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Full Moon Catherine Al-Meten |
October starts off with some exciting and powerful aspects. The Total Lunar Eclipse of the Full Hunter’s Moon in Aries, October 8 is part of an ongoing Saros Cycle-regular eclipse cycles of the Sun and Moon. Eclipses always come in pairs. A Saros cycle of the Moon is an eclipse cycle of of 223 synodic months (18 year, 11 1/3 days). A Synodic Month is defined as the time from one new moon to the next. During a Saros cycle, approximately 72 eclipses of the Moon occur during one cycle. Saros cycles and synodic months are also used to predict eclipses of the Sun. For a more detailed understanding, refer to NASA’s website.
Much has been mentioned over the last year, about this year’s series of eclipses involving what has been labeled the blood moon. For a number of reasons, the moon appears red at certain times of the year, and eclipses generally coincide with religious holidays since so many religions use the lunar calendar to mark time. As noted on the astronomy website, EarthSky, “The Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar. In any year, it’s inevitable that a full moon should fall on or near the feasts of Passover (15 Nissan) and Tabernacles (15 Tishri). Nissan and Tishri are the first and seventh months of the Jewish calendar, respectively”.
This Full Moon (Hunter’s Moon, Harvest Moon) is quite auspicious, aligning with a Grand Trine in Fire Signs. The Full Moon in Aries at 15/5 Aries is part of the Golden Fire Triangle (a Grand Trine in Fire signs). Uranus at 14/20 Aries, retrograde, trines Mars at 16/56 Sagittarius and Jupiter at 17/10. This grand event signals a time of liberations, freedom, and the emergence of Truth, both personal and collective.
The Full Hunter’s Moon in Aries opposite the Sun in Libra at 15/5 degrees coincides with the first of two eclipses this October (the other is on October 23). This eclipse falls on the relationship axis, (Libra-Aries) the polarities between self and others. This is a set of eclipses that fall on the Libra-Aries axis (the first of which started in October of 2013. Mercury’s regular retrograde cycle began October 4. Mercury in 2 degrees of Scorpio, will retrograde back as far as 16 degrees of Libra between now and October 26. Mercury will activate the point of the Oct. 8 Solar eclipse three times during this back and forth motion in the third decan of Libra.
The third decan, Jupiter’s favored spot, is very fortuitous part of our charts/lives. During this period we are dealing with any shadow issues that remain to be taken care of, observed, acknowledge, or worked through. Whatever we are focusing on at the point of Solar eclipse, will be something that will arise repeatedly during the retrograde cycle. This is a good time to come face to face with the polarities between our expectations and the reality of our life situations, especially our relationships and our own individual goals, dreams, and perceptions.
The third decan, Jupiter’s favored spot, is very fortuitous part of our charts/lives. During this period we are dealing with any shadow issues that remain to be taken care of, observed, acknowledge, or worked through. Whatever we are focusing on at the point of Solar eclipse, will be something that will arise repeatedly during the retrograde cycle. This is a good time to come face to face with the polarities between our expectations and the reality of our life situations, especially our relationships and our own individual goals, dreams, and perceptions.
Polarities exist in all areas of our lives, and the key to learning the lessons they hold is in learning how to unite the polarities. Rather than fighting seemingly conflicting urges, needs, and desires, we are called upon to integrate more fully, our individual dreams, yearnings, needs, and goals, with what we seek in our intimate relationships and partnerships. We have varying degrees of need for personal freedom, independence, and privacy, as we do of need for relationship, interaction, and community.
Determining what a healthy balance is for what we seek both in personal fulfillment and in intimacy, is crucial at this time.
Determining what a healthy balance is for what we seek both in personal fulfillment and in intimacy, is crucial at this time.
For some this may appear to be a struggle between what we feel we need to do for ourselves and what we sense is demanded of us by others. Reassessing our own expectations and discussing mutual perceptions with partners, may go a long way to clearing up misconceptions and unrealistic expectations. Being honest with ourselves is the place where we need to begin. If we are living with unrealistic expectations, belief based in illusions, or a mistaken idea of what is really at work within our motivations or those of another, we are not seeing thing clearly. Sometimes, we are comfortable living with our illusions, so if this is the case, you may find yourself challenged and your illusions fractured…the light will seep into whatever darkness has been shaping and hardening your view of reality.
For others, this retrograde period opens an intensive time when we can learn what is at the heart of our illusions, fears, or unfulfilling relationships. If your prayer is to seek the truth, and have it revealed to you, this is an excellent time to surrender your ego-intellect and allow the Divine to reveal what is coming to light. The Full Moon total eclipse is as astrologer Susan Miller calls, “Three full moons on steroids.” Whatever it is that needs to be revealed in our lives, now will make its way into consciousness and manifestation. The Aries Full Moon focuses us on authenticity over tact and diplomacy. We speak Truth. We recognize Truth within. The Libra Sun focuses on equitable and fair-mindedness. Balancing the two will be the challenge during this period. Whatever conflicts have been brewing, whatever has been suppressed and held in place, will now have to be expressed.
For others, this retrograde period opens an intensive time when we can learn what is at the heart of our illusions, fears, or unfulfilling relationships. If your prayer is to seek the truth, and have it revealed to you, this is an excellent time to surrender your ego-intellect and allow the Divine to reveal what is coming to light. The Full Moon total eclipse is as astrologer Susan Miller calls, “Three full moons on steroids.” Whatever it is that needs to be revealed in our lives, now will make its way into consciousness and manifestation. The Aries Full Moon focuses us on authenticity over tact and diplomacy. We speak Truth. We recognize Truth within. The Libra Sun focuses on equitable and fair-mindedness. Balancing the two will be the challenge during this period. Whatever conflicts have been brewing, whatever has been suppressed and held in place, will now have to be expressed.
The Full Moon Eclipse falls on Alpheratz in the Andromeda Galaxy. This is a point of liberation and freedom. We may have sudden and startling insight—epiphanies at this time. We ‘wake up’ to inner truth or outer reality, and are knocked off our center of gravity. The Moon is conjunct Uranus in Aries, and this expands the possibility that great changes, startling revelations, and sudden, unexpected surprises will shake us up, in a big way. With the placement of Venus combust the Sun in Libra, we find that love is hidden and shrouded in secrecy and mystery. Sometimes, in deceit or hidden motivations. What was hidden or forbidden, will now break out from whatever mystery or influences held them back.
This Full Lunar Eclipse conjunct Uranus in Aries should release love from its chains, and allow lovers to reunite or emerge from hiding. In mythology, Alpheratz is the star in the Adromeda Galaxy that represents Princess Andromeda, whose father chained her to a rock in the sea to save his kingdom from the angry sea god, Poseidon. After many trials and tribulations, Andromeda is saved by Perseus, her hero. Andromeda represents the Divine Feminine, chained by the Patriarchal powers that would sacrifice its own child for power. According to Robson, the Moon in aspect with Alpheratz indicates,
This Full Lunar Eclipse conjunct Uranus in Aries should release love from its chains, and allow lovers to reunite or emerge from hiding. In mythology, Alpheratz is the star in the Adromeda Galaxy that represents Princess Andromeda, whose father chained her to a rock in the sea to save his kingdom from the angry sea god, Poseidon. After many trials and tribulations, Andromeda is saved by Perseus, her hero. Andromeda represents the Divine Feminine, chained by the Patriarchal powers that would sacrifice its own child for power. According to Robson, the Moon in aspect with Alpheratz indicates,
“Energetic, persevering, honor, wealth, many good friends and business success.” Combined with Uranus, Astrologer Mariana Macarios says, we get “Just, honorable, good speaker, domestic harmony if male, but not so fortunate for female, benefit from practical application of ideas, interest in occultism, considerable psychic power if female, favorable for gain.”
However you interpret the interplay between the Divine Feminine and the Masculine, whatever needs liberating in your life, thinking, perceptions, or energy, is now receiving a strong, steady, and powerful infusion of divine energy and an awakening.
For many, this has been a time when whatever has been overdone, or become too much to bear, now begins to have a debilitating effect on every level of being. Physical, psychological, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and well being are all in need of rest, renewal, regeneration, and restoration. Pushing oneself too far, will not work at this time.
In addition to the inner awakenings, our bodies, our life situations, and all areas of our lives are shaken to reveal whatever needs to be adjusted, released, ended, healed, or corrected. Rationalizing and magical thinking won’t work to keep us from seeing the truth of our own lives and patterns that need changing for our survival and wholeness. This is happening on a global, collective level as well as within our own lives and communities.
The good news is that this all occurs within the energy of the Golden Triangle. In the past, under other, harsher conditions, such upset in our lives, might have been devastating. The Golden Triangle (Grand Trine in Fire signs) includes Uranus at 14/3 Aries, retrograde, Jupiter at 16/44 Leo, and Mars at 15/3 Sagittarius.
On October 8, the Golden Trine will include the Moon at her fullness in Aries. This is an excellent time for us to cut through the chains of our own oppression—the shadow aspects of ourselves that hold us back from being fully liberated and free to create, love, and live a life of service, purpose, and meaning. Because change brings with it some awakenings and difficult choices, this eclipse time will also require or force us to make changes that leave us feeling like we have survived a tough battle.
The aspect of the North Node in Libra at 19 degrees, so near the Sun in Libra, opposite the Full Moon and square Jupiter and Mars, means that we move through the threshold into a new type of life as a result of what has been happening (over the last couple of years).
If you had any doubts or fears, or if you thought you could wait just a little longer for things to ‘get better’, you may be in for a rude awakening during this period of time. There is liberation—a necessary step in growth and life development. That means we either willingly or are forced to let go of what no longer sustains and allows us to be authentic in choosing life.
On October 8, the Golden Trine will include the Moon at her fullness in Aries. This is an excellent time for us to cut through the chains of our own oppression—the shadow aspects of ourselves that hold us back from being fully liberated and free to create, love, and live a life of service, purpose, and meaning. Because change brings with it some awakenings and difficult choices, this eclipse time will also require or force us to make changes that leave us feeling like we have survived a tough battle.
The aspect of the North Node in Libra at 19 degrees, so near the Sun in Libra, opposite the Full Moon and square Jupiter and Mars, means that we move through the threshold into a new type of life as a result of what has been happening (over the last couple of years).
If you had any doubts or fears, or if you thought you could wait just a little longer for things to ‘get better’, you may be in for a rude awakening during this period of time. There is liberation—a necessary step in growth and life development. That means we either willingly or are forced to let go of what no longer sustains and allows us to be authentic in choosing life.
Venus square Pluto in Capricorn, signals the source of our bondage or the area of our lives where we have become trapped and held under by false ideas, corruption, or the illusions we have held onto. The strength of the Golden Triangle in Fire signs, is more than enough to break us out of this bondage, and burns through anything that prevents us from either acknowledging where we need to experience freedom or where we cannot help but understand what needs to change.
Uranus and Alpheratz, with their combined strength and energy, push the Golden Trine to work miracles in our lives now. In a recent reading I did with a client, I saw this Golden Trine creating a complete transformation in the person’s life. Rather than seeing this as negative and destructive, it seems much more likely that such transformation, after the last couple of years of hard work, will see healing and healthy changes taking place in our lives. We reject now, anything that is not working for our own higher good and for the higher good of all.
Whatever has been holding you down, be it an illness, injury, dysfunction of some type, or blocks and debilitating challenges, be open to receiving Divine revelations and miracles in your life now. It’s rare that I suggest something this strong and powerful, but it seems likely that in those areas where we have been trying to come to terms with our shadow sides, the issues in our lives, and in our attempt to build and maintain healthy relationships with others, with our work, and with the way we live daily, we are surely going to experience an enlightening and rewarding gift at this Full Lunar Eclipse and during the height of the Golden Triangle. We will find ourselves moving forward in greater light, relieved of much that held us back, and in deeper alignment with the Divine Sacred and the Truth of our own being.
Uranus and Alpheratz, with their combined strength and energy, push the Golden Trine to work miracles in our lives now. In a recent reading I did with a client, I saw this Golden Trine creating a complete transformation in the person’s life. Rather than seeing this as negative and destructive, it seems much more likely that such transformation, after the last couple of years of hard work, will see healing and healthy changes taking place in our lives. We reject now, anything that is not working for our own higher good and for the higher good of all.
Whatever has been holding you down, be it an illness, injury, dysfunction of some type, or blocks and debilitating challenges, be open to receiving Divine revelations and miracles in your life now. It’s rare that I suggest something this strong and powerful, but it seems likely that in those areas where we have been trying to come to terms with our shadow sides, the issues in our lives, and in our attempt to build and maintain healthy relationships with others, with our work, and with the way we live daily, we are surely going to experience an enlightening and rewarding gift at this Full Lunar Eclipse and during the height of the Golden Triangle. We will find ourselves moving forward in greater light, relieved of much that held us back, and in deeper alignment with the Divine Sacred and the Truth of our own being.
Before looking at the Full Moon, eclipses, and Golden Fire Triangle (just to mention a few aspects this week), let’s look at Mercury’s retrograde cycle.
As I write this column on Sunday afternoon, this is astrological line up.
Sun 12 Libra 27'17"
Moon 5 Pisces 48'16"
Mercury 2 Scorpio 14'36"r
Venus 7 Libra 22'48"
Mars 15 Sagittarius 3' 4"
Jupiter 16 Leo 44'11"
Saturn 20 Scorpio 59'24"
Uranus 14 Aries 35'54"r
Neptune 5 Pisces 15' 8"r
Pluto 11 Capricorn 2'17"
TrueNode 19 Libra 15'29"r
Chiron 14 Pisces 9'45"r
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