Photograph of a painting, La Luna by artist, Tammy Heintz.
As I write this week's column, this is how the planets, Sun, and Moon line up.
18-Oct-2014, 20:26 UT/GMT
Sun 25 Libra 22'44"
Moon 28 Leo 40' 2"
Mercury 21 Libra 3'13"r
Venus 23 Libra 42'56"
Mars 24 Sagittarius 25'56"
Jupiter 18 Leo 44'46"
Saturn 22 Scorpio 22'44"
Uranus 14 Aries 4'22"r
Neptune 5 Pisces 1' 9"r
Pluto 11 Capricorn 10' 1"
TrueNode 19 Libra 15'35"
Chiron 13 Pisces 41'43"r
The New Moon in Scorpio on October 23, 2014 comes with a Solar Eclipse, the second eclipse this month. The Solar eclipse takes place at 0 degrees of Scorpio, right on the cusp of the Sun’s lunar journey through the sign of transition, transformation, regeneration, and healing. The New Moon and Venus join the Sun in Scorpio.
New Moons mark the gateway between one experience. This New Moon in Scorpio opens us up to exploring the depths of our emotional, psychological, and spiritual being. Energy this past week, as the Sun transits the third decan of Libra, has been causing us to dig deeply and clarify our intentions, dreams, and desires. Some of what has come up may have been disturbing, and may have dred
Whatever has shown up in your life this week, will be the material that your subconscious will be molding, shaping, and forming into new and transfigured concepts in areas of our lives that are undergoing the deepest alterations and shifts.
With the Solar eclipse happening with the New Moon, we will be focused and energized by the energy shifts that have to happen.
Look to the house where the eclipse and New Moon occur, and set your intentions for healing and insight in this area.
Emphasis of Each House:
First house: If 0 degrees of Scorpio is in your first house, you would be wise to work on your appearance. How do you present yourself to others? What are you projecting about your desires, intentions, willingness to serve and communicate, or love and be loved? What you present to the world, to a large extent, determines how you are perceived and treated by others. How you feel about yourself affects the way you look, the way you communicate, and the way that others understand and come to know you. Spend some time getting clear about what you want others to know, and what you want to feel. Work on cleaning up your communication, your home and appearance, and your habits and patterns of behavior.
Second house: If 0 degrees of Scorpio is in your 2nd house, work on cleaning up your personal finances. The second house has to do with how we value ourselves, and so spend some time becoming more aware of which values you are honoring, and which ones you are ignoring or neglecting. Focus on bringing congruence into what you feel about yourself, and how you respect and honor your gifts, talents, and blessings. Get rid of things that clutter up your life. Let go of habits and patterns of belief about yourself that are not in line with your true Divine being. Give yourself permission to release whatever blocks your highest good, excellent health, and happiness.
Third house. If 0 degrees of Scorpio is in your third house of communication and close community, spend time healing rifts, disagreements, and issues related to sisters and brothers as well as neighbors and members of your community. This is the time to make repairs, or eliminate connections altogether. Anything that is harmful, abusive, or dangerous, needs to be acknowledged. Remove obstacles, or seek safety and comfort. Avoid at all costs, coming up against malicious and dangerous obstacles. Heal what can be healed, and release what is not going to change. This also involves letting go of patterns of thinking and choice. Let go of ideas about relationship, love, friendship, purpose, or community that may have held true in the past, but no longer fit with who you are. Can’t move forward without letting go of ideas that keep you focused on the past or on illusions.
Fourth house. If 0 degrees of Scorpio falls in your fourth house, you may find yourself doing a major house cleaning. Purge what needs to be eliminated, renovate, repair, change, move, or do whatever needs to be done to bring yourself more in harmony with how you find home. Clear out the unnecessary and useless elements of home, and make room for a more spacious, open, and nourishing home and home life.
Fifth house. If 0 degrees of Scorpio falls in the fifth house, fill your need to have some fun. Notice how you may be wanting to be more creative. Spend time doing whatever brings you the greatest pleasure. Honor and enjoy your time with children. Allow yourself to let romance fill your life. Enjoy your sensual and sexual nature, and give yourself permission to balance life with more pleasure and less toil.
Sixth house. If 0 degrees of Scorpio falls in the sixth house, make your physical health and your daily routine a major priority. Honor your need to maintain a lifestyle that is healthy on all levels. Honor your heart-driven desires for purpose and meaning in how you work and spend each day. Notice areas where you have neglected your health or neglected to do the kinds of work that gives you fulfillment. Make changes to fill in whatever gaps are missing in these areas. Make physical changes that will improve your health as well.
Seventh house. If 0 degrees of Scorpio falls in the seventh house, make adjustments and changes in marriage, intimate partnerships, and close alliances. Purge yourself of habits, attitudes, and behavior that sabotage or block relationships. Cleanse yourself of whatever is toxic about how you relate to others.
Eighth house. If 0 degrees of Scorpio falls in the eighth house, take care of tax matters, issues related to inheritance or other people’s monies. Become more aware of your reputation and of the energy, power, and charisma you hold. Notice how to enhance your ability to make your public connections stronger. Seek support and confirmation of your gifts and talents in the public arena. Take the steps out in the direction of whatever is drawing your focus and attention.
Ninth house. If 0 degrees of Scorpio falls in the eighth house, now is not the time to hold back. Move out into actions, commitment, journeys, and searches to find what you hunger to know, learn, or discover. Take the first steps forward, and feel yourself propelled on whatever journey you have been preparing for. Honor that call.
Tenth house. If 0 degrees falls in the tenth house, listen and honor the life purpose call that has been with you always. Connect with your family, and seek healing. Go back to the Source of your being, and recollect what drives you forward. What are you meant to do, be, become, and how is your life now leading you in that direction? How is your life and your purpose not only empowering you, but also empowering and lifting others? Seek answers within. Seek healing between yourself and close relations. Respect your individual purpose and those of others. We are all here to live out a special purpose. Whatever you do needs to honor that.
Eleventh house. If 0 degrees falls in the eleventh house, it is time to heal friendships and other kinds of connections and interactions. Release associations that are abusive, dead, or harmful in any way. Recognize that each relationship has a lifespan as well as a purpose. Rather than blaming yourself or others, let go when necessary. We are not meant to be all things to all people. Recognize who your true friends are, and how your friendships uplift or hurt you. Build within, what you seek outside yourself. Learn to be at home with yourself and at peace with the steady flow and rhythms of life. Sometimes we live in greater expanses of silence and stillness than at other times. Enjoy the space and peace.
Twelfth house. If 0 degrees of Scorpio falls in the twelfth house, spend some time paying greater attention to your intuition, dreams, and hunches. Understand that Scorpio in the twelfth house makes you a deeply insightful and sensitive person. Highly attuned, you live with a constant awareness of both your own vibratory energies, but also those of others. Learn how to protect yourself from being an open channel all kinds of energy. Learn to discern and use prayer, meditation, yoga, and other forms of movement and self-soothing to still and calm yourself within. This New Moon, Solar eclipse may stir things up mightily for you. Use your spiritual practices, intellectual wisdom, and disciplines to move with the flow of energy that is being released at this time.
For everyone, look for a mid-week column to highlight other astrological events of the week. Use the final days of the Sun’s passage through Libra, to become clear about how you love, who you love, and what you need for fulfillment and purpose. Know that change comes, whether you seek it or flee from it. Make your choices about honoring your heart, not about escaping the consequences of not. Be at peace with who you are, where you are. If what you seek for yourself is honorable, loving, kind, and authentic, you are on the right path. Living an inauthentic, abusive or destructive life is not honoring your true Divine spark. We are meant to love and be loved. We are meant to create life and to bring peace and harmony into our lives and into the lives of others. Act accordingly.
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