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Fairy Godmother Catherine Al-Meten |
As we enter the sacred times of December and winter, let us remember our place in the Universe, and our purpose in this life.
“Because you’re a creation of God, you reflect the Divine qualities of creativity, wisdom, and love.” (Doreen Virtue)
How you use your life, your energy, and the time you have each day, is a reflection of your willingness to live out your part of the ongoing creation of the Universe. What will you do with your time and the circumstances of your life now?
This week, December 9-15 began with the first quarter square of the Moon in the last day of its Pisces transit to the Sun in 18 degrees of Sagittarius. The Moon is now in 5/19 degrees of Aries. The Moon trines the Sun in 19/2 Sagittarius, opening the week with support and favorable news and communications.
Mars just entered Libra on December 7, and is now at 1/34 Libra. Mars in Libra puts a great deal of emphasis on relationships and the actions related to them. With Mars in Libra until next summer, we are called upon to work on relationships and with the balance between personal independence and interdependence in all types of relationships. Mars energy in the Libra transit brings us into some opposing energies. Mars rules the masculine, warrior, and active principles of nature while Libra rules the feminine, artist, passive and subtle principles of nature. Mars is moderated by this energy of Libra, and sometimes is frustrated, challenged, or slowed down. The growing edge of this combination is learning how to rein in Mars’ impulsiveness and desire for quick and decisive action while taking into account Libra’s need for finding balance, harmony, beauty, and artistic expression in all types of relationships.
On December 10, Mercury in Sagittarius trines Uranus in Aries and Mercury Squares Chiron in Pisces. Activity and energy is stimulated, and new ideas, opportunities, and changes occur suddenly. With Mercury squaring Chiron, some of the changes put us in deeper touch with unhealed and unacknowledged wounds (spiritual, psychological, emotional, and physical). What we have not attended to now rises to the surface to be dealt with. A very active time, and a time when what occurs in the physical realm and in our daily experiences, touches upon parts of our experience that awaken the unconscious and subconscious areas that are calling us to grow, change, and heal.
In the early evening sky, we see Venus appears at its highest just after sunset. As December passes, Venus will set earlier and earlier, until by the month’s end it sets at dusk or nightfall. In January, Venus disappears from the night sky. Jupiter rises after sunset, reaching its peak about 2:30 A.M.. The fourth brightest object in the sky (Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter), Jupiter will rise earlier and earlier until it will rise at sunset in January. Mars comes up after midnight, and Saturn appears in the early morning sky, just before dawn.
Thursday, Jupiter in Cancer trines Saturn in Scorpio. Jupiter heightens our sense of compassion, empathy, and sensitivity. This transit and this particular aspect with Saturn, awaken our inner desire to rid ourselves of destructive habits, patterns of thinking and behavior, and of deep-seated fears, guilt, and shame. We find life more bearable as we let go of destructive patterns that have trapped us in negative relationships, and that have caused us to beat up on ourselves more than we should. We find ourselves capable of giving more without needing to be acknowledged, rewarded or affirmed. Our own sense of affirmation comes from deep within, and makes us less vulnerable to acting out of passive-aggressive behavior or out of our unhealed wounds. There is a sense of mystery and private connections that light romantic fires and stir us in ways we may have left to the past. Discretion in romance and privacy in matters that touch us deeply, allows us to experience a deeper sense of fullness, love, and personal freedom and self acceptance during this transit. You may find that you are needing to take more risks in relationships, and put yourself out there to be open to opportunities that strengthen love relationships or open doors to deeper types of connections.
Friday, Mercury in Aries semi-square Venus in 26 degrees of Capricorn. This 8th harmonic aspect, the semi-square, finds us wanting to communicate in a more persuasive way, using tact and charm rather than principle and force. We seek to be more congruent in our communication, speaking with thoughts and feelings in synch. We are more eloquent and capable of being persuasive in a way that is more like a silk glove than a boxing glove.
As Mars in Libra forms a quincunx Neptune in Pisces, we find our actions are inspired, and our words and actions are filtered through a process of discernment and reflection. We seek to act with integrity, trying to be honest with ourselves in all we do, as well as in our interactions with others. While we may desire to release or alter our lives in significant ways, we may yet run into a period of time when it feels like we are not making much progress...”Molasses in January” comes to mind. Consider this a cooling off or rest stop time. We may be moving more slowly, needing more rest, and approaching everything we do with a slower pace and with muted effort. We may not feel we have enough energy to function fully, and that is a signal to take time off, rest, regenerate, and nurture ourselves more fully. Do whatever you do at a slower pace, and with a more mindful, less frenetic attitude. Seek to be more accepting of whatever is going on, and however you are functioning.
Saturday, Mars semi-square Saturn, a time when we are painfully aware of our shortcomings or limitations. We may feel stress or frustration because of challenges or blocks to areas we would like to be making progress in. We may feel a sense of impatience with details and paperwork, or with anything that we perceive of as oppressive. This is no time to push the river. We need to understand that we are not in a position to force anything, control the flow of circumstances, or push anyone (including ourselves) to do, be, or move in any direction. We need to use our mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional practices to deal with the difficult energies that we might feel. Giving into frustration, or letting others push our buttons is simply a misuse of our time, energy, resources, and lives. Try to keep some perspective, understanding that results take time, resolutions have to wait, and answers are not yet forthcoming. Be as calm as you can be in the questions, and acknowledge that which disturbs and upsets you, without letting it pull you into its whirlpool of energy. We cannot change the circumstances or energy around us, but we can change the way we respond to what is going on. Now is the time to be more reflective, deepen our time spent within seeking peace, and being more comfortable sitting in the dark. We can light a candle, read or write words of inspiration, or walk in the cool of the evening and gaze at the stars. Getting outside of our immediate, limited environment is necessary for us to regain a sense of spaciousness, freedom, and energy. Breathe more deeply, walk more slowly, and find peace in the simple beauty before and within you.
Uranus Pluto square cycle continues. We’re about halfway through this difficult square cycle between these two major planets. Uranus sudden and unexpected challenges and Pluto, the Great Transformer, call us to learn to flow with the changes that are calling us to deal with our conflicts and challenges over control and power. We cannot change the patterns that are impelling us and creating conflict in our lives now. Uranus allows us to learn about liberation from our fears and needs to control, and Pluto challenges us in exactly the areas we need to learn to flow more gracefully and freely. Whether or not we allow ourselves to surrender to the Divine Will or not, will determine the kind of journey we will experience at this point on our path. Letting things flow as they are naturally flowing, is the right and perfect way to sink into the stream of changes right now. Allow yourself to seek and receive guidance, and to be open the answers, doors, and visions that appear before us now. Whatever is going on, needs no help from you. You may feel compelled to push the river, that is to fix things or try to lift yet another barrel of water out of the sinking ship, however, this will only result in your being more stressed, tense, disgruntled, and waylaid. Accept that what has ended, has ended, and what is meant to be left behind, is now being stripped from your experience. Until we let go of whatever is demanding more of us than we have to give, we will not see that the path to the future already has been laid out. Slow down, breathe more deeply and slowly, and practice being present right where you are, in each step you take.
We just made it through the apex point/halfway point of this cycle, October 17-November 15, 2013. We now should see clearly, the areas of our lives that have been drained of life force and deprived of necessary energy. The opposing forces of these two different archetypal energies, imposes a very uncomfortable feeling on us. Pluto digs its heels in, and becomes that intractable part of ourselves that clings and holds onto control for fear it slip away from us. Uranus is off on a search from one place to another, taking undue chances and taking precarious steps in ‘search of’.
This activity leaves us feeling ungrounded and scattered, and is emotionally draining for many. Knowing what direction to take becomes nearly impossible, and Alice in Wonderland comes to mind when it comes to making choices. Like Alice we might think “it would be nice if something made sense for a change.” As Alice reaches a crossroads in the woods, she meets up with the Cheshire Cat. After a very confusing and nonsensical talk with the Cat, Alice expresses her exasperation, “I was just wondering if you could help me find my way?” The Cat replies, “Well that depends on where you want to get to.” Alice starts to reply, “Oh, well it really doesn’t matter as long as...” At which point the Cheshire Cat says, “Then it really doesn’t matter which way you go.” There is a great deal of profundity in this bit of banter. Like Alice, we might long for a simple answer and an uncomplicated, clear and obvious set of circumstances and answers to our life questions. Like Alice, we may mutter those simple but powerful words, “well it doesn’t much matter” when in fact, it might matter very much. Being able to be clear about what our needs, desires, and goals are, helps us receive the right kind of guidance. The Uranus-Pluto series of squares gives us ample opportunity to get clear about our visions, and to ask for guidance in a way that leads us in some kind of direction that meets some of our needs and dreams. When we go along with what others want, either for themselves or for us, we often get far away from the growing edges of our lives.
This is the season of hope and anticipation. It is a time when we are slowed down by external circumstances and by the natural flow of life as it ebbs and flows. Take this time to go within, and seek the Kingdom of God within. Chirst Jesus said that “When you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.” What is being borne within you now? What are you carrying that needs to see the light of day, to be acknowledged, and faced? What is wanting to be born within you? What do you wish to create or produce? What is growing and developing, and what do you need to be restored, healed, and nurtured? Look inside, look around, and seek the guidance you desire to lead you to Life. And learn to appreciate that sometimes what does not happen, does not work out, or seems to fall apart before our eyes, is really a way that the Divine opens a way for us to move closer to what we are meant to find.
“I believe in signs....what we need to learn is always there before us, we just have to look around us with respect and attention to discover where God is leading us and which step we should take. When we are on the right path, we follow the signs, and if we occasionally stumble, the Divine comes to our aid, preventing us from making mistakes.” Paolo Coehle
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