Scorpio time is a time to make headway in the areas that have previously seemed to hold us back. Conquering fears, eliminating addictions and damaging habits, are just a couple of the areas that we may need to address. Now more than ever, we seek to rid ourselves of thinking, habitual patterns of behavior, and stultifying beliefs that keep us from seeing clearly and moving more in line to our true desires. T
The Solar eclipse at the very beginning of the Scorpio transit, has us arriving at a point of departure with our bags full of awareness and knowledge related to relationships, intimacy, personal truth and freedom, finances, self esteem, and autonomy. A good time to narrow our focus in the main area calling for deeper commitment and dedication. You might release connections or involvement to anything that depletes your energy or finds you spreading yourself too thin. What is going on in your personal experience that is pointing out the areas of weakness caused by overextending or maintaining a exhausting schedule? However you spend your time, meaning and purpose, quality over quantity, and depth over shallow temporal rewards are called for.
Scorpio is about growing stronger within, from the inside out. Too often we define and affirm ourselves through what we do or who we are in relationship with. Our true identity cannot fully form without being willing to explore the hidden depths, mysteries, fears, and passions. The emphasis for both the New Moon and the Solar eclipse is on self mastery and self knowledge. Our emotional and financial investments and conditions represent how we value ourselves and define our needs. The challenge at this time is to tackle whatever undermines and drain our resources. Our ability to be truly intimate with others is linked to our willingness to learn more about ourselves. How do our perceptions, attitudes, choices, and behavior shape and define us? What are we learning about who we are and how we are living life?
With the Sun, the Moon, Venus, and (long-term) Saturn all in Scorpio, this is not a time to hang out on the surface of life. What has recently been rising to the surface of our consciousness and awareness is calling for us to act on our desires. We can delve more deeply into what fuels our needs and fears and what stimulates our desire to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. We have the capacity at this time to hear the Truth of our being―and if we are wise, to act from that truth rather than being afraid to break out of chains of our own making and choices.
Whatever we find ourselves engaged in or confronted with at this time (decisions, experiences, events, challenges, relationships), provides opportunity to see how our views differ from others, and how our needs and desires have changed. We may be in a position to have to leave a commitment of some type (job, relationship, partnership, or project) in order to learn to be more self reliant. Whatever no longer has relevance or enough life to support it, now drops away or is ended. The energy, resources that have been pouring into the black hole of something that has ended, is now ready to be released in order to move in more life-affirming directions. Life is dynamic―ever changing, and everything has a life cycle. Endings and change are necessary in order for us to grow. Regardless of the fear or uncertainty attached to the process of change, we are equipped to deal with whatever happens. Reaching the point of no return, it is time to take the next necessary steps.
New Moons are good time stop focus on what we want to create or accomplish. This is a good time to prioritize your ideas. Take constructive steps to eliminate whatever is holding you back or making you feel down and depleted. Do something concrete towards freeing yourself of emotional burdens. Ask yourself what is missing in your life. Assess how you spend your time, and look for areas where your energy is depleted.
Where are the energy leaks in your daily activities, in your relationships, or work you are doing? Identify how your life force is being drained, and what you can eliminate. Give yourself some time to be doing nothing. Too often we keep ourselves so busy, we have little or no time for simply sitting quietly. Give yourself some time to be still and to listen to what your body, mind, spirit, emotions, heart are telling your. Be completely honest with yourself, for at Scorpio time, this becomes the greatest asset we have. That true being that lies within each of us who speaks the truth that only you know and hear. Speak the truth of who you are to yourself, and listen to what you already know you need, want, and are compelled to do. Look at Sunday’s article to see where Scorpio is affecting you the most. This should be self evident given the powerful energy in this area.
Venus also forms a conjunction in the earliest degrees of the New Moon and the Solar eclipse. This emphasizes the area of our life related to intimacy, relationships, self mastery, and self esteem. Communication may be foggy as Mercury is in retrograde and nearing its station to turn direct. However, this will be a time when we feel compelled to connect with others in an effort to help clarify our own ideas and direction. Remember that unless you are not clear about who you are and what you want, you will have difficulty communicating your needs and desires to others. Focus on listening to what others are seeking, and determine for yourself, how that fits or doesn’t with what your needs and desires.
The New Moon and Solar eclipse affect us all, but for those with fixed signs and aspects within 5 degrees one way or the other of the fixed signs (Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius, and Taurus), this is a particularly potent time. It also affects those with signs and aspects within 25-30 degrees of the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Many who just had their birthdays or whose ascendents are in late degrees of Libra, will be feeling this New Moon and Solar eclipse in a powerful way. Great shifts in direction, changes in motivation and intent, and movement in key areas of one’s life, are now not only possible but also likely. Within 3-6 months expect the changes to be well underway. Focus your intentions to clearly link your true desires to actions that support them. With every desire, create a set of goals and target dates, change behaviors, concrete steps, and time commitment to move on the new path before you.
Get out of whatever is blocking and trapping you in the tail end of some log jam or massive tie up. Move in a different direction and make whatever changes you must to release yourself from unnecessary and energy-draining experiences and relationships. Avoid starting anything that is not entirely in line with the new path. This is not the time to repeat old patterns; it is the time to allow yourself to grow beyond the identity that is limiting, limited, wasteful, and lifeless. This is a powerful and exciting time for those who want and who are willing to be true to themselves, and who are courageous enough to take the necessary risks to support the even more necessary changes that are coming. The change will happen anyway; be on the leading edge of the waves of change and direct yourself towards that which what your heart and soul desire.
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