Sunday, July 26, 2015

Full Blue Moon in Aquarius: Celebrate with Leo's Flair

With the Sun in 7 degrees of Leo and the Moon in 7 degrees of Aquarius, the July 31 Full Moon is the second full moon in this month. About every two years, two full moons fall within the same month, and this is called a Blue Moon. The expression “once in a Blue Moon” referring to something that doesn’t happen very often, is something most of us have heard. What does the Blue Moon hold in store? Well you can count on a very interesting mix of surprises and dramatic stirrings as this Full Blue Moon comes into opposition not only with the Sun in Leo but also with Mercury and Jupiter.

The Moon in Aquarius may be like the Ice Queen whose aloof attitude toward the Sun in Leo’s Drama Queen puts a bit of a damper on Leo’s desire for attention and the spotlight. Rulers of this Full Moon in the first decan of Aquarius, Saturn and Venus, is a full moon for visionaries and those seeking to expand beyond the boundaries of limitations and short-sighted thinking. Coupled with the fact that Venus is in the early stages of her retrograde phase, this Full Moon finds us seeking more freedom from whatever limits growth, too narrowly defines truth, and puts constraints on our sense of individual freedom.  We find ourselves shaking off the old skins of convention and outworn roles. We seek new horizons and new ways of achieving our goals, directing our paths, and discovering our connections with that which lies just beyond our reach, just beyond our view, and just over the next mountain top. Being present may seem nearly impossible as visions, dreams, and imagination find us traveling well beyond our own experience, into the realm of the Great Mysteries.

The Full Blue Moon has us seeking novel ways of change, and we might do well to remember to find at least a bit of grounding lest we get lost in the fantasy world that has us losing touch with what is before us. With the Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter in Leo, there is likely to be a very social aspect to this Full Moon. Leo wants to celebrate itself with a display of pride, freedom, and dramatic flair and above all, individuality. The Blue Moon in Aquarius is all about independence as well, but needs to feel the ‘all for one, one for all’ team spirit is in play. This is a crucial time in our collective history—a time of both the evolution and progression of our collective consciousness with the Divine Creation.

Coming as it does on the very last day of July, this Full Moon marks the halfway point in a cycle of completion, and occurs during a time of reflection and transformation of individual development as well as collective. We each can glimpse how our personal choices and life paths can help heal and nourish the whole. Notice what area of your life is highlighted by both the Sun and the Moon at this time. Notice what is evolving and being illuminated in your life. During this week leading up to the Full Blue Moon, pay particular attention to dreams, intuitive insight, visions, as well as the unfolding of new and unusual experiences of completion. Notice what blessings, words of knowledge and approval, or special favors flow to you now. Notice what gifts are being laid before you, and what desires are calling for you to take some action or make some movement toward what demands to be expressed, addressed, and created.

This is a time when gardens are flourishing, ideas are coming into bloom, and new growth is appearing in the middle of a very fruitful season. Abundance, signified by Jupiter’s presence in Leo, is unabashed in its gift giving and showering of plenty, affection, and resources. Prepare the way for receiving and celebrating, by ridding yourself of whatever clutters up the way. Clear out the cobwebs of old, worn out thought. Dust off the skills and talents that have laid dormant too long. Wake up the senses that long for stimulation. Connect with the Earth, Waters, Air, and Warmth of the seasons that cover the Earth. Awaken the Spirit to receive an infusion of Universal energy, vision, and joy—then use what you receive to make your life and the world a better place. Receive your healing, and help other heal as well.

With Venus’ entry into retrograde, take the next few weeks to nurture yourself, listen to what your heart and soul require, and follow your passion for Life. Breathe in the Divine Presence, and allow that Presence to fill you with joy, love, and serenity.  Celebrate in gratitude and grace at this Full Blue Moon.

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