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Full Moon Catherine Al-Meten Meyers |
At 7:06 EST/4:06 PST the Moon reaches her fullness in Gemini at 22/26 degrees. The Full Moon is in exact opposition to the Sun in Sagittarius at 22/26. Mercury is in Capricorn at 12/48 in conjunction with Pluto at 16 degrees Capricorn. Venus is in Aquarius at 7/22 degrees, and Mars is at 25/26 degrees of the same sign. Jupiter is in Libra at 18/52 degrees forming an opposition to Uranus in 20/40 degrees of Aries. The Sun’s transit of Sagittarius is in a waning conjunction with Saturn, and is forming a trine with Uranus. Neptune at 9/24 degree of Pisces and Chiron also in Pisces, continue their transits through the watery depths. The North Node is at 7 degrees of Virgo in a waning opposition to Neptune.
The polarities represented by this Full Moon in Gemini opposite the Sun in Sagittarius focuses our attention on the intellect, the lower and higher mind, and all forms of thought. Gemini illuminates the pragmatic, practical, logical approach to life; Sagittarius ignites our fires by urging us to think beyond limitations, boundaries, and darkness. The Sun in Sagittarius is sparking our imagination at this time, urging us to look for innovative ways to cope with problems and deal with issues that may seem unresolvable. The Gemini Moon keeps us focused on our immediate environment asking that we count our blessings and recognize what we have going for us. Between the two, we find the answers we seek. If we go to one extreme or the other, we miss the mark. Time to bring our thinking into balance as a way to calm ourselves for collective and individual action and progress. Whatever new path we have recently begun continues to reveal whatever gifts and challenges we are ready to meet. In Virgo, the North Node places a great deal of importance on getting our lives in order and on taking care of business. This full moon additonally calls on us to get our thinking in order and doing what aligns our thoughts, ideas, and beliefs best with body, mind, spirit, and with whatever it is we are creating.
This Gemini Full Moon opposes Saturn, sextiles Uranus and Ceres, trines Jupiter, and is guided by the fixed stars Capella in the constellation of Ariga, Phact in the constellation of Columba, and Mintaka in Orion’s Belt. The Moon is in the first degrees of Gemini as I write, and will be in the 3rd decan of Gemini by the time of her fullness. The third decan is influenced by Cancer which means we will be seeking ideas that help us achieve greater security and a sense of feeling at home. Capella is thought to be archetypal of the magical power of imagination. Associated with Sapphires and the herb Thyme, Capella’s influence may enhance whatever we are hoping to attract or create. Capella’s wisdom “gives honor, wealth, eminence,renown, a public position of trust and eminent friends. Capella makes its natives careful, inquisitive, fond of knowledge, and innovation. Phact is the symbolic Dove of Peace that brings a powerful spirit and good fortune into whatever is being molded, envisioned, or created. Mintaka is the third star in Orion’s Belt, and is also considered to be a fortuitous sign. All three of these stars bring out the higher minds and more compassionate aspects of the soul of the world. It brings out what is best within us.
This Full Moon is part of the Mystical Rectangle alignment. The Moon opposes Saturn and Jupiter opposes Uranus. Saturn as a result forms a sextile to Jupiter in Libra and a trine to Ceres and Mars in Aries. The Moon forms a trine to Jupiter and sextiles Ceres and Mars in Aries. This Mystical Rectangle forms an external harmony that conceals brewing conflicts and repressed tension. Saturn’s aspects reveal extreme ambition and a strident desire to be proactive and in command. Jupiter’ opposition to Uranus indicates an eye opening, ear-splitting revelation that sets off a storm of some kind. The Mystical Rectangle represents the need to harness opposing forces and provide security through more harmonious means. This alignment often causes great confusion or blindness before revealing or sparking a major conversion or transformation. A time of great revelations and upsetting circumstances that break down through complete upheaval followed by an epiphany or two. It should be an interesting time.
As the Moon in Gemini opposes Saturn, we find the time has come for getting serious about what our driving desires are and how our energy is being directed along those lines. As the Moon rules our emotional well being, balance, habits, and patterns of behavior, and Saturn rules organization and structure, we find that we are compelled to get our business in order. Obligations and routines become more important than ever, as we strive to get our affairs in order so that we can operate more efficiently and effectively. Our families and our sense of community is strong at this time, and we do whatever we can to defend and protect our reputation and traditions. Anyone who is out of line and who threatens the reputation or honor of that family/community/nation, is dressed down. Preserving honor and saving face is a key element for the society at large and for individuals in particular.
The Moon in Gemini forming a sextile to Uranus in Aries, brings out the radical and those who defy the status quo. This equates to adding fuel to the fire of those who like the attention for their outlandish or nontraditional ways of attracting attention. Personal freedom, independence, and electronic media challenge those who are seeking to get their message out or to affect change. The potential harmony that this Mystical Rectangle presents is nevertheless dependent upon the center not erupting and blowing things apart. We need to harness our energy and channel it effectively. Be attentive and discerning to what is released at this time. The abruptness of the pace of shocking events we are experiencing demands that we maintain cool heads and sound judgment in all we say and do.
The Moon in Gemini sextile Ceres in Aries combine the Divine Feminine energies into a potent and powerful force. Avoid using this energy to act out of woundedness and pain, but instead seek ways to nourish (self and others) and to use your resources wisely. Conserve energy and avoid trying to do it all and fix it all in one fell swoop. Time to nurture and soothe the inner and outer connections and relationships.
The Moon in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Libra shines her light on the bounty, beauty, and breathless wonder of what lies within us and what is possible around and before us. Writers, composers, artists, and all who seek to create beauty and harmony will feel so inspired by this Full Moon that great works and inspirational seeds will be planted and some will bloom before your eyes at this time. What we have nurtured, cared for, and worked hard to bring to fruition will now attract the support of others who want to provide both the resources needed and to provide a showcase for what you have brought to life. There is an element of synchronicity about this Full Moon, being in the right place at the right time. Jupiter is the planet of Abundance, and when in such an alignment, can bestow unimaginable gifts and blessings. Avoid overdoing because Jupiter also pushes us to go overboard at times. Find a way to temper your excitement and revelry. Find that inner joy and peace to ground your creativity and good works in. Let your light shine.
The Super Moon in Gemini brings the tides to their highest point and all the emotional waters to the surface as well. Use your spiritual and physical practices to bring yourself into balance and alignment, and focus your attention and thinking on what you can do right where you are. Be connected to those areas where you have the most chance of affecting change, and keep your thoughts and your imagination, your intuition and your decision focused on working for what is right and acknowledging the progress, growth, and awakenings that have already taken place. We were created for this moment. Let's use our energy for what is best for creating peace within whatever storms we must weather. Use our thinking for finding solutions to problems, and to discerning what we are called to do next. Spend some of this Full Moon time simply letting yourself be at one with your place in the grand scheme of things, and connect to that which you know as the Divine. Let that fill you and calm your mind, soothe your troubled emotions, and find peace within your heart and soul.
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