High Tide on the River Catherine Al-Meten |
Low Tide on the River Catherine Al-Meten |
Saturn and Moon Cassini Spacecraft’s 10 year tour of Saturn
Full Thunder Moon, July 22, 2013 at 2:16 EDT; 11:16 PDT as the Leo Sun opposes Moon in Aquarius. Also called the Full Hay Moon (the farmers are reaping their crops now) and the Full Buck Moon (deer, elk, moose adult males/bucks’ antlers are emerging), this is the middle of the summer harvest season in the Northern Hemisphere. It might be called the Full Thunder Moon for all across the continent in the North, summer storms, thunder and lightening, and more humid weather are occurring. The fullness of being emerges at the Full Moon Time. The balance between Leo’s desire for personal identity and fulfillment and Aquarius’ innate sense of the impersonal arises within our own experiences as a need to find harmony between the two polarities. Our need to express, create, and develop a healthy sense of personal well being coupled with our need to have compassion, empathy, and a vision that encompasses the needs of all humankind, our environmental and a more universal identity, are now called to harmony.
Before you go further, I suggest your watching EarthSky’s vimeo of Cassini’s ten-year journey orbiting Saturn. This time lapse film shows the orbiting of the Cassini spacecraft, the Moon, the Earth, and the beautiful ringed planet, Saturn, the Great Teacher. Consider your place in the Universe as you watch, and our place and connection with one another.
How do we view life? What is our image of the Divine, the Sacred, Creation and the Creator? How do our beliefs, experiences, and personal perspectives color the lens through which we look? At each age and stage of our lives, we have opportunities to learn, create, grow, and develop, and our astrological make up often provides us with insight into the internal and external influences and energies that affect our journey. There are many ways to come to understand the life path; astrology is not a religion but rather a set of concepts that take into account the Universal energies, the alignment of our planet in space, and the impact that both time and space have on us throughout our lives. The beautiful vimeo from Earth Sky shows visually, the patterns, paths, and alignment of our planet with the Moon and the planet Saturn.
Taken over a 10 year period, it gives us a visual metaphor for our own lives. If we believe there are not reasons, patterns, or connections between what is happening beyond our own experience, we are missing a powerful connection to a the Divine thread upon which we are spinning through space and time. I encourage you to watch this vimeo, as you reflect on your own path, the patterns and paths you are creating as you journey through your life, and what influences are most useful and powerful for helping you meet your sacred destiny.
This Full Moon in Aquarius juxtaposed the Sun in Leo, highlights the conflict between our individual ego needs and desires and our connections and obligations as Divine beings. We struggle between what is good for my health and well being and what I need to do for others. We struggle between our physical experience of life and our spiritual nature. We struggle between our past, our future, and being present in each moment. We struggle between honoring and respecting our own beliefs, views, understanding, and needs and honoring and respecting the rights, needs, beliefs, and perspectives of others. Notice where the conflict lies in your own life/chart. Wherever the Leo/Aquarius axis is in your chart indicates the areas that will feel the most impact.
1/7 First and seventh house axis finds the struggle between how we present ourselves as individuals to the world, and how we connect in our most intimate relationships, marriages, and partnerships.
2/8 Second and eighth house axis indicates a struggle between our second house sense of personal identity and self worth (often viewed simply as personal finances, but much more about self worth and value) and our eighth house sense of value in the community, reputation and handling of other peoples’ monies, and value as expressed on deeper, more karmic ties and desires for profound metaphysical knowledge and experience.
3/9 Third and ninth house axis indicates a struggle between how we communicate in our daily lives, with those in our immediate environment, and our own personal style of communication along with how we are learning to use communication to grow and enhance our sense of who we are. Ninth house issues have to do with how we go into the world to explore, learn, find broader and more diverse understanding through higher education, spiritual, philosophical, and religious connections. Ninth house also has to do with relating with and learning about cultures beyond our own. Some of the issues where you might find struggle could be between a need to feel safe and secure in your own environment, neighborhood, and whatever it is that you define as “home” territory and your desire and need to grow, learn, travel, develop to answer more innate soul calls and the connections needed in order for you to live to your full potential. Balance comes in learning how to use our time and resources in tandem rather than seeing everything as a sacrifice or choice, “either-or”(limited, fear-based thinking). When we approach the opportunities in our life as a way to explore ‘both-and’ (expansive, fear free thinking).
4/10 Fourth house issues relate to how we create and feel ourselves “at home”. Where we feel we most belong. Tenth house issues relate to our soul call and destiny (often referred to as the house of career). Tenth house relates to what we believe we have come into being to do, be, create, and fulfill. While our careers often prepare us for this, fulfillment of our life purpose is often a call beyond work, achievement, and accomplishment. What is the deeper purpose you are being prepared and called to live out? This conflict often seems to ‘rock our boats’ making us feel that we have to redefine what one or the other means in order to make our choices. These are where we talk about “impossible dreams” or “being set in our ways”, or “being too old, too young, too something” to act on what we feel we’re called to be.
5/11 Fifth house issues relate to our personal happiness, having and taking care of children, artistic and creative pleasures, beauty and enjoyment of life, sexuality and fun. For each of this, what brings us pleasure depends on our identity. All the houses that are in the southern hemisphere of the chart represent the personal sphere of life; all above, in the northern hemisphere of the chart, represent life lived beyond our individual life. It represents our journey outside to bring ourselves to wholeness and fulfillment. The eleventh house represents our relationships in community, with groups, with circles of friends, and in relation to ourselves within groups. For someone like myself who is an introvert and who has Virgo in the 11th house as well as the Moon, relationships within large groups can be questionable and uncomfortable. The growing edge is to find a way to be able to develop whatever gifts can be shared in this way while still honoring and respecting the way I have chosen to live my life. Observe the spectrum of how you might come into conflict or harmony between these two areas of your life.
6/12 The sixth house represents your personal workplace and personal health and well being. What we do in our everyday life, how we use our time, energy, and resources, and how what we do affects our health. Our fourth chakra governs the energy not only in our heart and lungs but also in our hands, arms, and shoulders. Our work directly affects our health, especially our emotional and physical heart health, and vice versa. Those who think their health is not affected by being depressed, unhappy with their work, overworked, or on the wrong path, are kidding themselves. Time to examine how your daily life is affecting all areas of your life, especially your own health and well being. Twelfth house matters have to do with your unconscious, intuition, hidden and unresolved matters, the past including karmic connections or disconnections, dreams, memories, and that whole underground part of our being that become our shadow issues (issues that need to be brought into the light in order to face them, resolve, and heal). The twelfth house also has to do with our connection with the Divine and the energy beyond our understanding that may be important to learn about, acknowledge, and act upon.
Enough about the houses that this Full Moon in Aquarius may be highlighting. The Full Moon occurs just as both the Sun and the Moon change signs.
The Sun completes its journey through Cancer, and enters Leo on Monday, July 22. At 0/6, that is just six minutes into its entry into Leo, the Sun comes into direct opposition to the Moon at 0/6 of Aquarius. If you watched the Cassini vimeo, you would have noticed how, in their orbit, the planets and the moon passed one another and lined up exactly. You can pause the vimeo and observe this yourself. In the case of a planet like Saturn (very slow moving it its orbit, just a bit shy of 30 years), a transit lasts quite a while. The Sun moves one degree a day, while the moon orbits the Earth in a little less than 3 days. Aspects to the Moon are quite common, and since the Moon has such a powerful impact on the Earth (watch the tides if you don’t believe it), its energy and movement triggers our emotional responses as well as our physiological ones on a regular basis.
Ready or not, the Sun in Leo, brings a burst of energy and excitement into our lives. Leo is the archetype for individuality, ego (healthy and overblown), and creative expression. It’s time to shine and express yourself in whatever area this plays out. This is a ripening time, a time of full fruition, and all of us will notice some area of life where you can give a full play to your creative expression.
Mercury just went direct on July 20, and is moving full speed ahead in Cancer, still seeking quality experiences in our search and desire for creating a safe, warm environment where we can feel at home in how we communicate, how we live together, and how we seek to express ourselves. Mercury roots around making a nest for itself in the way you communicate and take in communication on all levels.
Venus, which has been transiting through Leo, moves into Virgo on July 22. Having finished its transit through Cancer, Venus now looks for love manifest in action and through practical expressions of all forms. Venus, the archetype for our expressions of love, our development as a woman and with our relationships with women, now takes on a very grounded, earthy sensibility. Even our reasoning over choices, direction, and interests emerges from our need to understand, connect with, and find practical application to anything we do with anyone. “Don’t just say it; show it” could be the anthem for the transit of Venus through Virgo. On the bright and hopeful side, this is welcome relief for those of us who want to put our dreams into action and experience ideals and ideas in the world of senses, sensuality, day-to-day life, and to truly LIVE in the present. Taking your metaphysical and mindfulness practices to a whole new level but living what you believe as you believe what you live.
As Venus changes signs, we can also benefit from showering ourselves with better self care. We are not good stewards if we have depleted ourselves of energy, breath, rest, nourishment, and a sense of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well being. On July 25-26, the Venus opposes Neptune in Pisces, and this might be a time when confusion, misunderstanding, illusions, or their counterparts, clarity, connection, and seeing things as they really are, may be at odds. There are times when we are not sure if what we are experiencing is grounded in a sense of truth or realism, or whether we are relying on outmoded and old patterns of both expectation and behavior. Allow the clouds to clear; anything worth doing or having or being, can wait a few days if it is based in truth or realism. Let go of trying to figure everything out (ego mind) and allow the natural rhythms and flow unfold naturally, without hurry.
When Venus comes into sextile with Saturn, we will see how what we have been learning about our own processes as opposed to those of others, is affording us the opportunity to see how this manifests in life now. Saturn, the Great Teacher, is that aspect of our life that calls us to pay attention to how the Divine is calling us to learn, to change, to surrender, and to trust. This is probably a good time for doing business and forming business partnerships for there is an element of practicality and groundedness that affects new alliances.
On July 27-28, Jupiter and Venus form a friendly sextile. It’s a time when we feel more social, more optimist and positive, and more open and receptive to giving and receiving. The flow of love, beauty, and goodness is shared more openly now than normally would be the case. Two benevolent planets connect and release our sense of inhibitions helping spread joy, beauty, and abundance in all directions.
Jupiter’s trine to Neptune also inspires us with altruistic feelings and ideas. We reach beyond our own needs and discover how we can learn from the great knowledge and wisdom of those whose cultures, background, or paths seem far afield our own. We may feel infused with a spiritual longing to connect, support, and understand those who walk a different path. We see the universality of all Creation, and know, on a very deep soul level, the Creator’s purpose for ourselves and for others.
On July 30 Venus (Virgo) trines Pluto (Capricorn) bringing a practical expression of love and kindness into relationships and areas of your life where you express beauty, love, and nourishing intensity.
Mar in Cancer for well over another month (until August 27), continues its journey more on the undercurrents of our emotional experiences, and not so directly as Mars generally does. We find our strength within right now, and whatever actions we take are more heavily affected by our emotional, intuitive, and reflective nature than it is by the ego need to act, do, or be. We feel guided, led, and inspired as never before. Plans fall into place, doors open slowly and quietly, gifts drop into our hands, ideas arrive with exquisite timing, and connections are made with impeccable accuracy. It is an amazing time, coming near the culmination of the Grand Trines in Water that have been showering us and infusing us with beauty.
On Monday, July 22, Mars conjuncts Jupiter in Cancer. We feel an infusion of energy and inspiration to be channeled into whatever areas we feel so inspired. It is one of those magical times when everything seems to come together almost magically. Our sense of purpose and timing are perfectly aligned, and we are ready to step out into the full expression of our artistic beauty. Love is acted upon in lavish and beautiful ways. Whatever challenges or obstacles need to be met, just melt away or are easily handled. The more we live in that deep sense of inner security and well being that we have been growing more fully into, the more we will be sensitive to how we can let this energy flow into us at this time. Open your hearts, minds, hands, and let your need to control, will, or fear disintegrate. Waste no energy on unnecessary negativity.
Late in the week, Mars trines Neptune, and our intuition gives up its gifts, allowing us to tap into our deepest, freest, and most powerful levels of creativity, sensuality, and expressiveness. Listen to your heart now. Allow your mind to reveal the images that are to be sculpted, painted, written, or caught through your art. Bring your awareness into still places, and enjoy a more relaxed, easy going flow in your life. Letting go is easier than ever, and necessary for whole healing, health, love, and creativity.
Mars trines Saturn, also energizing and directing us to put shape on our ideas and provide structure on our lives so that we are both purposeful and directed in the areas that are being borne from our deeper consciousness and inspiration. We are finding that our hard work, our ability to organize and direct our energy, and our dedication and commitment to our intentions and purpose, are now manifesting.
Saturn remains in Scorpio for its long journey into the unconscious and its tour through the Collective and Universal strata. Saturn trines Neptune, grounding our inspiration and aspiration in solid structure and form. We bring into being as we manifest the lessons of Saturn that have forged us, like gold tempered by fire, to allow ourselves to be shaped, purified, tested, and molded for the fulfillment of purpose and meaning in our lives.
Uranus in Aries continues to bring unexpected and surprising events, people, and changes our way. Venus seisquiquadrate angle to Uranus indicates strange attractions. In relationships, we find ourselves moving between our need for freedom and our desire for intimacy. For those who are healed and nourished, and soundly grounded in their own sense of identity, this can be found at the same well. If we continue seeking either freedom or intimacy through affirmation and approval from others or through acquisitions, achievements or self-imposed rigidity, we miss what is within us and possible before us. for the healed, this is a lovely time to allow the flowering to reveal the gifts.
Special Note: I would love to hear your observations about how different aspects, transits, or trends affect you. Also what have you observed that I may not have mentioned? Using astrology as a tool to enhance our journey necessarily depends on our own spiritual and religious practices, beliefs, and our willingness to use our own powers of discernment and reflection to find meaning in our own lives. Enjoy this beautiful time, and the middle of summer or winter, wherever you are.
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