In sacred geometry Merkava/Mercaba is called a ‘Star Tetrahedron’ a 6-pointed star. In spiritual or metaphysical terminology, it is called Merkava/Merkaba. In the Torah, the Nevaiim (Prophets), Ezekial describes the Throne or Chariot of God (one of the ways that God communicates with us). The mystics of ancient Palestine and ancient Babylonia wove entire mystical theologies and practices around the idea that only those who have true vision can enter the heavenly dwellings, or approach God. God's power is too awesome; to approach God could be too much for one to bear. Therefore, approaching the Throne of God required special knowledge, pure intention, and true vision. To approach or be near the awesome power of the Divine was and is to be in the Presence of the Omnicient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent power of Divine Being.
At this time when the physical manifestation of the Mercava/Mercaba has been forming around our planet as we spin through space, we find ourselves at the threshold to the Throne of the Divine. It is an awesome time and opens both sacred time and sacred space for us to become aware, mindful, and present to receive Divine guidance and sacred gifts of insight, love, compassion, and truth.
Late last night, the Moon slipped into Taurus, setting into motion the alignment of called the Star Tetrahedron. Two grand trines form a rare and beautiful pattern in both the ongoing Water Trine and the Earth Trine, both representing the archetype of the Divine Feminine, the yin energy, and the blending of intuitive, imaginative energy of water with the grounding, creative energy of the earth signs.
As with all planetary alignment and influence, this alignment provides opportunities, openings, and thresholds for us to use to further develop, evolve, and act. The Star Tetrahedron is formed as Saturn in Scorpio (5/11), Mercury (17/7), Mars (10/45), Jupiter (7/28), and the North Node in Cancer, and Neptune (4/42) and Chiron in Pisces-all water energy, are juxtaposed the Moon in Taurus (4/56), Pluto in Capricorn (9/37), and Venus in Virgo (8/28)-all earth energy. When viewed on an astrological wheel, this appears as two triangles forming a 6-pointed star.
In your chart/life, this creates a grand sextile effect. In sacred geometry, this forms the Merkaba, an energetic light body opening us to greater connection with our Divine Creator. In the ongoing, eternal expansion of Divine Creative energy, we take part by aligning our own energy, intentions, and direction through prayer, meditation, art, and creative expression as well as the pragmatic ways we live, and move, and have our being.
This energy has been building and has already been affecting our lives both individually and collectively. As the Moon moved into Taurus last night, she triggers each of the aspects of the Star Tetrahedron, grounding us in the energy of this marvelous energy and time. You should not have to look far beyond your own level of awareness to understand how this is affecting you. The awareness comes to you through your emotional responses, the unfolding of life in and around you, and in the motions of the tides of the wind, earth, seas, and other waters.
The tidal waters along the river where I live (near the mouth of the River and the Pacific Ocean), has been showing how the planetary energy and the Moon have been affecting the waters. Extremely high and low tides lay bare parts of the riverbed that have not been exposed in all the time I have lived here. The movement in and around our own lives probably reflect whatever we have set into motion. With the activation of the Grand Trine in Earth, we now see the practical application and manifestation of our greatest energy output. We may choose to take the next, best steps forward with areas in our lives that are ready to unfold, open up, alter and change, or release us so we can step out of roles and relationships that create stagnation, unnecessary conflict and drama, or unhealthy ties to places where our energy may be ensnared or trapped.
The Grand Trine in Earth, Pluto (the Great Transformer in Capricorn), Venus in Virgo, and the Moon in Taurus, bring into manifestation ideas and inspired dreams. From thought into action, from hope and ideal into form, and from desire and wish into grounded and practical action-this is the time when the spiritual and intellectual is grounded in action, deed, movement, and direct connection.
We are giving birth to creation; we are joining in the ongoing Creation of the Divine. And we can be more conscious about this as this alignment of the Moon and planets take place, thereby being more mindful and intentional. We can determine to act on our dreams, or simply become more aware of their lack of fulfillment in our lives. Change occurs in our lives, at certain points, only when we have learned the lessons of the transformative actions that have already taken place, and when we are courageous enough to act to bring our dreams to life.
As I write this column, we are in the window of this period of time, though like any window, the view remains whether we are standing in front of it or not. Listen to your heart. Pay attention to what you truly desire or feel impelled to do, be, create, develop, face/confront in yourself, or set into motion in your life through intention, commitment and action. Be open and receptive to your divine nature and the true north of your being. Let that which needs to go, go. Let that which is being born, come forth, and honor the inner truth that speaks to you within and from beyond your own understanding. What are you being called to act upon, and what is your transformation revealing to you? Seek the insight coupled with ideas for action. How is the subtle energy of the Universe filtering into your life as you join with others to create and live more fully?
Our higher feelings and connections now seem to blend with little effort to the Divine call. The stillness within finds us more receptive to our connection with the Earth and to our spiritual nature and purpose. We may dance and sing in celebration. We may walk and move with more finely-tuned awareness and grace. We may create and live more fully-attuned to both inner spirit and outer abundance and prosperity. We may understand on levels we have only dreamed of, and connect in ways that have eluded us before now. Submission to the Divine Will allows us to receive our blessings, become more aware of our purpose and direction, and feel more in alignment with the Universal nature of our being.
For those who are highly attuned, this may feel like a massive inflow of vibratory energy, creating almost an overload of information and movement. The North Node in Scorpio represents the area in our lives where the doorway to the future is unfolding. In Scorpio, this occurs on a deeply intuitive and spiritual level, and it may be that we feel as if we are being propelled more deeply into the heart chakra where the divine will and personal desire and truth merge. We may hold ourselves open to receive, believe, understand, and transform.
The Grand Trine in Water signs affects us most directly in the areas of our lives (the houses represent those areas) in matters related to what, who, and how we express our love, and how we are loved. This Grand Trine in Water is revealing what Divine Purpose is manifesting in us now, and is both fertile and receptive in nature. If we are willing and open, we receive understanding, knowledge, and direction in deep and meaningful ways. Clarity comes from the heart now. We know from within; we receive from the Great Divine Truth. All we need to do is turn toward that within and all around us.
The Grand Trine in Earth signs works on the level of tangible and grounded reality of our lives. Our truth emerges from that which we truly are. Our actions speak our truth; our truth reflects our inner nature and our Divine purpose and direction.
Imagine, if you will, the Earth covered by a mystical energy field that creates an opening for the spiritual and physical manifestation to merge and infuse the entire planet with Divine energy. It’s a bit like being in an open space on a clear night when the Moon is at her fullest. On such a night, the light pours forth, infusing everything, penetrating all it touches. Imagine that same open space on a night when the Moon is in her dark phase. The stars seem brighter and more numerous, in some cases, it seems we can almost touch them. The inky night sky is filled with stars and planets that are not visible on other nights or during the day.
This alignment that today’s Taurus Moon triggers and activates, is like having all that energy available at the same time. When water and earth mix, we can shape, mold, and create in pragmatic and lasting ways. Allow yourself to glimpse that which you seek to create, and set your intentions to receive the gifts needed and the cooperation of those ready to join you to express, build, manifest, and move forward on that which calls you. We have the opportunity to live authentically from our desires, and to envision what it is that truly wants to be born now. Listen, watch, dream, and imagine what is coming to you now, and allow yourself to flow into the manifestation of your dreams.
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High Tide Catherine Al-Meten |
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