As of 15:37 GMT on Sunday, October 12, 2014.
Sun 19 Libra 13'57"
Moon 13 Gemini 3'32"
Mercury 28 Libra 16'15"r
Venus 15 Libra 57'28"
Mars 19 Sagittarius 56'53"
Jupiter 17 Leo 49'54"
Saturn 21 Scorpio 42'19"
Uranus 14 Aries 19'14"r
Neptune 5 Pisces 7'15"r
Pluto 11 Capricorn 5'42"
TrueNode 19 Libra 14'47"
Chiron 13 Pisces 54’14"r
Looking out toward the east last evening, I could see the waning Moon rising up over the hilltops and trees. By Wednesday, October 15, the Moon will reach its last quarter in the constellation of Cancer. At that time, the Moon forms a square to the Sun in Libra, and we reach a time in the lunar month when we need to separate the wheat from the shaft. Whatever we have set forth to do or have been working on, now reaches the point where we need to discern what is working and what is not, what needs adjusting and what has reached a point of completion. This time of the lunar month is a time to be more reflective and to begin looking at what lessons have been learned, what insight has been gained, and what remains to be done with some long term goal or project. The final square of the Moon in Cancer occurs at 22/21 degrees. Those who have planets and aspects in Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) within 5 degrees of this aspect may be more concerned than usual with issues related to safety, security, and a sense of feeling at home in whatever areas of your lives the Moon transits.
Venus in Libra until October 23, forms a sextile to Jupiter on Monday and Tuesday. A sociable, optimistic aspect, favors travel, culture, education, and a greater interest in connecting with others. This aspect is harmonious and favors romance and enjoying serving others. On October 15, Venus forms a seisquiquadrate with Neptune in Pisces. This clouds thinking, creates some confusion or misunderstandings in romance and relationships that are stretched too thin. What was hidden, may be revealed at this time, especially in areas of self deception and wishful thinking. On Friday, October 17 Venus conjuncts Mercury in Libra. This makes for an enjoyable time when playfulness in love adds a much-needed lift to romantic relationships. The key is to take yourself and those you love a little more lightly than you might otherwise do.
On Sunday, the Moon is in Gemini all day, forming aspects to the planets throughout the day. At 10:11 AM PDT the Moon in Gemini square Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Pisces making us feel as if we need to fix something in the areas affected by these aspects. It can be as simple as a passing thought that it is time to clean up a mess or change an attitude or behavior to bring greater peace into life. Later, the Moon trines Venus mid-afternoon, and then sextiles Jupiter in late afternoon―both aspects that signal a pleasant afternoon of enjoying whatever you are involved in.
During this week, the Sun, Mercury and Venus remain in Libra, making this a period of time when our minds and hearts remain fixed on sorting through our ideas about relationships, personal independence, and accountability in both areas of our lives. Our personal longings and what is demanded of us to maintain relationships, seems to be paramount now. The Sun in Libra highlights the areas in our lives where we seem harmony the most, where we long to create, and where we are in need of finding greater harmony and balance.
Seeking balance is sometimes a volatile dance, requiring us to stand our ground and speak from a point of truth that upsets others. The real struggle is going on within ourselves, however, for it is within that we have to decide what we are willing and able to do in relationship, and what we are not. When we project our needs onto another or onto a relationship, we only attempt to make our own expectations define what is developing. Our expectations and perceptions are not necessarily based on the truth of the situations, relationships, or interaction that we are dealing with. Neptune and Chiron’s long transits through Pisces, are compelling us to look beyond the illusions, perceptions or misperceptions, and wishful thinking to acknowledge what is really at work in the issues we repeatedly come up against. In our efforts to be tactful, generous, tolerant, or social (all good Libra traits), we may fall into the shadow traps of Libra by being self-serving, passive-aggressive, wishy washy, or shallow.
Pay attention to those areas in your life where you feel you are faking it for the sake of peace. What is beneath your effort to keep yourself reined in or hidden? What are you afraid will happen if you act on your true desires? These are the kinds of questions that may come up when we have so much energy focused in Libra. And right now we have Venus and Mercury in Libra as well, and we have Mars, the planet of action and desire, fanning the flames of whatever we are dealing with in Libra. The Moon in Gemini through Sunday, may give us the best window for identifying the areas of our lives where we are struggling. Notice what comes up today, and then what becomes more important during the week. With Mercury in Libra, all aspects of communication is affected. This could be great if you are operating from a place of clarity and inner truth; it could be chaotic and upsetting if you are working against your very nature. When we find ourselves saying one thing but meaning another, we know that is the crux of dealing with Libra in Mercury shadow material. Who are you
trying to please? Who are you kidding by acting one way but feeling another? Who is going to suffer the most as a result of living out of synch with your true self?
Venus in Libra, focuses our attention on that which we want to create, those we love and our ideas about what love is. We sugarcoat our feelings and tongue while Venus transits Libra, preferring to say something like my Southern women friends who say, “Bless your heart” when they mean quite the opposite. Sometimes honey-coating some pain makes it more bearable, and that is what we might tend to do during this time. Being on our best behavior and using our ‘party manners’ is not bad, however, if we operate out of the shadow side of this aspect, we could easily fall into the virtue trap. The virtue trap is where we begin thinking that it is more important to do things the ‘right’ way or conducting our relationships on a strictly superficial basis. While we have the light turned on with Venus in Libra, avoid burying real issues beneath a martyr’s mask or inner resentment. Another way we sometimes use this energy is by throw in ourselves into whatever creative work we have to do. This is great, provided it does not be one more excuse for failing to examine the real issues that are blocking or interfering with personal and relationship fulfillment.
From mid-Sept until October 26, Mars in Sagittarius motivates us to act upon our ideals. The tendency to feel restless when Mars is in Sagittarius, is exacerbated by the three planets in Libra…biding their time and looking at all sides of every issue. Nothing much seems to be getting done, and we might feel like taking action just for the sake of getting things moving. We are motivated by this restless energy, though such energy may not give us what we need to complete a project, or follow through with an idea. One way to deal with this kind of frenetic energy, is to do some things that have to be done. Focus on cleaning up and clearing things out, or of completing a big project that got put off and was never completed. This is a good time to finish things up. The physical act of completing even a small thing, gives us a sense of relief and well being. Mars in Sagittarius is also a great time to dream big dreams, though not a great time to begin a major project without more planning, help, and energy.
On Monday, the Sun in Libra forms a seisquiquadrate to Neptune in Pisces―a difficult aspect in this case, that temporarily fogs our thinking and drains our us of energy or motivation. Allowing ourselves to drift in this energy, using it to get lost in an artistic project or spiritual activities. We may feel lost at sea a bit, not knowing where we stand with others or feeling as if we have lost our direction. This is a temporary aspect, but can throw us off if we are trying to get things accomplished in a particular manner or are dealing with giving or receiving factual information. Check your calculations, double check your facts, and slow down so you don’t make mistakes when involved in activities that demand your full attention.
In the middle of the night on Tuesday morning, Venus in Libra sextiles Jupiter. As this occurs in the middle of the night, it will most likely affect us through dreams or the integrative processes that take place on the unconscious levels as we sleep. Our bodies and minds heal, regenerate, and process our daily activities when we sleep. Notice what comes up in your dreams or what ideas you wake with in the morning. If you have trouble remembering dreams, simply notice how you feel when you wake up. That should give you some hint as to how your are processing and being receptive to positive spiritual energy. It may also be that you wake with a difficult relationship problem sorted out. The energy around this aspect has to do with how we give and receive love, how we enter into and out of relationships, and how we connect with those who help, affirm, and support us. Our ideas about personal finances and individual self worth are improved under this aspect.
On Wednesday, Mars at 21 degrees of Sagittarius sextiles the Sun at 21 degrees of Libra. This is a positive aspect for finding some type of creative solution or innovative path around an obstacle. Instinctually, we will be led or shown what needs to be done. We feel more confident with this type of creative, intuitive energy. Complications are easily worked through, and puzzles are worked out.
Mercury in retrograde makes several interesting aspects this week. Deja vu? On Thursday, Mercury conjuncts the Sun, then sextiles Mars. On Friday, Mercury conjuncts Venus. Thursday and Friday should be enlightening times . When Mercury and the Sun unite, we feel congruent in body, mind, spirit, and all forms of communication. Not only do we know who we are and what we want, but we are able to easily communicate our needs, desires, and plans. A good time to put thoughts and actions into focus, and to write down whatever it is we intend. Good time to meditate and pray, and also a good time to allow your true desires to be communicated. Shortly after Mercury conjuncts the Sun, it forms a sextle to Mars. This signals quick action and fast decisions. In a week and month that can seem like slogging through molasses, this is one period of time when you are crystal clear about what you want and need to communicate. Clarity and decisive action is needed now. On Friday when Mercury conjuncts Venus, we have a meeting of heart, mind, and body. Time for enjoyable and refreshing communication, and for having a good time. It’s less likely you will want to work, but definitely will be seeking ways to enjoy yourself. Good time to make sales, negotiate contracts and deals, or plan some type of activity with others. Everything is smooth as butter under this influence, and whatever you are selling, people are buying.
As Mercury has reentered Libra (where it will stay until October 25, we are reevaluating our ideas about relationships. This whole month is focusing our attention on how we are doing relationships as well as the relationships themselves. We each have a relationship personality―the way we enter into, conduct ourselves, and leave relationships. Often we are unconscious of what that is choosing instead to ride the waves of whatever happens between ourselves and the other person.
At some point, perhaps this month, we might want to consider, what have we come here to learn about who we are through the way we interact and love others, and how are we conducting ourselves? What needs reevaluating in the way, for example, we do business or do our art? Anything we do that involves other people (artists create art for others as well as themselves and we run a business to provide someone with something―a service, a good, an option). How does the totality of how I’m engaged in relationship speak to me about my understanding of love? This is a time to listen to the inner voice, to to ask the questions to the Divine, and to put yourself in the position to see how the life unfolding within and around you is leading you towards or away from fulfillment. Notice the areas of life or the moments themselves, when you are itching to change, move, or let go of some aspect of life. Notice where and when you feel like overthrowing an outworn habit, behavior, thought, or belief. This is a new day, a new time, and a new opportunity for you to listen to what speaks Truth to you. Get to the heart of the matter, about what motivates and shapes you. How would you like to change, and what would you like to open yourself to doing, changing, or becoming? The questions that rise when you ask yourself some of these questions, will help guide you on your path. Look for the signs. Listen for the intuitive messages. Honor your own soul’s call, and let life be what is for your highest good.
As of 15:37 GMT on Sunday, October 12, 2014.
Sun 19 Libra 13'57"
Moon 13 Gemini 3'32"
Mercury 28 Libra 16'15"r
Venus 15 Libra 57'28"
Mars 19 Sagittarius 56'53"
Jupiter 17 Leo 49'54"
Saturn 21 Scorpio 42'19"
Uranus 14 Aries 19'14"r
Neptune 5 Pisces 7'15"r
Pluto 11 Capricorn 5'42"
TrueNode 19 Libra 14'47"
Chiron 13 Pisces 54’14"r
Looking out toward the east last evening, I could see the waning Moon rising up over the hilltops and trees. By Wednesday, October 15, the Moon will reach its last quarter in the constellation of Cancer. At that time, the Moon forms a square to the Sun in Libra, and we reach a time in the lunar month when we need to separate the wheat from the shaft. Whatever we have set forth to do or have been working on, now reaches the point where we need to discern what is working and what is not, what needs adjusting and what has reached a point of completion. This time of the lunar month is a time to be more reflective and to begin looking at what lessons have been learned, what insight has been gained, and what remains to be done with some long term goal or project. The final square of the Moon in Cancer occurs at 22/21 degrees. Those who have planets and aspects in Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) within 5 degrees of this aspect may be more concerned than usual with issues related to safety, security, and a sense of feeling at home in whatever areas of your lives the Moon transits.
Venus in Libra until October 23, forms a sextile to Jupiter on Monday and Tuesday. A sociable, optimistic aspect, favors travel, culture, education, and a greater interest in connecting with others. This aspect is harmonious and favors romance and enjoying serving others. On October 15, Venus forms a seisquiquadrate with Neptune in Pisces. This clouds thinking, creates some confusion or misunderstandings in romance and relationships that are stretched too thin. What was hidden, may be revealed at this time, especially in areas of self deception and wishful thinking. On Friday, October 17 Venus conjuncts Mercury in Libra. This makes for an enjoyable time when playfulness in love adds a much-needed lift to romantic relationships. The key is to take yourself and those you love a little more lightly than you might otherwise do.
On Sunday, the Moon is in Gemini all day, forming aspects to the planets throughout the day. At 10:11 AM PDT the Moon in Gemini square Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Pisces making us feel as if we need to fix something in the areas affected by these aspects. It can be as simple as a passing thought that it is time to clean up a mess or change an attitude or behavior to bring greater peace into life. Later, the Moon trines Venus mid-afternoon, and then sextiles Jupiter in late afternoon―both aspects that signal a pleasant afternoon of enjoying whatever you are involved in.
During this week, the Sun, Mercury and Venus remain in Libra, making this a period of time when our minds and hearts remain fixed on sorting through our ideas about relationships, personal independence, and accountability in both areas of our lives. Our personal longings and what is demanded of us to maintain relationships, seems to be paramount now. The Sun in Libra highlights the areas in our lives where we seem harmony the most, where we long to create, and where we are in need of finding greater harmony and balance.
Seeking balance is sometimes a volatile dance, requiring us to stand our ground and speak from a point of truth that upsets others. The real struggle is going on within ourselves, however, for it is within that we have to decide what we are willing and able to do in relationship, and what we are not. When we project our needs onto another or onto a relationship, we only attempt to make our own expectations define what is developing. Our expectations and perceptions are not necessarily based on the truth of the situations, relationships, or interaction that we are dealing with. Neptune and Chiron’s long transits through Pisces, are compelling us to look beyond the illusions, perceptions or misperceptions, and wishful thinking to acknowledge what is really at work in the issues we repeatedly come up against. In our efforts to be tactful, generous, tolerant, or social (all good Libra traits), we may fall into the shadow traps of Libra by being self-serving, passive-aggressive, wishy washy, or shallow.
Pay attention to those areas in your life where you feel you are faking it for the sake of peace. What is beneath your effort to keep yourself reined in or hidden? What are you afraid will happen if you act on your true desires? These are the kinds of questions that may come up when we have so much energy focused in Libra. And right now we have Venus and Mercury in Libra as well, and we have Mars, the planet of action and desire, fanning the flames of whatever we are dealing with in Libra. The Moon in Gemini through Sunday, may give us the best window for identifying the areas of our lives where we are struggling. Notice what comes up today, and then what becomes more important during the week. With Mercury in Libra, all aspects of communication is affected. This could be great if you are operating from a place of clarity and inner truth; it could be chaotic and upsetting if you are working against your very nature. When we find ourselves saying one thing but meaning another, we know that is the crux of dealing with Libra in Mercury shadow material. Who are you trying to please? Who are you kidding by acting one way but feeling another? Who is going to suffer the most as a result of living out of synch with your true self?
Venus in Libra, focuses our attention on that which we want to create, those we love and our ideas about what love is. We sugarcoat our feelings and tongue while Venus transits Libra, preferring to say something like my Southern women friends who say, “Bless your heart” when they mean quite the opposite. Sometimes honey-coating some pain makes it more bearable, and that is what we might tend to do during this time. Being on our best behavior and using our ‘party manners’ is not bad, however, if we operate out of the shadow side of this aspect, we could easily fall into the virtue trap. The virtue trap is where we begin thinking that it is more important to do things the ‘right’ way or conducting our relationships on a strictly superficial basis. While we have the light turned on with Venus in Libra, avoid burying real issues beneath a martyr’s mask or inner resentment. Another way we sometimes use this energy is by throw in ourselves into whatever creative work we have to do. This is great, provided it does not be one more excuse for failing to examine the real issues that are blocking or interfering with personal and relationship fulfillment.
From mid-Sept until October 26, Mars in Sagittarius motivates us to act upon our ideals. The tendency to feel restless when Mars is in Sagittarius, is exacerbated by the three planets in Libra…biding their time and looking at all sides of every issue. Nothing much seems to be getting done, and we might feel like taking action just for the sake of getting things moving. We are motivated by this restless energy, though such energy may not give us what we need to complete a project, or follow through with an idea. One way to deal with this kind of frenetic energy, is to do some things that have to be done. Focus on cleaning up and clearing things out, or of completing a big project that got put off and was never completed. This is a good time to finish things up. The physical act of completing even a small thing, gives us a sense of relief and well being. Mars in Sagittarius is also a great time to dream big dreams, though not a great time to begin a major project without more planning, help, and energy.
On Monday, the Sun in Libra forms a seisquiquadrate to Neptune in Pisces―a difficult aspect in this case, that temporarily fogs our thinking and drains our us of energy or motivation. Allowing ourselves to drift in this energy, using it to get lost in an artistic project or spiritual activities. We may feel lost at sea a bit, not knowing where we stand with others or feeling as if we have lost our direction. This is a temporary aspect, but can throw us off if we are trying to get things accomplished in a particular manner or are dealing with giving or receiving factual information. Check your calculations, double check your facts, and slow down so you don’t make mistakes when involved in activities that demand your full attention.
In the middle of the night on Tuesday morning, Venus in Libra sextiles Jupiter. As this occurs in the middle of the night, it will most likely affect us through dreams or the integrative processes that take place on the unconscious levels as we sleep. Our bodies and minds heal, regenerate, and process our daily activities when we sleep. Notice what comes up in your dreams or what ideas you wake with in the morning. If you have trouble remembering dreams, simply notice how you feel when you wake up. That should give you some hint as to how your are processing and being receptive to positive spiritual energy. It may also be that you wake with a difficult relationship problem sorted out. The energy around this aspect has to do with how we give and receive love, how we enter into and out of relationships, and how we connect with those who help, affirm, and support us. Our ideas about personal finances and individual self worth are improved under this aspect.
On Wednesday, Mars at 21 degrees of Sagittarius sextiles the Sun at 21 degrees of Libra. This is a positive aspect for finding some type of creative solution or innovative path around an obstacle. Instinctually, we will be led or shown what needs to be done. We feel more confident with this type of creative, intuitive energy. Complications are easily worked through, and puzzles are worked out.
Mercury in retrograde makes several interesting aspects this week. Deja vu? On Thursday, Mercury conjuncts the Sun, then sextiles Mars. On Friday, Mercury conjuncts Venus. Thursday and Friday should be enlightening times . When Mercury and the Sun unite, we feel congruent in body, mind, spirit, and all forms of communication. Not only do we know who we are and what we want, but we are able to easily communicate our needs, desires, and plans. A good time to put thoughts and actions into focus, and to write down whatever it is we intend. Good time to meditate and pray, and also a good time to allow your true desires to be communicated. Shortly after Mercury conjuncts the Sun, it forms a sextle to Mars. This signals quick action and fast decisions. In a week and month that can seem like slogging through molasses, this is one period of time when you are crystal clear about what you want and need to communicate. Clarity and decisive action is needed now. On Friday when Mercury conjuncts Venus, we have a meeting of heart, mind, and body. Time for enjoyable and refreshing communication, and for having a good time. It’s less likely you will want to work, but definitely will be seeking ways to enjoy yourself. Good time to make sales, negotiate contracts and deals, or plan some type of activity with others. Everything is smooth as butter under this influence, and whatever you are selling, people are buying.
As Mercury has reentered Libra (where it will stay until October 25, we are reevaluating our ideas about relationships. This whole month is focusing our attention on how we are doing relationships as well as the relationships themselves. We each have a relationship personality―the way we enter into, conduct ourselves, and leave relationships. Often we are unconscious of what that is choosing instead to ride the waves of whatever happens between ourselves and the other person.
At some point, perhaps this month, we might want to consider, what have we come here to learn about who we are through the way we interact and love others, and how are we conducting ourselves? What needs reevaluating in the way, for example, we do business or do our art? Anything we do that involves other people (artists create art for others as well as themselves and we run a business to provide someone with something―a service, a good, an option). How does the totality of how I’m engaged in relationship speak to me about my understanding of love? This is a time to listen to the inner voice, to to ask the questions to the Divine, and to put yourself in the position to see how the life unfolding within and around you is leading you towards or away from fulfillment. Notice the areas of life or the moments themselves, when you are itching to change, move, or let go of some aspect of life. Notice where and when you feel like overthrowing an outworn habit, behavior, thought, or belief. This is a new day, a new time, and a new opportunity for you to listen to what speaks Truth to you. Get to the heart of the matter, about what motivates and shapes you. How would you like to change, and what would you like to open yourself to doing, changing, or becoming? The questions that rise when you ask yourself some of these questions, will help guide you on your path. Look for the signs. Listen for the intuitive messages. Honor your own soul’s call, and let life be what is for your highest good.