Reflections Catherine Al-Meten Meyers |
If ever there was a Whackadodle Full Moon in Virgo, this might just be the one. Take the idealistic, imaginative, intuitiveness of Pisces spiritually charged energy and try to bring all those dreams, inspirations, and transcendent ideals into form and function, and you have the February 22 Full Moon in Virgo at 3 degrees opposite the Sun in 3 degrees of Pisces. On top of that, the Sun conjuncts spacey Neptune and Mother-issues Ceres and you have a recipe for a lot of acting out and rather unusual behavior. Besides that, isn't that Moon rising up at night beautiful? Noticing the wild dreams that have already begun in my household, and I can only imagine how this is all bringing up all kinds of interesting memories, reflections, and unconscious material that is working its way to the surface at this time.
February 22, the Full Moon in Virgo at 3/33 degrees at 10:20 A.M
With the Full Moon in the very earliest degrees of Virgo’s first decan, our striving for perfectionism can be slightly less than perfect. That doesn’t mean we won’t strive; it does mean we will likely see how our approach, perspective, or exuberance is flawed or not yet ready for prime time.
With Neptune and Ceres in very close conjunction in Pisces, they act to increase the overall impact of both planets. Neptune’s influence on our ability to see through the veils of illusion, or not, and Ceres’ influence over mind-altering drugs and/or pain killers or any kind of numbing agent, can further muddy the waters when it comes to us knowing how to use whatever earthy energy is opening up new caverns, deeper urges, or energy and information we’re not quite ready to deal with. Use caution in the way you behave, and be careful when using heavy equipment or trying to do difficult, demanding tasks. This energy is not conducive to exacting work. In fact the fly in the ointment may appear in projects or situations that we are spending much or our resources, time, and energy on. Be wary of going overboard or being taken in by the overwhelming flood of attention demanded by others at this time. It’s easy to get lost in illusions, and we may see some rather peculiar or off-putting behavior during this full moon cycle. If such red flags don’t show themselves immediately, wait for the whole transit to complete, and it will probably become very clear and apparent.
The Moon in Virgo directly opposes Ceres in Pisces, and that triggers trauma and abandonment issues from earlier times. We may use more artistic expressions to help us cope with these issues, but we may also find ourselves or those around us trying to numb some pain through an idealized recreation of what they didn’t get earlier in their lives. This is particularly true for anyone whose relationship with their mother was one of indifference. Remember the myth of Ceres and Persephone. Archetypes and myths arise to help explain our human relationships and typical human behaviors and reactions. Look at your relationship, idealized or otherwise, with your own mother or mother-figures, and notice what is coming up during this Full Moon in Virgo. Where are you still projecting your pain in your search for connection and fulfillment, and how are you learning to heal from within? The healing is an inner process; relationships often distract us from facing some pain or need—in other words, we want to notice where our relationships, past or present, are distracting us from what we need to look more deeply into within ourselves. This goes for all forms of relationships—romantic, family, work, friendships. Notice where you are feeling aggravated, disturbed, or upset and see what that links to within.
Themes that go with this Full Moon opposing Ceres may reveal issues related to abandonment, abduction, and other forms of loss and unrequited love. Pay attention to the way this appears in art and literature created during this time.
The Moon in Virgo’s opposition to Neptune in Pisces increases the likelihood that we will be acting out of unconscious desires and urges, more so than usual. We can be easily seduced into feeling a need to be saved or protected by someone or something that promises to be the one and only thing that can help us now. This kind of illusionary feeling, for it comes directly out of our unconscious needs and shadow desires, can be harmful and deceptive. We may trip right into it anyway though. The feeling of being at one with the Universe is an characteristic of this aspect, and if we are teetering on the edge of our own well being and mental health, this can be a point that causes us to slip over the edge in some way.
The Sun in Pisces is also aspecting both Neptune and Ceres, and will be coming into conjunction with Chiron, the Wounded Healer in a day or so. Both are already moving in that direction, so whatever transpires during the early part of the Full Moon, may make itself known pretty soon afterward when both form conjunctions with Chiron. If by chance our wounds are opening up over the next day or so, the transit with Chiron may give us some indication of how and why we need to work on healing what has been broken open from the past. We do not leave the past behind, any of us, and when we fail to pay attention, it is surely going to come up again and again as we try to form connections and maintain a sense of centeredness within.
And how might this look? The Sun conjunct Neptune often feels like we are merging ourselves and our own sense of ego strength and identity into others or into something that becomes an obsession. In other words, we lose ourselves and forget who we are for the sake of Other. While this can be positive, it can more likely cause us to ignore our own needs and desires for the sake of this seeming merging with Collective Oneness. Losing ourselves to the collective whole is something that may prove to be more harmful than good in the long run. This type of transit with such a powerful surge hitting the unconsciousness, needs to be understood and dealt with with full care and attention to one’s overall well being and balance. Otherwise, it can be a very difficult and damaging time. For what was suffered in the past, made a portion of us ill-equipped to deal with certain types of conditions. Knowing where our own limitations and boundaries are is crucial at this time. Remember who you are.
Issues from the past may find themselves being rekindled in the present. Problems around inheritance, ancestry, familial injuries and woundedness need to be addressed, not ignored or simply forgotten. In order to function in a healthy manner in any other kind of relationship, we have to understand how we have come to learn and heal from our own past. Otherwise there is a danger of ignoring the wound, carrying them into other experiences as unconscious baggage, and of putting ourselves in danger of deeper injury or confusion.
With the Sun in the early degrees of Pisces (3 degrees on the Full Moon in Virgo), the past is brought into the present, and since Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, wherever it rules in your own life, is the place where the past is being mourned in order for healing and understanding to release false or confusing images of identity so that fuller healing and individuation can continue growing in our identity development. This is one powerful Full Moon and Sun in Pisces opposition, calling within our lives the merging and unifying of bringing the spirit into direct connection with our dally lives in the areas where these two orbs now shine. What is the polarity that is beginning anew in your life, and calling for the need to become more conscious, awake, and aware of who you are, what your need to heal within, and what it is that is best for your full development as a loving, giving, and creative individual?
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