Monday, July 6, 2015

Time for reflection and awareness

The third Quarter square of the Moon in Aries to the Sun in Cancer at 16/21 degrees brings us to the period in the Lunar cycle called the Dark of the Moon. A time before the next New Moon, this is a time of wrapping up and completing whatever was conceived of, initiated, or underway at the last New Moon three weeks ago. The Light of the Moon is decreasing, and it is not the best of times to start something new. It is, however, a good time to put the finishing touches on something already under way or something nearing completion or transition.

Over the last two or three weeks, you may have noticed some strange awakenings or unusual revelations occurring. Sudden and unexpected changes may have occurred, either at your own instigation or as a result of your deep-seated desires manifesting as choices made for you. For example, you may have reached the limits of your endurance, tolerance, or satisfaction with a situation or relationship. This may have triggered either internal or external actions, decisions, or revelations. Someone may have quietly observed something about your behavior, demeanor, or choices that shed new light on an important decision you have or are making. Or you may have felt tested and pushed to the limit just one too many times, and lost your temper or expressed yourself in a way that pushed the truth out into the light. Whatever may have taken place, a new kind of awareness has dawned on you. In my case, after telling my doctor at my annual check up how well and quickly I had handled a long unresolved problem and was now ready to “just move on”, she laughed and looked at me and said, “You know that’s not how that happens, don’t you?”  And of course she is right. What my head/ego wants me to do is not necessarily what is really going on. Notice in your own life, where your ego drives are leading your astray or at the very least, away from what is really good for you or not.

As Hemingway suggested about the best laid plans of mice and men, our plans and expectations do not necessarily merge on our life journey. What needs to  be readjusted in your plans, your attitude, or your perspective? What has been revealed to you about shifts and alternatives? What could you incorporate into your life to make it easier to deal with challenges, difficulties, or vacant spaces?

The Sun remains in Cancer until July 21, and during this time we remain very protective and concerned with security and the needs of home, hearth, and family. Mercury which has been in Gemini, is ready to move into Cancer on July 8.  Gemini’s quest to engage in everything of the least bit interesting, has spurred an increase in all kinds of communication during Mercury’s recent transit. Over the course of the next couple of days, you may put the finishing touches on a discussion, end or be notified of something that has ended, or be or become more aware that what once mattered so much, is no longer important. Mercury will transit the anaretic degree (29 degrees) of Gemini right before it changes signs, so be aware and sensitive to whatever needs to be released or let go of. Be prepared to move forward, leaving at least a bit of baggage behind.

As Mercury moves into Cancer on July 8th, it will join the Sun and Mars who are both presently transiting Cancer. Mars, the planet of action, and the Sun the symbol of expression, will be enhanced with Mercury’s transit through Cancer. Mercury brings its insight, clarity, news, long-awaited communications, and understanding to trigger and propel greater expression and action on our desire to achiever safety, harmony, and balance within our homes and within our own sense of being at home. Mercury may also fuel some of the mood swings that Mars in Cancer tends to ignite due to its repressive position in this sign.  When we hold back what we really feel, deny what we really want, or are hampered and frustrated by not being understood, it is bound to come out in some pretty unhealthy or unpredictable ways. 

With Saturn’s plunge back into Scorpio, we now have the chance to use all this watery, emotional, and subconscious energy and awareness to get in touch with what we really feel and begin to live a bit more authentically and honestly. In another week (July 14), Saturn, the Great Teacher will renter Sagittarius once again, leaving the deep, dark, sometimes depressingly revealing realms of Scorpio for the remainder of this Saturn transit. Use these last days of this revelatory transit of Saturn, to glean the lessons that your heart, mind, soul, and experience are meant to learn. Let your inner warrior enter the battlefield of self development and growth, rather than engaging on battlefields that distract and deflect you from what you are truly meant to learn, do, and be at this time, in this life journey you are on.

Venus remains in fiery Leo until July 18.We are still caught up in the idea and ideals of romance. When we invest our heart, emotions, and desires into creative work that holds deep meaning for us, we use this Venus transit for its highest purpose. When we choose to be directed by love and compassion, we serve even as we are ministered to. Next Sunday, July 12, Venus forms a square with Saturn (right before Saturn reenters Sagittarius), and this can manifest as a great deal of discomfort, dissatisfaction, and even some depression. The reason? We have been denying some truth, some need, or some desire and that has led to the suppression of what is authentic for us.  This aspect lasts two days,and coincides with the anaretic degree that Mercury is making. Lots of the movement in the heavens this week and next, focus our attention on whatever needs liberating.

By July 14 (coincidentally Bastille Day in France), we may feel we have been let out of a prison and a long suppression of our dreams and desires.  That suppression is primarily of our own making, so notice how any resistance to change or facing truth, appears in your life. Notice how you turn from looking in the mirror to discover what your soul is revealing to you. Notice the signs that other people’s decisions and choices signal to you about your own condition. It can be a time of great insight, provided we are willing to stop, look, and listen. Watch your dreams, check in with your intuition, notive your fantasies and visions, and watch how ‘the day goes’. Notice when things just don’t seem to work out,and notice what those little or not so little disruptions, disappointments, or delays symbolize.

On Monday, July 6 (as I write), the Sun in Cancer is in direct opposition to Pluto in Capricorn.  Now is the time to deal head on with issues involving power, authority, and competition. Any issues that remain unresolved in our own inner struggle to take hold of the reins of our own lives, may now manifest in some unpleasant and defected displays of emotion. We may strike out at others or be hyper-critical or irritated with external conditions or responses due to the lack of connection to and control. We may feel that others or the job or the financial markets or something outside of ourself is holding us back from realizing our goals. A feeling of powerlessness may make us feel vulnerable, frightened, or threatened. The good news is, if we are willing to engage in a true battle to understand our own motivations, intentions, needs, and habits, we can learn how we are inviting trouble to our door or not. On some level, we invite in what is visiting us, and now is a great time to notice if our thoughts, our ways of communicating, or ambiguity, or indecisiveness is working for or against our best interests. This can be a day of great inner growth and enlightenment. At the very least, it is time to do an inventory of what our resources are—both internal and external. Who am I, and what am I doing with my time, my life, my purpose? How am I getting in my own way, and what do I need to do to be more open to Divine guidance? What are the signs and guiding principles in my life? What remains a mystery to me? What have I learned about my gifts, and how am I nurturing those gifts for my highest good?

Tuesday evening Mercury forms a quincunx to Saturn. Communication is blocked or at the very least foggy and vague. We may feel at loose ends, unable to get our point across and unwilling or capable of hearing what someone else says. The subliminal energy of this week may find us distracted to the point that we forget or feel like we have forgotten something of vital importance. Whether that feeling is real or not, the energy generated by feeling we’ve ‘lost it’ may find us creating disaster scenarios in our fantasy world that is ruled by Ego-Controller. 

The key during such times is to slow down, get centered on the immediate present, and practice a little mindfulness. Peel a grape, sing a song, mow the lawn, or jog around the block. Do something to loosen the grip that terror scenarios raise in us. Remember too, that fear scenario raises our cortisol levels, and creates some very real problems with our health.  Live in gratitude over the abundance and serenity in your life. Surrender your worries to something bigger than yourself. Write down fears and then burn them. Go to confession or reconciliation. Write in your diary. Pound your pillow or hammer it out. Let go of the fantasies that use up your time and energy, and misdirect and confuse.

On Wednesday, Mars in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces. This lovely, watery combination helps us bring some of our best ideas to fruition. Following our intuition, using our insight, and taking in the messages and guidance of our dreams enables us to reap the benefits of the Creative One. Artistic, creative, and productive ideas abound, and we feel more powerful and fertile than we may have for some time. Rather than allowing our needs and desires to drive and propel us, we relax and ease into a more in-depth expression of beauty, love, and creative insight. With the shroud of  fear and oppression lifted, we flow more freely and live more fully in the harmony of the now. We live, and move, and have our being in the Divine Light, and feel ourselves at one with that Light and all that reflects that great Love.

In this week of the third quarter square of the Moon and the period of the dark of the moon before the next new moon, allow yourself time and space to honor what is being born in you, what is leaving your experience, and what you need to and can do to make your growing and learning process less painful and random, and more mindful and intentional.

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