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July Sunset, 2013 Catherine Al-Meten |
Lunar Activity.
First Quarter Square of the Moon in Libra to the Sun in Cancer, Monday, July 15, 2013. the squares of the Moon tend to make us feel the urge to do, act, or react. Our emotional tendency with this square of the Libra Moon is to find balance no matter what. The growing edge for Libra is to stand in the truth of the presence rather than rushing to make something happen or respond to every hue and cry. Everything does not have to be made into a crisis unless we let it. Notice at this time, how the plans you made last week are evolving, and what the response has been to your intentions, projects, or plans.
The Moon in Libra at 23/46 square the Sun in Cancer at 23/46 has a significant effect on anyone with planets between 22-26 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Capricorn, Libra, Cancer, Aries). We all have these signs in certain areas of our chart/life. Look to the cardinal houses to see what areas of your life are most affected with this lunar aspect.
The Moon’s first-quarter square makes us more aware of the other subtle and major shifts taking place. As Uranus has been stationing in preparation for its turn into its retrograde phase in Aries, we may have felt an underlying edginess coupled with a desire to rid ourselves of anything holding us back from moving forward or making changes. Impatience, frustration, and dissatisfaction have found many of us expending a great deal of energy just when we need to take time to rest and refresh ourselves. Compulsions may have been evident in the way our unconscious behavior has been triggered by the planetary and lunar movement.
Major Events of the Week.
Major events taking place this week include Uranus’ station and turn into its retrograde phase in Aries coinciding with Jupiter coming into exact alignment with Saturn and Neptune. On Wednesday, July 17 at 10:20 AM (PDT), Uranus begins its 5 month retrograde phase. This coincides with Jupiter’s exact trine to Saturn and Neptune, all in water signs.
Uranus, the breaker of rules and master of of unpredictability, ushers in five months of movement, shifts of perception, changes in the way we approach life, and freedom from restraints that have held us back from doing, being, understanding, or acting on our dreams, desires, and destiny. Time to take risks, step out into the unknown, and cast our nets on the seas of opportunity. The old adage, “nothing ventured, nothing gained” is the motto of Uranus’ retrograde phase. Because it coincides with the Grand Trine in Water signs of the major planets of transition, growth, and change (Neptune in Pisces, Jupiter in Cancer, and Saturn in Scorpio), we are awash with fluid energy that infuses us and impels us to pay heed to our intuition, dreams, desires, and plans.
Time for throwing our heart over the mane, as we allow ourselves to move beyond the restraints, limitations, and restrictions we have placed upon ourselves for the sake of hanging onto something that is no longer true for us. During this dreamy time, when we find ourselves needing more sleep, desiring more time to rest and relax, and wanting to slow down and take time to reconsider some of the journeys we have sent our souls on. Pull in the cords of energy that remain trapped in places, situations, relationships, roles, or beliefs which no longer fit for who you are and where you are now on your journey. Listen to your soul’s calling, for now is when you will hear clearly the voice that speaks to you of Truth and the voice within that speaks for your own true north, that reminds you who you really are and what your long to express, create, and connect with.
What awaits each of us is Jupiter’s abundance, Saturn’s wisdom and responsibility, and Neptune’s intuitive knowledge and creative imagination. What you can conceive of is blessed and made part of your life journey. To awaken from the sleep of outer distractions allows you to embrace the opportunities, experiences, relationships, and serendipitous connections awaiting you around each corner. It’s time to take the leap of faith in the direction your heart and soul have been leading you.
Uranus’ retrograde phase triggers the ongoing square aspect with Pluto, the Great Transformer in Capricorn. What has been being uprooted, turned over, and readied for planting, is now receiving what is needed to make change happen. Be receptive to what changes need to take place and how they are manifesting right in, before, and around you. On both the personal level and the collective level, this aspect reveals what must be eliminated in order for growth and development to take place. This aspect between Uranus and Pluto continues to make us aware of what is no longer working within us and our lives. What is no longer necessary is now shed like a snakes skin.
The Sun in Cancer continues to find us seeking safety, protection, comfort, and a truer sense of home. With the Moon in Libra and the Sun in Cancer, our emotional life feels more vulnerable and sensitive.
Mercury continues its journey through Cancer, and will turn direct on July 20 after a few weeks in retrograde. Before turning direct, Mercury is forming a tight square to Uranus over the next week, helping us become more aware of how our perceptions are changing and our behavior and understanding is enabling us to free ourselves from negative patterns of emotional conditioning that may have stunted our growth in some ways or may be keeping us from fully healing into wholeness.
Chiron in Pisces has been retrograde for the last month, going back over territory where healing has been taking place for the past year. We are reminded of the shadows and hidden places where healing is still taking place. Mercury is forming a Grand Trine in Water signs with the North Node in Scorpio and Chiron, the Wounded Healer in Pisces. Mercury (communication, messages, and cognitive development) trine the North Node in Scorpio (gateway to the future in the sign of deep intuitive knowledge and unconscious awareness) as well as Chiron, the Wounded Healer. All this to say that this is a prime time for dealing with emerging awareness, intuition, insight, and emotional, psychological, and mental issues that need to be faced, dealt with, and further healed. Disregarding that which leads us away from our true intentions, soul calling, or search for truth and understanding, is not advisable at this time. In the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus said, “When you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you; When you fail to bring forth what is within you, it will kill you.” Whether you take this literally or metaphorically, the truth remains of we humans that nothing is ever lost or forgotten. When we do not deal with something that is an issue for us, it remains part of us, whether or not we’re willing to face it. Best to face what is rising up in your experience so you can live more truly and fully in wholeness.
On Wednesday, July 17, the Grand Trine in Water finds Jupiter trines Saturn, Moon trine Mercury, and Jupiter trine Neptune. Additionally, Uranus goes retrograde on the Wednesday, July 17. Use this auspicious time to sit in silence, meditate, pray, and be open to receiving Divine guidance, protection, and understanding. Take some time to be reflective. Take time to take care of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. See peace within and around you. Live in a state of gratitude, and be open to the Grace of God.
Later in the week, July 22, Venus will enter Virgo, and the Sun enters Leo. Before then, allow yourself to enjoy the flood of water sign energy that flows into you and fills all the spaces that may seem empty or forgotten. Listen for the messages of the waters.
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