation is what is needed no matter how much energy has built up over the week. Take a much-needed break and tune out for a while.
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