Friday, April 7, 2017

Full Moon in Aries: T-Square Signals the Last Straw

Treehouse in a Tulip Tree                                                                  Catherine Al-Meten Meyers
One thing I would suggest as we approach this Full Moon in Libra, is to find yourself a place of peace and calm to ride out some of the storms of life. Not a time to ignore or dismiss issues in life, but a time to examine life in a safe, peaceful place.

The Full Moon in 21 degrees of Libra reaches her peak on April 10/11 (11:08 PM PDT/2:08 AM EDT). The Moon in 21 degrees of Libra opposite the Sun at 21 degrees of Aries is not, so to speak, in her element. Falling in the third decan of Libra, this Full Moon coincides with a strong t-square between Jupiter in Libra, Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn.  You know that area of your life that has been experiencing one transformative jolt after another since 2012? The Full Moon also shines her light on that one last square between these planets and your life; the last in a series of 7 squares since 2012, occurs with this Full Moon.  What that means is, depending on how well you've made the transition from where you were in 2012 and what you've been attempting to release and take on since then, is making one last appearance.

Expect there to be something of an emotional or psychological challenge to this new moon. We tend to be awakened to the Venus-ruled senses, emotions, both collectively and individually. What we've been feeling, coping with, and trying to straighten out in our own emotional, spiritual, psychological, and day to day lives makes us even more sensitive and intuitive during this time. The Full Moon in 21-22 degrees of Libra falls at the point in the chart where it is in peregree (the farthest point). It is considered the position of exile. Exile, loss of face, weakening of power for certain groups are indicated. It this falls on an area of your life/chart that has to do with relationships or public persona, this could be a time when you feel very much on the outside of some aspect of life. Not quite ever fitting in, feeling alienated, or out of synch.

Venus, the ruler of Libra is at a point of transition herself, in the process of completing a retrograde cycle. The Evening Star becomes the Morning Star, and perhaps we need to sleep on some ideas a bit longer, and wait for dawn to illuminate our paths.  Many people are seeking direction, struggling to know which way to go next, and this Full Moon focuses our attention of the aspect the Moon makes with the Fixed star Spica. Spica can be found in the shaft of wheat held by Virgo, an indicator of success, renown, sweet dispositions, love of art, and a shady bit of unscrupulousness.  Be sure to behave with care in all you do.

The Full Pink  Moon in Libra, and her aspects, also signal unbounded good fortune and abundance. Honor bestowed on those who deserve it, wishes come true, good fortune and renown due. Blessings are bestowed. You need only stop in your tracks, see what blessings abound in your life, and be grateful. Another practice that is good for just about any time, is the practice of forgiveness. Part of what helps us release what no longer serves us, is to forgive anyone or anything that needs to be released, and to forgive ourselves for what we have done or failed to do. Definitely time to release any toxic thinking, behavior, patterns, or memories.

This time of the year and this particular Full Moon in Libra, highlights the Ceres/Demeter archetype. The awakening from the darkness of winter, and the return to life.  With the intense t-square between Uranus in Aries squaring Pluto in Capricorn, and the Moon squaring Capricorn (the Great Transformer) we have what one astrologer described as Kali's raging and hungry intense energy arising in and around us. Whatever has been missing from your life, is now made known through an intense longing. With Venus in the Pisces sector of her retrograde, this can be intensified even may have been feeling this already. This energy is intense, passionate, possessive, obsessive, and makes us all feel a bit or a lot like a mother bear protecting her young.  In the macro environment, this may appear with exposing hackers and cheats, conducting of covert operations, and even the launching of invasions (written before the airstrike on Syria).

The Moon in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries, stirs up whatever area of you rlife is ruled by Libra, Aries, Capricorn, and all the cardinals planets.  This is a familiar area for this intense process has been going on for the last 6-7 years.  It should not be too surprising. One person asked me, "What else do I have to let go of?"  I suggest you pay attention to the inner struggles that are going on right now, for they are the parts of your life that have been most transformed, and where you may still have some powerful insights into whatever you've been working so hard on during this long cycle. It's been a bit like a long-term tunnel project in our psyches. We've run into things we didn't expect, found blocks we had no idea existed, and had to face some pretty shocking and surprising realities. In many instances, we have seen old dreams and expectations die, and others just begin to make their way into our consciousness. These aspects stir up areas where you find whatever the main focus of transformation in your life has been teaching you some hard lessons.

As I write the final part of this coolum on Friday, April 7, a huge wind storm is hitting the coast and inland areas of the Pacific Northwest--electric, volatile, and unstable energy abounds. For those who don't believe we are affected by the weather and the forces of nature, I invite you to stand out in a wind storm for a few minutes and feel the power of those negative ions. We are in a time of great volatility and turmoil. We might notice mood swings and an awakening of some dark mourning that has yet to be expressed. Whatever toxic and negativity we hold within (anger, hate, lack of forgiveness, unexpressed grief), becomes either a form of depression or is fuel for time bombs waiting to go off in our lives. In the collective world the possibility of the loose cannon, unhinged minds, or covert enemies can ignite some pretty powerful consequences. Assassinations or other forms of terrorism can be used to trigger the already hair-trigger responses of corrupt or dangerous leaders. This has been building for some time, but is possibly making it's "last hurrah" with this final square ignited by the Full Moon. If you are in an advisory position with a rather unconscious leader, you might find yourself needing to help ground and stabilize your boss.

The Full Moon in Libra quincunx Mars also signals the time is right for those in power to not understand the nature of their own aggression. We all have elements of our unhealed consciousness that we fail to recognize (until it blows up in our faces or finds us caught blind sided). At this time those areas of our personal consciousness are triggered as well as that of our collective. Watch out for hairtrigger reactions, and steer clear of those who are not in control of their emotional energy.

The Libra Full Moon is also quincunx Ceres/Demeter cautioning us to use our right brain, intuition, empathy, compassion, and  sensibilities to discern how to use the abundant energy available. This is a time of the year when we are normally aware of the abundance of Life. Different cultures refer to this Full Moon in Aries as the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, and the Fish Moon---all referring to the life teeming in our waterways and on our land. This is the time also when the beavers are busily making dams along the swollen rivers and streams, and when sea lions, sheep, horses, goats, and other animals are bearing their young. It is a rich and glorious time of year. As the Moon in Libra with it's transformative square to Uranus and Pluto push or shove us into making some decision, we feel ourselves very much aware of where we are on the wrong path or where too much stress has built up. We may feel finally we have reached the point of no return in terms of a job, a marriage or some other form of partnership, or life/work pattern. At this particular time, the dam may burst making it abundantly clear that there is no longer a choice about what needs to be changed.

For those who have been coping with transitions and transformations in a way that has already created a new path or you've recognized the changes that happened to open a new way, this may be a time when the pressure is more on dealing with residual emotional, psychological, physical, or mundane/material dealings. We have to deal with the consequences of our choices at this time. The pendulum is swinging us into a new direction. We feel it, see it, mourn it sometimes, and basically can't help but notice--life is not as it was anymore.

The Full Moon in Libra falls on what is called via combusta (the burning path, explosive way) as it conjuncts Jupiter in Libra at 17 degrees (remember a conjunction is anywhere from 5-6 degrees on either side of a particular point. We feel this ahead of the Full Moon, and its influence continues on. We have already seen this acted out on the world stage, unfortunately. The Burning Path is a do or die situation, bringing finality to situations. There is also an element of aggression involved, and people are easily aggravated. Mars is in its detriment in Taurus, Aries ruler, and this has an effect on this period of time as well. Expect to have to deal with pesky, bothersome, annoying sensations, people, or situations. If all this seems just a bit too unsettling, be comforted with knowing that being forewarned is to be forearmed. Use what you've learned about dealing with crisis, change, transformation, shocks, and transitions to make your way through what can feel like a very troubling period of time. Walking into the force of the wind, one is reminded of how little control we have over the elements of nature. Learn from that.

Shortly after the peak of the Full Moon in Libra, Libra's ruler, Venus stations direct at 26 degrees of Pisces. At this station, Venus forms a tight conjunction with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, and we might feel the pain of a deep unhealed wound. It's an 'ouch' point, that lets us know we have hit a spot that has yet to heal. Venus is exalted in Pisces however, and as she turns motion, we turn inward to do the necessary work on ourselves that allows us to heal more deeply.  Venus and Neptune are both in their element in Pisces, and matters of the heart play an important and vital role in our lives at this time.

Despite all the movement in cardinal signs, we are also moving into a time of reflection, contemplation, and healing as Jupiter in Libra,  Saturn  in Sagittarius turned retrograde on April 6, Mercury in Aries begins its retrograde cycle on April 9, and Ve
nus turns direct in Pisces on April 15.  Retrograde cycles caution us to slow down, resist rash or not well thought out actions. Of the four retrograde planets in April, three occupy the dual signs of Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. This will have a huge impact of financial transactions during this period of time. Look to the houses that rule money matters (2,8) and to other areas where your financial identity is formed (i.e.., artists=5th house, fame/career/life purpose 10th house).

Also of significance in April is the Full Moon in Libra and the four retrograde planets that signal the end to a very long karmic cycle. Not only the transformative cycles that began in 2012, but longer cycles that have opened a new age. For decades we have been preparing for, expecting, or hearing about changes. The riseing of the Divine Feminine. In many ways the rising of this massive change in our human spirit and ways of life are in the throes of labor pains. Transformation and change is not always fun and full of fairy dust. All too often, as this Full Moon in Libra reminds us, we have the capacity now to see the full range of possibilities, and to begin to understand that how we cope with the shadow aspects (the unhealed, unexplored, the parts of ourselves we don't recognize or want to know), definitely affects what unfolds on the path before us. We also are awakened to our true nature, and are called to listen to and be reminded of who we are. Perhaps the best question we can each ask ourselves when times like these test us, is to remember who we are and what we are here in this life to do. What is the calling that life has been preparing us for?  As the winds whip around us, let us each find a beautiful pocket of peace within, and be reminded of the power of our thoughts, prayers, and desires. We can have an effect on the world if first we tend to the business of healing and growing in Light within. Peace to you all.

We are entering the high holy days for the Jewish and Christian people. Ramadan starts at the end of May for Muslims everywhere. In the spirit of working together for a world free of hate and devoted to healing and sharing of life and love, let us all do what we can to heal the energy within our own hearts and with our brothers and sisters wherever they are, whatever their beliefs be. One practice that can help us at this time is forgiveness. Now is a time when healing can be accomplished if we each take time to forgive ourselves, the conditions, relationships, enemies, and whatever stands in between yourself and a loving, compassionate heart.

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