The Sun’s entry into Capricorn also encourages us to act with greater propriety and to strive to align our sense of responsibility with a greater appreciation for a higher order. Even amid tumultuous changes, we begin to feel ourselves on a more even keel, and seek to put structure, order, and organization into our lives. After spending some time planning, dreaming, and setting some projects into motion, we become more aware of boundaries, limitations, and expectations based on a more realistic and feasible assessment of our resources and possibilities. We may continue to work towards what we can feasibly achieve or work towards, as we gather with like-minded friends and determine what materials, inspiration, ideas, support, and energy we have to accomplish our goals. For some, this is a time to slow down and get some rest. It is a time of recovery, healing, and release. As we are also approaching the end of the year, we may have no option but to tread water for a while.
Mercury (which just turned retrograde on December 19-January 4) is also in Capricorn. This transit affects all forms of communication making it a time when we need to be more reflective, calm, and peaceful. We need to discern what is the best way to approach our lives in a more organized, pragmatic, and balanced manner. We need to consider all areas of our lives (physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, psychological). The aim right now would be to approach whatever we have to do or want to do in a manner that adds to our sense of well being and harmony. Without detaching from our feelings or intellect, we need to weigh in the balance what really matters in our lives and what does not. We have no energy, time, or inclination at this point to waste time, resources, or focus on anything that distracts us or that takes us away from the priorities we are setting for ourselves at this time.
Venus is in Aquarius makes us feel a greater need for freedom especially within any type of relationship and in the way we are envisioning the world and our roles in that world. We seek innovation along with independence, and have more ideas than we have time or resources to tackle them. We can harness some of the energy, inspiration, and desire that we are filled with at this time, and use it to fuel our dreams, and help bring them into manifestation. Our dreams and intuition may be sparked by some very odd or out-of-the-ordinary types of insight or understandings. Pay attention to what is welling up within your dreams, in hunches or flashes of insight, or in passing conversations or associations that seem to spring serendipitously into sight at just the right moment. If we are moving at a slower pace and being more mindful, we will find that what we need appears almost before we can articulate it; what we desire drops little pieces of knowledge, intuition, insight, or perfect timing moments right in our laps. Be receptive to receiving your good, and do not hesitate to express and show your own appreciation, love, or support to those near and far. Respond to the deeper sense of what is the next right and perfect act, and you might be very pleasantly surprised what a release this is.
Venus forms a lovely trine to Jupiter on Christmas Eve, December 24-25. This is one of the most harmonious and joyful aspects possible. Notice where this takes place in your chart. You won’t have any trouble feeling a greater sense of joy, abundance, peace, and harmony in whatever area of your life this touches. It should spread to all aspects of your life, especially if you give up the expectations that life should be a certain way. Live with what is, and allow it to fill you with peace and joy. This is a wonderful aspect for social events, and a sense of trust and love as well as a feeling of greater harmony and connection.
Venus’ harmonious aspects include a sextile to Uranus in Aries, giving us a greater sense of daring and the desire to take some healthy risks. We lose our sense of fear and despair, and find ways to connect in more meaningful ways than we have in a while. Surprising light shines on us and wakes us up to possibilities and hope. Venus also forms a lovely sextile to Saturn on Christmas Day. This brings a more solid sense of connection and stability into our lives. We feel at home where we are and with those we are with. If we are on our own, we feel connected and grounded and at peace with ourselves as well.
The last quarter square of the Moon in Libra on Tuesday evening reminds us of what we need to release or have ended. We are at the stage of the lunar and solar cycles where we move into a new beginning. Just as the Winter Solstice ushers in the turning point of the seasons, so too does the Moon’s lunar square lead us into the days before the next new moon-a time of the dark of the moon approaches. So we begin our turn toward the Light with a need to go deeper into our spiritual and inner realms. We still need to question, assess, face in some cases, and discern the movement in our lives. We are approaching a major transition time, and yet one that is highly in need of reflection as the movement occurs.
Take the time you need to rest, to quiet yourself on all levels, and to touch the elements that bring you back into balance. A walk by the sea or river, a hike up a mountain trail or out into the yard to gaze upon the stars in the sky. Gather round a fire or cleanse in a warm bath. Swim in the ocean or wander out into the desert where you can get a greater perspective on the limitless possibilities and with the reaches of Infinity. There is so much more than appears before your eyes or than makes sense in your mind. Breathe in the beauty, hope, possibility, and greater Love that overwhelms and overpowers even the greatest sorrow, even the worst of moments. Let yourself be filled with the Spirit of Love and Light, and let it transform you. And you in turn can be part of creating greater love and light as you alleviate and rid yourself of fear and doubt. Blessings for the Winter Solstice, a holy and merry Christmas, and light throughout the days of Chanukah. Every day is sacred, each of us is Holy. Let that truth light the fire within you regardless of what your traditions or beliefs. We are One. Share your light.
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