The Cold Full Moon peaks at 25 degrees of Gemini, exactly opposite the Sun at 25 degrees of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the archetype of grand visions and seeing possibility in its fullness. Gemini, on the other hand, uses its critical powers of analysis to dissect and examine ideas, issues and possibilities to determine their soundness. At the fullness of this Gemini Full Moon, we see how we can bring together our imagination and intuition with the facts and details our intellect has gathered. This Full Cold Moon in Gemini brings us to a time when we examine our thoughts, beliefs, intentions, and motivations to better understand ourselves. Rather than railing against the Universe or blaming others, it is time to look deep within ourselves to clarify what it is we believe, who we know ourselves to be, and what we have come to understand as our life purpose.
The Full Moon at 25 degrees of Gemini is conjunct the star, Al Hecka, the triggering point in the constellation Orion. It stands in some mythological traditions as the tip of the Bull’s horn, in others as the middle star in the Hunter’s Belt (read further on to see how this traditional view relates to our Third Chakra). As a triggering point in the bull’s horn, this Full Moon triggers potential conflicts, abuse, violence, or toxic influences that create tension, disruption, or powerful clashes. The Sun opposite the Full Moon, is near Shaula, a star in the constellation of Scorpio. This triggers the sting of the Scorpion, and adds fuel to the fires that are ready to break out (emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually). Fire, like all elements, can be used for positive and negative ends. Time to direct all types of energies and releases into constructive and healing channels.
In the fullness of the Sun in Sagittarius, we look to find meaning in all areas of our life. Jupiter, the planet that rules the constellation of Sagittarius, is the largest planet in our Solar System. The archetypal energy of Jupiter is that of Divine Mind, connecting us to our spiritual nature and Divine energy that infuses and has dominion over material matter. Reminded that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius also asks us to examine our life purpose now. What is calling you through your visions, dreams, and desires? What goals have you set before yourself, and which ones are worthy and in line with your own life purpose, meaning, and personal code of honor? Are you doing something that is working against your own nature, personal code of honor, or sense of safety and security? If so, is it showing up in the discomfort, illnesses, edginess, and anxiety that rises up from within or appears before us on our path?
Currently, Jupiter is transiting the sign of Cancer, the matriarch of safety and security issues. Cancer’s ruler is the Moon, so as Jupiter transits the constellation of Cancer, our emotional nature really lets us know when we are off base in our journey of life. Jupiter is a planet of abundance, and uses its sense of abundance to drive home the point of where we are not safe, secure, or happy. Jupiter transiting Cancer awakens our intuitive energy, bringing us experiences, people, and situations that remind us of what we need for our own personal safety, sense of security, and personal happiness, well being, and fulfillment. Jupiter in Cancer focuses our attention and intentions on the nurturing and archetypal Mother (as well as our Mother and our roles as Mother), our emotional energy body (as we understand through the energy systems of our body/Chakras, Meridians/body-mind-spirit connections), and the family of our origin as well as the one of our choice. Allow your emotional energy and your awareness to guide you to those areas of your life and being that need to be changed, guarded, healed, nurtured, and protected. Then honor those messages by paying attention and responding to them rather than ignoring or trying to suppress them.
We are empowered to our highest good, success, and meaningful achievement now by that aspect of our being that gives us strength, drive, organizing abilities, and motivation to do what it takes to put our dreams and visions into concrete, manifested form. Our desires and intentions are in synch with Divine Mind now. Our job is to recognize what we need to do to receive, rest, and restore so that we have the strength, support, and energy to move forward when the time is right.
The author of Dark Star describes one important aspect that is affecting this Full Moon, and that is something we can see clearly in the night sky right now. Orion’s Belt, that which girds and protects the Hunter constellation, has one star, Al-Hecka (the middle star). Orion’s Belt lies over the Third Chakra, the point in our bodies where our vulnerabilities, need for safety and security, and our code of honor is represented. This star’s relation to the New Moon in Gemini, brings us the .”“strength, energy, industry, organizing abilities, notoriety, good fortune, lasting happiness, and a sharp mind and a good memory”.
The Gemini Moon forms a conjunction with the asteroid Medea. Medea is rooted in the ancient tales of Medea and Medusa. As in all mythology, there are many versions and many layers of meaning in this myth. The tale of Medea/Medusa began as the Medea tales. Medea was a gifted sorcerous and healer, who promised to use her powers to help her lover, Jason of the Argonauts, obtain the Golden Fleece. Medea, loved Jason and bore him two sons, but after receiving her help, Jason betrayed Medea and married another.
In early myths about Medea/Medusa, she is depicted as a powerful and gifted sorceress who was an herbalist and gifted healer. In myths that developed post-Jason, Medea/Medusa is depicted as a wrathful, vengeful woman who uses her knowledge and power to poison and strike out at her enemies as she seeks revenge. Medea/Medusa in the throes of pain over her lover’s betrayal, strikes out at the heart of their connection. She kills her own children as vengeance against Jason. The Gemini Full Moon conjunction with Medea sets off elements of the myth within us and our culture. Envision the decapitated head of Medea/Medusa; one side toxic and poisonous, the other healing and nurturing. While the images and inferences of such a myth are horrifying and repulsive, we do all have that element within us to destroy that which we love most about ourselves when we are hurt, angry, or perceive ourselves as victims. We always have a choice as to how we respond and react to situations, people, and conditions in our lives and in ourselves. Notice which aspects of yourself are in conflict or are seeking unity and healing now.
At this Gemini Full Moon, the Cold Moon or the Long Night’s Moon, we may find ourselves feeling the full spectrum of our humanness. We may feel more aware of betrayals, abandonment, losses, and other disappointments, and may have to come to grips with our own power. The power to destroy and seek revenge, or the power to recognize truth and seek healing. We can also see these rather dark and challenging aspects as energy that needs to be released in some manner. Anger, frustration, disappointment, and conflict are normal reactions, however, how we release this type of energy requires tempering.
At this time we may be involved in more activity, interaction, and energetic challenges than usual. We are busier, have many commitments and responsibilities, and are feeling the pressure and strain of limited resources.
At a time when many are already overwhelmed by self-imposed expectations or expectations of others, we now may feel even more saturated by demands, communication, and activity. The Gemini Full Moon awakens us to the social life we may have turned our backs on. New people, new experiences, and innovative and intriguing new experiences abound.
Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, uncorks the bottle of communication. While Mercury transited Scorpio, we were awakened to the deeper emotional and behavioral patterns, blocks, and challenges, and now we have the opportunity to learn how to operate more effectively within the parameters of our own needs and limitations, and to live in a more enriched manner with our awareness of Jupiter’s gifts in our lives. With more communication comes greater challenges with clarity, perspective, and the shadow aspects of others as well as the gifts.
We are fully awake to the surprising and lovely aspects of who we are and what we attract. Whatever is shining in our lives, represents some part of who we are. Love is reflected in Love. Whatever is not as comfortable, accepting, or nice, likewise, represents an element of ourselves that we have attracted to show us what we do not want to emit from our own energy and communications.
The dark shadows, negative connections, and reminders of our own fears, frustrations, distorted perceptions, or unrealistic expectations are there simply to be acknowledged as possibility; they are not there to wreck havoc in our lives nor to cause us to return the same kind of energy in reflection. To those who come to you with daggers and misgivings shower them wwith love, acceptance, and compassion. Hold firm with the knowledge that you do not need nor should you accept their negativity. It is to be dissolved through clarity, compassion, and released from your experience before you allow it to penetrate to harm you in any way. Operating out of fear, anger, frustration, or any form of negative destructive thought patterns, has far-reaching and demoralizing consequences. Eliminate the negative reactions now so as to use the energy of the Full Moon and the final week of the Sagittarius Sun to full and constructive advantage.
Receive the rewards of your gifts and life, and embrace those who have supported and lifted you as well. This Gemini Full Moon, shines on us as we are also showered with Jupiter’s spiritual gifts, signs, and awakenings. Pay attention in your life to where Jupiter is calling you to appreciate the fullness of your life and your being, and release all that hangs on you, dragging your down--wet blankets, crazy makers, doom and gloomsters, and whatever manner of negative connections you find yourself trapped with. Notice these aspects of yourself first, and avoid attracting the experiences to you through others. At the very least, be aware of how you sabotage your own experiences and misuse your gifts. At the most, recognize it in how the relationships, associations, and experiences in your life express this, and walk away, walk around, and disengage that which traps your energy.
With Jupiter’s Abundance and the Full Moon in Gemini’s Analysis, come the first revelations of what is manifesting in our lives. We now need to spend some time discerning what of the many possibilities, are worthy of our time and energy, and what leads us in the direction of our soul’s calling. Sagittarius’ Sun visions and Gemini’s Moon experiences, now lends the energy and focus needed to bring both vision and experience together congruently. Our choices and the vision we choose to follow now determine the shape and direction of our lives from here forward. Choose life-affirming, positive options, opportunities, and associations.
Also happening in the early waning light of the Full Moon is the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere (the Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere). Winter Solstice, the darkest time of the year, creates the optical illusion of the Sun standing still in the South for three days, before beginning its journey northward again as days begin growing longer once more in the North while growing shorter in the South. Occurring this year on December 21, the Winter Solstice coincides (within hours) of Venus’ station retrograde at 29 degrees of Capricorn. Venus turns at the the anoretic degree, 29 degrees for 40 days. During this 40-day period, we have the opportunity of reviewing releasing, and reminiscing over what is passing out of our lives, what we are letting go of, and how we are changing in our attitudes and behavior around the way we both give and receive love. Forty is a sacred number in many spiritual traditions, particularly when speaking of times of retreat, reflection, fasting, and discernment. Using this forty-day period to go within on a spiritual retreat of sorts, can be healing, strengthening, enlightening, and transformative. Consider setting aside some special time during this period to honor the sacredness of your own life, choices, and direction.
After appearing as the Evening Star during the Autumn, Venus now sinks below sight and is reborn as the Morning Star. The Sabian symbol for Venus turning retrograde, “a woman reading tea leaves.” This symbol and Venus’ retrograde journey remind us to set aside sacred space and time to get in touch with visions, hopes, and desires. This is a good time to study the dreams we have during this period leading up to Christmas and New Years. Time to have our charts done, our cards read, and time to listen to the inner stirrings and nigglings that are urging us to move in one direction or another. It is necessary that we listen to our inner voice. We get a distinct sense about what is reaching completion, and what is lingering to be transformed into a new form, shape, or set of experiences.
While Venus goes deep into the night sky, we go deep into our unconscious realm and we work on transformation and changes that need to happen now. This is no doubt also true in the areas of your life that Pluto in Capricorn has already awakened in you and that Saturn in Scorpio is making you cognizant of. We also set the tone for those around us, as we plant the seeds for new ventures, create space for creativity and self-nurturing, and take the reins of our lives, our art, our spiritual journey, and our direction and form. It is time to seek the Divine Feminine within us, to allow our inner voice to express itself through whatever we do, within whatever relationships we are nurturing and growing, and in our own inner growth and development. The need to listen and trust our own intuitive and spiritual guidance, needs also to be followed up with positive, constructive, and daring actions forward. We find meaning in life when we are supported, honored. We need to collaborate with those who respect and treasure our gifts, as we do theirs.
The 29th degree of Venus, is the degree of completion, and it brings something very profound to the surface in our own identity and being. We find it hard to hide from our inner truth and to see that truth unfolding before us. Also active at this time, and lending its inner wisdom to our soulful experiences, is the Neptune and Chiron transit of Pisces. On the deep, intuitive, and creative side of our being, we continue to be moved to heal and grow, to express love and receive love, and to come to a fuller appreciation of the Divine spark that lights us from within. Let your light shine!
Uranus in Aries,stations direct on December 17, the same day as our Gemini Full Moon. Expect the unexpected, surprising, and shocking both globally and personally. Since July 17, Uranus in Aries has been in its retrograde phase. Transformation is triggered, and changes on the personal and collective levels are sure to be triggered when Uranus moves forward and begins setting things off. We may find ourselves with sudden illumination and intuitive knowledge as we experience the Uranus movement. Change is afoot, and happens whether we are ready or not! This has resulted in the lid being kept on relatively volatile situations and potentially dangerous or disruptive conditions, experiences, or changes.Uranus continues lighting fires, and setting off both large and small explosions. We cannot avoid the areas of conflict in our lives, and we need to come to a fuller realization that we must surrender to the will of the Divine. Fighting against the odds, or ‘doing it all myself’ is a recipe for disaster. We are all connected, and only by supporting, nurturing, and accepting love from one another can we grow, prosper, and even break even. We need one another, and we need to help each other in whatever ways we can. By lifting one another up, we support the flow of Life, and we allow ourselves to be part of the flow of ongoing Creation. We give, we receive, and that’s the nature of who we are. Whatever surprises come to the surface right now or are set off in the course of your life, trust that we are being given exactly what we need for what we must do, be, or complete.
One of the most redeeming aspects active during this Full Moon, Winter Solstice, and Christmastide time, is that of Jupiter in Cancer’s trine to Saturn in Scorpio. This lovely trine in water signs between two of the larger outer planets, enables us to find balance, and enables us to temper our feelings, emotional reactions and responses. We now labor in love instead of feeling trapped by circumstances, conditions, or self-imposed chains. Dwelling on negativity creates disease, despair, and discomfort. Rather that running from the action, embrace the gifts of all this energy exchange, and sit with friends and those with whom you find harmony and pleasure. Express your appreciation, and share your joy, in ways that express inner light and love only you can share. Let go of the sense of obligation and embrace instead, the true spirit of the season, Love and the gifts of Love. In the Christ Light we receive inspiration, Divine connection, and Grace. Receive the gifts of Spirit, and be thankful for the gift of your life. Let grace rain on you and reign over you.
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