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Dancer at Dusk Catherine Al-Meten |
First Quarter Square on Wednesday, 6:56 AM EDT/3:56 AM PDT as the Moon in Scorpio squares the Sun in Leo. Those with planets, the Sun, or the Moon within 11-19 degrees of the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, will feel this most significantly. Notice where the fixed signs are in your chart, and that will give you an indication of what areas of your life are most affected.
This is the time of the first quarter square of the Moon. It tends to shine light on the areas that may be causing us some concern in regard to whatever we set into motion at the last New Moon a week ago. The initial enthusiasm and focus may be flagging a bit. Take some time to balance out the edgy energy that you might be feeling. Shifts are getting ready to take place as we move into the third decan of the Leo cycle. We may also notice how our relationships and interactions reflect back to us.
Last week we experienced Jupiter’s opposition to Pluto, Mercury entered fiery Leo and then semi-squared Neptune two days later. A day and a half ago, Mercury squared Saturn, so this may have felt like a very heavy, jarring, or unsettling period for you. Things may not have gone as you planned or expected.
Mercury has been and will continue to present us with some challenging aspects. Tomorrow about in the early evening (August 13), Mercury will semi-square Pluto calling our attention to areas that are undergoing long term transformation. Following that, Mercury squares the North Node, so any path you have been planning on taking may run into a few obstacles or be spurred on by a release of energy pushing you to make decisions, take some kind of action, or change your direction and mind about something you have been planning on doing.
Mercury in Leo will trine Uranus in Aries, bringing about some unexpected, surprising, and positive communication and developments in the areas of your life ruled and fueled by both Leo and Aries. Mercury also forms a semi-square to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, signaling some news or communication about an area of your life that needs healing. Chiron is transiting Pisces, so look to see what area of your life Pisces reigns, and become more mindful than usual about what is calling you from within to heal, to discover, to respond to (perhaps some deep-seated wound or issue that has festered for too long).
Venus enters Libra on August 16, grounding our energy about all things related to how we define, understand, and experience love. At the same time, Jupiter will trine the North Node, opening a new gateway in a direction that feels fated. Wherever you have put your intentions, cleared the way for movement, healed from whatever has held you in place, is now an area you should notice a major change and movement that seems to open almost magically. Magic is all about knowing what you desire, and feeling yourself worthy of receiving it. Magic is simply accepting our Divine good, and appreciating our gifts, talents, opportunities, and blessings right where we are, now.
Between now and August 16, learn the lessons of Venus in Virgo. Remember last year at this time when we had so many opportunities to explore our deepest desires, and were pushed to the brink in any area of our lives that was holding us back? How we responded then, and what we set into motion over the last year, now will lead us on a new leg of our journey. Nothing is as it was; everything is new and we are precisely where we are meant to be doing what we are meant to be doing. Whatever dissatisfaction you may feel, allow yourself the time to reflect and do an honest appraisal of your true desires. Seek during this period of Venus’ transit through Virgo, to take steps to bring your heart, mind, and soul in alignment with one another, and attune your daily life to the song of your heart. Walk in tune with the music of your soul.
Mars remains in Cancer until the 27 of August. We continue to seek change, movement and direction in a very private, security-conscious manner, behaving in a very un-Mars like manner. Less direct and out front, we may be doing a great deal of soul searching, and making subtle yet solid inroads through greater awareness of our moods and feelings. Notice how your emotional responses, your unconscious drives, memories, and dreams move to the surface to be examined, processed and assimilated. We are preparing ourselves to move into a more active phase of life. Right now though, we still need time to discern, rest, and seek a deeper sense of peace.
Next week, August 22, the Sun will enter Virgo as will Mercury. Mars and Venus also both change signs as well. For now, however, we remain in a period of flux. We may not deal well with the passive-aggressive behavior of others or within ourselves. It is best to face up to whatever is stirring within you now. Notice how the seasonal changes, the movement from summer to autumn (in the North); winter to spring (in the South) bring about major shifts in lifestyle and emotional and physical energy. Days are growing shorter, and our responsibilities may be increasing. Ready or not, here it comes. Some of the difficult aspects of Mercury and the Moon can work on our emotions and create some challenging energy. We may feel more blocked, tired, challenged, or limited than we actually are. Thinking makes it so my Mother used to say. The power of our thoughts can overwhelm us and can counter any good that is active in our lives. Get a hold of your emotional reins, and finds healthy ways to release and express those emotions. Avoid pushing yourself too hard, physically or in areas that require detail and attention. Take a break, get some rest, and take time to nourish and take better care of yourself.
You may not be alone in this, as everyone is getting caught up in this same type of energy. Avoid pushing the limits in relationships. Surrender to the Divine nature of things, and allow for unfolding, revelation, and simply letting things be what they will be. Stop going against the flow; stop and take a breather, and slow down. Find stillness, and then listen. Allow yourself to get outside to connect to the elements, to feel the wind in your hair, the sun or rain on your face. Watch the birds, and other animals around you, and just connect to the basic essentials of living. Do everything with intention, and live life in a state of meditative grace. We are, after all, so fortunate to be alive and to have the chance to greet a new day, each day.
When you have to be active, to interact and take care of business, try to do this on Wednesday when Mercury is making more favorable aspects. Take tomorrow to regenerate, recuperate, heal, rest, and settle into the peace and calm of your inner being. There are a number of aspects that are making us feel as if we are not sure of some things we thought we were completely certain of. What matters most right now is that we are each paying attention to what is really going on within ourselves. What is motivating us? From where do our intentions derive? Are we acting out of our shadow, our unhealed or undeveloped energy, or are we acting in fear of, for fear that, or out of some other type of emotional confusion or inner chaos? Spend time slowing your pace, praying and meditating, listening to what your heart, soul, body, and mind ask of you. Allow yourself to feel what you feel, be honest about those feelings, to yourself, first and foremost, and then decide what it is that is not working, what it is that you can do about it, and what it is that you want to invite into your life. Allow yourself to be equally honest about anything or anyone you wish to show the door. Now is when you will be more aware than you might have been in quite some time. The worst has happened, and you survived. Now what calls you to action? Now what sings to your soul? Listen, respond, and live in constant awareness and gratitude.
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