Friday, May 20, 2016

Full Flower Moon: From the Veils into the Fire

Full Flower Moon

Full Flower Moon: From the Veils into the Fire

The Full Moon, Blue Moon, in 1st degree of Sagittarius peaks at her fullness on Saturday, May 21 at 2:14 P.M. PDT.  Kapow! Lights, camera, action! From the depths of Scorpionic energy of shadows, mysteries, and underground energy the Moon bursts forth into the first degree of Sagittarius. What has been shrouded in mystery makes its appearance in sometimes subtle and not so subtle ways. By the second Full Moon in Sagittarius in late June, what first appears now will play out in full. 

Full moons are culmination times, and this Full Moon in the earliest degree of the fire sign Sagittarius, is making some powerful aspects—aspects that are setting off what has been hidden away. This has been described by some astrologers clown-like energy. It seems more like a Dark Shadows, Day of the Dead, or Darth Vadar type energy.  What is lurking beneath the surface in shadow form (the unhealed, undeveloped, or the repressed) now aims its energy in pin point precision to make its point. What we believed we understood or had known the truth about, is in fact still a powerful part of our individual and collective journeys. The image of Pandora and her box come to mind.  Ordered by Zeus not to open the box, Pandora defies him, and opens it releasing all the evils into the world. The one redeeming thing about all that was released from Pandora’s box was that Hope remained in the box.  

Many ancient myths viewed the process of opening or coming to know or understand as the root of other evils. In modern parlance, “What we don’t know won’t hurt us.”  This however is a fallacy when it comes to understanding who we are and what our place is in the world. We each come into life with talents, gifts, and inherent abilities. What we do with our lives including the gifts and challenges, is determined by the choices we make. At this particular Full Moon in Sagittarius, we get a glimpse of how what is rising to the surface in our lives might be manifesting in our lives. 

If we have been seeking the truth of some situation, relationship, challenge, or other area of importance, now is the time when we may have some hard truths revealed to us. If something or someone strikes you as ‘off’, trust your instincts, and take cover. It is not time to play with fire; it is time to recognize how we have been burned in the past and how we might be too near the fire now. 

This is a period when individually and collectively, we have been carrying a lot of built up tension. It may have risen up through memories, dreams, or in the shades and shadows of past domestic mine fields that are showing up in our lives once more. Personally, I have been having some pretty archetypal dreams, and have been hearing of others’ who have been having similar types of dreams. Take note of what is appearing back in your life. It might be by way of a dream, or by way of someone who reminds you of someone in the past, or it might come up in your memories or emotional reactions to what’s going on. Simply take note at this time. Remain calm and use whatever centering and quieting practices you can to stay out of the line of fire. 

Planetary aspects to the Moon right now are triggering a lot of what is going on. The Moon in Sagittarius is forming a conjunction with fiery Mars in retrograde. The Sun in the early degrees of Gemini opposes Mars in Sagittarius. This is an aspect that can trigger self sabotage, accidents due to pent up emotions and a very combative collective consiousness (in other words, people are ready to burst right now…argumentative and hostile). If you can, avoid participating in anything that might put you in harms way. Whatever you may be working on or searching may now seem like nothing but a struggle. Rather than worrying too much, getting defensive or egotistical, hold onto the center within you.  

The Sun in Geminis conjuncts Venus, and both are overpowered by their opposition to the retrograde Mars in Sagittarius. Strain on relationships, tension (sexual and other) indicate the struggle for control and dominance within ourselves and within many relationships, particularly the romantic ones. Repressed memories tend to resurface at this time. Mars in retrograde reminds you to use your head and remember from past mistakes, and struggles, what to avoid and what to do.  Whatever is coming full circle is now highlighted, and by the next Full Moon in June, will become even more evident. 

The Full Moon in Sagittarius is shinging light on something that is coming to the surface, being exposed, or being revealed. Sagittarius seeks a union of body, mind, and spirit, and this Full Moon channels the inner light into a graceful stream that you use to seek the truth of who you are and what you need to do or be to fulfill your own life purpose. No one is alone on this journey, so assess your companions and make sure you are doing what you need to do to take good care of yourself. The Gemini-Sagittarius axis calls for mobility, movement and swiftness. We feel propelled forward into action. As this force fills you, remember who you are at the center of your being—-in your soul self. 

We each have the freedom to choose, to learn, to ask, and to question. And even though we may believe we know the truth or the whole story, again, the fact remains, the journey is not over. Releasing the urgent need to know or control or to be ‘right’ is crucial at this point. At this point simply notice what is rising up and making itself known to you. What had been shrounded in mystery is beginning to peak out from behind the veil…in flickers and flames of energy that are due to burn away whatever keeps us from seeing and knowing the truth.

Mercury remains in Taurus making communication more grounded than it might be in another sign. Focusing on finding ways to beautify our lives, seek pleasure to ease pain, and to put our energy into creating something of beauty are beneficial forms of communication. What we may not be able to say to another person, can be painted, written about, sung out, or danced out. Use the physical forms of communication to express yourself in creative, artisic, and positive ways rather than trying to fight your way to the front of the line or make your point. 

Jupiter in Virgo also brings a kind of grounding gift. Early this morning (Friday, May 20) Jupiter formed a sextile to the Moon in Scorpio. Dreams may have delivered vivid and archetypal messages, or we may have awoken with a deeper sense of something tapping on the doors of our awareness.  Mars also forms a semi-square to Pluto in Capricorn today, again nudging us with a sharp elbow, reminding us of what we need to do to make the changes we seek. And at the same time showing us that we have a ways to go; there are still obstacles in our way and power struggles may be at the root cause of those challenges. Hitting our heads against brick walls has obvious consequences—more headaches and sometimes ten steps backwards. 

This Full Moon in Sagittarius with the Sun in the first degree of Gemini may feel overwhelming to many. Some simple steps to handle this type of energy includes taking some simple measures:

  1. Simplify your schedule. Do only what you can do, and recognize your limits. You don’t have to say ‘yes’ to everything. 
  2. Make time spent on a task count. Don’t waste time working too long, too hard, or too much. 
  3. Eliminate unnecessary, mindless activities. Avoid wasting time, for example, worrying about a task. Either do it or forget about it until it matters. If you take a break, make sure it’s one that regenerates your energy, provides rest, or nourishes you in some way.
  4. Question the assumptions you are living by. For example, answer the questions, What if….”  Ask yourself why you feel you have to _________? Live in the moment and stop keeping yourself trapped.
  5. Give yourself time to relax your mind. That doesn’t mean to stop thinking, it simply means, stop, relax, let go of thoughts about what to do next or what you’re not doing. Be quiet and calm in this moment. Give yourself time to hear yourself think. Meditate, pray, be still.
  6. Get some help. Know who your friends are, and spend time with them. Know who your friends are not, and avoid feeling you have to be friends with anyone who drains the life out of you. 
  7. Trust yourself and your own choices and decisions. You know you better than anyone. Remember who you are.

Use the gifts of life that you have, and whatever comes up with the energy of this Full Moon, and begin to channel your energy and life choices with grace and peace. Do what you know is best for you on your path.

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