Friday, October 9, 2015

Libra New Moon: Fresh Start in Love

On October 12-13 the New Moon will be transiting the 19/20 degrees of Libra. This is at the end of the 2nd decan, making it a very strong Libra-oriented New Moon. at 1:05 A.M. (GMT) on October 13/5:05 P.M. (PDT) on October 12. This New Moon in Libra sits in direct opposition to Uranus in Aries at 18/28 degrees. New Moons tend to put us in touch with our instincts, intuition, and imagination. What we envision at this time may easily reflect any unhealed or unaddressed issues from the past, so it is wise to make certain that whatever you set into motion at this time (in thought or deed) be also connected to an ongoing process of discernment. 

Libra is an air sign which rules love, marriage, beauty, and harmony. At this New Moon in Libra our hearts, minds, and souls are focused on love—our ability to both give and receive love. Mars, Venus, and Jupiter are all together in Virgo, making our experiences of love, marriage, and partnerships more grounded and pragmatic at this time. Arts, travel, and creative expression at this time are all favored. Neptune in Pisces opposite these same planets, remind us that we may have a tendency to have unrealistic goals or distorted expectations. 

Sometimes we get so caught up in our expectations of someone or something that we never actually listen or get to know who or what is real. The Neptune in Pisces transit together with Chiron, the Wounded Healer’s Pisces transit, are in the process of helping us understand how our past and our old wounds shape and affect our current view, perspectives, and visions. A true vision that is divinely inspired, will give you a sense of what is coming though leaves room for human volition and perceptions—in other words, we may have all kinds of choices but what we do with those choices is no guarantee that we will be responded to the way we might think we deserve or desire. This is a time to notice how both now and in the past, we have been fools of our own making. A mindfulness practice and a slowing down and discerning approach can do wonders to help you avoid slipping into Never Never Land, and instead discover the treasures before you and within you. 

While instinctual drives are aroused at New Moon times, it is also a time when we may not be as aware of our latent or hidden weaknesses and unhealed patterns of thought, behavior, and belief. For example, if we are still viewing the world through the lens of an old relationship or from a perspective of who we were during a particular phase of life, role (an old job perhaps), or through some false or misguided belief, new seeds will carry on that energy with them. Whatever seeds we plant now need to be nourished and yet allowed to develop with the least amount of manipulation and expectations that remain fluid. Being aware of how ancestral wounds affect your life and choices is key to using the energy of this New Moon in Libra to plan for the future. 

One thing that stands out when the New Moon is in Libra is how what has gone before affects what is being brought forward now. There is a karmic element to this new moon, and karmic lessons are all about our learning something about how we perceive and how we behave. We carry the sum total of who we are with us into every new situation and relationship. The Vemore aware we are of who we are including what is working for us and what is not, the better we are going to be able to glean the lessons we are meant to learn. 

With Uranus in 18 degrees of Aries directly opposite both the Sun and Moon in 19 degrees of Libra, we can expect a sudden and perhaps unexpected change to take place at this New Moon. A change of residence or something you have been waiting for for a long time finally showing up. Mercury is now direct, so what has been withheld is now making its way into the light. This goes for our inner light as well. We may have a few more ‘Ah Hah!’ moments now. 

For the last few months it seems like we have been raked over the coals in the relationship are of our lives. Undoing, unlearning, unwinding, disconnecting ourselves from old experiences, relationships, habits, patterns, and learning the hard stuff of love and life. At this New Moon we do get to change the course of our love lives. It’s a time for a spiritual and emotional reawakening. A fresh start time and a time to live from a more harmonious center with a full awareness of who we are. Venus’s journey through Leo reminded us of what we needed to come to grips with in the area of love, relationships, marriage, partnerships and in the ideals and principles attached to these areas of our lives. 

At this New Moon in Libra we set our course for a more fulfilling, enriching, and in-depth experience of love. It also calls for us to become more responsible as well in all our partnerships. 

The Sun and Moon are in opposition to Uranus  in Aries and they also are in a loose square to Pluto, the Great Transformer, in Capricorn. The New Moon’s ruler, Venus in Virgo is squaring Saturn in Sagittarius. All these major links that deal with our desires and deep connections in aspect to the transformative energies of Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto, signal a major point in our development. What we set into motion through thought, word, desire, intention, or deed will have a long-lasting effect and will be part of what shapes your future for a long time to come. The sustainability of whatever you begin now depends on your being willing and able to cope with dysfunctional and deep-seated aspects of your perceptions, habitual behavior, and expectations. 

Mars and Jupiter are conjunct at this time in Virgo.  Energetic shifts and movement are likely at this time, and the ‘ready or not here we go…’ element may be part of the excitement that gets the romance and partnership ball rolling now. Resist aggressive, combative, or conflict-laden advances, but allow yourself to look at all sides of a proposition or opportunity. There is much to be gained, but not necessarily in ways you have traditionally expected things to show up or happen. Those who have done their relationship and individual ‘work’ now learn to enter into more interdependent kinds of connections. Love requires the ability of both partners to give and receive love. This is different from the rather lopsided relationships we often get into when we settle for something rather than trusting our instincts about what we feel and what we expect. 

This New Moon in Libra in the 2nd decan is transiting the area ruled by Saturn, the Great Teacher.  From October 4-13 the Sun is making its way through the constellations of the Crow, the Flying Fish, the Herdsman, and the Dragon. Algorab, the Crow, in his finery. The mythology of this constellation reminds us to be on alert for wolves in sheep’s clothing. When our enemies are aggressive and dressed for battle, it’s easy to recognize them. Now we want to be alert to something or someone appearing to be offering help or gifts when in fact they are after something they wish to steal from us. Beware of birds of prey and those whose glib and self confident manner makes them hard to resist. This is the area of the astrological chart that signals the presence of unscrupulous and conniving enemies who appear on the scene. With the opposition of the Sun and the Moon to Uranus in Aries, this could signal someone from the past appearing suddenly or something that you believed was over and done with, coming back to haunt you. The 19th degree of Libra sits on the left leg of Bootes the Herdsman (Mufrid) and  in the Flying Fish (Delta Volans). Take the symbolism from these constellations and Libra’s need to find justice, equity, and balance, and this New Moon can be every bit as challenging as some of the major transits and aspects we’ve been dealing with all month. 

Because the North Node at 0 degrees of Libra signals a new beginning, we are getting, with this New Moon, our first glimpse of what energetic forces are affecting our dreams, goals, and desires. We may have a tendency at this time to try to see our choices and make our decisions based on wishful thinking or inflated expectations. We want to see the best in everyone, so we may miss some of the red flags or unhealthy aspects to what is before us for consideration. Be cautious at this time with whom you confide. This aspect can lead to indiscriminate conversations  and misleading and impolite tales being bantered about. Avoid gossip and those who gossip. Be discerning about what you do with whom. Give any new relationships, jobs, connections time to develop and establish reliable levels of trust. 

October’s New Moon gives us all a chance to get a fresh start in love, romance, and partnerships. When we overcome our fear of the unknown or allow ourselves to stand in our naked truth (warts and all), we find we are more likely to find or rediscover the connections that fuel and sustain love over the long haul. Looking for completion through someone else’s gifts, is not the same of two people joining their love together to help and sustain one another. To do that, there needs to be an honest appraisal of what is at the root of our desire, fears, and individual truth. 

The growing edge of Libra is to find the central point of Truth within us, and hold firm to that while we share and connect to bring harmony into our lives and the world around us. if we never connect with our own inner needs, we find ourselves off balance, seeking but not finding what we possess within. Now is the time to face yourself with a compassionate and loving heart and mind. Let yourself envision a peaceful, loving, and fulfilling future, and then plant the seeds of those intentions. Allow yourself to shape your life around those principles and intentions, while keeping yourself walking a path of harmony. 

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