This week started out with a first Quarter Square Tuesday, October 20. The Sun in Libra squared the Moon in Capricorn at 27/7 degrees. Later in the day the Moon entered Aquarius, where it will be until Thursday.
Sun is in the last few degrees/days of Libra. On Thursday the Sun enters Scorpio, a time when we connect more directly and intimately to our desires and passions.
Mercury remains in Libra until November 2. Venus is in Virgo until November 8 and Mars is in Virgo until November 12. Mars activates everything in its path, and helps trigger the movement and clear away that which stands in the way of our attaining the benefits from the upcoming conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in Virgo. The Moon is currently in Aquarius, and will be until late Thursday night or early Friday morning, depending where you are. Then the Moon enters Pisces for the weekend and adds an emotional and romantic tone to all that happens.
Our ideas and ideals about love, romance, marriage, and all forms of relationships is grounded right now, in the stark reality of what we need and what we are currently learning and growing in. We bring forth that which we need so that we can fully express the passions we feel within, and we can create and bring to fruition that which is growing in love and the essence of Life.
Venus is in mutual reception with Mercury for the rest of October elevating Venus as a result. On October 25 Venus forms a conjunction with Jupiter elevating the energy of both planets to their most beneficial levels. Romance or a flicker of a flame of creativity which began back in June, now ignite. Venus was in retrograde in June, so issues that needed to be tended to are now in the past. Saturn was still in the watery, emotional depths of Scorpio at the time, dredging up whatever needed to be settled once and for all. Now Venus is moving forward in Virgo and Saturn is heating up in Sagittarius. We begin to see more clearly and have sharper and more direct insight into anything that may have hidden prior to this time.
Saturn in Sagittarius also opens the way for a great deal more activity and long distance travel. In the collective picture, this bodes well for agreement and workable compromises between nations. It also suggests that greater headway is being made in dealing with issues and problems related to travel, migration, immigration, and international law. Saturn being a slow-moving planet, will continue to concern itself with these issues for several years to come. Notice where Saturn and Venus are in your natal and progressed charts to determine which areas of your life are affected. Or simply notice where social activities are increasing…several areas of your life may be affected with an increase in opportunities, responsibilities, and projects.
The attraction brought about by Venus’ conjunction with Jupiter will increase the likelihood of being attracted to someone because of how they stand out in whatever field they are in. Noticing someone because of what brings them to life, results in being caught up in the glamour or charisma of someone in your life. Jupiter also rules religion, spirituality, philosophy and all ways of knowing and being so we might connect and be pulled into the inner light and passions of others, We connect to the light within others and feel our own passions come to life.
Jupiter and Venus together heighten our desire for beauty, luxuries, and other indulgences. This aspect also stimulates the desire to do good and bring about an abundance of blessings in the lives of others as well as ourselves. We put a lot of time and energy into creating beauty, peace, and harmony in our homes and whatever areas of life are highlighted by Virgo. Also note where Saturn is currently transiting your chart for that is surely an area of your life that will receive an influx of good energy of all types. The tendency to overdo is also something that comes with Jupiter, so if you’re going to overdo make sure it’s in a way that doesn’t cost you in the end.
On October 23 the Sun begins its transit in Scorpio and Mercury is finally out of its shadow period. Clarity and depth of passions are the operative words. As the Moon waxes toward fullness on October 27, we can feel the heat rising within and activity increasing in both quantity and intensity. Venus and Jupiter form their exact conjunction on October 24-25. We are already caught up in the stream of that energy at this time. The conjunction feeds our appetites for pleasure, love, romance, and shared joy.
Venus is also currently trine Pluto in Capricorn (Oct. 22-23) making this a powerfully uplifting time and a time when our passions are aroused and our appetites whetted for satisfying our desires. Relationships are intense and deep. On Friday, Mercury squares Pluto might make us feel a bit more suspicious and negative than we normally feel. The square triggers unexamined fears and doubts, and raises our hackles when it comes to trusting or feeling we can depend on someone. It’s not a good time to force issues or make mountains out of mole hills. We tend to see things through a veil of doubt or from behind a mask that we are not yet ready to shed. This is an aspect that triggers compulsions including obsessive thoughts and over-thinking issues that aren’t really problems. With Pluto in Capricorn, we are also still dealing with the ongoing struggle of personal transformation (in a world that is undergoing a collective transformation). We may feel at odds with everyone, most of all ourselves. Time to take a break, a walk, or take time out to meditate or do something physically active.
Just past midnight on Friday morning, Venus forms a trine with Pluto. This is a good time to feel intense passions and the need to share on a deep level. This is a healthy and constructive expression, and helps ground us in a deeper sense of our own needs and desires as we seek to enhance our well being. We experience a regeneration of Love from within, and connect to love in ways that bring us to a deeper sense of wholeness.
Also in the middle of the night Mars in Virgo opposes Chiron in Pisces. This awakens us to some need for inner healing of unresolved and unhealed issues tied to our feelings of worthiness and love. Things may not seem clear, and our dreams may reflect this.
Late Friday night or early Saturday morning (just past midnight) the Sun forms a semi-square to Jupiter. This gives us a vague sense of uneasiness, and we feel unsettled. Seek ways to calm yourself. Later Mars forms a quincunx to . This makes it necessary to readjust our schedule or be more flexible with certain plans. We may worry needlessly, letting our fears turn into anxiety. Find that calm place inside, and breathe into it, letting yourself be more mindful and present. Ground yourself in something soothing. Affirm your place in peace and let yourself feel surrounded and filled with Divine Light and Truth.
A week of blessings and love ahead. Stay focused on what you want to draw in, and spend your energy, time, and passion being and doing what uplifts and blesses you and others.
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