The conjunction of the Moon with Venus sets the tone for this New Moon period. At a time when there are five heavenly bodies in fiery, impulsive Aries, Venus pulls us to focus more on our higher calling than on our romantic illusions or impetuous desires. This is a time when some may not use the best judgment and get themselves into hot water or jump from the frying pan into the fire in terms of acting without thinking things entirely through.
This New Moon also sits in opposition to Jupiter in Libra. We may feel challenged by competing and conflicting needs, Jupiter, in addition to ruling abundance and good fortune, reigns of law and justice. Jupiter’s strong pull to right wrongs, point out in
Jupiter could bring a flow of abundance in the area of our lives that Aries rules (in addition to other well-aspected areas of our chart/lives. With all the energy in Aries, this New Moon could also bring out the charlatans and scammers who want to exploit and manipulate those who are less experienced and more naive. Use good judgement when handling finances and business deals, or for that matter any kind of agreements. Despite all the fire energy being fanned by the air sign Libra, it is wise now to hold off on major decisions. With Venus in retrograde in Aries also, we are in a very vulnerable time. We may have such strong needs to meet our unfulfilled desires, or start new relationships or projects, that we fail to take into account the complications and risks involved.
The Aries Moon conjunct Venus may arouse our emotions, and for some this may result in violent and uncontrolled behavior. Edginess may be particularly apparent for those with more stressful aspects to the Moon (emotional well being). Notice how you react and respond to whatever may cause you to feel tense, irritable, or frustrated. How do you normally handle such feelings? How might you channel or redirect your energy so that you avoid more volatile situation. Also, how can you avoid becoming the brunt of someone else’s uncontrolled or misdirected anger?
This New Moon conjunct Venus and Mercury is a very uncomfortable new moon cycle. We may feel the need to be around people and at the same time get very edgy and uncomfortable in the company of others. Noises bother us. and there just seems to be little too much excitement for a peaceful, calm evening.
New moons are always about new beginnings, and this New Moon in Aries, the first sign in the astrological calendar/zodiac, represents those areas of our lives where we are least experienced. Aries is about taking charge and indeed, charging ahead without much preparation or care. With Venus, the Sun, Mercury, and Uranus also in aspect to this New Moon in Aries, we can expect an explosive and surprising energy affecting this part of our lives.
On Monday leading up to the peak of the New Moon, Mars in Taurus is sextile Neptune in Pisces. This aspect encourages us to express our emotions in creative and physical ways. Intuition is strong. There is also a Saturn in Sagittarius-Chiron in Pisces square, an aspect that focuses our attention on solving personal problems and resolving inner conflicts. Also there is Jupiter in Libra square aspect to Pluto in Capricorn, pushing us to make some serious choices over ongoing transformational changes involving past conditioning and destructive patterns, unhealed grief or remorse, and expectations and fantasies (positive and negative).
With this New Moon in Aries it might be a good time to spend some time reflecting on what your higher purpose is, as well as what your place in the greater scheme of the Universe is. It is a time good time to get a little perspective on our lives, and to release some excessive energy through physical and creative channels. This new lunar cycle comes near the beginning of spring brings an abundance of energy. Allow yourself some time for reflection. Find peace within whatever conflicts and challenges seem highlighted at this time.
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