![]() The Journey Catherine Al-Meten Meyers |
*Before you begin this month's column on the New Moon in Capricorn, it might help to understand a little something about the use of fixed stars in astrological interpretation. The following information should provide you with some insight into the comments astrologers make when referring to fixed stars:
Information on Fixed Stars:
- the 29 constellations of the Northern hemisphere, from the North Pole to the ecliptic,
- the 13 constellations on the ecliptic,
- the 47 constellations of the Southern hemisphere, from the ecliptic to the South Pole.
The most important stars in these constellations are called fixed stars. They are 149 and their name includes a letter or a number, and the name of the constellation they belong to.
Thus, there are 80 constellations, which are regions of the sky, usually measuring between 15 to 40 degrees each (half a sign to one sign and a half). Each region "tinges" the near-by angles and planets with its nature, and the 149 fixed stars influence accordingly any natal planet or angle they are in tight conjunction with." (From Astrotheme.com website).
December, 2016's New Moon at 7/59 or 8 degrees of Capricorn occurs on Wednesday, December 28 at 10:53 P.M PST/Thursday, December 29 at 1:53 A.M. EST. Occuring in the first decan of Capricorn, this New Moon aligns with the constellation of Sagittarius and aligns directly with the nebula, Facies, located in front of the Archer's eye. The ancients understood the importance of the so-called fixed stars. Nothing in the Universe is truely fixed as everything is in constant motion. However, the constellations provide us with a steady and consistent guide to movement and influences of the energy alive in the Universe. According to Ptolemy, "The stars at the point of the arrow in Sagittarius have influences similar to that of Mars and the Moon; those on the bow, and at the graspe of the hand act like Jupiter and Mars. Those in the waist and in the back resemble Jiupiter and also Mercury in moderation. Those in the feet, Jupiter and Saturn those in the feet, Jupiter and Saturn" (Robinson, p. 60). The New Moon at 8 degrees of Capricorn aims the Arhcer's arrows in the direction of whatever the penetrating stare of the actor, doer is. Where we aim our thoughts, words, deeds, and intentions, especially at the time of the New Moon, is released directly into the channel of movement toward that goal. It behooves all of us to slow down a bit, reflect on and carefully weigh our thoughts, and move with some caution as we move forward.
This New Moon is the start of the lunar month ahead, and with this powerful energy, we move toward the end of the this year. Aligned with Facies, we want to use caution to avoid rash and violent behavior. The positive side of Facies is that it contains the energy of great feats of physical prowess and daring, but it also comes at some cost. Exercise caution. As I write this column, we are moving into the period of the lunar cycle known as the Dark of the Moon. The few days right before a new moon at the end of each lunar month, is a time to reflect, slow down, and consider what is moving out of your experience, and what it is you want to move toward. Since this is also at the gateway to a new year, we are finishing up a major cycle and preparing for a new one. It's been a tumultuous year, and it is now time to discern what it is we want to release and what it is we want to seed for the future.
This period is also a good time to spend in reflection, cleansing, clearing, and releasing rituals. Before the New Moon, remove whatever no longer belongs in your home, your life, and your future. Clean things up, get rid of old or unused clothes, appliances, household items, and other objects that no longer belong in your life. It's a time to consider what you want to include in, bring forth, attract, or continue in the new year ahead. What goals are calling, what dreams are beckoning?
As we enter the dark of the Moon in Sagittarius, it forms a sextile with Mars in Pisces. That arrow is now ready in the bow, the Archer, you, are lining up a shot for the start of the new lunar month and the new solar year ahead. What are you wanting to bring forth in the new year? What seeds are you planting? What needs weeding out? What are you willing to invest in order to achieve your dreams?
This Wednesday before the New Moon Mercury conjuncts with the Sun in Capricorn. Mercury rules communication and transportation and the Moon rules our emotions and well being. In alignment in Capricorn they form an odd couple. Mercury's energy is more anxious and excitable than we find ourselves in Capricorn. The Sun's energy is helping us focus our attention on getting what is necessary done. What is right before you that needs tending to? What do you need to do to ground and center yourself enough to be in true alignment and balance as you proceed on your journey? What needs changing, healing, adjusting in not only the way you live but also in how you are living? How has your perscpective changed, or how might it change to more aptly refect your true nature and abilities? What is feasible? What is not? What can you adjust to meet the world as it is?
Saturn, the Great Teacher, at 21 degrees of Sagittarius is square Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Pisces. We are forced to confront whatever is unhealed from our past. We are always healing on this life journey. We may feel like we are repeating cycles or patterns, and if we are, we may need to face some part of ourselves that is still deepening in awareness. This is, after all, what growing is all about. And at this particular time with the New Moon we find we are learning that old lessons, chronic conditions, or problems and challenges that recur require an adjustment in our perspectives. If we are going to be dealing with the same patterns over and over, how can we do so with greater wisdom? Now is the time to assess what we have within us to cope with the choices we have made. Given our energy level, resources, motivation, skills, talents, desires, time and support, what is truly feasible for us to be considering? And what is not? What could we release, thereby freeing up some space and energy? What could we clear out of our lives, or cross off our to-do lists? These are not new lessons; these are the ones we are familiar with. Let's take a look, decide where we stand, make some adjustments, and prepare ourselves for a new approach with old friends.
An example of how this works out in our lives, might be in looking at some situation, opportunity, or offer you may have recently said "no thank you" to. Sometimes we make that choice because it doens't 'feel' right. Other times we don't accept an offer because we recognize we have too many commitments already. If we are using our intuitive and esoteric guidance to help discern what the best decisions or choices are, we often find that even if we don't understand why something doesn't seem right at the time, in time we come ot discover, the rightness of such a choice. We refuse one offers so we are available when what we have seeded for our future offers itself to us. Recently, I chose not to accept an offer for what sounded like a great idea. Something I love doing, good pay in a beautiful place. But something about it didn't feel right for me. What did happen instead required all my attention, focus, strength, and energy, so I am very glad I listened to that inner voice. It is time to find quiet and peace within and around you so you can pay close attention to what you want to do about that which matters most to you. Getting our of our worry boat and into a vehicle which allows us ways to be creative. To be of service and to find meaning. To work for what is right in ways that sustain and energize us, and to keep moving toward the light in spite of any darkness that appears before us. One candle throws a hole into the darkness. We are those lights, and what we do individually lights up a collective energy that we need right now to counter the darkness that threatens balance and harmony. It is time to experiment with a new perspective on aspects of our lives that are not going to change.
To help us, we have 10 planetary aspects that come with this New Moon in Capricorn. My Mother, who's birthday is today, would always say, "I' have so much to do. There are so many things that need taking care of." When I looked at her, I wondered what she meant. At the time she was not working full time and it seemed to me as a young teenager or young adult that she just hung around the house all day talking to appliances, cats, and dogs. What I didnt' see was the rich interior life she had, and the connection she had to everything. When young, the young Mountain Goat hiked the hills and valleys of Catalina Island, swam and sat on the rocks with her friends, and wrote, drew, and played music filing her life and the lives of others with purpose, meaning, and beauty. A hard working woman and a wonderful mother, she was ever present. She knew who she was and she found purpose and meaning, adventure and discovery in every new phase of life. She was an avid beach comber, and wrote beautiful poems of her life along the shores. She also wrote insightful and beautiful poetry of her daughters. There was a spirit of purpose, adventure, and presence about her that is very Capricorn-like. And today as I celebrater her life and the lives of my other Capricorn friends, I see such value in being so busily engaged in life...in every moment of the life we have before us.
This is a time for a fresh start, a new begining, but it is also a time to take pride in what we have already learned. Putting what we have learned about ourselves and others, we put our intentions force and make a plan to live within our means. To live within the parameters of the life we have been given, and to use our time to do what gives us life and what serves a purpose in the world we share. We are reacing the end of one chapter, and begining a new one. With Mercury still in its retrograde phase until January 4, we might find that communications and transportation issues are still abit convoluted and sticky. Relax, slow down, wait it out. Do what you can, and then let go of trying to fix what can't be fixed, or hurry up the clock. Be present with yourself, the life you have, and the blessing of having this life to live. Reach out and help someone else. You'll find it helps a lot to get our of your deep, dark self to lighten up someone else's burden or lend a hand or shine a light or surprise someone pleasantly. Use this time and the New Moon on Wed./Thurs. December 28-29 to set your aim toward what is most worthwhile, hopeful, feasible, and creative. And have some fun.Take time to take care of yourself. Peel that nose up off the old grindstone, and look around to find beauty, pleasure, peace, and joy. It's all within and around you. It just requires your attention. Peace on Earth. May we generate Love in all we do.